Bakugo Katsuki almost broke his teeth when he heard this.

What does this bald guy mean?

Are you saying that you can't beat that twin bastard next time? !

Seeing this, Hong Jiao Dong waved his hand and blasted out flames.

Yelan Inasa narrowed his eyes, controlled the wind pressure to move upward, and shouted: Boom, you will use ice to carry out a double sniper attack next, I have already seen through it.

However, the next moment, what Yelan Inasa didn't expect was.

Hong Jiao Dong did not use the long-distance attack that he was best at in 3.6.

Instead, after emitting the flame, he directly entered the flame, hid in it, and rushed under Yelan Inasa.

Oh no!

Yelan Inasa was startled and subconsciously wanted to raise his hands to resist.

However, at this moment, Hong Jiao Dong, who was not good at close combat, hit him with a right fist one step faster.

Yelan Inasa was knocked upside down in mid-air and flew out.

Two seconds later, there was a muffled sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground.

The two fell less than a second apart.

Yarashi Inasa, off the court!

Hang Jiao Dong, inside the venue!

Midnight whip judgment, Hang Jiao Dong, advance to the finals!

PS: This is the 13th update. Because the number 13 is unlucky, I will update it again.

. Click update fourteen and check out the results then.

The author can be considered sincere.

76 I don’t take you seriously [New book is on the shelves, please be the first to order]

In the last step, I used the close combat that I am least good at to decide the outcome. I am really brave to take risks... Todoroki-san. Shoji Mezo felt incredible.

Because Todoroki Jiaodong has almost never used his fists so far, everyone in Class A also knows what level his close combat is. But it's no wonder, how many people got close to him?

Outside the ring, Yelan Inasa reluctantly got up, punched the ground, then turned over and fell, It's really... just a little bit short. At this time, what Yelan Inasa didn't expect was that Todoroki Todoroki actually walked up to In front of him, he stretched out his hand.

At this moment, he felt that the other person was not that annoying. After touching his teeth and smiling, he held the other person's hand.

After getting up, the two walked into the contestant tunnel amidst the cheers of the audience.

The Cement Division sighed and began to repair the damaged and fragmented arena.

At the same time, Mike announced and shouted: Next, it's the last match to decide the finalists, Class A, Muyasu VS Bakugou Katsuki! Please prepare for the entrance, two students!


Bakugou Katsuki stood up suddenly, with the aura of keeping away from strangers. He didn't even bother to walk through the aisle, and jumped directly to the arena.

Xiao Sheng...

Midoriya Izuku10 had a complex expression.

Oh, oh, Bakugo-san seemed so excited that he jumped down.

Mike said in a timely manner to stir up the atmosphere.

Where did that bastard go!?

Bakugo Katsuki pulled his neck and looked toward the entrance passage, but there was no trace of Wu An.

Didn't you hear that?

Uraraka Ochako asked curiously.

I, let me go take a look.

Eight million times, he was ready to get up.

Fortunately, at this time, Wu An slowly walked in from the entrance passage on the right.

At this time, he was wiping the corner of his mouth with a tissue, and he was holding a glass of iced Coke in his other hand.

Throw the paper towel back and accurately throw it into the trash can in the corner of the passage.

A golden shadow appeared in an instant, and with a squirt, the cap of the Coke bottle was pried open.

Wu An only took two sips and threw the bottle into the trash can.

This, this guy...

Bakugou Katsuki gritted his teeth.

He was already fighting with himself, would he still have time to go and eat? !

Now the two players are in their respective positions! They have shown overwhelming results in several previous competitions! Oh.My.God! The audience can't wait, right?

Mike eased the atmosphere and kept moving forward, causing Shota Aizawa to frown and pull his belt back, Get out of the way, you're blocking me.

This is already the third one! The third opponent we have played against Wu An from China!

Mike stepped aside slightly, but the volume did not decrease at all, In this game, can Bakugou-san reveal the true face of Takeyasu-san's mysterious personality!?

What a waste! Hurry up and announce the start!!!

Bakugo Katsuki roared angrily towards the commentary table.

Mike looked embarrassed, and Shota Aizawa also twitched his brows.

Although he also felt that this guy was extremely noisy, it was still a bit inappropriate for a student to scold the teacher like this in public.

Even the audience looked stunned and began to become impatient.

But I didn't expect that one of Xiongying's students would dare to treat the teacher in such a tone.

