Marx 娌°C湁浠庨偅涓湁浠庨偅涓寰彲镐寰彲镐殑闱掑殑闱掑鍙腑寰楀埌鍗婄偣鍎挎湁鐢ㄧ殑°°°°

浠栨 庝箞鍙兘鐭ラ 庝箞鍙兘鐭ラ 庝箞鍙兘鐭ラ 纻姣忓ぉ闄や 纻姣忓ぉ闄や 纻姣忓ぉ闄や 鍦ㄦ亹鎯 鍦ㄦ亹鎯 笌渚濇亱涔嬮棿寰 笌渚濇亱涔嬮棿寰 笌渚濇亱涔嬮棿寰 笌渚濇亱涔嬮棿寰 緤锛屼粠鍗 緤锛屼粠鍗 鍒 in in inning table殚镄勫湴鐗纴鎶戦儊娌夐椃鍦板杩囦粬鐢熷懡涓殑姣廥杩囦粬鐢熷懡涓殑姣廥NUMX point 姣忎竴绉掋€

Chain 杩戜 杩戜 浜 浜 浜 缁欎粬娲 缁欎粬娲 缁欎粬娲 竴浜涙 竴浜涙 竴浜涙 竴浜涙 竴浜涙 竴浜涙 竴浜涙 竴浜涙 竴浜涙 竴浜涙 竴浜涙冲幓鍒板闱(五)偅涓埌澶勯兘鏄檶鐢熶汉镄刉orld 锛屽彲浠栦笉寰椾笉鎺ュ弹锛屽彲浠栦笉寰椾笉鎺ュ

闄ゆ浠ュ锛岀敓娲讳 涔庡苟娌 涔庡苟娌 湁浠 湁浠 湁浠 湁浠 涔堜笉钖岋纴浠栦篃涓嶆兂 涔堜笉钖岋纴浠栦篃涓嶆兂 涔堜笉钖岋纴浠栦篃涓嶆兂 変粈涔堜笉钖屻


浠栦笉鐭ラ 璇ユ 庝箞锷烇纴浠栦篃瀹 庝箞锷烇纴浠栦篃瀹 庝箞锷烇纴浠栦篃瀹 旷潃 旷潃 旷潃 x x x x Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar幓鍝效銆佽锅氢粈涔堚€€

闀滃儚绌洪棿镄勪 棿镄勪 Marx 璧 湪鍓嶉 湪鍓嶉 岀 岀 岀 岀 岀 岀 筜鍒栾 筜鍒栾 筜鍒栾 筜鍒栾 筜鍒栾 筜鍒栾 筜鍒栾竴鍓 鐒 鐒 笉鐭ユ墍鎺︻殑妯 ° °牱銆

鈥滆 涓嬮 涓嬮 灏 灏 灏 灏 灏 ar ar ar 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉 囨椿鏉

绾 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 璺 璺 璺 璺 璺 璺 璺 璺 璺

Marx 韪(一)紑娲画澘闂ㄧ殑鎻掗攒锛岀炕璧烽棬鏉匡纴椤虹潃涓嬭镄勬湪璐ㄦゼ姊线涓嬭蛋铡汇€即闅忕潃浠や汉韫欑湁镄勨€漜reak鈥 澹 纴 纴 ㄥ洿镄勫厜绾垮湪涓 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 偣鍦 偣鍦 噺灏 缁堣鍦 缁堣鍦 缁堣鍦 缁堣鍦 缁堣鍦 缁堣鍦Sickness

蹇界劧涓€锲(二)煍鍜岀殑鍏変寒镰村紑浜嗙溂鍓岖殑婕嗛粦锛屾槸Marx 鐢ㄥ彂鍏夊拻镣 浜嗘硶鏉栥 浜嗘硶鏉栥

杩椤眰鍦 Dress up 三 (3) Н寮 鍦 鍦 鍦 ぇ锛屾斁鐪 ぇ锛屾斁鐪 ぇ锛屾斁鐪 ぇ锛屾斁鐪 湜铡 湜铡 湜铡 湜铡 湜铡 湜铡 湜铡 湜铡 湜铡 湜铡 戝睘缁勬垚镄勭洃鐗€傛湁鐪嬭捣鏉ュ緢灏忕殑鍗曚汉瀹わ纴涔熸湁鍙互濉炶繘寰埚浜虹殑澶虹墖鐗(3)嫳銆

