Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 67 Death Anniversary Party

On the evening of Halloween, the auditorium had been decorated with live bats by professors. Hagrid brought huge pumpkins from his hut and carved them into lanterns, big enough for two or three people to sit in them.

Everyone is happily preparing for the Halloween party. It is said that Blaise prepared a large bag of fluttering human-faced moths and prepared to release them during the banquet.

Theodore heartily advised him not to do this if he did not want to be beaten to death by the angry little wizards.

Daphne tied up her silky blond hair with a bat-shaped bow, and her blue eyes turned red with her magic. She thought it made her look like an imp, but Brian thought she looked more like a rabbit.

Draco was trying to collect a group of fake bats that were flying randomly in the dormitory. Goyle accidentally knocked over the container and released them. The fake bats were flapping their wings and flying around.

"The net is heavy!" A fake bat hit Brian's face, and he couldn't bear it and used the magic spell Mrs. Greengrass used during the holidays to catch them all.

"Oh, you did such a good job." Draco said with a disgusted look on his face, "I didn't remember to help until they hit me in the face."

"I see you're having a lot of fun." Brian smiled.

"I heard you're not going to the party tonight?" Draco asked, his gray eyes full of inquiry.

"Well, I want to see a completely different scene." Brian held his chin and said, "A ghost party. I think it will be the ultimate collision between life and death..."

"Oh, that's really romantic," Draco said slowly, "Maybe you can taste what moldy maggot-infested bread tastes like."

"So I've already prepared." Brian pointed to the food on the side, "Actually, I've already had dinner in advance."

When everyone set off for the auditorium, Brian walked alone toward the underground classroom. In the dark hallway leading to the party, Brian saw Luna. She wore a pointed hat with big bat wings, and the necklace around her neck was replaced by small orange pumpkins.

"Hi, Luna." Brian smiled and walked over to say hello.

Luna was looking at the surrounding decorations with interest. Thin black candles were lit in the corridor, emitting blue light, making the place look even colder.

"Hi, Brian," she responded as if waking up from a dream.

There was an unpleasant sound coming from the front of the corridor, like a thousand nails scraping against the blackboard, which made Brian frown.

"Is this the music that ghosts like? It's very different." Luna walked forward briskly. "Perhaps what the ghosts hear is completely different from ours. I think Dad can comment on this on the Quibbler. an article."

"Interesting topic." Brian said calmly, "I look forward to the day when I can read it."

"That may be a long time later." Luna said, "Dad is trying to find a way to find the Scimitar-Horned Snorlax."

"What is a Snorlax?"

"That's a magical creature. Dad said it should be a creature with curved horns and a very docile personality." Luna said in an erratic tone.

"In other words, it has not been found?" Brian said.

"Yes, but we're trying to find it."

"Since it has not been found, why do you confirm that it must exist?"

Luna looked straight at Brian with her silver eyes for a moment and said, "They must exist. Dad also found the horn of the Snorlax."

"Okay." Brian nodded, and they turned the corner and saw the almost headless Nick standing at the door.

The ghost of Gryffindor was draped in a black velvet curtain, his expression looking infinitely sad.

"Hello, Sir Nicholas. Forgive us for attending your death anniversary party uninvited." Brian said gracefully.

"Ah, Barrow told me," Nick said, "Welcome, welcome, it's an honor to have you join us." He took off his hat and bowed gracefully.

The two entered the underground classroom, and Brian swore that he had never seen such a strange and strange sight.

The underground classroom was crowded with hundreds of translucent milky white ghosts, floating around in the dance floor, waltzing to the harsh and scratchy music. All the lights were dim blue, and the air was extremely cold, as if entering a refrigerator.

"It's so beautiful, brilliant and silent, like the opposite of the human world." Luna sighed in a hollow voice.

"Maybe." Brian expressed reservations about the adjective beautiful, "but it is indeed a scene that will be unforgettable for a lifetime."

They walked up to Blood Man Barrow. He had a gloomy look on his face, and his body was covered with blood, making all the ghosts around him stay away from him involuntarily.

After saying hello to Barrow, they separated. A flying ghost passed through Brian's body, making him shiver violently as if he had fallen into a puddle of ice water. The ghost turned back and smiled at him.

Brian tightened his robes, unable to bear the harsh music. He found several familiar ghosts, including the ghosts of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, and they communicated.

Each ghost has a different understanding of the secret of death, or they don't have a deep understanding of it.

Hufflepuff's ghost, the fat monk, was happy to discuss death with Brian. He had a lively, cheerful and talkative personality. The surrounding ghosts also chimed in from time to time, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

They all chose to return instead of moving forward after death, so they returned to their original world as ghosts. As for death, some people think it is a darkness that contains everything, some people think it is another road, some people think it is new life, and so on.

"But, death is always calling those who are closer to it." The fat monk said kindly, "It is always full of fear and temptation, like poisonous honey, which makes people want to stay away, but they just can't. I can’t stop.”

Brian pondered, and at this moment three little wizards walked in at the classroom door.

The three little wizards had complicated expressions. They carefully shuttled among the ghosts, fearing that they would pass through the body of any ghost.

"Foley, why are you here?" Harry looked at Brian in surprise, his eyes full of surprise.

Ron snorted softly and turned his head to the side.

"Oh, Brian?" Hermione blinked.

The three people walked around cautiously, and Hermione said, "Why are you here?"

"Good evening." Brian nodded slightly to them.

A quiet smile appeared on his pale face, which looked very strange in this environment: "I am looking for the secret of death."

"Death?" Hermione looked at him strangely. She looked around, and there was indeed no place closer to death than here.

But doing this kind of thing in this kind of atmosphere always seems a little weird and scary.

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore." She said unnaturally, and Brian saw Harry and Ron tugging at the hem of her clothes.

Brian said goodbye to the Fat Friar and the others, and found Luna in the dance hall beside the dining table. She was dancing cheerfully with a ghost. Her dance steps seemed exaggerated and casual.

When the song ended, Luna stopped dancing. There was a smile on her face, and her hazy eyes seemed very relaxed. She said briskly: "I don't like dancing very much, but I want to except ghosts. Because I don't have to worry about stepping on him all the time." feet."

Brian smiled slightly and they looked at the food on the table. Beautiful silver platters held rotten meat, charred bread, maggot-infested pies, and moldy cheese. They give off a bad smell.

Brian handed Luna some bread he had brought and said, "If you can still eat it... I don't think you want to eat the food here."

Luna thanked him easily, took the bread and ate it without changing her expression, not being affected by the food on the table at all.

Brian looked at her steadily, his face calm.

"I don't like the way you look at me right now, Brian." Luna said vaguely.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Brian looked away and said sincerely, "I think there are many qualities in you that fascinate me."

"I hope you will think that I am an interesting person." Luna looked at him with wide eyes.

"I'm working hard... I hope we can be friends, Luna." Brian said softly, looking at the silver ghosts passing by.

"If you think about it, we already are." Luna said seriously.

At this time, the almost headless Nick floated in from outside the door. Brian said goodbye to Luna, who was still lingering, and quietly left here.

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