Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 122: end or start

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'Poisoning Mist' was the earliest black magic that Qin Weijie mastered. Just after mastering a magic, Qin Weijie was extremely reluctant to temper toxins, but only half-heartedly tempered sleeping toxins.

But after more than a year of experience, Qin Weijie now simply gave up the aura of the Virgin, and added a lot of toxins.

A paralyzed reading bulb, a corpse corroded flower, and a chronic poisonous heart-eater. If it wasn't for the fear of conflicting toxins, Qin Weijie would probably add a lot of toxins.

Now looking at the effect of 'Poisonous Mist', Qin Weijie can't help nodding. Although it is not as terrifying as Uncle De's 'Poisonous Mist', it is still effective against these guys in front of him.

But it's still the question from before, why are these cultists so weak?

In fact, Qin Weijie didn't know that it wasn't that these cultists were weak, but that he himself had been able to meet powerful guys for the past two years. After all, the people who could be sent to hunt down and assassinate him would definitely not be young people.

"Can't wait! He must be killed!" The cultist in the mist reacted.

"But we've run out of strength..."

"Would you like to use that power?"

"No! The priest said that we will not be allowed to expose until the necessary time!"

"What time is it, I can't take care of so much! Come on!"

Qin Weijie listened to their conversation, the next second Qin Weijie's face changed slightly, because he felt an extremely powerful breath in the fog.

Not only Qin Weijie, but even Ergou, who was squatting beside the sofa, could not help but be cautious at this moment.

Seeing that Qin Weijie and Ergou were both so cautious, the woman on the sofa could sense the danger coming, although she didn't know what was going on.

"Child, this crystal ball is handed over to you! If the battle is anxious, you go first!"

Qin Weijie subconsciously took the crystal ball from the woman's hand, and before he could observe the crystal ball, he heard a low roar like a beast coming from the fog.

Putting away the crystal ball, Qin Weijie held a magic wand in one hand and picked Yin Jue in the other to summon the altar bodyguard.

The altar had just been formed, and several strange figures flew out of the fog. The figures hit the altar, and hit the altar four times in a row, smashing the altar.

Seeing this, Qin Weijie didn't dare to be too big, and called out the mirror image, the mirror image, and the two fought side by side, attacking and defending as one.

"Grass! What kind of monsters are these? Why are you looking for trouble all day long!!" Jingying cursed while fighting.

Qin Weijie shrugged: "Don't ask me, I'll send a courier! There is indeed something wrong with these monsters. They don't have the aura of 'alienation', but they have changes like alienation, and their magic and physical strength have increased by at least five or six times. ."

"Come and explain, because Mao, you always encounter these strange things! I really regret integrating with you now, I knew I would have killed you last year!"

"Don't force it, find a way to kill what they're talking about."

The monsters in the fog gradually appeared. These monsters have different shapes. Some have four arms, and some have eyes all over their bodies... It looks very strange, like a phenomenon of 'alienation', but There is no smell of alienation.

Qin Weijie waved the wand in his hand and shot out several wind blades. The blue-blue wind blades hit four monsters, and the tearing force of the wind blades raged within the four monsters, but they seemed to have no pain, and still went crazy towards Qin Weijie and the others. Attacked.

Qin Weijie did not check the three black figures and shuttled behind him for a while. Qin Weijie thought that they were going to form a siege, but he didn't think that the target of the three monsters was not himself, but the little blind man and his mother behind him.

Qin Weijie and Jingying wanted to help, but they were entangled by four monsters. When they turned around, they saw that the little blind man's mother actually blocked the little blind man with her body.

The female is weak, and the mother is strong. At the time of life and death, the paralyzed mother still thinks about protecting her child.

The little blind man didn't know what was going on, he only felt a warm liquid sprayed on his face, it was the smell of blood.

The two monsters pierced through the mother's body with sharp claws, and the blood just gushed onto the face of the little blind man.

At this time, the little blind man realized later: "Mom~Mom!!"

"Quick...run..." said the mother with the last of her strength.

The little blind man collapsed completely, and he was about to rush forward with a roar. The shrill roar was like a beast fighting for his life, and he had no hesitation.

Just when the little blind man was about to rush forward, Ergou stepped forward to suppress the little blind man and dragged the little blind man back to avoid.

"Your uncle!!" Qin Weijie was also angry at this time. He didn't care so much, and his wand spewed out countless deadly magic.

If Qin Weijie used magic just to protect himself before, but now all the magic he uses is lethal.

After a few minutes, the fighting ceased.

The whole room was filled with blood and stench, and there were stumps and broken arms on the ground. Qin Weijie and Jingying stood in it, covered in blood.

Mirror Shadow: "After these guys changed, they lost their minds. They are very similar to 'alienation', but they don't have the aura of alienation, and they can't feel the influence of 'taboo'. What is going on with them?"

Qin Weijie shook his head: "I don't know! The strength of these guys after transformation is very strong, but the strength before transformation is weak! That strength does not come from 'taboo'! Is it possible that there is power to 'alienate' but No 'alienation breath'?"

"Water... Crystal... Ball..." At this moment, a dying voice came, and it was a woman who had run out of oil.

The woman's left chest and abdomen were penetrated, and it seemed that she had lost her way. Jingying wanted to try to extend her life, but Qin Weijie stopped her.

"Bai Xian medicine can only speed up the healing of wounds, but it needs to consume vitality. We can do nothing about her current state! Bai Xian medicine can only accelerate her death!"

Listening to Qin Weijie's words, Jingying gave up the rescue and looked at the woman lying in the arms of the little blind man with regret.

Hearing that the two did not intend to save his mother, the little blind man asked angrily: "Why not save her! Why not save her! Are you not wizards! Don't you have magic! Save my mother!!"

"There's nothing we can do!" Qin Weijie said lightly, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The little blind man went crazy, grabbed Qin Weijie's collar and said viciously: "It's all you! It's all you! Why didn't you protect her well... Why did those monsters break through your defense line! You killed my mother! It's you! You murderer!!"

Saying that the little blind man raised his hand and was about to hit Qin Weijie, Qin Weijie's eyes flashed a stern look at this time, he grabbed the little blind man's raised arm, and then kicked him in the stomach. The blind man kicked two or three meters away.

Seeing the pained and unwilling wailing of the little blind man on the ground, Qin Weijie strode forward, stepped on the little blind man's head, lowered his body and said in a cold voice, "Don't ask me from your so-called moral high ground! I am not the Virgin Mary. Lotus, what will happen during the battle is unpredictable! You and I are not related and not related, and you are not qualified to ask me!

Also, do you have the nerve to say I'm the murderer? Let me ask you a question, where did these people come from? No one could follow us along the way. These people were surprised that I would be here when they first came! So when they came here, someone must have exposed their position. Your mother is inconvenient to move and hates the Eye of Danates so much that it is impossible to reveal herself, so the rest may only be your exposed position! "

The little blind man was silent~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Qin Weijie's words were heart-wrenching, forcing him to face the truth he didn't want to face the most.

Qin Weijie stepped on the little blind man's head and repeated word by word, "You are the murderer who killed your mother! A fool who was bewitched by a cult!"

"Ah~ahh!! Ahh!!"

The little blind man broke down and howled, and in his mournful howl, the mother finally swallowed.

The wailing of the little blind man was a bit more desolate. At this moment, the faith of the little blind man for several years collapsed. At this moment, the only relative of the little blind man also left. In the vast world, alone, an eleven-year-old child is doomed. Pay for your mistakes.

The resentment towards my brother in the past, the criticism of my mother's partiality, and the worship of the so-called holy religion all vanished at this moment.

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