Mantis, male knife, widow, Ike..?

Four hero options instantly appeared in Ye Fei’s mind…

“I really want to choose a widow…”


Gentlemen’s ideas are always the same!

Reverse thinking,

When building the backstory of Pride Stalker – Reingal…


He has an inseparable relationship with the praying mantis!

Moreover! Both are assassin-type wilderness!

On the bonds….

Will there be a different effect?

That’s right!

Why are you still stunned?

Choose a praying mantis!

Let those summoners see the square playing wild!

You have to prove it!

Void Marauder – Kazik!


It’s a carnivorous type to fight wild!


Ye Fei, who made up his mind…

Don’t hesitate to shout the name of that beast hero!

“Void Marauder – Kazik!”

“The hero I’m going to build is the Void Marauder – Kazik!”


The voice just fell

In the dark space….

Void breath, skyrocketing!

“This world is delicious!”

According to Ye Fei’s memories….

The faces, appearances, and postures belonging to the Void Marauders gradually emerged…

The mouth is constantly shedding deadly saliva.

The sickle-like claws emanated the threat of death

Bone spurs attached to both shoulders, extremely sharp!

As a nimble wild assassin, Kazik is very good at making surprise sneak attacks and dealing tons of damage in a short period of time.

In addition, Kazik’s unique evolution can also adapt to different hostile lineups and maximize his output.

“Change! It’s a good thing!!! ”

Hero image, positioning, set!

Immediately after, the backstory is perfected!

A vicious predator from the Void named Kazik has infiltrated Valoran and is ready to devour the continent’s most promising creatures.

After each hunt, he absorbs the power of his prey and makes himself more powerful.

The object of Kazik’s greatest desire to conquer and devour is Reingal, a beast whose strength is equal to his strength.

“Kill, eat, absorb!”

When Kazik first crossed into this world, he was very vulnerable and hungry.

The first group of animals he encountered were too weak to feed his rapid evolution.

So Kazik turned his gaze to the most dangerous creatures he could find, even at the risk of his life, to meet the supplies needed for evolution.

Each kill makes him feast, refreshed, and transformed into a stronger and faster predator.

Soon, Kazik began to hunt down his prey with an insatiable appetite, believing that he was unstoppable.

One day, while he was enjoying fresh prey, he was unfortunately left behind by the yellow finch.

A creature with fangs and iron came out from behind the shelter and slammed him to the ground. It roared in his face, tearing and scratching, and Kazik felt his blood spray out for the first time.

With an angry roar, he cut one of the beast’s eyes as a retaliation.

They fight from sunset to sunrise. In the end, they reluctantly separated, who were dying.

After his wounds healed, Kazik began to wry with the idea of devouring the prey that rivaled the strength of the Void creatures.

He redoubled his energy to studying this powerful prey. One day, Kazik will unload Raingar in eight pieces and taste them.

“Being: Grind my paws!! ”

“Hentai… of hunger! ”

Immediately after, the hero core is here!

Skill setting! Mechanism setting!

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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