638. Chapter 634 Hagrid's Past Events

    "Hagrid ?!"

    "He is right, you are right, I am too stupid, I am like this now, my father will be feel ashamed for me…"Hagrid's tears flowed out again, and he wiped them hard. "Right, I haven't seen you photos of my old father yet, are you?" available here

    Hagrid stood up and walked to the closet, pulled a drawer, took a photo, and had a short wizard with the same eyes as Hagrid's. It was black and smashed into a seam. He sat on Hagrid's shoulder and laughed. Very happy.

    Looking at the apple tree next to it, the Hagrid is 7-8 feet tall.

    But his face is young, full, smooth, without a beard, and looks up to eleven years old.

    Seeing this photo, Ivan expressed more doubts about how Hagrid had pregnant his mother with him.

    Hagrid's father is very short. Compared with the giant, the ratio is too big, bigger than Ivan thought!

    "This is what I took shortly after I entered Hogwarts!"Hagrid said hoarsely, "Dad is happy, he thought I couldn't be a wizard. You know, because my mother…Oh, don't mention it! Of course, I haven’t been very open in magic, but he has at least not seen me being fired. He died, sick, just when I was in the second grade, and soon I was expelled from school…"

    "After my father died, Dumbledore has been protecting me. I found a job for the gamekeeper, he trusted others. Always give a second chance, this is where he is different from other headmasters, understand? ”Hagrid continued, “If someone has talent, Dumbledore will accept him to Hogwarts. He knows that even if a person is not good, he will have a good future. Oh, this is very respectable. But some people don’t understand this and always discriminate against you because of your origin…”

    Hagrid is right, the lineage theory within the magic circle has always been a market.

    Pure blood wizard is born and noble, they occupy the mainstream of the magic society, look down on the half-blood wizard and the wizard of muggle heritage.

    The wizard of muggle heritage hates this, but they in turn discriminate against the werewolves, half-Giant and other apprentices' wizards and other non-human magical creatures.

    Strict laws have been enacted to limit their development and facilitate their exploitation.

    Like a hierarchical pyramid, it is layered.

    Lineage and birth between different wizards and magical species create an insurmountable natural divide.

    In a sense, except for a few pure blood wizards, most of the wizards are victims.

    But they are also perpetrators, continuing to discriminate against wizard and magical creatures that are humbler than their lineage and origin.

    In the past, this concept completely protected the magic heritage and freed the wizards from the persecution of the muggle.

    But nowadays, this concept of decay and backwardness has limited the rapid development of the magic circle and should be stopped.

    "They always do, some cowards even pretend that they are big skeletons, and dare not speak the truth." I am me, nothing to be ashamed of. ”Hagrid wiped the last drop of tears on his face. "'Don't be ashamed,' my dad used to say, 'Someone will discriminate against you because of this, but they are not worth worrying about.'He's right. I am too stupid, I will never worry about that woman again, I promise you. Big skeleton, I want her to taste my big skeleton! ”

    Ivan, Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other uneasily, and because of the excitement, Hagrid continued to talk nonstop.

    Even if they were killed, everyone would not admit that they actually knew the conversation between Hagrid and Madam Maxime. Ivan and Hermione were there.

    The ones Hagrid said at the beginning were still very encouraging, but then somehow unexplained!

    It seems that Hagrid's resentment against Madam Maxime is really deep enough!

    Although the results are somewhat different from those expected, this is finally solved!

    Except for some Slytherin's students, most people don't care if Hagrid is half-Giant.

    Everyone was very happy that he was able to go back to school, although it was also because he changed the course content.

    I don't know if Hagrid is to make up for the fault on Blast-Ended Skrewt, or because Blast-Ended Skrewt has only the last two, or because he wants to prove that Professor Grubbly-Plank can do it, he can still do Hagrid. .

    Anyway, after Hagrid came back to class, he continued the course of Professor Grubbly-Plank about the unicorn.

    It turns out that Hagrid's understanding of the unicorn is no less than his knowledge of Troll.

    However, he obviously felt that the unicorn did not have tooth decay is a disappointing thing.

    The next week, Ivan saw the two unicorns that Hagrid had caught at the third-level Care of Magical Creatures.

    Otaru is different from adult unicorns. They are pure gold and very rare.

    When the girls saw them, they were happy and mad.

    "These little cockroaches turn silver around two years old!"Hagrid told the class, "When you are four years old, you will not become pure white until you are an adult. It is about seven years old. They are relatively frivolous when they are small, not very disgusted with the boys, come over, get closer, if you want, you can pat them and give them some cakes…"

    In the classroom, all the students went up and touched the unicorn, and everyone was very excited.

    At the same time, everyone's impression of Hagrid's has changed dramatically.

    Campus life is back to calm, and the next thing to consider is to help Ron through the second game.

    After Christmas, the date of the game is very close!

    Harry and Hermione reminded Ron every other day, but he didn't make any substantial progress at the golden egg.

    Although he studies every day, Ron does not completely focus on this.

    In addition to the daily classes, he and Lavender are getting together longer and longer.

    The two of them sneak out in the evening, dating in the castle, looking for an empty classroom, almost every day.

    Ron and Lavender are making rapid progress, and both sides are very open in this regard, which makes Ivan very envious.

    He and Hermione were alone together every night, but didn't get tired of it all day.

    Don't say that Ron and Lavender go to the empty classroom, and they spend almost all of their time in the library.

    Only when I return to the public restroom to eat supper at a very late time will I say a few words of mutual concern.

    Very dull, equally happy and sweet.

    This is enough to make Ivan feel satisfied, but if there is no bottom line, he does not object.

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