Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 95 Continued Story

"Later, I remembered Sir Barrow's words..."

"Fifty years ago, it was Tom who captured the Heir of Slytherin and ended the attack."

"Then, before Christmas, I found out that the person who was captured was Rubeus Hagrid." Brian looked at the two people and said, "When you went to inquire about the news on Christmas, I told you, I also hope you can get some news from him..."

Harry looked a little embarrassed, and he said uncomfortably: "We...we can't have this conversation with him..."

"Okay, I understand." Brian nodded, "To be honest, I don't believe that Hagrid is the heir. That is even more outrageous than you being Potter. After all, from any aspect , I don’t even see that he has any potential as the heir of Slytherin..."

Harry coughed lightly and looked at him dissatisfied with his emerald green eyes.

"And since he has been the hunting ground warden of Hogwarts for so many years, there is no need for him to open the Chamber of Secrets again at this time..." Brian continued without changing his expression.

"So I really panicked. I had a hunch that the matter in the secret room was inseparable from Tom's diary." Brian said, "I began to think that it might really be an evil object that would control the holder. "

"After all... it makes sense that the instigator would catch someone to pay for the crime, doesn't it?" Brian said in an erratic tone.

Harry and Ron looked at each other and swallowed in unison.

"What happened next?" Harry asked dryly.

"Later, of course I continued to investigate. If things happened because of me, I would have to take responsibility." Brian said calmly, "I started to trace everything that happened fifty years ago, and the dead student Maybe it’s a breakthrough.”

"Did you find out that person's identity?"

"Yes, you should even be familiar with her." Brian smiled, "The dead girl's body was found in a bathroom..."

"The bathroom..." Harry murmured and repeated, and then said in disbelief, "Could it be... that it's Moaning Myrtle?"

Ron frowned, looking a little surprised.

"I think it should be her." Brian smiled.

"What did you learn about her?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Not yet, I came here to find you first."

"Let's ask her!" Harry jumped up and ran towards the other end of the corridor. Ron also chased after him.

"Hey..." Brian opened his mouth, sighed helplessly, and muttered to himself, "As expected of Gryffindor."

He also raised his feet and chased after her.

They came to the bathroom on the second floor. Weeping Myrtle was sitting on the water tank of the toilet in the innermost room, with a depressed and gloomy expression.

"Oh, it's you," she looked up at Harry with tearful eyes, "What do you want to do this time?"

"I wanted to ask how you died," Harry said.

Myrtle's expression suddenly changed, she looked honored and proud. She said with relish: "Oh, that's terrible. It happened here, and I died in this single room."

"I remember very clearly. I was hiding here crying, and suddenly I heard someone coming in. What they said was funny, it must be in another language." Myrtle showed a recalling expression, "But this made me feel annoyed. , because it was a boy's voice. So I opened the door and yelled at him to go away..."

"Then what?" Ron asked nervously.

"Then..." Myrtle puffed out her chest proudly, her face glowing with glory, "I died."

"How did you die?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." Myrtle said mysteriously, "I just remember seeing a pair of scary big yellow eyes, and then I floated away... Then I came back..." She said with a smile, "Let Those who have laughed at me are deeply regretful.”

"Where did you see those eyes?" Harry asked.

"It's almost there." Myrtle casually pointed to the pool in front of her.

Harry and Ron hurried over and looked up and down. Brian stood quietly aside, watching with great interest along with Myrtle.

"Oh, little boy, or little girl, what's your name? You're the one I like..." Myrtle seemed to be in a good mood and said to Brian in a frivolous tone.

"Sorry, I don't like you." Brian said softly and politely, keeping a smile.

Myrtle's eyes suddenly became misty, and big drops of silver-white tears rolled down her translucent cheeks. She cried loudly and got into the toilet, splashing the water in the toilet everywhere. All.

"I knew that no one would look upon the fat Myrtle, the ugly Myrtle, the pitiful, sniveling, sullen Myrtle..." She sobbed loudly, her voice muffled.

"At least you're self-aware." Brian added lazily.

"Wow -" Myrtle's cry became louder, and she poured toilet water on Brian, but Brian walked out of the stall early.

"I found it!" Harry said. Ron leaned over. They looked at the copper faucet with a small snake carved on the side.

Harry turned the faucet, but found that no water came out.

"Try using Parseltongue, Potter." Brian leaned over and said softly, "The heir of Slytherin should be able to speak Parseltongue. That's why I'm looking for you."

Harry stared at the snake, trying to think of it as a real snake, and said, "Open it."

"No, Harry, you are speaking human language." Ron said.

Harry looked at the snake, shaking his head and forcing himself to imagine it as a real snake.

"Open," he hissed.

Under a burst of dazzling white light, the thick water pipe hidden under the pool was revealed to everyone.

Harry and Ron looked at the bottomless pipe and took a deep breath.

"What should I do?" Ron asked.

"Do you want to go down?" Harry swallowed, looking a little undecided. He looked at Brian.

"You...you want to go down there without knowing what the monster is inside?" Brian looked very puzzled.

He didn't understand. When faced with this situation, shouldn't he think of going to the professor first?

The choices made by Harry and the two in the original book also puzzled Brian.

"Perhaps Gryffindor's adventure factor drives them particularly strongly at times like this." Brian could only comfort himself, "It drives them to commit suicide..."

"Yeah, what could it be?" Harry said a little discouraged, "It would be great if Hermione was here."

"I think I know what it is," Brian said.

"What is it?" Ron asked.

"It can communicate with people in Parseltongue, so it must be a snake monster." Brian said softly, "It has a pair of big yellow eyes that can turn people to stone, but Myrtle looked directly into its eyes and immediately turned to stone. die……"

"I know there is such a creature - the basilisk." Brian said slowly, "It is also called the snake king."

"It is hatched from a male egg by a toad. It is very huge and can live for hundreds of years. Its venom is very terrible. Its glare can kill people, and its eyes can also kill people if they look at it indirectly. It turns people to stone. Spiders will flee for their lives when they see a basilisk, and the rooster is the natural enemy of the basilisk because its crow is fatal to it.”

"I understand!" Harry clapped his hands, "So we always see spiders lining up to escape, and Hagrid's rooster is gone. And the sound I keep hearing is actually the basilisk in the water pipe. Move in..."

"Then those petrified people all saw its eyes indirectly." Harry mused, walking around excitedly, "Mrs. Norris's place...well, there is a pool of water. Filch is in Saw a reflection in the window pane, the Hufflepuff witch was wearing glasses. Justin and Hermione have a mirror there!"

Harry suddenly turned to Brian and said, "So, Foley, are you wearing glasses to prevent basilisks?"

"Yes, it's not difficult to think that the monster is a basilisk. Spiders, roosters, petrification, and possibly snakes - after all, Slytherin loves snakes - there are too many clues." Brian said, "As long as there are more Read a book about monsters and it shouldn’t be hard for anyone with a brain to spot them.”

Harry and Ron coughed awkwardly.

"So, do you think Dumbledore knows?" Harry said suddenly.

"I can't think of a reason why he wouldn't know, Potter." Brian said with a wink.

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