637. Chapter 633 persuaded Hagrid

    Behind Harry, Ivan, Ron, and Hermione also walked into the hut.

    Fang rushed toward them, screaming and yelling at Ivan's ears.

    Ivan ducked away from Fang and looked around. It was only a few days. He couldn't believe it was a familiar Hagrid cabin.

    The scene inside is so big that Ron and Hermione are equally astonished.

    Harry ignored the empty bottles on the ground and the spoiled food, and walked straight to Hagrid.

    "Hagrid, hurry up!"He shouted, "How can you be knocked down by such a small thing?!"

    Hagrid didn't answer, he looked up at Harry and looked hollow.

    half-Giant's lineage has always been his heart disease, has been plagued for decades, making him less confident.

    The performance of Madam Maxime is to make him completely dead.

    Hagrid clearly knows what the giant represents. He is afraid that when someone knows about it, he will gradually alienate him.

    He only wanted to hide alone here. He didn't think that Harry, Ivan, Ron, and Hermione would come.

    The most worrying thing for Hagrid is that after knowing that they are half-Giant, would they still like to be friends with themselves? !

    "Harry is right, Hagrid, don't care what the woman wrote!"Hermione followed, "You shouldn't be upset by her words. She is purely rumored, no one cares what she writes."

    "She has no rumors, I am really half-Giant!"Hagrid choked and said that two round tears flowed out of his dark eyes and slowly infiltrated into his tangled beard. "My mother…"

    "We don't care, even if you are half-Giant, you don't have any abnormalities in my eyes."

    "You don't understand, Harry…"Hagrid said that many tears rolled down his cheeks and infiltrated into the messy beard.

    Harry was still preparing to say something, just then there was a voice coming in front of the Hagrid cabin.

    "I am sorry to bother you, but I think that since Harry is really more aware of this than you, Hagrid! The four of them came here, indicating that they are willing to pay this friend, this is the most important! ”

    Everyone turned their heads and was surprised to see Dumbledore standing at the door.

    Hello , everyone !He said happily, watching everyone with a smile.


    "I am very happy to see you here. I am here to talk to Hagrid about the resignation report he just submitted."Dumbledore said, came in. "We can't stand up like this, sit down and have some tea, drink and say!"

    He pulled out wand and played with it, and a rotating tea tray and a cake appeared in the air.

    Dumbledore used magic to make the tea tray on the table, and everyone sat down.

    Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked very cautious and silent for a moment, and Dumbledore gave everyone a cup of tea.

    The conversation continued. Since Dumbledore had already arrived, there was nothing to worry about, and I didn’t need to go out. Ivan sat at the bed with a teacup, absently watching the hot air in the cup, looking out the window and snowing. .

    "Hagrid, I received a lot of letters in the past few days after the report was published. I want to take it for you!"Dumbledore said that wand stroked in the air, and a heavy package fell on the ground. "This is all the letters of the parents of the students. There are probably thousands of them. They used to study here and they were very impressed with you." They told me very resolutely that if I fired you, they would never give up, you can take a look! ”

    In the newspaper, Rita Skeeter called Hogwarts to expel Hagrid in a compelling tone on behalf of the parents of the students.

    After seeing this report, many wizards spontaneously wrote to Dumbledore to express their opinions.

    It seems that everyone does not like to be represented by others, and it is unreasonable to post some suggestions against the original intention of the individual.

    Hagrid's popularity is not as bad as he imagined, and many people are willing to speak for him.

    Next, Harry, Ivan, Ron, and Hermione began to open the letter and read the words in the letter to Hagrid.

    Hagrid cried even more when he heard these touching words!

    "Not everyone!"For a long time, he said with hoarseness, "Not everyone wants me to stay."

    "To be honest, Hagrid, if you want to wait for the support of people all over the world, I am afraid I will stay in this cabin for a long time."Dumbledore said that his gaze was shot from behind the half-moon lens. "Since I was the headmaster of this school, at least one owl sent a letter every week, criticizing the way I manage the school. You said that I should How to do it? Keep yourself in the study and refuse to talk to anyone? ! ”

    "But, but you are not half-Giant!"Hagrid said hoarsely.

    "Hagrid, look at what kind of relatives I have!"Harry said angrily, "Look at the Dursley family!"

    “Great view!”Professor Dumbledore said, "My brother-in-law, Alberforth, was charged for indiscriminate use of a goat. This incident was overwhelming in the newspaper, but Alberforth did not hide? No, not at all! He lifted his head high, so he did his own thing! Of course, I am not sure he knows the word, so he may not be courageous…"

    Ivan licked his mouth and Dumbledore's brother Alberforth was more than just a fool of the goat.

    Investigating the report of the year, I know that there is a complicated relationship between him and the goat that is unclear.

    "Come back to teach, Hagrid."Hermione whispered, "Please come back, we really miss you."

    Hagrid resisted the whimper, but the tears could not help but stay.

    "Harry, Ivan, Ron, Hermione are coming, and these letters have been able to explain everything!"Dumbledore stood up. "I don't accept your resignation report, Hagrid, but you can continue to rest for a week. I hope that you will come back to class next Monday. At 8:30, go to the auditorium and have breakfast with me. Don't ask for reasons to shirk."

    Dumbledore walked to the door and stopped to bend over and scratched Fang's ear and left the hut.

    When the door was closed behind him, Hagrid buried his face in the palm of the general trash can and cried sadly.

    Hermione kept patted his arm. Finally, Hagrid finally raised his head and his eyes were red.

    "What a great person, Dumbledore, awesome people…"

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