鐩   岃 镄勶纴澶╄姳鏉垮嵈鍑哄鍦 镄勶纴澶╄姳鏉垮嵈鍑哄鍦 镄勶纴澶╄姳鏉垮嵈鍑哄鍦 镄勶纴澶╄姳鏉垮嵈鍑哄鍦 镄勶纴澶╄姳鏉垮嵈鍑哄鍦 镄勶纴澶╄姳鏉垮嵈鍑哄鍦 镄勶纴澶╄姳鏉垮嵈鍑哄鍦 曡寮撶潃韬墠鑳 曡寮撶潃韬墠鑳 曡寮撶潃韬墠鑳 曡寮撶潃韬墠鑳濂 濂 鍓嶈 鍓嶈

Marx chain   涓 搴曚笅搴旇鏄 搴曚笅搴旇鏄 搴曚笅搴旇鏄 搴曚笅搴旇鏄 缁忚娓呯┖浜嗙殑锛屾 缁忚娓呯┖浜嗙殑锛屾 缁忚娓呯┖浜嗙殑锛屾 缁忚娓呯┖浜嗙殑锛屾 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐬 浜嗗嚑涓︼ 浜嗗嚑涓︼ 浜嗗嚑涓︼湴涓婄殑灏忓皬silhouette 銆

鐪嬫牱瀛愶纴瀵 铏 铏 铏 铏 铏 劧鎾ょ浜呜 劧鎾ょ浜呜 劧鎾ょ浜呜 岋纴鍙洜涓 劧鎾ょ浜呜 劧鎾ょ浜呜 劧鎾ょ浜呜 劧鎾ょ浜呜 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂 椂闂閮 甫璧 甫璧 甫璧 甫璧

Marx 锲炰 涓嫔ご锛屽彂鐜 涓嫔ご锛屽彂鐜 偅涓︻晱鐣忕缉缂╃殑闱掑 箮娌 箮娌 ° ° ° 湁璺熺潃浠栦竴璧 湁璺熺潃浠栦竴璧 笅鏉ャ


Trick or Treat 鍒 竴闂 ぇ姒 彲浠ュ绾 彲浠ュ绾 彲浠ュ绾 笅浜斿叚涓垚骞 笅浜斿叚涓垚骞 笅浜斿叚涓垚骞 笅浜斿叚涓垚骞 杞籹 杞籹 杞籹 杞籹 杞籹 杞籹 杞籹 杞籹偅 佹爡镙忛棬涓婇梼 佹爡镙忛棬涓婇梼 夐瓟鍜掔殑澶 挛渚 挛渚 挛渚 挛渚 挛渚 珛鍒诲 珛鍒诲 浜嗛挛鑸屻 浜嗛挛鑸屻

闅忔 鎷夊紑镙呮爮闂纴 Marx 缂撴璧 繘浜嗙墷涓

杩欓噷澶村彧鍏崇潃涓€涓﹄汉锛屾槸涓渶澶氢笉杩囧崄宀佺殑灏忓浼欍 厜杩欎箞鐪嬩篃鐬 笉鍑 笉鍑 笉鍑 笉鍑 笉鍑穋hild 杩樻槸濂砪hild 锛屾祽韬剰鍏叜镄勶纴杩樻 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄



Marx 浼 鎷崭 鎷崭 唺锛屼笂闱 path path 镄勪 娉涚潃闱掔 娉涚潃闱掔 锛屼 锛屼 of of of娓嶏纴娣锋潅镌€灏桦湡鍑濆浐鎴愪 terterrifying 镄勯粦red 銆

浠栨愧浜嗕袱涓嬶纴闾hild 鍗 病 病 病 病 病 濓纴浠嶆棫娴戠劧涓嶈鍦 濓纴浠嶆棫娴戠劧涓嶈鍦 濓纴浠嶆棫娴戠劧涓嶈鍦 鍖愬湪鍦 鍖愬湪鍦 鍖愬湪鍦 鍖愬湪鍦

鍙粬镄勮瘽鍗存侪锷ㄤ简涓嶈翻澶勫叧鍦ㄥ彟涓€闂村皬鐗(二)埧涓殑濂砪hild 銆 湪鎭愭儳涔嬩笅锛屽鏂 湪鎭愭儳涔嬩笅锛屽鏂 湪鎭愭儳涔嬩笅锛屽鏂 剼涓婄殑 侀摼鎾炲湪浜嗙墷绗 侀摼鎾炲湪浜嗙墷绗 侀摼鎾炲湪浜嗙墷绗 殑 殑 殑 殑 滃挘褰撯 滃挘褰撯 滃挘褰撯 滃挘褰撯 滃挘褰撯

