Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 124: muddy water

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"Why don't you say goodbye!"

Tom's resentful voice and resentful eyes made Qin Weijie feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, I'm in a hurry, why don't you take the boat in a hurry~ Old Arthur's ticket, the ticket!" Qin Weijie said with a smile.

Tom was still reluctant, and looked at Qin Weijie with a bad face: "If it was before, you will let you go! But now, you can't go!"

"Nani? It's Mao! Didn't I say it before, I'll go back to China, you guys will go to school! After that you... I'll make arrangements!"

Tom looked at Qin Weijie and whispered, "There's something wrong with the school!"

"Something happened? What's the situation?" Qin Weijie was also a little puzzled

Tom hadn't spoken yet, and Elena, who had not spoken for a long time, handed a letter to Qin Weijie and said, "After you left, we contacted the school as soon as possible, only to find out that a large number of students were missing near the ruins of the Somme. The school urgently evacuated the remaining students, and dispatched Professor Slughorn and some teachers from the school to investigate and rescue."

"Well, I know about this! But what does it have to do with me?" Qin Weijie sat at the bar counter and shouted to the one-eyed Arthur, "Come on, have a cup of milk or coffee..."

One-eyed Arthur blew his beard and stared at Qin Weijie: "What do you think this place is? I only have wine here! There is rum fed with fresh milk. Do you drink it!"

Qin Weijie smiled: "Forget it, underage don't drink alcohol!"

"Do you know that senior or senior is missing?!" Tom asked sharply. At this time, Tom was obviously a little angry. Qin Weijie not only left without saying goodbye, but even hid a lot of secrets from him, which made Tom very uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Qin Weijie smiled and patted Tom on the shoulder: "Damn~ I'm angry again~ uh... I'm so disgusted by myself! Listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation! I was also the one who fought the clown more than a week ago. I just found out that night.

I entered the dream through the 'Moonlight Mark', and I saw Minsk in the dream. It was he who told me that they were trapped in the ruins that had not yet been opened. At first I thought it was just a dream, but these two days happened. Some things confirm some of the information in the dream, and I can be sure that it is not a dream that night, but Minsk they are passing the information to me through the 'Moonlight Mark'. "

"Weijie, then why didn't you tell us earlier?" Yiliana also looked at Qin Weijie dissatisfied at this time.

Qin Weijie shrugged: "Hehe~ you entered the 'mirror space' at the end of the battle. It took several days after entering. I thought you guys eloped with my dog! You all know what happened after that. The brothers and sisters recited the scriptures for seven days, and by the time I went out, I had already decided to go back to China, so we don't have time to meet each other, okay?"

Hearing Qin Weijie's mention of 'Mirror Space', Tom's face changed obviously, and Elena also dodged a little. Tom glanced at Ergou, and Ergou tilted his head to look at Tom, as if winking at Tom.

"What are you doing? You're really planning to run away with a dog! By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what are you two doing in 'Mirror Space' for so many days? Are you really going to elope?" Qin Weijie asked.

Tom was a little hesitant, Qin Weijie didn't ask any more questions when he saw this, patted Tom on the shoulder and said, "Forget it, don't ask! Anyway, I can rest assured that you can handle things by yourself. If you can't solve something by yourself, you will naturally ask me for help, brother. There will be some secrets in between."


"Fuck you, you've only seen you for a few days, so you're so raw? It seems necessary to communicate well!" Qin Weijie said and rounded Tom's handsome face, making Tom want to be Spartan Willing to give up.

One-eyed Arthur said at this time: "The business of smuggling is not very good recently. The nearest ferry to Huaxia does not pass through Marseille Port. You have to go to Bordeaux Port to take it. Three days later, you will leave at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and go to Bordeaux Port to find black people. Beard takes the ticket."

"Oh! Thank you old Arthur." Qin Weijie pulled Tom and Elena, and dragged away the reluctant Poppy boss, and the four left the mercenary bar struttingly.

Watching Qin Weijie leave, One-Eyed Arthur hurriedly turned behind the bar and entered the wine cellar.

There was a hand-cranked phone hidden in the wine cellar. One-eyed Arthur connected to the paging station and reported an address, and then a business came from the other end of the phone: "Is someone here?"

"Yes, my lord, an Asian boy. He said that he was introduced by Hanton. He asked me about the passenger ship going to China. I deliberately delayed the time and made him miss the one in Foss Harbor tomorrow morning."

"Good job, let the others know! Our people will be here soon."

"Okay, my lord, then you can do it first... That... We 'Snake Eye' are a small company, doing some small business in transportation... If you think you can show your hands to us... Hey! Alright! Thank you You...the little ones don't bother."

One-eyed Arthur hung up the phone and counted the gold happily. The crisis of the 'snake eye' could finally be lifted. It has been more than a year since those mysterious people investigated the intelligence of the 'Magic Boy' and found the 'snake eye', the whole 'snake eye' Eye'...let's call it a company.

The entire 'Snake Eye' company was basically paralyzed. I heard that it was the dead fat man Hanton who offended a great character, which led those mysterious people to target the company.

Although it is not clear who is behind those mysterious people, in less than half a month last year, all members of the 'Snake Eye', from the organizers to the ordinary sailors, were secretly arrested and interrogated, and then they were secretly arrested and questioned. They are released without any news from the outside world, which is enough to see that the characters behind these mysterious people have hands and eyes.

Now that he has finally made merit by wagging his tail and begging for pity, the other party finally promised not to sanction the 'Snake Eye' company again. One-eyed Arthur is so happy!

As for the face, what makes you a dog, who cares if you have money! Besides, it's not a blessing to know that Sai Weng lost his horse. After this "Snake Eye", he has climbed up to the organization behind the mysterious man. Maybe it's still a chance.

At this time, One-Eyed Arthur never imagined that just because of his phone call, the entire European magic world was shaken, countless owls were flying, and intelligence networks in various places were instantly activated.

"The young master of the welfare family appeared in the port of Marseille~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and immediately notify the Golden Lion family."

"The mice of the Selwyn family have been scattered, and the young master's movements are always monitored."

"Patrick of the Knights of the Round Table appeared in the port of Marseille, waiting for Mr. Selwyn's order."

"The latest order from Mr Selwyn and Mr Foley to hold back the Knights of the Round Table Patrick at all costs"

"The monks who don't ask and the people who don't hear the Tao appear near Marseille."

"The above order, hold the two of them, and wait for Mr. Welfare to come in person."

"The underground industry all over France is moving, and it is guaranteed to keep Mr. Selwyn updated on the latest situation."


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