“…you want to…take them away?”

When Joshua saw Marx leading a ragged child out of the dungeon, his face showed an obvious rush.

Marx just glanced at him and went on. Behind him, the injured children were holding each other and silently keeping up with his pace.

Unlike Joshua, who has long been tortured and distorted by temperament, these children are too sinister to be poisoned, and somewhere in the heart has not yet been obeyed.

Even if they still can’t speak, they are surprisingly consistent in their actions.

“No, no… you can’t take them away… the master will…”

“Do you want to go together?”

Marx stood still and interrupted him.

“…I? No, no…I…”

“Your master has abandoned you, isn’t it?” Marx still stood there, not heading back.


When I heard the word “mark”, Marx couldn’t help but move. He suddenly turned around and looked at Joshua calmly, his eyes sharply sharp.

“So…” Marx looked at him. “If I help you remove the Death Mark, would you want to leave with me?”

“Go, remove? Impossible… I…” Joshua said incoherently, and both hands were placed on the chest, which is the mark of the brand.

“Will you want to leave with me?”

No matter how shaken his heart is, Marx’s voice is still plain.

Perhaps only to a certain extent, the “master” will give these children a mark. According to Marx’s previous observations, the branding mark should be done by some sort of dark magic.

“I…leave?” Joshua looked at Marx dumbly, and it took a while to say, “Where can I go…”

“Think about it yourself.”

Marx dropped the sentence and then turned around again, heading in the direction of the trip.

Joshua stood at the entrance to the dungeon and watched as Marx’s back was getting farther and farther away from him. He looked at the children who didn’t even have a look at their own eyes, and his hands gradually tightened.

I have lived here for so many years, and he has never considered what it would be like if he was free, but now, this reality is clearly in front of his own eyes.

The wizard that is smaller than myself… Can you remove the mark that the owner gave himself? That day after day, year after year, tormenting his own brand… can it really be removed?

Maybe you can? That wizard is terrifying… maybe it?

“…I want to go with you!” Joshua shouted. “I don’t want to beat again! I want to… live the day when Mother is still there!”

The memory of the dusty page has been quietly opened in his heart, and the faded picture seems to reappear in front of his eyes.

“… is it?” Marx finally turned back again and looked at him. “It’s a pity, I can’t give you that kind of thing… If you want, you have to work hard. I can give Yours is just an opportunity.”

After all, Marx led the children to the direction of the dinning hall, and Joshua, who was blaspheming, quickly chased him up.


“Take off your shirt and sit on the chair.”

In the dinning hall of the monastery, Marx ignited the firewood in the fireplace and then urged Joshua.

Joshua’s heart was entangled with some complex emotions. He removed his clothes in silence, revealing the upper body of the thin and the same scar.

On his chest, the sacred mark of the dark Purple faint is inconspicuous, because around the mark, the spread of the strange ribs is much more striking.

After he sat down on the chair, Marx came to him with his staff and carefully examined the mystery.

“…no doubt, there is a curse on the print. But…” Marx frowned slightly, sensing the magic power fluctuations in it, “en? What is the extra magic power point?”

Unlike ordinary wizards, it is possible to clearly sense the close magic power, and it will be easier to parse the spell. Soon he discovered suspicious things from the hidden and complicated magic power fluctuations.

He immediately took out a stack of manuscript paper on the dinning table next to it, and sometimes touched the mark with his magic power, and sometimes wrote and painted, as if he was calculating something.

However, when he observed the magic power feedback again and leaned over again for the deduction, he grabbed Quill’s hand and suddenly stopped.

Although he is especially good at analyzing spells, it takes time, and it is far from reaching the level of analysis.

What made him stop the deduction process was a wave of particularly obvious magic power fluctuations!

Marx turned suddenly, and the quill in his hand had already been thrown aside, re-holding his staff. In his eyes, he saw the black purple rays of light from the death mark of Joshua’s chest.

Marx frowned and sensed the magic power change, and cautiously took a step back later, slid his hand between Joshua and Joshua.

Then Joshua suddenly put his eyes on him, and the cockroaches in the scorpion had disappeared completely. What Marx can feel at the moment is a deep sigh.

“…Hello, child.”

Joshua spoke without warning, but his tone was full of vicissitudes.

“Is the gift I gave you, still like it?”

Marx finally confirmed what exactly he was doing at the moment – it should be a spell that can be connected at a distance and forcibly control the soul of the cursed.

“…what do you mean?” Marx looked straight into the eyes, “Parchment in Nurmengard?”

There was a deep smile on the other’s face.

“Don’t be kidding!” Marx snapped. “Your conspiracy won’t succeed! I won’t let you hurt any of my friends! If you are there, you can’t step into Hogwarts even half a step!”

“Yes, I believe you have this strength,” the other party nodded. “But why don’t you think about it, where are you now?”

When the words came out, Marx’s face suddenly changed. After a brief shock, his face was filled with strong anger. But before he could say anything, the other party was gently laughed.

“Well, it’s a kind child…”

“Joshua” turned his head and looked around, calmly nodded.

“No wonder Albus will choose you. This should be very good for him, because ‘love’ is his truth!” He said, sighed again, “save a group of children trapped in the dungeon, not counting, Even this child wants to save, you are a real Hufflepuff.”

“But, can you save all the people in this world?” he looked at Marx and asked.

“It doesn’t matter to you!” Marx stared at him, screaming. “Professor Dumbledore has kept you there for so many years. You haven’t had a slight reflection? I warn you! If you dare to start with Hogwarts, I am Even if you rummaging through every inch of the land on the World, you will find out what you are!”

“Yes?” The other person took a serious nodded road. “I will wait for that day! Also, as a good friend of your Teacher, I want to give you a sentence – you might as well go back to Hogwarts early, how?” ”

“What’s wrong with Hogwarts! You explain the words -” Marx yelled.

“Oh… you have a very interesting wand!”

As soon as the sentence was finished, the black purple rays of light on Joshua’s chest suddenly faded, and the squats in both eyes gradually faded, becoming a fascinating color.

Marx, standing in front of him, saw the anger on his face dispelled and restored his usual calm.

“Hey—” Marx frowned, whispered, “It’s a bad thing to track in the last few steps, but unfortunately.”

Although he is really angry, he still has not gotten to that point. In fact, from the time he saw the parchment in the Nurmengard tower, he began to doubt the purpose of Grindelwald.

The content on the parchment was simple, and Grindelwald told Marx that it was going to make a comeback and restart the subversive business that was terminated by Dumbledore that year.

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