鍦ㄨ 榛戞殚 榛戞殚 榛戞殚 榛戞殚 瀵傞 瀵傞 瀵傞 瀵傞 瀵傞 澹 澹 澹 搷鏄 搷鏄 搷鏄 € € € €

Marx 锲炶 澶 澶 幓锛屽嵈 侀偅涓コ 侀偅涓コ 侀偅涓コ 侀偅涓コ 侀偅涓コ 侀偅涓コ 侀偅涓コ 侀偅涓コ 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 箮鏄兂灏 箮鏄兂灏 箮鏄兂灏 箮鏄兂灏 箮鏄兂灏Destroy gallium

鐪嬬潃闾eコchild 鎯 鎯 纴 纴 Marx 骞 rudder chain 夌珛鍒 铡 铡 铡 铡 偅杈癸纴 偅杈癸纴 偅杈癸纴 偅杈癸纴 锲炲ご鏉ュ皢鍦涓猚hild 缈讳 杩囨潵銆

鐪嬫潵杩欎釜 child 杩熻繜娌 °C Mar Mar Marx 鍦ㄤ粬镄勮 涓婄湅鍒 涓婄湅鍒 涓婄湅鍒 涓婄湅鍒 阆揿挨鍏 阆揿挨鍏 阆揿挨鍏 阆揿挨鍏 阆揿挨鍏Reading

闾f槸涓€阆揿儚鏄阍濆櫒鎶芥阆揿儚鏄阍濆櫒鎶激鐥曪纴浠庨挛鐥曪纴浠庨挛ㄥ埌鑳ㄥ埌鑳墠锛岄潚purple 镄勮 鐥曡 鐥曡 鐥曡 鐥曡 鐥曡 鐥曡 鐥曡鍦 槑鏄撅纴鐢氲呖 槑鏄撅纴鐢氲呖 変竴閮ㄥ垎宸茬粡锲犱 镒熸煋 镒熸煋 镒熸煋 镒熸煋 镒熸煋 簝鐑 簝鐑 簝鐑 簝鐑 簝鐑

鍏夌灖杩欐镞犳不鐤楄抗鐤楄$殑浼ゅ娍锛孧arx 灏辫寰楄伞涓猚hild 涓€瀹Hydrofine chain 変簺浠峰€笺€

涓斿厛涓嶆彁闾d 镓 镓 镓 璋撶殑鈥滀 璋撶殑鈥滀 璋撶殑鈥滀 璋撶殑鈥滀 浜 濈┒绔熸槸 濈┒绔熸槸 rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸 槸鏂 箣 箣 浠ュぇ 浠ュぇ 浠ュぇ 浠ュぇ 浠ュぇ 浠ュぇ 浠ュぇ 洑绂乧 洑绂乧 洑绂乧 洑绂乧 洑绂乧 洑绂乧 洑绂乧 洑绂乧 洑绂乧 洑绂乧 槸涓 槸涓 燨 燨 燨 燨 燨 燨 燨 燨 燨 燨 燨 燨 燨 燨

鍦ㄨ澶 鍓嶏纴褰搘 鍓嶏纴褰搘 鍓嶏纴褰搘 鍓嶏纴褰搘 鍓嶏纴褰搘 鍓嶏纴褰搘 鍓嶏纴褰搘 鍓嶏纴褰搘 鍓嶏纴褰搘 鍓嶏纴褰搘 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚 欙纴镊︻劧鐢熸垚笉绠楁槸灏戣銆

鍦ㄩ偅涓椂 chain燂纴闾d簺韬€magic 娼滆川镄刢hild 浠纴锲犱负涓栦 闂闂村wizard 镄勫亸瑙佽€屾棤娉曞缑鍒版纭殑寮曞銆

Muggle 浠magic 忓 忓 鎭愭儳锛屼笉浠呭鎴愬 鎭愭儳锛屼笉浠呭鎴愬 鎭愭儳锛屼笉浠呭鎴愬 鎭愭儳锛屼笉浠呭鎴愬 wi wi wi wi wi wi wi wi wi wi wi wi wi wi wi wi wi鐜 绷 mag magic power 鏆 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 镄刢 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓 涓

镓€浠ワ纴鍦ㄩ偅涓︷粦鏆楃殑骞翠浠ワ纴鍦ㄩ偅涓︷粦鏆楃殑骞唬锛冤ithin the body 钘忔湁magic power 镄刢hild 浠娣 鍦 鍦 鍦 鍦 帇鎶戜 帇鎶戜

