Buckbeak’s case was so tidy, Fudge stood behind the door and looked at the document, then signed the document and then went back to the Ministry of Magic with the other two – then, more importantly Things are waiting for him to do it!

When Dumbledore followed, Harry, Ron and Hermione hurriedly pushed the door into the hut.

“Marx, you really did it!” Hermione said excitedly. “We all saw each other, Buckbeak went to Forbidden Forest -“

“You know it. Just go back and send it away. It’s over.” Marx nodded said. “But don’t be too busy… Harry, I think there is something you have to know, you can go. Professor Lupin’s office, he will tell you everything.”

“What? Can we go together?” Ron asked strangely.

“Of course, in fact, this matter has a lot to do with you,” Marx said. “Let’s go together!”

“You don’t come together?” Hermione asked.

But Marx shook his head. “I still have something to do, so I won’t join in the fun.”

Marx has a lot to do, but no one can think of it. The first thing he went to was the seventh greenhouse.

There is nothing wrong with his reason for going there, just because the unknown plants have grown up. But it is also because of those flowers, no one in the seventh greenhouse can enter.

Professor Sprout tells Marx that the emergence of those flower beds makes the plants more attractive to creatures.

About a few days ago!

That morning, a senior student came to apply for Sprint to enter the seventh greenhouse to observe some of the more dangerous plants.

It is a good thing to like to study, and the student’s performance on Herbology has always been good. Professor Sprout quickly approved his application.

However, until noon that day, the student did not return the keys, and Professor Sprout finally noticed the anomaly.

When she rushed outside the seventh greenhouse, she glimpsed through a glass in the greenhouse, and a glimpse of a silhouette stood still and motionless.

The location he is facing is the area of ​​the plants that Marx planted.

Professor Sprout immediately recalled the characteristics that the plants have always revealed, and she understands that those plants are very likely to grow up…

When Sprout thought about it, he closed his eyes, caught his nose, and even put on a gas mask. No way, on this World, there are many wonderful plants that are always hard to guard against. For her, this is the charm of those plants.

The same, it is also a place where people have a headache.

Finally, the preparation of the full-scale Sprout was so touched, all by the memory touched the students, and forced him out of the greenhouse…

Today, it is the date that Marx and Professor Sprout have an appointment – ​​they will work together to write a record of cultivation for those plants.

“Professor Sprout, I am coming.”

Marx went to the Herbology professor’s office, where Professor Sprout was sitting on the couch next to the table waiting for him!

“Oh – just, you oh – I remembered the specific process!” Sprout smiled. “Come on! Take a closer look at it!”

Marx stepped forward and naturally sat next to her and picked up the parchment on the table and looked up.

Sprout’s office is always so relaxed, there aren’t even a desk, and there are all kinds of flowerpots everywhere, and you can see all the plants at a glance.

As you can see from this special office, Professor Sprout is indeed an easygoing Teacher.

But Marx is already used to it – he has cultivated magic plants for potion research in several greenhouses, and all of this is inseparable from Sprout’s special care for him.

Professor Sprout As a Hufflepuff Head of House, she is really satisfied with Marx, a very good student. Not to mention that she has always been very biased towards the students of her house, even if she is as strict as Snape, I am afraid that she will not refuse students like Marx.

“Professor, I think this process is almost impeccable –” Marx read the text on the parchment and he looked up and said, “But I think our task should be changed.”

“You mean, are you observing them?” Professor Sprout quickly said with a hand, “No, this is too unsafe! I am Teacher, this kind of thing should be done by me…”

But Marx still insisted on his own advice. He explained: “Professor, you listen to me… I am proposing this because your experience with plants is much richer than mine. We need to be maintained by experienced ones. Absolutely awake.”

Professor Sprout hearing this, after considering it, she agreed with Marx’s suggestion.

Once the process is finalized, it’s time to try the actual operation.

