But this girl actually believed it like that, it's really called Hikigu speechless.

Is there a mistake, who is the rookie in this industry?

The gods of disobedience are natural disasters, which means that no matter what they are in the mythology, they will just fly out, and they will invite disasters wherever they go.

This name was chosen by you magicians, don't you know...

Thinking so, suddenly a bell rang from Ena's skirt.

While drinking water, she quickly put down the cup and took out a flip phone from her skirt pocket.

"Yes, I understand!"

Hui Na closed the phone with a "pop", and her face had become ugly.

"Something happened," she said. "It's Chiba Village..."

"What happened?"

Chiba Village, isn't that the place where Osiris' big eyes brushed his presence?

Did another big eyeball pop out?

"The forest near Chiba Village suddenly grew last night, engulfing it, and many people are trapped in it now."

Chapter [-]: The Domain of the Gods

Chapter [-]: The Domain of the Gods

Hikigu felt that he and the bus should have a better relationship.

I took the bus to Chiba Village more than a week ago, and this time it was the bus again.

However, this time, the companion was changed to Qingqiuyuan Ena, and the driver became a magician.

By the way, he left in the "Blessing" of Hikiya Komachi "Are you going on a date again? Come on brother!".

And now, Hikigu is reading the materials brought by Seiqiuin Ena.

If Hikigu’s data on Osiris comes from books of Western mythology in this world, then the data of the official history compilation committee is the research data of the eight classics, but the research angle is completely different from that of secular mythology. aspect information.

This is also of course, the secular and magic society, the concept of myth is completely different.

In the eyes of secular scholars, myth is an expression of primitive ancestors' interpretation of their religious teachings, while people in the magic society regard it as a ritual, a combination of what each party needs. , or in other words, myth is constructed by man and god, and it is the foundation of the gods and the gods.

God does not need human belief, but without myths, there are no immortal gods, only some overly powerful beings, and the committee members believe that before becoming gods, these beings should be some kind of powerful and have a strong willpower and primordial elves of higher intelligence.

The so-called evidence is that there are elves in this world, and these elves are highly connected with nature and can be regarded as part of the laws of nature.

For example, there are earth spirits that can be seen everywhere. The number of such spirits determines the level of the earth spirit in the area. Even under certain conditions, these spirits can be embodied in the form of highly condensed energy. Powerful primordial elves that can condense human form, then after they are enshrined by humans, it is entirely possible to rely on myths to become gods.

At the same time, in the data, the committee also believes that just as human beings are divided into good and evil, these primitive elves also have such a distinction, and thus become the gods of good and evil in mythology.

In their view, Osiris should be a god evolved from the primitive elves who are inherently good.

For the study of Osiris, the reference object of this document is the pyramid inscriptions of ancient Egypt.

This is one of the three large hieroglyphic carriers left over from the ancient Egyptian civilization. It can be understood by being famous. It is a hieroglyph carved inside the pyramid. The content is a series of incantations related to funerals, rituals and magic. It can be regarded as ancient Egypt. A collection of religious documents from the Old Kingdom period, the other two are the coffin inscriptions in the Middle Kingdom period and the Book of the Dead in the New Kingdom period, and most of the content of the latter two comes directly from the pyramid inscriptions.

Its research value is unquestionable, and it is even more precious in the eyes of people in the magic society, because it not only contains incantations, funerals and liturgies in ancient Egypt, but also hymns to gods and ancient myths fragments. , the magicians were able to infer the original posture of the gods with more certainty.

For Hikigu, this is also the most valuable knowledge.

He also found that his previous thinking was slightly wrong, and it was biased to judge Osiris with the so-called godhead.

It is more appropriate to judge by characteristics, and he should be regarded as a god who symbolizes both life and death in nature and, in power, the continuation of kingship.

And he is not a native god of ancient Egypt, he should be from Syria, maybe a local sun god, his god name has the meaning of "the place of the sun", there is also a saying that his god name comes from somewhere in ancient times The word "strength" in his name is called "the mighty one", and because his wife Isis symbolizes the anthropomorphic throne, he is also called "the bearer of the throne".

In any case, it is not as simple as what Bikigu thought before. More precisely, what Bikigu knows is only Osiris in the nine gods system in the Heliopolis. In that system, Ossi Rees belonged to one of the Nine Great Gods, and his son, Horus, the former great god of Upper Egypt, was revered as one of the Lesser Nine Gods.

But before that, Osiris was already the god of ancient Egypt. There were more than [-] gods worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, but only about [-] of them could be worshipped as the main god in the whole country, and Osiris was one of them. One of them, his status is not the most noble, but his image is the most stable, and in the thousands of years of ancient Egyptian history, he has been widely worshiped by all classes without interruption. A supreme god like Ra has never attained.

It must be said that the gains are indeed great.

When Hikigu read and digested this knowledge, the familiar mountains had already appeared outside the window.

Compared with the last time, the breath here did not feel very friendly to him.

It seems to contain something like a certain emotion.

The parking place is also not the last parking lot, because it has been engulfed by the forest.

It is impossible for the bus to enter Chiba Village.

When Hikigu got out of the car, all he could see was the forest.

In this area, the extent of forest expansion can already be seen at a glance.

The speed is also visible to the naked eye, because Hikigu is watching how a new tree rises up in a place not far from him.

The feeling this forest gave him was that it was angry, very unfriendly and full of aggression.

"It excludes humans and things related to humans." Ena walked up to Hikigu and asked, "Do you think God is there?"

Hikigaya thinks this is a superfluous question.

It's true that the godslayer fights with the gods, but it's not a radar for the gods, okay?

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