Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 123: Abyss Project

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French Ministry of Magic, underground meeting room

Four mysterious people are sitting in the conference room, two of them are wearing long robes and wearing strange masks.

The other two were wearing classical Rococo robes that looked like medieval times, with pale faces and red lips like fire. In the dark environment, they could vaguely identify a man and a woman.

"Corrupted Bishop, what's the matter with us in such a hurry?" The man in the robe said, his voice like a whisper from the abyss.

The corrupted bishop wearing the mask of death tapped on the table and said, "The last barrier has been broken. Patrick Snow has discovered that his identity as a spy has been exposed, and the clown priest is also dead."

"Isn't this already known?" The woman in Chinese clothes took the conversation and asked, "Isn't everything in the plan! Patrick's identity is destined to be exposed, and the consciousness of the clown sacrifice has begun to get out of your control. His death is a matter of time. It's a pity that the 'Forbidden Realm' didn't last too long, if we give us another two months..."

"But before the clown died, the child was involved by chance. The child had already obtained the crystal ball that the clown sacrificed to record the 'Abyss Project', and seven wastes exposed their transformation and were killed by the child, The 'Abyss Project' should be exposed." The Corrupted Bishop said coldly.

The woman in Chinese clothes changed her face and scolded angrily: "Are your eyes of Danates waste? The 'Abyss Plan' is related to our 20-year plan. Premature exposure will make those 'God Prisoners' have Ready!"

"This is not the time to shirk responsibility. Since it has been exposed, we will simply open up some of the transformation of the 'Abyss Project'. After all, the 'Knights of the Round Table' and the 'Illuminati' have done too much recently, it's time to let them eat some It's hard, just to buy us some time. Just make sure not to reveal our true intentions!" The man in the classical robe said gloomily.

Corrupted Bishop Burles Foley thought for a while and said: "I agree, it's time to fight back, and the 'ruins' will open in at most a week. Many people accidentally entered in the early stage, and I don't know if they are right. How is the exploration inside. This time the exploration of the 'remains' is of great importance, just to let the failed products of 'abyss transformation' buy us time, this time I personally lead the team into the 'remains', we must find the remains of the **** of death and Two artifacts!"

"By the way, what about the child who was favored by the **** of death?" asked the man in the classical robe.

The Scarlet Bishop, who hadn't spoken for a long time, replied: "I won't target him for the time being, our manpower is limited recently... and that kid has awakened the 'power of death' and the people below the sacrifice cannot subdue him, and the 'power of death' is right Our Eye of Danates has restraint and is not very easy to attack."

"I'm worried that if he joins the 'God Prisoner', the Knights of the Round Table will seem to be very interested in him." The man in classical robe said.

The Corrupted Bishop smiled and said, "I don't want him to join the 'God Prisoner' camp. The easiest way is to let him join us...or join that person..."

"Is this possible?" The woman in Chinese clothes snorted softly

"Even if it's impossible, only we know, don't we? Don't forget that he's still my grandson...or that person's godson..." The Corrupted Bishop turned and walked out of the conference room.


At night, outside the port of Marseille, the mercenary bar

"To Paris...not to Paris...to Paris...not to Paris..."

Qin Weijie was holding a shriveled and rotten rose in his hand and tore the petals. At this time, he was still struggling to decide whether to go to Paris or not.

Qin Weijie looked at the contents of the crystal ball. It was quite messy, including the layout of the stronghold, staffing and some plans of the Eye of Danates.

The layout of the stronghold and the staffing will be adjusted, and the reference value is not great. Especially in the recent period, the Eye of Danates has been surrounded and suppressed by the 'Illuminati' and the 'Knights of the Round Table', and the layout and staffing of the stronghold will inevitably change. .

And what is really valuable is the plan of 'Eye of Danates', which is something they have been operating that will not change in a short period of time because of the siege.

Among these plans, there are two plans that make Qin Weijie uneasy.

