Ed Subjugation (5)

Isla Triss, who was running across the hallway on the 4th floor of the Elte Chamber of Commerce, was already out of breath.

While escaping from the dungeon and running up to the fourth floor, Ayla had her eyes wide open.

When I first received Ed’s proposal, I didn’t think the scale would be this big.

The workers lying here and there in the Elte Sangha building and Ed’s acquaintances guarding each floor.

Jigs, who is improving her posture on the second floor, is as usual as she is used to, but Yenika, sitting in the VIP waiting room on the third floor, is somehow scared and unable to even speak.

When I reached the fourth floor through the messy hallway, a thought ran through my head that something was wrong.

“Oh, you came earlier than I thought. You’d better move fast, though. The weather is gloomy, so it looks like it’s going to rain soon.”

Eventually, as planned, at the end of the hallway on the 4th floor, the 4th grade magician’s chief, Tracyana Bloomriver, was waiting for Ayla.

“Ah, hello. Traceyana-senpai.”

“I’ve seen her face a few times at conferences. Nice to meet you.”

“Yes, yes… I heard that Ed was calling people like this and that, but I didn’t know that Traceyana would even come.”

I knew that Ed Roth-Taylor knew people from all fields.

Even Aila didn’t know that Traceiana, who was famous at the Sylvania Academy, would also come out.

“Just go up to the roof like this, go through the emergency exit and go to Ed’s camp. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of the rest.”

“Treatment is… What does it mean?”

Isla asked Traceiana cautiously, but she only shrugged her shoulders once.

“I’m just doing what I’m asked to do. I’m sending you to Ed’s camp, and I’m just stopping Taylor.”

Ayla recalled the faces of the people she had seen as she went up to the fourth floor.

Taylor McLaugh has grown stronger in the last few years at a really crazy rate. Not disrespectful to the name of the descendants of the sword, he grows up so fast that it seems like they are the same person every day. His speed surprised even his childhood friend, Isla, who knew him well.

Anyway, if it’s enough to break through all these walls…

“You look bad, Ayla.”

Suddenly, Tracyana came in sharply.

“The things you worry about don’t happen. If we were to question the reason for making this uproar, it was also for the sake of everyone.”

“How can Traceyana-senpai be so sure… ?”

Ayla looked at Tracyana with a puzzled face.

Ed and Traceyana aren’t even that close. It is common for famous wizards to be close friends and seniors, but it was strange to see that they understood Ed so deeply.

In fact, it’s strange that it came out just because Ed called it in the middle of the night. Whether you have personal debts or not, it is not easy to accept a request that is this troublesome, no matter how close your seniors and juniors are.

“Don’t think about anything useless, go to Ed’s camp right now. Ayla.”

Tracyana didn’t try to explain why.

He just said that to Ayla in a plain tone.

*I grabbed the sword and dragged it, swung it in the air once to wipe out the blood.

Tailly’s sword, gleaming in the moonlight, was sharply forged to reveal his re-established will.

Clevius is already almost consumed by the madness of blood. Is it an enemy that cannot be defeated at one’s level?

Taylor felt it.

If you do it really wrong, you can die.

“From now on, I have no confidence to defend the good. Taylor.”

There is a sense of intimidation in Clevius’s voice, whose reason is slowly disappearing.

The reason Clevius Nortondale always avoids fights is to avoid killing people.

His swordsmanship, which swung his sword in madness, takes people’s lives very easily.

“For me, a duel is… Every once in a while, it was an acrobatics that risked their lives and rode a single rope. It is still the same today.”

“I have no intention of backing down, Clevius.”

“You will.”

Clevius fixed his sword and turned his red eyes to Taylor.

“Ugh, heck… uh… 👌👌👌 ”

Clevius, who bows her upper body like a doll with a broken thread, and makes a strange sound. The magic of blood wraps around his body again.

Every battle is a life-or-death decision. I can’t even imagine how heavy it is.