The process is actually not complicated. Marx only needs to tie the rope around his waist, then wear all the protective props, touch the squat to the position, and remove the protective gear one by one to try to judge the plant. Characteristics.

If Marx is enchanted by those plants, then Sprout pulls Marx back with the rope, using his awake position as the range of influence of those plants.

Finally, the two of them will complete the training record together.

However, it is easy to say, but it is actually quite difficult. The difficulty is that they are not sure whether Marx can see the key data he should get.

Because the student who was fascinated by the plant was awake, immediately said that he did not remember what he had seen!

“Professor, then I will go in.” Marx said, and he opened the door and went to the greenhouse.

The layout of the seventh greenhouse is not much different from the last time Marx came here. Many plants that seem to be quite dangerous are constantly baring fangs and brandishing claws. The effect of the plant does not seem to affect other plants. .

Of course, Marx is invisible for the time being because he can still wear a blindfold!

The layout of the greenhouse, Marx, is very familiar, even if it is quite large here, but he did not make a mistake in one step, and soon touched the vicinity of the original location.

Marx reached out and touched his left side. After he confirmed his specific position and orientation again, he decisively began to take off his protective gear.

Every time he takes off one piece, he will take a closer look and will not take off until he has determined that there is no impact.

Not long after, his hearing and smell have recovered, but the situation is still normal. Although there was a lot of smell in the air, nothing happened.

The next step is touch.

Marx reached forward and moved his hand a little… The next moment, he felt his fingertips touch the stems and leaves of the plant, but there was nothing unusual.

He touched the plant carefully, and then a round, top-pointing thing fell into his fingertips – this should be the flower, it really gave birth to the flower!

The next step is the last step. Take off the eye mask and observe it directly with your own eyes…

When Marx took off his eye mask and opened his eyes, a wonderful sense of blankness filled his mind—just as if he had nothing to think about.

In other words, he lost his consciousness, but maintained his standing posture, his eyes staring at the flower buds without any action.

But not long after, probably a few seconds, Marx’s fingers suddenly twitched.


“This is…” Marx looked around in confusion, his mind was like a mess. “Oh… where is this?”

He found himself sitting on a bed, and the environment around him made him feel very familiar, like…

“…is like…Torpoint?”

Marx feels that his memory seems to be slowly becoming clear.

“Hey, I am sleepy, isn’t it Torpoint?” He shook his head suddenly, reached out and opened the curtains, and the sunset outside came in, leaving a dimly lit interior with a golden layer. .

He yawned heavily and stretched out, sighing with a sigh: “Hey – another new day begins!”

Open the quilt, get out of bed and get dressed, then he pushed the door open and walked downstairs.

With the footsteps of “嗵嗵嗵”, the angel roar came from the first floor: “Damn, can you not walk lightly when your kid is walking? The ancestral staircase of Laozi is being trampled by you!”

“Get it! You just have to manage your ancestral pounds!” Marx said as he walked to the bathroom on the second floor.

When he took a shower and packed himself, it went down to the first floor.

Half of the space on the first floor of this double-storey loft is converted into a bar by the owner, Anglu, and the other half is the kitchen.

In the past, Marx also found his first job here – helping the kitchen.

As for the second floor, the single man in Anglu was also converted into several separate rooms and rented to several other households. Only left a slightly larger room for him to live.

And Marx, you can only live in the attic – after all, it is free from Anglu uncle. And let alone, although Marx always dislikes it and suppresses it, the scenery outside the window is still very good.

“Hey! Anglu!” Marx walked from the back kitchen to the front of the bar counter, frivolous, “Good morning!”

“Kid, don’t always look at someone else’s sunset as your sunrise!”

Anglo is a big man with a big beard. In addition to receiving customers, the only favorite is fitness. Look at his scorpion meat, coupled with his nearly two-meter-high head, is like a brown bear!

“Hey, what do you say, I am not used to a good nightlife?” Marx waved his hand, even if he had greeted him, then he returned to the kitchen and planned to find something to eat for himself.

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