Hollywood Road

Chapter 122: Blame him

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Someone is frightened by a horror film. There may be many factors. For example, the body is not very good. If it is another film, it may not be a good thing for the audience to faint, but a horror film frightens people. In the past, doesn't this explain the horror of the film? At least this is not a bad thing.

Murphy's head was turning quickly, "Do you still have an impression of the person who frightened?"

"What do you want to do?" Carla Faith over there was immediately alert.

After walking two steps back and forth, Murphy said to the phone, "I will communicate with Fox Searchlight, and see if I can find a media outlet to interview you. Can you describe the situation at that time..."

"Then a few words of praise for you?" Carla Faith's voice was slightly mocking, "Is that so?"

Murphy also didn't have the need to hide, "Don't you think this is a good gimmick? The marketing cost of the film is limited."

There was silence for a second, and Carla Faith’s voice sounded again, “The person who was frightened was a professor at Columbia University. Please contact the media and call me. I will help you test his willingness to accept an interview. ."

"I won't say thank you." Murphy laughed.

Hanging up the phone, he stood in the courtyard and looked up at the sky. "Saw Fright" has been pushed into the theater. Whether it succeeds or fails depends on this weekend.

Picking up the phone, Murphy dialed Tony Guzman's number again, and mentioned the idea just now to the other party. Probably the $260,000 publicity fee has not been fully spent, or it may be calculated by Fox Searchlight. The data is very good, Tony Guzman said that he would communicate this with the above.

Near noon, Tony Guzman walked into the office of his immediate boss, Godin Clyde. Things went well beyond his expectations. After he finished speaking, Godin Clyde just thought. In half a minute, he called the marketing department and the public relations department and asked to contact the media under Fox to interview the frightened audience as soon as possible.

"Oh, there's more." Tony Guzman said again when he was about to leave, "Murphy Stanton hopes that the company can pass on to him all the latest statistics about Chainsaw."

This was agreed upon when the two parties signed the contract. Godin Clyde nodded, took out a document from a file box on the right hand side, and gave it to Tony Guzman, "This is just received. The attendance statistics of 30 click-on theaters this morning."

He waved his hand, Tony Guzman left with the file, walked into the secretary's room next to him, and went directly to the fax machine. Before sending the fax, he opened it and took a look.

It is already noon in Western time, and all theaters showing "Chain Saw" have ended their screenings in the morning. The data collected by the computer network is also here as soon as possible.

Thirty theaters screened a total of 60 "Saw Cry", with a total audience of 1,500 people.

That's it! Tony Guzman suddenly realized, no wonder Godin Clyde agreed so quickly. It turned out that the attendance rate in the morning was very good.

With an average of more than 20 people in each show, it looks average, but Tony Guzman will not forget that it is Friday morning!

If calculated according to the average ticket price of 6 US dollars, the North American box office of "Chain Saw" has already reached 9,000 US dollars, and the single-library box office has also reached 300 US dollars.

Attendance rates in the afternoon and evening will definitely increase significantly. This is the inevitable law of the market, and there will be more screenings. The box office of the single hall on the first day may break through $3,000. As long as the reputation of the film is guaranteed, the box office on Saturday may increase again. , In this way, the box office of a single venue in the first weekend is very likely to break the $10,000 mark.

Then in the next week, "Chain Saw" will definitely increase the scale of screenings...

The next step is to look at the word-of-mouth of the film. For projects with limited investment like this, word of mouth is very important!

Since there are only 30 theaters showing, Fox Searchlight also found a survey and consulting company to do statistics at the screening site. Audience word-of-mouth things can’t be reflected in the media at all, and the scores are sometimes separated from the film critics. .

Fox Searchlight did not specifically invite professional film critics to participate in the screening. It is basically impossible for a plasma horror film to be praised by these guys, and they will not use their opinions to measure market response. That way, only wrong judgments can be obtained. The opinions of the fans who watch the movie will be more important.

In North America, there is a company like CinemaScore that specializes in market scoring, but Fox Searchlight can't expect such a large company to focus on small-scale productions.

Like this kind of small productions, there are a lot of them in North America every week, most of them are three-day theater trips. Who will pay attention to them?

Moreover, it would not cost much to ask a research and consulting company to send a few people to do on-site investigations. The Fox searchlight is completely affordable. This is also the planned budget.

Dianying must be dominated by large cities.

