Wu An stared blankly and whipped his leg out with one strike.

Bakugou Katsuki's left hand is facing left.


The intensified aftermath of the explosion shook Bakugo Katsuki's body to the right, avoiding Wu Yasu's whip leg.

The howitzer is firing!!

Swirling around in mid-air, Bakugo Katsuki was more than one and a half meters above the ground, spinning and impacting like a hot wheel.

Greedy and weak? Poor and weak!!!

Wu Yasu taunted loudly, raised his right foot suddenly, and hit Bakugou Katsuki's ankle with a quick step before his explosion hit him.

Bakugou Katsuki lost his balance in mid-air.


Wu An laughed evilly

Turning around, although not as exaggeratedly bulging as All Might, the extremely strong and conspicuous muscular fist hit Bakugou Katsuki's ribs with the back of his hand.

Expansion! !!

Is it a pop of air?

Or the sound of Bakugo Katsuki's ribs breaking?

never mind.


Bakugou Katsuki suddenly slid a dozen meters away on the ground before slowly stopping.

He was wearing a blue sportswear, now completely covered in dust.

Awesome...so awesome!

Has physical strength alone reached such a state?

That Bakugou Katsuki is like a child in front of him!

The audience burst into exclamations. Many of them had been unhappy with Bakugou Katsuki before, especially the students in Class B. At this time, they felt as if they had eaten popsicles on a hot day.

My whole body felt extremely comfortable.

Not a match at all.

Todoroki Todoroki narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of disappointment in Bakugou Katsuki in his tone.

I thought he at least had the ability to force Wu An to use that secret.

But now it seems that this guy is not even qualified to force Wu An to release a substitute.


Bakugo Katsuki suddenly got up from the ground, his hands exploded again and rushed forward.


Wu An turned sideways slightly, easily avoiding Bakugou Katsuki's impact.

It's not over yet! Bastard!

Bakugo Katsuki continued to attack with explosive punches.

And Wu An simply thought that the boxing skills in Chinese movies were average. He just tapped Bakugo Katsuki's wrist with his hand to completely shift the direction of his explosion target.

Hiccup, you are just playing tricks on little Bakugou, little Wu An...

Wabuki Meiyu said in a weird way.

Although she didn't like Bakugo Katsuki very much, she couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for him when she saw him in such a mess but unable to touch him at all.

No, that's not right,

At this time, Midoriya Izuku suddenly spoke, which immediately diverted the attention of the rest of Class A to him.

In the meantime, Izuku Midoriya frowned and looked at Bakugo Katsuki who seemed to be doing useless work in the field, and said: Xiao Sheng, he is not that weak. His real speed and strength are much higher than this state. He must have his own ideas.”

He frowned and said, How do you know? Midoriya-kun.

Absolutely nothing wrong.

Midoriya Izuku nodded swornly.

In fact, he himself couldn't tell the reason.

However, Muyasu, who didn't understand the specific strength of Bakugo Katsuki at all, couldn't hear Midoriya Izuku's words.

Finding the flaw in Bakugou Katsuki's attack, he kicked him in the abdomen and kicked him away.

Many places in the sportswear were scratched by the cement floor, and blood oozed from them.

'The difference in strength is too big!

It was just being played.

Durian head, hurry up and give up! I'm starting to pity you!

The opponent is too strong! It's not your fault, give up.

For a moment, the entire arena was filled with calls for Bakugou Katsuki to abstain.

Hey, Eraserhead, this isn't good. It's almost becoming school violence.

Mike opened his mouth and said to Shota Aizawa next to him.

a bunch of idiots,

Shota Aizawa said indifferently: Look carefully at Bakugo's eyes, do you think they look like giving up?


Mike turned around to look, and saw Bakugo Katsuki getting back up again with a pair of red eyes filled with determination and ecstasy.

The corners of his mouth turned up involuntarily, not to mention giving up, it was an expression that showed he was sure of victory.

All the audience were also confused.

Ye Landao (Ma Zhao) Zuo Yi looked in disbelief, What's going on with that guy Bakugo? You're still laughing after things like this?

Thank you so much! Arrogant twin bastards!

Bakugo Katsuki wiped the bruise on the corner of his mouth, raised his head and shouted: Look around you carefully! Idiot!

When Wu An heard this, his eyes moved slightly and he looked around his feet.

The dense water stains shone faintly under the reflection of the sun.

Under the illumination of high-definition cameras, everyone also saw this scene.

what is that?

Chang An wondered.

My sweat,

Bakugou Katsuki sneered: You can just understand it as something like glycerin.'

Continuous explosion trap negative?

Wu An said with a smile.

Bakugou Katsuki immediately twisted together and shouted angrily: Take the move! You bastard!

Grenades with a diameter of 20 meters exploded continuously! ! !

78The ability to control time!

Take the move! Bastard! Grenades with a diameter of 20 meters explode continuously!!!

As Bakugo Katsuki roared, his hands were like flints, igniting sparks at the starting point of the explosion array.






With Bakugou Katsuki's sweat as the fire, the explosion reached a height of more than ten meters and blasted straight towards Wu Yasu in the center with deafening violence.

The move that almost seriously injured Kendou Kazuya before seemed so unbearable in comparison this time!

Hey! If that move hits you, you will really die!

Ashido Sanna pressed her hands on the shoulders of Tobuki Meiyu in front of her and screamed in surprise.

Bakugo, this guy is so messy!

Kirishima Eijiro couldn't help but comment like this.

It's too exaggerated. With the ID card blessed with a huge amount of sweat as fire, even the flames unleashed by Hong Jiao Dong with all his strength may not be as good as this move.

Idiot, forget it, let me show you the true power of [The World]!

Wu An, who was about to be caught in the blast center in the next microsecond, raised his head and shouted.

450 Bakugo Katsuki’s face changed slightly, and the red pupils in his eyes shrank in an instant.

Smash it, Varudo!!!

Wu An raised his head and pointed forward with his left hand.

[The world] rushed out of the body in an instant.

At this moment, only Izuku Midoriya noticed.

The time on the big screen in the stadium happened to be at this time, reaching the time of 15:00:00

Boom! ! !

beak--! !!!!

Against the background of the bombing sound of the explosive array created by Bakugou Katsuki with his sweat.

Everyone only saw that Wu An and [The World] had disappeared from the original blasting center.

Appearing at the location where Bakugou Katsuki was just now.

Bakugo Katsuki himself was already flying backwards out of the field like a kicked football.

Going out of bounds!


Bakugo Katsuki, who spurted blood from his teeth, realized that if he continued like this, he would definitely go out of bounds.

Place your right hand behind you, palm open.

boom! ! !

At the last moment, he used the most powerful explosive vortex, which even exceeded the limit of his body.


There was a sound of something heavy hitting the ground.

Finally, when he was about to fly out in mid-air, he used the explosion to knock himself back.

However, the price paid by Bakugo Katsuki was too serious.

The entire flesh of his right arm was blasted with numerous small holes.

Compared to the miserable situation of Izuku Midoriya who forcibly used 100% ONE.FOR.ALL, it is only higher but not lower.

And at this moment, Midoriya noticed one by one

The time is still at 15:00:00!

This is--[The.World].

Wu Yasu stood where Bakugou Katsuki was standing just now, with his arms folded, looking down at Bakugou Katsuki lying on the ground.

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