If you face an opponent who risked your life, you must risk your own life. If you face an enemy who is ready to die, you will be defeated in an instant.

Taylor clenched it too.

This fight should never be long. The longer the fight, the stronger Clevius, who has absorbed more blood.

End with this one sum. Whichever of the two is Bey, we have to see the results this time.

So, the two men sprinted off the floor.

Clevius disappeared.

I feel like I’ve lost that figure by leaping too fast.

You have to predict Clevius’s next move by looking at the air currents and the movement just before it disappears.

Prediction rather than prediction. Concentrate on the five senses, and the sharp sensation runs through your skin.

– Kaang!!

Tailly miraculously blocks Clevius’ sword attack, which is bent to the right. The sound of swords hitting each other resounded in the front yard of Sanghoe once.

– Whoa, whoa!

The magical energy released from the collision spreads around. Trash and workers’ belongings scattered on the floor flew in the air.

It roars and exhales like a wild beast. It was the sound of Clevius’ mouth.

After seeing a blood-crazed ghost right in front of him, Taylor… He tightened the force on the sword he was facing.

“Not knowing the circumstances… don’t meddle… !”

– Kaang!

After deflecting the sword once, Taylor clenched her teeth once more and moved forward. One large sword strike does not reach Clevius.


Clevius’s voice, which was getting louder, reached Taylor’s ear. He was already right behind him.

With goosebumps all over his body, Taylor quickly turned his sword to block Clevius’s sword attack, but he couldn’t stop the tip of the sword from piercing his collarbone.


It’s not a deep wound. somehow stopped it

However, blood continued to flow from the wound that had been pierced by a few centimeters.

“At least it’s obvious. Taylor, the reason you are moving so desperately is probably because of that Aila at the conference.”

Clevius also had a bachelor’s life with Taylor for quite some time. To some extent I knew him well.

“If it’s not for you, where can you get into such a fuss… ”

“you… Knowing… ”

“What do you know?”

Still, the fact that Taylor swung her sword at Elvira doesn’t change.

“Just as Ayla is your rebel, I also have rebellion.”

The sound of crackling and grinding teeth. As Clevius loaded the weight on the sword to dig it deeper, Taylor screamed once more.

– Kaang!

After reluctantly deflecting Clevius’ sword, Taylor took a stance again. And for the final blow, he drew out the magic of his entire body.

Even if Clevius’s will is so, Taylor has no intention of backing down.

With a popping sound, he gripped the sword handle tightly.

“Cree… … … … .”

So Clavius completely let go of his reason.

Guided by blood and sword, the sword demon, who was only focused on cutting down the opponent in front of him, takes his place on the battlefield.

Taylor is not upset.

If it is an opponent who is immortal, he will only be immortal. This is because there is no option to run away from Ayla from the beginning.

Clevius, who has completely lost his sanity, is now out of control.

It becomes a monster that cuts through everything in sight and keeps fighting until its stamina runs out.

– Whoa!

It seems that he has finally adapted to Clevius’s ridiculous speed to some extent.

In a very brief moment, Clevius’s readiness posture was engraved straight on Taylor’s retina.

The direction and power of the attack can be predicted instantaneously.

However, I don’t know if I’ll be able to fight back. Just try it once.

The price of failure is life.

The magical energy that came out explosively covers the whole area.

Tailly’s pale gray hair grew even paler. A strong will emanated from his red eyes.


A lot of skills that are so deep and profound that I haven’t even mastered half of them.

In the feeling of floating in the sea, the next unreachable state fluttered in front of Taylor’s eyes.

A relationship between two men who exchanged the final sword strike at the risk of mutual rebellion.

A momentary moment when no one can predict which trajectory the sword will take and how the sword will come and go.

Before long, it was the moment when Taylor reached out to the swordsmanship ceremony.

― Hwaah

The shock wave caused by the collision of magical powers and the orange hair that fluttered due to it filled Taylor’s field of vision.

There was someone who jumped between Taylor and Clevius. It’s really suicidal.

