Hospital No. 444

Chapter 302 Humans and Non-Humans

Although Li Jun's sudden move to lift the table was a bit surprising, Jiang Shan had already been eyeing him.

Before he could get the knife in his hand, Jiang Shan rushed in front of him and slammed into him!

Jiang Shan, who is tall and tall, has never given up basketball in the past ten years. He later even made a simple basketball hoop out of trees in the village and practiced shooting. As a result, his muscle strength has become much stronger than before.

With this collision, Li Jun was knocked to the ground, and for a while, he couldn't even stand up.

Jiang Shan kicked the knife that fell on the ground into the distance, looked at Li Jun, and said, I just said, no one is allowed to touch the knife here!

Obviously, Li Jun cannot beat the young and tall Jiang Shan.

Jiang, Jiang Shan, you...

Later, Jiang Shan looked at the knife on the ground behind him and said: The knife must be within the sight of all of us, and no one can touch the knife!

Jiang Shan's resounding and upright words made people who had the same thoughts as Li Jun no longer dare to think about it.

Do you also have such thoughts?

When Jiang Shan said this, he looked at the others and said, If there is, say it now!

No no!

How could we have any idea?

Looking at the table that fell to the ground and the knives on the ground, everyone was silent and did not dare to say anything more.

Uncle Li also stood up at this time and said: Jiang Shan and I have exactly the same position. No matter what, we cannot kill each other!

Uncle Li, at this time, David cleared his throat, stood up, and said, We... we just stare at each other like this. When the fog spreads again, this house will be swallowed up!

I don't believe Cheng will let us all die here. After all, Uncle Li thought carefully: If we all die here, even if he is the village chief's son, all of our family members together, It will also make him unable to eat and walk around.

Then, he looked at the knife behind him and said: Nian Cheng's purpose is not to kill us with his own hands. But if he wants to kill him, he should be the one who infiltrated us. So, we have to find a way to find him. come out!

Then... kill that... 'person', right?

Uncle Li nodded: This is currently the best way.

David looked at the people around him...

Li Jun, Li Shu, Jiang Shan, Chang Min, Xia Meng, Su Wenqing, Li Yanping...

Regardless of Li Ruping, who is not here, David needs to find a way to identify who is the person among these seven people.

Since Li Ruping is pregnant... then it shouldn't be her. So, which one of these seven people is it?

So which one of us is it? At this time, Chang Min asked: Uncle Li, do you have a clue?

I don't know. Uncle Li shook his head and said, However, if we can find that 'person' here, we won't have to face this problem of the tram dilemma again.

Then... Chang Min said quickly: How about we share our past with each other and see if there are any flaws? Logically speaking, there will always be some flaws in tampered memories... right?

At this time, Uncle Li sighed: I know something about this. Five years ago, Village Chief Ge also thought of various ways. I know some inside stories. This kind of memory tampering is absolutely perfect. Village Chief I have tried all kinds of methods, but I can't find any flaw. Of course, I have also tested it with porcelain dolls, and no one will react to the porcelain dolls.

This... seems outrageous no matter how you think about it.

You know, porcelain dolls can usually be used to expel unknown objects in the fog, but it seems to be completely ineffective against those that have come out of the fog.

Every indication shows that those unknown objects can perfectly tamper with our memories. In other words, it is not impossible that the memories we have from childhood to adulthood are all false.

David scratched his hair.

In fact, David knew more or less what Uncle Li said.

But, emotionally...he has actually been unwilling to accept it.

This means that... it is impossible to find the other party.

He Yun helped the village chief to identify the suspects before, Uncle Li seemed to know a lot of inside information. The location and distribution of their body bones, the coagulation time of the blood, and even their urine and feces were examined. He Yun even wanted to conduct further inspections if there was no equipment.

I've heard some, Chang Min said because he had a good relationship with He Yun, so he also knew some information: I and the doctor have thought of many ways, such as checking the healing speed of each other's wounds, checking the pulse, pupils' reaction to light, and testing The opponent's lung capacity was tested, joint flexibility was checked, and finally even their tolerance to injury was tested... In short, no signs of inhumanity were found on them.

Xia Meng, who has experienced the death of a loved one, said categorically: But the thing in the fog cannot be human.

Have He Yun told you in detail? David asked Chang Min in detail: Is it true or false?

Yes... apart from killing them, conducting vivisections, and doctors have tried everything. In terms of human bodies, they don't have any abnormalities.

He Yun is a doctor and he can't even check it out... Then David doesn't think they can do it.

Looking at the knives scattered on the ground, David suddenly said: Does Nian Cheng think so? He wants to force that thing to kill people by forcing us to kill each other?

Maybe it's possible. Uncle Li nodded, suddenly thought of something, and said, Yes! Maybe Nian Cheng thinks so! If the fog spreads and engulfs this house, then... that thing must escape!

I see!

Nian Cheng really thinks that? Maybe it was just a mistake? Xia Meng sneered, Besides, if that happens, we will be in danger, and the fog will spread very quickly.

Chang Min continued: Whether it was an accidental collision or not, at least one thing is certain. Once those things are completely engulfed by the fog, they can only come out of the fog during patrol.

So... David began to ponder: Is there any other way to identify it?

Uncle Li... David believed in him the most among these people. He was recognized as a good person in the village, and his memory was so vivid that it was hard to imagine that it was fake.

Jiang Shan is a person that David admires very much. He went to play basketball because of Jiang Shan.

Chang Min, Xia Meng, and David don't have particularly close contacts with them, so I can't be sure.


He looked at Su Wenqing.

Is it him?

Is that him?

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