“Don’t – hit – open!” She screamed, shouting with a strange voice that was not male or female.

The voice is like a suffocating person calling for help, and it is like mourning the dead person. If a normal person sees it, it is enough to be scared.

Marx just twisted his eyebrows and tried to capture some useful information from it.

In the next moment, Trelawny regained the look of the previous confused look, and she looked at Marx slyly, her expression a little confused.

Marx put some ointment on her hand and then shook it in front of her. Of course, the focus was definitely on the front of the nose.

“Professor? Professor Trelawny?” Marx shouted. “What happened to you?”

“Oh – sorry, I seem to feel a little sleepy-” Trelawny woke up a bit, she hesitated. “Where are we going?”

“We are over,” Marx said casually. “But I see you slumbering, so I can’t help but wake you up – there are still many students waiting for the exam!”

“Ah! Yes, thank you…” She looked down at Marx’s record sheet and then nodded. “Then go down first! Remember, what you see from the crystal ball can’t tell others… otherwise Encountered terrifying things.”

Marx casually headed and walked outside – he had to take a look at Hagrid’s cabin.

After leaving the classroom, he handed the potion bottle back.

“Now it seems that this stuff can also make people who are too drunken to be confused…” He whispered as he hurriedly rushed downstairs.


When Marx came to the lawn in front of the castle, he turned back and noticed that a group of men were walking down the stone platform of the castle.

Walking in front is Dumbledore, whose silver beard shines in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Beside Dumbledore is Cornelius Fudge, followed by the frail committee members and executioner McNeil.

At the same time, in the Hagrid cabin…

“You have to go,” Hagrid said, shaking from head to toe. “You must not let them find you here… go, now…”

Hermione picked up the Invisibility Cloak on the sofa.

“I will lead you from behind,” Hagrid said.

They followed him to the door leading to the back garden, and Harry felt as though he was in a dream.

When he saw Buckbeak a few yards away, the feeling was even heavier.

Buckbeak crouched behind a tree in Hadrid’s pumpkin patch. It seemed to know that something was going to happen. He was turning his head around and groping his face with his claws.

“Nothing, Bick,” Hagrid said softly. “Nothing…” He turned to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. “Go, go…”

But Harry didn’t want to move.

“Hagrid, we can’t-“

“We have to tell them the actual situation.”

“They can’t kill it!”

The three people hurriedly said something and seemed unable to accept this reality.

“Go!” Hagrid said in a fury. “If you are in trouble, things will get worse!”

They found that they seemed to have no choice.

Hermione put the Invisibility Cloak on Harry and Ron’s head, and they heard a voice outside the cabin.

Hagrid looked at the place where they had just disappeared and urged: “Go!” he said dumbly. “Don’t listen…”

After all, he slowly walked back to the hut – someone was knocking on his door.

In a horrible horror, Harry, Ron, and Hermione began to walk quietly around Hagrid’s hut. When they reached the side of the hut, the front door slammed shut.

“We should have a way,” Hermione’s voice kept shaking. “They can’t, they can’t… what should we do-“

She stubbornly stopped, but couldn’t think of any idea.

“… Does anyone have any way?” She said, “I think… um? Marx?”

“Yeah! I saw Marx talking a few words with the executioner before,” Harry said. “But what would it be? Just chat…”

“No, you listen… it’s Marx’s voice!” Hermione waved her hand at Harry and pointed to the hut.

The three couldn’t help but put their ears on the wall.

“…Let a student come to watch the execution, which is not appropriate?” This is the voice of Fudge.

“It’s okay, this is the content of Care of Magical Creatures, which Mr. McLorne took the initiative to apply for,” Dumbledore said. “I believe he understands what he wants to do – this is a reasonable application for Hogwarts outstanding students.”

In fact, today’s Fudge really doesn’t see Marx as an ordinary student.

That night in the Hogsmeade village, he has heard the following people report, although the news is still blocked, but Marx’s strength has already surprised all the insiders.

Even so, on the bright side, some things still have to be in the stomach – at least for now, he must do so.

