Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 62 Showdown

There is another secret room hidden here!

Brian looked around.

It was a huge, circular room that looked empty. There is a green light like water waves around, making this place not completely dark.

Countless snake sculptures are carved on the walls of the room, and their eyes made of emeralds shine with green light, adding some horror and eeriness to the place.

There were traces of giant snakes crawling on the edge of the room, and Brian knew that the basilisk usually lived here.

In the middle of the circular room, there stands a tall circular altar, which is made entirely of black-green stone. It is surrounded by rotating stone steps that lead directly to the top of the stone altar.

Brian walked up the rotating stone steps step by step, the sound of his footsteps echoing hollowly around him.

Finally, he reached the end of the stone steps. There were two small round platforms in front of him, and an ancient stone wall behind them. On the stone wall, there was a line of words carved in snake script.

Brian walked to the nearest larger round platform. On it was a model of a castle, with countless small parts changing at any time.

Brian recognized it at a glance. It was a model of Hogwarts!

He could see the main building of the castle, Ravenclaw's tower, astronomy tower, greenhouse, stadium and other buildings, the lake in the grounds, and Hagrid's hut. And those small parts that are constantly changing are the stairs that always change positions in Hogwarts, the secret passages that appear alternately, and the doors and windows that open and close.

This model is extremely detailed, and even all the hanging paintings have been perfectly restored. When Brian focused his gaze on a location, the place zoomed in before his eyes. He could see the portraits moving, and even saw Filch and Mrs. Norris on night watch!

Brian pursed his lips and turned his gaze in the direction of the principal's office, which magnified in front of his eyes. A little man with white hair and white beard is taking a nap in the armchair in front of the desk. A golden-red bird is standing on a high perch preening its feathers. The old principals in the portrait are snoring.

He glanced at his dormitory, but there were only three people's names there, and no specific images appeared. This is true for all other dormitories.

"Real-time monitoring?" Brian opened his eyes wide. As for the special situation in the dormitory, Brian can understand it.

Everything in the castle appeared before him, except for the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and offices. There was a thick black-red fog lingering there, which looked evil and ominous.

"So, this should be Voldemort's curse on this position?" Brian pondered. He followed the black and red traces and found Lockhart's office.

The little man representing Lockhart is sitting at his desk writing furiously, wrapped in the same thick fog.

"It seems that this castle model has a lot to do with the actual castle." Brian said with emotion.

"Voldemort should have used this model as a medium to cast the curse." He analyzed, "This makes it clear."

You must know that a curse requires a medium, and it also needs a clear and definite goal. He had always been curious about how Voldemort managed to curse a position. The scope of this curse was too broad.

If a model that is closely related to the castle is used as a medium, it will be understandable.

"But why is there a model of Hogwarts here?" Brian pondered and tried to move it. Unfortunately it didn't move at all.

"What a pity. It would be nice if it was something like the Marauder's Map." Brian shook his head regretfully.

He walked towards another smaller round platform with only a diamond-shaped groove on it. It faced the text written in snake language on the stone wall.

Brian twitched the corner of his mouth, he couldn't understand the snake text.

"It seems we have to get some advice from Tom Riddle." He said softly.

"Ika, take me back." Brian took one last look here and disappeared.

After telling Ika not to tell anyone what happened tonight, Brian returned to the dormitory. Sleep came over him and he fell asleep quickly.

Brian woke up the next day with a cold. His already pale skin was now even whiter and almost transparent. He touched his forehead and found that he had a fever.

"Sure enough, Tom's possession is still harmful." Brian knew the reason for his cold. When he was possessed, he was keenly aware that part of his life force was swallowed up by Tom. Fortunately, it was only a little bit, which was probably a bad cold.

Brian sneezed and asked Draco to take leave for him.

He prepared a bottle of cold medicine in his dormitory. After drinking it, he fell into a deep sleep until the night. When he woke up, his cold was almost gone, but he was still very hungry.

Brian came to the common room where the little wizards were doing their homework. Daphne whispered worriedly: "Brian, are you okay?"

"It's just a cold. It's much better now." Brian smiled.

"That's good, I brought you dinner." Daphne handed over a bag of sandwiches, small cakes and pumpkin porridge with a bright and gentle smile.

"Thanks, Daphne. I'm hungry." Brian took it with a smile. He took out a sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I guess Draco and the others couldn't think of this." Daphne said reservedly.