鍝 曚粬浠煡阆撹嚜宸 曚粬浠煡阆撹嚜宸 曚粬浠煡阆撹嚜宸 曚粬浠煡阆撹嚜宸 垨璁 粬 粬 粬 child chain 夋墍涓嶅悓锛屼粬浠篃涓嶆暍琛ㄩ湶镊 鐪熷疄镄勪竴闱绂鍝 曚粬浠殑鐖 曚粬浠殑鐖 曚粬浠殑鐖 瘝鐭ラ 瘝鐭ラ 镊 child 镄勫纾 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 涔熶 涔熶 璁 璁 璁 璁 璁 璁 璁 滃纾绔 滃纾绔 滃纾绔 €濈殑鍙兘銆

Under the influence of the times, the fight against an abnormal child became part of the parents’ choice. They are convinced that their child is not weird and refuses to be weird.

And when the suppressed magic power and the negative emotions of the children are interlaced, and they are compacted in the bottom of their hearts. Some children chose silence in fear, and some children broke out in silence.

The messy magic power that fuses negative emotions suddenly transforms into a strange and uncontrolled energy when it encounters severe emotional fluctuations.

Some wizard scholars think that it is a dark magic because it has all the features needed to be defined as dark magic; and some wizard scholars believe that it can only be regarded as a relatively negative magic phenomenon. Just like the generation of dementor, you can’t define it with good and evil black and white.

Now, it is clear that someone wants to take this strange and powerful force into their own hands, turn uncontrollable ways into controllable, and accomplish some ulterior motives.

If you want to fully control this power, it is obviously appropriate to start with its carrier.

Marx can easily imagine that the other party grabbed the children who had experienced the magic power runaway before and after the magic school, and locked them in this mirror cage.

The upper level here has a comfortable and warm living environment; on the lower level, it is the underground jail of gloomy horror.

While experiencing heaven and hell in the infinite cycle, we will add the same psychological induction and continue to experiment and adjust to achieve the desired goals.

What was born was the abnormal life of Joshua, who had powerful power and was fragile inside.

“…there is no more boring research project than this.”

Marx opened the child’s mouth and took out a bottle of potion for healing.

This child apparently did not give in, so the “master” did not mean to treat it after suffering a potentially fatal injury.

If it is this child, it may not be known what useful information can be known from his mouth. While waiting for the injury to recover, Marx stood up and turned to the female child on the other side.

“Don’t be afraid, can you talk to me?”

Marx didn’t open the door right away, but instead stood in the aisle outside. In the case of a metal fence door between the two sides, the female child may be given some negligible security.

Even if this sense of security is extremely limited, it is much better than direct face-to-face.

“Or, how about getting out with me, how?” he smiled. “Of course, if you want to.”

The female child didn’t make a sound, just staring at the ground in the corner, and every time I looked at him from the side.

Like the child just now, the female child was wearing a ruined old dress, and she couldn’t help but be thin and ventilated.

On the skin she exposed, the criss-crossed scars abound, and it is heart-rending.

The dirty face is buried in the shadows, and the hair contaminated with dust and blood is entangled and knotted. The dry grass is scattered on the shoulders, and it smells like a sour smell.

Of course, there is no good taste in this place.

“Don’t want to leave here?” After a moment, Marx asked again.

With his voice, the female child was obviously tightened more tightly, and she was completely afraid of running into it to hurt her.

But after a few seconds, she suddenly spoke.


“It’s okay, just say it.” Marx tried to lightly.

“Please…help…I.” The female child seemed to do her best to encourage the dry throat, spit out the intermittent words, and the broken syllables made people understand her.


Marx stared at her for a moment, and when her eyes slowly fell on her eyes, Marx gently nodded.

Another squeaking sound, Marx pulled the iron fence door and slowly walked over to her side, kneeling down and touching her head. Although the long hair was full of stains, how could he care about it?

No, really, if you have to go deeper, the materials used to make potion can be much more disgusting than this!

“Can you go now?” Marx asked.

The female child was nodded, but she shook her head quickly, and the pair of clear eyes looked towards the ankle chain on her ankle.

Marx lifted his wand and knocked it, and the heavy iron ring on the ankle broke.

“Let’s go, let’s save the others -“

As he spoke, he stood up and walked to the aisle outside. In this dungeon, there are still some people left behind, most of whom are children who are already dying.

Behind him, the girl looked at the broken ankle on the ground, and there was a mysterious life in his eyes. She looked up and towards the back of the fence door and chased her up with bare feet.

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