“Minister, I will not act to disrupt the execution process,” Marx said. “I need to observe the physiological structure of the miraculous creature, which is very helpful for my study.”

“Okay, okay! Then, Walton, let Mr. McLorne go with you to see, how?” Fudge said in a constant face to the executioner Walton McNeil standing by the door.

“Yes.” McNeil ordered nodded. Coldly replied.

“So…” Fudge took out a piece of material and read it out. “Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures decided that Hippogriff is a winged beast, Buckbeak, hereinafter referred to as a convicted person. It should be 6 month 6 day, sunset time Execution…”

“…executing beheading, the executioner appointed by the committee, Walton McNeil, follows the process.”

After Fudge described the execution process again, he asked Hagrid: “About the body of the convicted person after execution, is it taken away by us, or-“

“No, I… I want to be with it… I can’t make it alone…” Hagrid wrinkled his nose, and the tears that had been spinning in his eyes were still unbearable, like a brake. The cheeks flowed down.

“Of course,” Fudge nodded, squatting out the window, and then said, “The time is almost up, the execution begins!”

Just as he greeted a few people to go to the back garden, Dumbledore suddenly spoke.

“I think, we’d better hurry and talk about the case – time is tight, we have to be as soon as possible.”

“Oh–” Fudge thought for a moment. “It’s true. I’m mainly here for this – you go through the process, I stay in the house and wait for you.”

For the case in Hogsmeade village, Fudge has not been asleep for several days.

In recent years, the Britain magic circle is still very stable. On that night, just the first batch of Auror rushed, there was already a death in St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

The civilian wizard who was killed by an accidental attack reached three people.

As for the injured, there are more than a dozen people who have already been identified. If you have not found it, you have to say something else.

It can be said that this is a big case that is overwhelming compared to the disposal of a beast!

When Hagrid and Marx followed the two men to the back garden, in the strange look of Hagrid, the old committee member took the back door of the hut.

After he and the executioners McNeil and Marx looked at each other, Marx calmly nodded.

“Hagrid, you take Buckbeak to Forbidden Forest and find a place to hang on.” Marx suddenly said, “Remember, tie some… and get back as soon as possible.”

Hagrid, who was still sobbing, bowed and looked at Marx.

Marx just waved his hand at random and motioned for him to do as he said.

Hagrid couldn’t help but glance at the two people sent to the committee, but they were too lazy to care for him. McNeil leaned against the wall of the hut and rubbed his big axe with a rag; and the old man looked at the setting sun, seemingly wondering if he would be like the setting sun. The next day, it rose again and again.

Hagrid seems to want to understand something, but it seems to be less clear.

But he can’t manage that many – Buckbeak may not have to die, Marx has done something, it must be like this!

He untied Buckbeak’s rope and pulled it desperately to run to Forbidden Forest.

“The sooner the better, let Bick leave here soon!” At this moment Hagrid had only one thought left in his heart.

Marx glanced at Hagrid’s back, then pulled out the wand, picked a few large enough pumpkins from the ground, and gathered them together with the Levitation charm.

Then, under the influence of a transfiguration, the pile of pumpkins quickly became a body of a Hippogriff with a winged beast that had been cut off.

The bloody scene is exactly the same as the real thing.

“McNeil, would you learn the voice of Hippogriff?” Marx looked back and asked casually.

Executioner McNeil is wearing this and can’t help but pump his mouth.

“Mr. MrLorne,” he explained dryly. “If you cut it down, there will be no screams…”

Marx looked at the body on the ground and glanced at McNeil’s neck subconsciously, feeling that he had learned a useful new knowledge.

When Hagrid ran back in a hurry, Marx didn’t care if he stared at the corpse that had already separated from the ground, so he glared at his sleeve and walked with the other two into the wood house.

“I think, Hagrid, you have to cry for a while.” He kindly suggested.

Hagrid twisted his mouth and found that he couldn’t cry. He had to shake his head.

“Clean springs are like water.”

Marx raised the wand, and suddenly, a clear spring water from the air sprayed Hagrid’s face, and even his clothes were soaked.

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