"It's too much for an insider. We are just some magicians. In this field, it is the specialty of the Demon King, but we will collect it for you as soon as possible."

"Thank you so much, if you don't mind, can you start now?" Hikigu shook his head, turned around and walked upstairs, "Because I don't want him to come faster than your information."

Chapter [-] Changes

Chapter [-] Changes

Time waits for no one, Hikigu really thought so.

Because he knew that Osiris was likely to be resurrected sooner than the official history compilation committee expected.

Hikigu is not the Marquis in the anime, he is not eager to fight the gods at all, but it does not mean that he will not prepare for it, in fact he has never relaxed, especially for Osiris and Horu who appeared that night s.

He still liked watching the anime God Killer before he crossed over, because he liked it very much, and he didn't crawl too much back then.

Although I haven't read the original work of the legendary novel, there is still a lot of valuable information online.

Such as the inference of the relationship between myths and gods.

But one thing is certain, the myths that bound these gods were woven in the original posture of these gods from the beginning, and at that time, they were not gods.

The gods of disobedience are still gods, but they will return to the way they were before they were bound by the myth.

For their abilities, the content of mythology is the best reference, and the older it is, the stronger the reference.

One thing that can be determined is that Osiris, as the god of abundance and the underworld, is closely related to the Nile River, and is also the god of the Nile in the early days of Egypt.

Since there is a flood of water everywhere now, it means that his resurrection is imminent and may appear at any time.

Hikigu didn't know how the original marquis killed Osiris, so it had no reference value for him. The marquis can kill and he can kill are two different things.

Fortunately, he has always been learning about Osiris, and generally knows that the main godhead of this god is fertility and the underworld, as well as the guardianship of kingship.

This god was originally the god of plants in ancient Egypt and the river god of the Nile River. He was also the god of resurrection, rainfall and plants. He was a great king of ancient Egypt with extraordinary wisdom and great achievements. He was killed and resurrected by Seth. After that, he entered the underworld and became the ruler and judge of the kingdom of the dead. His authority in the sun world was entrusted to Horus. The father-son relationship between him and Horus was also regarded by the ancient Egyptians as a replica of the father-son relationship between the pharaohs , Horus sheltered the pharaohs of the sun, and he sheltered the dead pharaohs.

It is said that he is the child born by Nut and Geb due to an affair. Before he was born, Ra cursed Nut so that she could neither give birth in the middle of the month nor in the middle of the year, but Tot fell in love with Nut , he exerted the power of thought to overcome all uncertain factors, allowing Nut to produce and display everything that might have been enclosed in his stomach, so that Osiris and his younger brothers and sisters were born smoothly.

Osiris was the first to be born, followed by the four gods Aruerit, Set, Isis and Nephthys, of which Aruerit was the old Horus, also known as the Great Lotus Rus, and later some Greeks believed that Aruerite and Nephthys were Apollo and Aphrodite.

Hikigu really did a lot of preparation, if it wasn't for the limited time, he could have prepared more fully.

He felt that even if the official history compilation committee couldn't catch up, the knowledge he had accumulated over the years should be able to be effective, of course, that's all.

In the following time, Bikigu radiated the enthusiasm for reading books that he did not have during the college entrance examination.

Speaking of which, Hikigu actually had to read a book in order to make good use of the power he got from the god of typhoons, sandstorms, and war, who symbolized chaos and barbarism. He was so civilized that he wanted to cry...

And because he was reading all day and night, Komachi almost thought he was in trouble again.

During the period, some of the members of the current group who had been sleeping together even came to play with him, but unfortunately, now is not a good time to pretend to be coercive every day, so he declined.

He didn't want to become the object of Osiris pretending to be...

Everyone in Nima knows that they need to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily. He is going to fight with God. Not to mention that the preparation is not enough, but it is sufficient. Buddha's feet still have to be hugged.

In the battle with God, there is almost no chance of losing and starting again.

Then, a very happy thing happened. Before Osiris came, Qingqiuyuan Ena had already come.

Bring a USB stick.

The magicians seem to be very advanced with the times, and they are also fans of paperless office. Hikigu decided to give them a thumbs up.

"Are these enough?" Ena asked Hikigu, handing the USB flash drive.

"What you should say is, are you all here now?" Hikigu said with a smile.

"It's all in here." Ena looked a little embarrassed, "I just don't know if it's enough."

"That should be enough, it just makes me more resistant to God's power." Bikigu put away the USB flash drive and walked to the refrigerator, "Would you like something to drink?"

"Water is fine, thank you."

"Well, since that's all you like."

Hikigu shrugged, got himself a bottle of drink first, and then went to the kitchen to pour a glass of plain water.

He walked to the living room and handed the water to Ena. He sat down on the sofa, took a sip of his drink, and then asked, "Has anything changed recently?"

"It's still the same, there are Hong Xun everywhere." Hui Na held the cup and sat down carefully, her movements were very elegant, then she took a sip of the water in the cup, and then she suddenly remembered something and continued. , "The rice in many places has matured ahead of time and can be harvested. We are wondering if this is also related."

"Of course it has something to do with it." Hikigu smiled, "He is the god of plants and the master of the field."

"Will there be more changes? I mean, is he going to have other bad effects on the country?"

"Actually, I think even if there are changes, most of them should be good." Hikigu thought for a while and said.

After all, Osiris is a god of abundance, and most of the things he brings are good things.

Even the flooding of the river was a good thing for the ancient Egyptians, or the best thing of the year, because without the flooding of the Nile, Egypt would be a barren land.

But when such a thing is put into Japan, it will naturally become mostly bad.

Except for the flooding of the river, Osiris, as a fertile side, is only good for Japan, and if there is anything bad, it is probably only the rainfall.

Theoretically so.

"Yeah, that's what we thought too." Ena thought for a while, and smiled reassuringly.

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