At the door of a theater in Long Island, New York, a movie fan recalled the plot of the movie he had just watched, "Yes, I watched "The Chainsaw", it scared me to death!"

He lightly patted his chest, seeming to be a little afraid, "Such a good horror movie, I haven't seen it in a few years. I will bring my brother to see it tomorrow. He is always courageous, maybe he will be scared to sleep. Not aware of it."

With a mischievous smile and some compliments, he left the theater.

At an independent theater in Venice, Los Angeles, a black man walked out of the theater and was stopped by someone. Hearing the question about "Chain Saw", he opened his mouth and revealed two rows of white teeth. "I don't think it is too scary. Those The killing device is so cool! There is a final ending, the ending set by the director is too unexpected!"

Several people passed by, and they were also discussing the movie.

"What's the name of the director and screenwriter? Oh, yes, it's Murphy Stanton. This guy is too mean. Isn't this ending like a shame?"

"Cut!" Another person dismissed such a statement. "Is this a shame? It's obviously the director's ingenious idea. Don't you think that Murphy Stanton's movie is free from Hollywood stereotypes?"

"That's right! That's right!" the person next to him echoed, "With such a novel movie to watch, I would like to be **** every day!"

"This director is obviously talented and has ideas. Don't use your ignorance to attack people..."

A mess of noise, followed by footsteps away.

After watching the movie and eating lunch outside, Daisy returned home, sat down with a glass of water and rested, and came to the computer.

From the beginning of "Fruit Candies", she found that the director named Murphy Stanton was very interesting. Although the blood scale of this "Chain Saw" is a bit large, it does not fully meet her appetite, but the suspenseful color and The plot structure is really outstanding, especially the scene where the old man stood up and everyone in the movie hall was stunned, which is still fresh in my memory.

It's easy to win applause, but how many directors can the audience watch?

After booting up and connecting to the Internet, Daisy opened IMDB proficiently, and after a simple search, she found the Murphy Stanton section. After the release of "Fruit Hard Candies", the other party already has his own IMDB number, but he The exclusive section below is deserted, except for a few sentences introducing the director’s personal information, the name of the film "Fruit Candies" and the IMDB link, there is nothing else at all.

However, this time Daisy found a difference. Not only did he add "Saw Cry" to his works, there were also several people who left messages in the discussion group.

"It's so deserted, am I the first to leave a message? It looks like it is, who is the director Murphy Stanton? Why is there not even a personal picture on IMDB? It's too mysterious, right? But the director's work is me. Like, I wanted to sleep after watching the movie in the morning, but I was so scared that I could not fall asleep. I was afraid that if I fell asleep, I would be caught by Murphy Stanton and play those horrible games. Well, someone can add him 'S picture?"

This was a message at around 12 noon. At 12:20, someone broke in again.


A string of swear words was blocked by the website. This person seems to be very hot and wants to find a place to vent, "Where is the perverted director named Murphy Stanton? Why did he shoot this film so terrifyingly, so that my girl My friend was scared and cried, and is still crying! I am so angry!"

The first person who left a message replied, "It's so scary, you can ignore it, isn't this torture?

The man replied, "The eyes are really inseparable from the screen. Originally, I saw her crying, and told her to close her eyes or leave the stage early, but she said that she disagrees with anything, crying and watching! The body is always Shaking! Okay, I admit that I don’t want to go either! I blame that **** Murphy Stanton. Why did he make a horror movie so good? It makes me reluctant to leave, I can’t bear to close my eyes, and blame him!"

The person who left the message before was speechless, "Uh..."

Further down, someone left a message, "This film is really scary and scary. It is a rare masterpiece in horror films in recent years. I think the most unexpected thing is not the ending of the film, but such a masterpiece. It came from an unknown director."

This is all the comments. Daisy finished reading them quickly. Although some people commented, they still lacked attention in general.

She pulled up the web page, and the picture next to Murphy Stanton's name was still blank. What does this director look like? Is it a fat guy like Hitchcock? Is it a kind old man like Spielberg? Or a perverted guy like a jigsaw?

After watching "Fruit Candies" and "Saw Fright", Daisy really wanted to know what such a perverted director full of weird ideas looks like.

Unfortunately, this guy is still too small.

She clicked on the "Saw Cry" link under Murphy Stanton, the web page flipped, and a scoring page appeared in front of her.

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