The next two weeks passed quietly.

Brian attended classes as normal, practicing Potions with Professor Snape twice a week, and the rest of the evening he went to the Room of Requirement to practice spells and learn alchemy.

His Oblivion Charm has made significant progress. He released the silver snake Ofer a few days ago. It is currently getting along well with Draco, causing Blaise to stay away from them recently. , before he could get out of his original psychological shadow, he shivered when he saw the snake.

He can only teach himself alchemy at present, but now he can skillfully make some relatively simple alchemical items with a single effect.

As for Tom's diary, he hasn't talked to him in the past two weeks. Brian decided to leave him alone for a few days.

These days, he also received another letter from Hermione. Because of her impulsive provocation, the little witch ignored him for a long time.

"Sorry, Brian. I'm not angry. You did help me that day and I'm grateful to you. I just don't know what to tell you. Ron is still angry.

"I apologize for what Ron said that day. He has recently realized that he shouldn't have said that. But to be honest, you shouldn't have taken direct action that day. It was irrational and would only intensify the conflict.

"I think the dispute between the two colleges is more serious than I thought. We all need some time to calm down and think about a way out..."

It seems that the little witch finally realized this irresolvable conflict of ideas, and she was shaken by her naive idea.

Brian wrote in reply:

"Thank you for your letter, Hermione.

"I was really impulsive that day, and I was very angry that he involved my family. Thinking about it now, there was indeed a better solution at the time, but I chose the one that was least able to solve the problem.

"I also apologize to Weasley for this, but in fact, I also hope that he can be calmer and see the deeper nature, instead of just taking his imagination as fact.

"The conflict of ideas between the two colleges has been around for a long time. It existed when the school was founded and has lasted for thousands of years. Considering the current situation in the wizarding world, it cannot be solved casually.

"I think we are still young now and have time to find and try better solutions..."

The relationship between the two returned to its original state, but in the exchange of learning, Brian was now guiding Hermione more. Of course, the little witch's knowledge reserve is still very extensive, and she can always come up with different ideas and inspire Brian a lot.

By the time Brian finally remembered Tom's diary, it was already late October.

Brian dug out the tattered diary from the bag at the bottom of the box. When he wrote the first greeting, Tom couldn't wait to reply.

"Brian, you haven't talked to me lately, what happened?"

Brian didn't reply directly, instead assessing the intensity of Tom's influence on him. Tom did become a little stronger, but fortunately only a little. Even if Tom hides some power, it won't affect him.

"Tom, I feel something is wrong." Brian started to use Occlumency with all his strength and wrote with his pen.

"What's wrong?"

"That night, after chatting with you, I felt drowsy." Brian pondered and wrote. "The next day I woke up from bed with a bad cold, and found that I had completely forgotten what happened that night. Back to the dormitory."

"You were indeed not in good spirits that day, and I was worried about you at the time." Tom comforted him empathetically, "I don't know what happened next, but I think you either fainted there and were sent back by someone. On the bed. Or he went back by himself, but his mind was dazed at the time and he had no memory."

Brian was silent, looked at Tom and then wrote: "This has happened to me before, so don't worry too much. But I think you are indeed sick. Have you gone to the school hospital to check your health?"

"I didn't go," Brian wrote.

"Then you'd better go and have a look." Tom said with concern, "Or you can tell me more about your worries. I'm willing to share your worries. After all, you are my only friend."

"I think you know why, don't you?" Brian narrowed his eyes, not intending to continue acting with Tom.

"Why do you think I know?" Tom asked.

"That night, I had an impression." Brian wrote beautifully. "I seemed to see my body moving, and then going to a very unusual place."

Tom was silent for a while, and some writing appeared on the notebook: "You must be dreaming, or have you ever experienced sleepwalking?"

"No, that's not sleepwalking, but another person took over my body and acted without permission. Tom, it's you..."

"Brian, I'm just a diary, it has no power." Tom's retort seemed a little weak. "To take over a person's body, it may be a very powerful black magic item. Who would use a tattered diary?" How about making it into a powerful item?"

“But it’s all what you said, Tom, and only you know whether it’s true or not,” Brian wrote. “So these days I’m trying to find the answer in books.”

"In other words, I am also hesitating whether to go and see Dumbledore."

Thank you Yiyu for the 100 starting coins~

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