“… .what?!”

In a moment of embarrassment, Taylor tightened her forearms and stopped the attack.

However, I soon realized it was a mistake. Even if he stopped, Clavius, who was completely engulfed in madness, would not stop his sword. He completely lost his human sanity.

Before the life of the girl who intervened, even his own life, who was caught in the sword attack together, could not be guaranteed.

Whether it was killed or cooked, the correct answer was to continue the sword strike. However, he hesitated until the very last minute. I couldn’t cut through the sudden rush of Elvira.

The goddess of duel is always on the side of those who do not hesitate.

Taylor closed her eyes as she thought of the sword attack of Clevius that would soon fly away, but…


The only thing that followed was Clevius’s moaning as he fell to the floor.

― Kwadangtang!

“… .What… ?”

Before long, in front of Taylor, who slowly woke up… I saw Elvira lying on the marble floor with him, holding Clevius’ chest tightly.

Clevius’ blood spilled on him, and he climbed onto his waist, clutching the collar to his chest and holding him down.

“This… ”

“like this… It’s not like you’re risking your life to fight and beat!”

There was no way Clevius’ strength could withstand the weight of a single Elvira.

Even he is tainted with the madness of blood swordsmanship.

If he completely loses his mind, he becomes a monster that cannot distinguish between the front and the back to the point of cutting even his older brother.

Nevertheless, Clevius was startled and took control of his sword.

There was hardly any light of reason left in Clevius’s eyes, crouching on the floor and looking up at the sky.

Even so, it seems that it is difficult to tell who the face is in the field of view.

Elvira Aniston.

She is a cheeky woman who only meddles with Clevius.

There was no way Clevius’ strength could not withstand the weight of Elvira’s dwarf body.

Even right now, after shoving Elvira out of the way, slashing the pesky obstacles, she will be able to continue the battle with Taylor.

However, the blood-drunk Clevius… It was just weighed down by Elvira’s weight.

Elvira looked down at him, who was spitting out blood magic as if in pain. Her orange hair, flowing down from the shoulder dance, kept tickling the tip of Clevius’ cheek.

The hairpins that were tying down Elvira’s frizzy hair are disappearing all of a sudden.

Without even thinking about capturing his completely loose hair, he stares at Clevius, who is looking up at him with eyes full of madness, with a grin on his teeth.

“Come on, Taylor.”

“What… Called… ?”

“Go to the upper house! You don’t want to save Isla?!”

Taylor looked at the two with confused faces.

Now Clevius was completely intoxicated with blood. It is not strange that Clevius, who cannot distinguish between the front and the back if left as it is, even cuts off Elvira.

Still, Elvira slapped Taylor.

“What is the most important thing to you right now?”

“that… ”

“Ila was taken by Ed Roth Taylor. The rest is up to you.”

Saying that, Elvira grabbed Clevius’ collar tightly and pressed it against his chest again.

“I’ll make the apologies accumulated over and over again. just go It’s okay to pass.”

Saying so… Elvira didn’t even look at Taylor anymore.

Taylor looked at it and swallowed dry saliva… He quickly ran towards the upper building.

Whatever the case, the most important person to Taylor was Isla.

* Severe bleeding.

For Clevius, this amount of bleeding may not have been a problem, but for Elvira, it was a frowned upon sight.

That’s what blood testing is in the first place. I knew it was a swordsmanship with no middle ground, but using blood as a driving force was too dangerous.

Even when Lucy was making a fuss in the Ophelis Hall, Elvira clearly watched Clevius go mad. The monster-like appearance of trying to cut down everything in front of him provokes fear in many people.

“Ugh… Crook… ”

It sounds like the wind is blowing out of your lungs.

The appearance of looking up at Elvira with a bizarre twist.

Even so, was he not thinking of cutting down Elvira?

Is Clevius’s past, which once cut off his own older brother, weighing down on his shoulders like a weight?