The first plan, called 'Corruption', is about infiltrating the French Ministry of Magic. The plan has been implemented for nearly ten years. In the Joker's impression, at least one-third of the French Ministry of Magic has been infiltrated, and the Joker's record He also said that he suspects that not only the 'Eye of Danatus' but also an organization is actively infiltrating the French Ministry of Magic.

And there are various indications that the 'Eye of Danates' has joined forces with that mysterious organization to infiltrate the French Ministry of Magic since five years ago. In the past five years, the penetration efficiency of the French Ministry of Magic has been extremely high. The eyes have already penetrated one-third of the high-level, and another mysterious organization should not be far behind. The clown priest guesses that at least two-thirds of the French Ministry of Magic has been penetrated, which is a very terrifying ratio.

Combined with the advice from Minsk and the others in the previous dream, Qin Weijie only felt a chill down his spine, and the French Ministry of Magic may have been completely infiltrated.

In addition, there was another plan that shocked Qin Weijie. It was a plan called 'Abyss Plan'. The plan had been prepared for nearly 20 years. Even the clown knew very little about this plan. Know that 'Project Abyss' is secretly transforming some wizards or muggles.

They call this transformation 'abyss transformation'. The person being transformed is not 'alienated' but will instantly possess several times stronger power. However, any power requires a price, and the price of this transformation is to magnify the dark side of the heart, and even Make people lose their minds.

The clown doesn't know what the purpose of this 'abyss transformation' is, or even how many people have accepted this transformation. He only knows that the power of this transformation does not come from 'taboo'.

At the end of the crystal ball's record, the Joker left an intriguing sentence: "The Eye of Danates deceived their Lord God!"

After reading all the information left by the clown, Qin Weijie was dumbfounded. He just wanted to return to China with peace of mind for revenge, and he didn't want to be involved in the chaos before him. Everyone was fighting with gods, and he could not change anything at all.

But if you don't care, and feel that this matter is very involved, if you don't inform the forces opposed to the Eye of Danates, it may lead to unexpected consequences.

Because of this matter, Qin Weijie struggled all afternoon, and when he came to the mercenary bar at 6 o'clock in the evening and waited for the boss, One-Eyed Arthur, Qin Weijie was still struggling.

This may be his best chance to return home! If you miss it, you won't know when you will go back!

"Big brother, you see that you are at the mercenary bar now. I have been with you for a day. There is nothing to do now, or you will let me go." Poppy boss stood beside Qin Weijie with a smile on his face. , said hesitantly, and then pulled Qin Weijie out of his complicated thoughts.

Today is a magical day for Boss Poppy, and until this moment he wonders if he is still in a dream, but the experience of this day feels very real.

Qin Weijie was about to open his mouth to release the Poppy Boss. It happened that Qin Weijie had been waiting for a long time to appear, the owner of the mercenary bar, One-Eyed Arthur.

"Where's Hanton?" One-eyed Arthur is a one-eyed white-haired old man with a long smoking gun in his hand. When he saw Qin Weijie, he took a deep breath~www.wuxiamtl.com~ asked lightly .

Qin Weijie shrugged: "Who knows where it is? That guy solicits people to smuggle people every day. Where is Bao Qi now..."

"Haha, that's true! But I heard that he went to Finland half a month ago, so he must have been trapped there! The **** and Finland have been fighting in the dark, and Hanton is the kind of guy who wants money and not his life. It's not good to be planted there." One-eyed Arthur said and took two puffs of cigarettes.

"That's not necessarily the case, that dead fat man from Hanton is a thief!" Qin Weijie chuckled and took out a gold bar, which he grabbed along the way: "Okay, stop talking nonsense! I want a ticket to China. , the sooner the better!"

"Yes! It's really generous... But someone doesn't seem to want you to go!" One-eyed Arthur pointed behind Qin Weijie.

Qin Weijie turned his head to look, couldn't help covering his face and shook his head, secretly said, "Why did you catch up so quickly!"

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