Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 61 Secret Room

"Tom, I've been feeling a little drowsy lately. I don't know what's going on."

"Brian, you must have a cold, please take a good rest."

"But, I don't think this feels like a cold..."

"Just take a rest."

"Okay, I believe you, Tom."

Brian felt that his virtual consciousness gradually fell into a deep sleep, and his body was invaded by a will that was not his own.

He could feel his body and everything around him, but it seemed as if he was controlled by an unknown spell, and his body acted on its own.

Brian's will built a stronger wall deep in his mind, isolating the evil and cold will at the outermost layer.

He felt his body curl up the corners of his mouth, revealing a cold smile.

He took the diary and walked around the common room, then walked out the door.

He went straight up the stairs and finally came to a girls' bathroom on the second floor. After carefully observing that the ghost inside was no longer there, he came to a pool and hissed at the copper faucet with a small snake engraved on the side.

Brian kept his mind functioning at a minimum, thinking that Tom really couldn't wait any longer.

The faucet emits a dazzling white light and begins to spin rapidly. Then, the pool started to move, and it slowly disappeared from sight, revealing a thick water pipe that could accommodate a person.

He got in and quickly slid down the slippery pipe, like a slide with twists and turns. Finally, the pipe gradually became level, and he slowed down and slid out from the other end of the pipe.

Next, he walked along the dark stone tunnel, passed by a huge green snake skin, turned one corner after another, and hissed again in front of a stone wall carved with two intertwined snakes. With one sentence, the stone wall cracked from the middle. He walked in without pausing.

It's a long, dimly lit room with a huge statue in front of you. He stopped between the towering stone pillars and hissed a long snake language.

The mouth of the giant stone statue split open, and Brian found his body closing its eyes.

The eyes of the basilisk have extraordinary magical powers. Looking directly at it will kill people, while looking at it indirectly will turn people to stone.

There was a rustling sound approaching from the depths of the statue. It was the sound of a huge snake crawling. It fell to the stone floor, shaking the chamber. One person and one snake communicated in Parseltongue in words that Brian could not understand.

Brian heard a high-pitched laugh rising from his own throat.

Next, he climbed onto the basilisk's body, and Brian could feel the cold, clammy, hard scales. The basilisk carried his body through the pipes for a long time, and finally returned him to the original bathroom.

The pool returned to its original position, covering the thick water pipe, but the basilisk did not come out.

Brian watched as his body naturally returned to the common room, returned to the dormitory, and lay down on the bed.

The cold and evil aura entrenched in his body disappeared, and Brian's consciousness returned, isolated from Tom's influence. He opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling calmly, and said softly in his heart: "Very good, Tom."

He closed his eyes and recalled the few snake words that Tom said. A short sentence should be "open", a longer sentence should be a snake talk to release the basilisk and control it, and the last sentence should be "send me out". meaning of class.

Because it was said through his own voice, he was deeply impressed.

Before today, he used a witness point to bring his [Language Runes], which he had never upgraded, to an entry-level level.

Many languages ​​and runes in this world require specific talents, such as Parseltongue. It is difficult for human throats to accurately produce that sound, and it is difficult to distinguish the difference between different hisses. This obviously requires a kind of Innate talent. However, "linguistic runes" allowed him to circumvent the limitations of his talent to a certain extent.

Brian got up from the bed, put Tom's diary in his bag, put on his invisibility cloak and ran out.

"Hiss, hiss~"

Brian practiced for a long time in the Room of Requirement and finally mastered these sentences completely.

"As for how to control the basilisk?" Brian pondered for a moment, "Anyway, now I have the capital to negotiate cooperation with Tom."

Wearing an invisibility cloak, he came to the bathroom where the secret room was located again.

The ghost Myrtle is not here.

Brian snapped his fingers and called softly: "Ika!"

A house elf appeared beside him with a pop, bowed respectfully to him, and said in a sharp voice: "Master."