Elvira, who is already covered in blood… Without even showing a sign of disregard, he pulled out a reagent hanging from his waist.

It is a sedative agent. However, it is unclear whether the magic of blood swordsmanship will be effective.

Clevius opens his mouth and tries to let it in, but Clevius, who is breathing like a monster, does not open his mouth.

“Wake up, you stupid Clevius!”

He tries to open Clevius’s mouth with his hand, which is covered with dark red blood, but… The spirit that has finally fallen into madness does not erase the hostility towards her.

Then, Elvira drank the reagent with the lid removed. Of course, I didn’t inhale completely, but put it in my mouth.

Then, without a single hesitation, I kissed the Clavius beneath me.

“Wow, whoop… !”

A figure with her lips folded while sitting on Clevius’ waist. While holding Clevius’ face and pouring the reagent into his lips… Clevius, who had been twisting his body bizarrely little by little, was fading away.

Was it the effect of the reagent, or was it the shock of the current situation?

The cause is unknown, but… Little by little, the magical power of the sword spirit that had been floating around Clevius’ body was calming down.

“Puha… ”

With her lips removed, Elvira looked down at his face with her hands supported on the marble floor.

“Why are you meddling in vain… ! I told you to stay still… !”

As I looked down while talking like that with a half-crying face, Clevius, who had been holding his breath for a while, was calm.

The dark red eyes are also fading away… The feeling of sunburn also calmed down slowly.

“I mean, this Sifal… !”

However, Clevius, who has regained his sanity… I clenched my teeth and talked…

“What, what?!”

“You drag people around useless places, tie up people and preach strange sermons, arrest them, and meddle in useless things… you do the most… This poem… arm… ”

The recoil of blood swordsmanship rides up Clevius’ body. The bleeding continued to bleed, but Clevius said without hesitation.

“You are the one who meddles in everything, and you are the one who does things you didn’t ask for.

Elvira was suddenly speechless. The same goes for breathing.

― ‘Do not meddle.’

Elvira’s older sister, Diella, raised her cheeks and spreads the lines softly.

― ‘You always look like you are the main character of everything in the world, don’t you?’

Nosy Elvira.

The nickname that followed him like a tag weighed on Elvira’s shoulder.

Although he is determined to carry out his own way of life, that firm determination is actually nothing more than Elvira’s self-defense mechanism.

Because there comes a time when you feel like you can’t stand it if you deny yourself even yourself.

From readwn.com

Maybe it was my fault that my older sister Diella broke off her relationship with Elvira and left the family.

From readwn.com

Maybe I should have been a little more considerate of Dela. When such thoughts arise, you will clench your teeth somehow.

“Yeah, Sipal… I can’t give up… you… ”

However, the words of Clevius that followed eventually pierced Elvira’s heart like an arrow.

“That’s how you express yourself… I… I can’t do anything… Sipal… like a dog… really… ”

“Clevius, you… ”

“you… It’s for me. So… what… I can’t say no… It’s like a dog, really!”

As Clevius clenched his teeth and said that, Elvira almost stopped breathing.

Dela Enniston.

Unable to overcome her inferiority complex towards Elvira, she used abusive language and left the house.

That Dela… Elvira didn’t like it in the first place.

The existence of an older sister who lived together with the Enniston family and studied alchemy together was a great blessing in Elvira’s life.

I just didn’t know how to express Elvira. I still have deep regrets for the actions that I made, meddled, pointed out, and grunted, knowing that I was a person who could go further, hoping that my sister would do better.

I try to pretend to be strong to protect my heart, but in the end, I’m just a meddler who behaves selfishly.

Dela Enniston could neither understand Elvira nor read her heart.

Both of them were young, so their expressions were immature, and they didn’t have the maturity to understand their immaturity.

However, the pathetic man in front of him… As if he knew Elvira’s psychology from the beginning…

It was all in harmony with Elvira’s meddling and grumpy attitude.

“So… moderately… sun… Elvira… ”

Saying that, Clevius bled from the corners of his mouth.

