Hospital No. 444

Chapter 303 Memory and Emotion


At this time, Chang Min came to David's side.

We will definitely survive.

Hearing Chang Min's words, David couldn't help but look at Chang Min a few more times.


Chang Min's words were very decisive.

In Nanming Village, most children are left-behind children from birth. There are not many parents like David who accompany them.

The poor life also tempers every child. They know that because of poverty, their parents have to go to the city to get better jobs for them. They had to walk on muddy mountain roads to attend classes in simple classrooms. However, there are too few teachers who are willing to come to mountain villages to support teaching, and there are too few outstanding teachers who are truly qualified from normal colleges.

And Chang Min... In David's impression, he had never seen a child who was more diligent and studious than him. For ordinary children, they will always reject learning to some extent and prefer to have fun, but whenever I see Chang Min, he will always hold those yellowed textbooks and read them. Most of these books were donated by children in the city. When other children were thinking of following their parents to work in the city after completing the nine-year compulsory education, Chang Min always said that he must study hard and, like Brother Niancheng, go to college and change his destiny, and then he would definitely Return to the village and change everyone's destiny.

Because of this, Chang Min's character is much stronger than that of ordinary children, and most people in the village also like this child. However, Chang Min, who had always dreamed of going to college, lost all hope of the college entrance examination because of the sudden heavy fog. His parents were not very optimistic about his health, especially his father who had been troubled by rheumatism for many years. Since He Yun had been helping his father with diagnosis and treatment, Chang Min always regarded He Yun as his benefactor, even though everyone in the village regarded He Yun as his benefactor. Among the murderers, only Chang Min has always firmly believed in He Yun, and has never avoided dealing with him.

Everyone listen to me.

Of course, Chang Min was not shouting slogans in vain. He looked at everyone present and said: I think if there is really a 'person' among us who appears out of thin air, there is always a way to find him.

Chang Min, do you have a solution? When Xia Meng heard this, he immediately showed excitement and asked: You have good academic performance, you must have a solution, right?

Chang Min glanced at Xia Meng, and David immediately noticed that his cheeks were slightly red.

Let's talk about the past contacts and exchanges between each other. I believe that we can always find flaws.

When Uncle Li heard this, he sighed and said, Chang Min, listen to me, this method... Village Chief Ge back then...

The village chief considers the overall situation and naturally needs to be absolutely rational when considering problems. But we might as well think more emotionally. Are people's feelings really memories that can be easily tampered with? There will always be some difference between sincerity and falsehood. Let's give it a try, maybe we can awaken the correct memory? I believe that human emotions are by no means such cheap things that can be easily faked!

Chang Min's words were so eloquent that everyone's expressions lit up.

Yes, memories can be faked…

Can emotions be faked so easily?

Jiang Shan walked up to Chang Min. He was a head taller than Chang Min. He patted Chang Min on the shoulder and said, Well said! Let's give it a try!

So, the eight people present sat back to their original seats and looked at each other. At the same time, they also ensured that all knives were within everyone's sight and no one would be allowed to touch the knives.

Let me tell you first.

Chang Min took a deep breath and said: Xia Meng, I like you. I firmly believe that this relationship is not fake. I am real. I have always liked you since I was a child, so I absolutely believe that you are with me. A girl who really grew up with her childhood sweethearts.”

No one expected that Chang Min's opening remarks would be so explosive, and everyone was stunned for a moment!

This, this, this?

Xia Meng was also completely stunned and couldn't say anything for a while.

What about you? Chang Min looked at Xia Meng and said, What kind of person am I in your memory? What kind of feelings do you have for me?

Such an impactful confession left everyone present moved.

Xia Meng! Jiang Shan said quickly: Speak! What do you think?

Chang Min likes Xia Meng... In fact, many people in the village know it. Maybe Xia Meng himself knew it.

Five years ago, after Xia Meng's family suffered a tragic disaster, Chang Min has been accompanying the grief-stricken Xia Meng, enlightening her and comforting her.

David was only fourteen years old at that time and had reached the age where he started to be interested in the opposite sex. Therefore, at that time, he was thinking that Chang Min might have feelings for Xia Meng.

But I didn't expect that he would take today's opportunity to say this.

Seeing Chang Min's sincere eyes and Xia Meng's shy expression with lowered head, David began to believe that at least these two people were real villagers of the Forbidden Village.

I, I like you too, Chang Min.

Perhaps knowing that he might not die soon, Xia Meng finally responded to Chang Min's words: But, we... we may not necessarily have a future...

I know.

Chang Min smiled slightly. It was obvious that he had already understood Xia Meng's reply.

Li Yanping, who was sitting on the right side of David, muttered slightly: What time of day are you still spreading dog food? Have you figured out the situation?

Chang Min then continued: Everyone basically knows me, and Uncle Li, you watched me grow up. You all remember the various experiences I had when Xia Meng and I grew up together, right?

David also began to remember.

Chang Min is much older than him, but David often hears people in the village mention Chang Min when he was a child. The distance between him and Xia Meng's family is not far, and many people have watched the two of them grow up.

Regarding Xia Meng, David's impression is that she usually doesn't talk much, is very quiet and introverted, and especially likes reading girls.

Reading books happens to be a common hobby of Chang Min and Xia Meng. Whether they are professional books or extracurricular books, they all like to read them and will not reject them. After all, books are really a luxury spiritual consumable for this village. So, they often borrow each other's books.

So, David immediately asked: You two, what was your favorite book when you were children?

Chang Min and Xia Meng immediately said in unison: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

It's true. Uncle Li obviously still remembers this, I gave that book to Chang Min when he was a child. Youdao means that young people don't read Water Margin, and old people don't read Three Kingdoms. I think it is very suitable for boys to grow up. Read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I didn't expect that Xia Meng would like this kind of book for boys so much.

Mentioning this, Xia Mengwan seemed to have forgotten her situation and said quickly: Uncle Li! Where did the book come from? Boys read it, girls read it. Girls don't have to choose to marry a hero, they can also become heroes themselves! I just like Sun Shangxiang !”

At that time, a book was almost torn by the two of you.

When Uncle Li said this, he showed a sad expression.

David didn't know what Uncle Li was thinking at this moment.

He once heard that Uncle Li suffered a lot of hardships and emotional injuries when he was young. But he has a helpful personality. No matter what difficulties the villagers have, he will always be at the forefront. He studied when he was young, but did not achieve much. Later he worked as a carpenter in the village and was always alone. David has always thought that there is a high probability that Uncle Li will live alone for the rest of his life.

I remember too. The person speaking at this time was actually Li Jun: I remember that one of you likes Cao Cao and the other likes Liu Bei...right?

I like Liu Bei. Chang Min said.

Huh? Are you the one who likes Liu Bei?

Upon hearing this, David's expression immediately changed and he asked, What? Doesn't it match your memory?

Everyone immediately became nervous at this time!

Did I remember it wrong? Li Jun immediately looked at Xia Meng and asked, So you like Cao Cao?

I can't remember what I was thinking when I was a child... Xia Meng showed a blank expression: But I said, I just like Sun Shangxiang.

Others immediately subconsciously began to move their chairs away from Chang Min and Xia Meng, looking at them with vigilant expressions!

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