Although Apparition is prohibited at Hogwarts, it cannot stop house elves. This is indeed a vulnerability worth exploiting.

"Ika, I need your help." Brian said softly, "If we are in danger, you can apparate back here with me."

Although he learned the snake language, he was actually not sure whether the basilisk would attack him. After all, he didn't know much snake language, and he wasn't born with a Parseltongue. Taking Ika with you can help him escape at the critical moment.

"As you command, Master!" Ika said with honor, blinking his big eyes like glass beads.

"Open." Brian hissed, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the water pipe was revealed again.

"Follow me," he said to Ika.

They slid down the water pipe, stepped on the bones of countless small animals on the ground, passed the shed skin of the basilisk, and came to the huge statue again. Surrounded by stone pillars coiled with giant snakes, they cast eerie black shadows in the room.

The basilisk is no longer here, it seems to be back inside the statue.

Brian looked up at the statue carefully. It was a statue of Slytherin himself, with an old and thin face, and a sparse beard that reached the hem of his stone robes. Two eyes set with emeralds stared at him as if they were alive.

Brian examined it carefully and found an inscription on the back of the statue, using words that were twisted and twisted like a crawling snake.

"Is this supposed to be the sentence?" Brian pondered.

"But what do Slytherins think?" He couldn't understand Slytherin's thoughts. "Leaving a secret room and a basilisk in order to let his heir come back to purify the school? This is too stupid. "

"If he really wants to purify the school, why doesn't he do it himself instead of letting his heir complete it? What if that person doesn't want to purify the school?" Brian frowned and thought, "And what's left is a basilisk. This is very strange. It’s dangerous, and it’s easy to accidentally injure other little wizards. Even leaving a dark magic item behind should be more reliable than the basilisk.”

Whether judging from the history of magic textbooks or the secrets of the forbidden area, Slytherin is not a villain. On the contrary, he can indeed be called a great man.

As one of the founders of Hogwarts, it is recorded in secrets that he is a dark wizard. However, in addition to opposing Muggle-born wizards from entering Hogwarts, he was also a person responsible for the students. At that time It is also highly praised.

Before the disagreement, Slytherin was a good friend of Gryffindor, and there was no way he could be an evil person.

"Does Tom know?" Brian sighed, "Does Slytherin have any other considerations when leaving this secret room?"

"Ika, please confirm first, can you disapparate here?" Brian said softly to Ika, who was looking around timidly.

"Okay, Master." Ika screamed back, disappeared into thin air, and then returned to the same place. "Yes, Master!"

"Very good. Close your eyes, Ika, and don't open them without my order." Brian applauded, moved a little further away from the stone statue, hissed in his mouth, and said the words like a parrot.

The statue's mouth opened again. Brian closed his eyes and felt the big snake crawl out, coiling around the feet of the stone statue and hissing.

Brian felt Ika holding his arm tightly, as if he was ready to apparate away at any moment. He lowered his head, opened his eyes slightly, and saw the huge snake body sliding and coiling on the ground. It has bright green scales, like beautiful jade.

Brian stood in the distance, his body tensed, alert to the sudden attack of the basilisk.

Fortunately, things were not bad. The basilisk sat aside and glided docilely on the ground, with no intention of attacking him.

After a three-minute stalemate, the basilisk swam out the door on its own, probably in search of food.

Brian breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

The mouth of the Slytherin statue was still open, and it was dark inside, like a huge mouth leading to an abyss.

Brian's heart moved, and he ordered the house elf who still had his eyes closed tightly: "Ika, open your eyes. Send me into the cave."

Ika grabbed Brian's arm and rotated it slightly, and the two figures appeared out of thin air in the statue's mouth.

Inside was a long circular corridor. They continued to move downward along the sloping corridor. Gradually, a glimmer of green light appeared in front of them.

They walked out of the cave, and what appeared in front of Brian's eyes was another secret room!

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