Elvira got on his waist and looked down at him, then bit his lower lip.

He bowed his back and wrapped his arms around Clevius’s head, sniffing his nose because of his blood-stained figure.

“you… He’s a really stupid man… Cleviers… this… dummy… ”

“… ”

The midnight moon was shining.

There were only two people in the front yard of the company where only silence remained.

“… yeah i think so too… ”

A body with no strength.

Looking at the night sky spread out over Elvira’s shoulder, who was holding my head, Clevius agreed with Elvira’s opinion.

So, Elvira and Clevius had been nesting for a while.

*“Escape for now.”

I came to that conclusion.

The gold and silver treasures in Lortel’s underground vaults are not in a level that can be recovered right now.

If you have enough time and spare time, this level of quality can be solved quickly. All you have to do is move these items to another location.

However, Dune’s plan would not be so lax. If you’ve put together a plan like this, the imperial convoy will soon arrive.

“I was planning on creating this situation and handing you over to the imperial convoy. With the Princess of Persica behind her, who has the real power of the Knights Templar as her power, things will be easy.”

“That’s why I said that Sanghoe would completely fall into Dune’s hands after the vacation.”

Lortel spoke with a hardened expression on her face.

“However… It would take some time for the imperial convoy to reach Aken Island. Did you think during that time that I would never be able to rectify one of these tricks?”

“No, the convoy is already coming. maybe… There is a high possibility that she is coming mixed with the escorts of Princess Fenia.”

At those words, Lortel hardened her expression.

It was a pretty reliable prediction. It is also related to the reason why he predicted that Lortel would fall when the vacation was over.

When the vacation is over, Princess Fenia will also return as a bachelor, so the convoy of knights who joined her escort will arrive around that time.

In other words, it is inevitable that Lortel will be captured by the imperial convoy around the end of the vacation.

All the plans were put in place at that time.

“There is nothing good about facing the imperial convoy right now. While I convince Princess Fenia, you need to run away so you don’t get caught by the convoy.”

“It’s easy. Because Aken Island is wide.”

“If you are determined and search, it will not be easy to run away. Besides, Princess Penia doesn’t trust you… It wouldn’t really stop the convoy’s search. Even the bachelors must be enemies, so there will be no one to help you hide it.”

“Are you trying to convince Princess Penia in the meantime?”

“okay. Don’t worry, I won’t betray you.”

I led Lortel’s arm back towards the camp.

The peculiar air that permeated through the forest at night tickled his lungs.

Lortel in the middle of the night has a strangely mysterious energy, unlike usual.

Even a fox-like face hides in the darkness of night, and its sinister look is bound to stand out even more.

Lortel, holding my collar tightly, made eye contact with me, and then smiled softly.

“I’m not worried. Because you are mine.”

Laughing happily, as if chanting like that, Lortel raised a wig and whispered in my ear.

“I’m a senior too.”

Whether that insignificant word satisfies even a strange feeling of euphoria, Lortel smiled slyly and put on a robe hat.

“Once everything is over, we’ll see each other again. Because I will continue to be the owner of the Elte Company. Seniors, please stay as seniors as well.”


Lortel disappears as if seeping through the darkness of the night.

Close your eyes gently.

I sat quietly in the dark, holding my breath, accepting the tension between camps.

Princess Penia’s carriage crosses the Maxes Bridge.

Traversing the air of the night, the carriage carrying Princess Fenia and Lucy Meryl enters Aken Island.

And Taylor, who broke the entrance to the Elte Chamber and entered… Go up the stairs and run to the second floor.

The story goes that way.

It was around the time when the ordeal swordsman Taylor reached the second floor of the company building.

Ziggs Eiffelstein was sitting alone in a hallway full of weapons. He was breathing quietly in the early morning air.

He slowly shook his head.

Taylor didn’t even doubt his eyes.

Whoever blocks the way… The guardian of the northern steppes, Ziggs Eiffelstein himself was right.

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