Let’s connect it to Katsuki Bakugou’s ruthless fighting method against Kazuka Kendou just now.

Everyone couldn't help but once again wonder why Katsuki Bakugou joined the Heroes.

Midoriya Izuku frowned and whispered: Xiao Sheng, he is anxious. Although he has been trying to keep himself calm, when he really faced Wu An, he still started to panic.

Beginning to get impatient.

Maybe Bakugou Katsuki's parents didn't understand their son that well.

The relationship between Midoriya Izuku and the other party is also really intriguing.

Mike pinched the golden retriever's mustache and said, Hahaha, I can't wait for you kid, then... Start!!!

The excitement of the game made everyone temporarily forget about Bakugou Katsuki's attitude just now, and they burst into amazing cheers.

Everyone was stunned by this exaggerated scene.

At this time, Todoroki Todoroki and Yelan Inasa also returned after simple treatment.

Can you decipher the truth about Wu An's substitute? Bakugou...

Hong Jiao Dong said in a deep voice.

He has to take a good look, which will be the key to whether he can beat Wu An in his next fight.

Unknowingly, everyone put Bakugou Katsuki in the loser's position.

I just want to know the secret of Wu An's substitute through him.

In a certain villa.

With a slim and plump figure and a hairstyle that is very similar to Bakugou Katsuki, the beautiful woman who looks less than thirty years old is nervously watching the live broadcast on the screen.

Katsuki, be careful, don't get hurt...

The beautiful woman murmured softly.

To deal with this guy, you don't need to take out [The.World], right?

Wu An looked at Bakugo Katsuki opposite and thought to himself.

Even he himself didn't notice that his eyes were filled with deep contempt unconsciously.

For Bakugo Katsuki, this is something that makes him more angry than verbal insults!

You look down on me? Twin bastards!

Bakugou Katsuki shouted.

Huh? No,

Wu An's tone was calm, as if he was stating the fact that he needed to take off his pants to go to the bathroom, I never took you seriously from the beginning to the end.


Midoriya Izuku secretly thought that it was not good.

Sure enough, when he heard Wu An's words, Bakugo Katsuki's whole body began to twitch.

The corners of his mouth trembled, the veins on his forehead protruded, and his pupils were bloodshot, You, what did you say?

I really hate it when I have to repeat the same sentence twice, durian head.

Wu An tilted his head and said: Hurry up and attack. I don't expect that fighting with you will make me any progress.


Bakugo Katsuki spoke his own mantra, and exploded with explosive impact with his left hand, pushing himself forward at a high speed. His right hand was shaped like a beast's claw, and he grabbed Wu Yasu's face.

It's very impressive. If the opponent is a female student, many viewers must have started praying for the opponent, right?

But this time it's different.

PS: The fourteenth update is here, and the first day of updates is completely over.

At the same time, a new month has arrived. Readers and friends, please continue to support us.

I feel uneasy.

77 Take the move! Grenades with a diameter of 20 meters exploded continuously!

Don't lose your cool! Bakugou boy!

All Might shouted inwardly. As a melee type, he knew better than anyone else that Wu An's melee ability was superior to any student in the class.

It's such an easy move to see through.

Wu An turned sideways slightly, using the shortest distance to avoid Bakugou Katsuki's right hand grabbing at him.

The next moment, his elbow bumped into his arm and directly grabbed the collar of Bakugou Katsuki's sportswear.

Turn over and buckle down!

Throw over the shoulder!

Shoji Mezo and others exclaimed.

Don't underestimate people!

Bakugou Katsuki shouted angrily, and at the moment when he was about to be pinned to the ground, he quickly pressed his left hand to the ground.

boom! !

The air wave generated by the golden light explosion pushed Bakugou Katsuki's body back into the air.

After flipping around in the air, he landed on the ground without any danger.

What a powerful reflex. Even Ye Lan and Todoroki can't compare to him, right?

Kirishima Eijiro, who had a tie with Kaminari Denki, also came back at this time.

He who spent the longest time with Bakugou Katsuki exclaimed in admiration.

But, didn't you realize that Wu An didn't even release a substitute?

Kaminari Electric stretched out his fingers and said.

Everyone looked over again.

Discovering that Bakugo Katsuki's palms were facing backwards, he burst into air waves and pushed his body forward quickly, like a rocket.

That's his Explosive Vortex!

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