Ed Subjugation (6)


In a cold voice, Taylor spoke first.

Ziggs Eiffelstein, who was sitting in the corner of the hallway on the second floor, quietly waiting for Taylor.

He’s a pretty close friend of Taylor. From the beginning of the first act, through the duel episode, they have recognized each other’s skills, and they are colleagues who are happy to see Taylor’s growth at an incredible speed.

A master of duel and a talented person who occupies a joint second place in the 2nd year Magic Department.

At the beginning of the first year, Taylor was a Ziggs that made a huge difference that couldn’t even be matched.

Nevertheless, the gap between Taylor and Ziggs remains.

The Swordsmanship Ceremony was not fully opened, and the experience of dueling that they had accumulated before entering Sylvania was overwhelmingly higher in the Ziggs side.

“Why are you here?”

“It’s just as you imagined it.”

Ziggs Eiffelstein was fully involved with Ed Roth Taylor.

You can tell just by looking at the figure of Ziggs sitting still among various weapons.

Ziggs Eiffelstein has no intention of letting Taylor go back.

They are also ready to use force if necessary.

Ziggs Eiffelstein is a boy who always acts on the basis of common sense and shows the image of a reliable second grader.

I can’t believe he’s attached to Ed Roth Taylor… Taylor shook his hand as he grabbed the sword.


Seeing Taylor like that, Ziggs spoke casually.

“Do I need to come and think about it now? I am a member of the student council, and I am in a position to receive instructions from the president, Tanya Roth Taylor.”

No matter how much he belongs to the student council, Ziggs Eiffelstein is a person who doesn’t do what he thinks is wrong.

Tanya Roth-Taylor, who has the authority of the student council president, could not completely control Ziggs Eiffelstein.

It was right to interpret that Ziggs’ actions contained my will to some extent.

“Isn’t it strange to be somewhat cooperative with her brother, Ed Roth-Taylor?”

“Ayla has been arrested.”


In response to the short answer, Taylor widens her pupils and looks at him.

I can’t even feel the slightest movement as Ziggs sits casually in his seat.

Even though he knows all the facts, the way he sits still and looks at Taylor gives him a strong sense of will.

Taylor took a deep breath while holding the sword’s handle.

Reason returns to the cold hair. He has already come back with swords against Elvira and Clevius.

I made many promises that I would not hesitate any longer. First of all, I don’t have time.

It’s been quite some time since Taylor entered the Elte stock market. I don’t know what else is going on inside.

“You are very hurt, Taylor.”

On the other hand, Ziggs was quite puzzled.

It was expected that he had been fighting with Elvira on the first floor, but Taylor’s condition was worse than expected.

The appearance of Taylor, who is bleeding quite a bit from the brawl with Clevius… feels like she’s been torn from a duel that risked her life right now.

No matter how serious Elvira was, it was hard to imagine that he would get hurt that much.

When the situation became like this, Ziggs became hesitant in his heart. Judging from Taylor’s condition, it seems unlikely that he will ever reach Ed Roth Taylor’s camp.

I wonder if it’s right to send them off after dealing with them in moderation… but then I suddenly change my mind.

If you go up to the 3rd floor behind this, I don’t know why, but Yenica Palerover, who is full of anger, is waiting for you.

There is almost nothing in her spirits that is tampered with. It doesn’t even seem like there’s enough blood in his head to even touch him.

I don’t know what’s going to happen if I met Yenica Palerover with that much injury.

The reason why Ed Roth-Taylor opened up this game is to gauge the level of Taylor’s ability to show his sincerity.

I don’t know why I’m curious about that, but I thought there must be a good reason for that Ed Roth-Taylor being so active.

However, if the purpose of testing itself is… There is no need for Taylor to penetrate this superior building to the end. You just need to check the power of Taylor.

Rather, if you send it to Yenika, who seems to be in a dangerous state, you might get even more angry.

So, I think it would be better for him to take down Taylor at this point.

At least Ziggs Eiffelstein was… ready to lay down his weapon if Taylor wanted to be in danger.

With that in mind, he picked up the spear with one hand. And then it was the moment I got up from the wooden chair.

– Kaang!

There was no hesitation in Taylor’s sword attack. Because there is nothing good about taking time anymore.

With a momentary reflex, Ziggs grabbed Taylor’s sword. The sword, which was blocked by the spear, trembled more and more.

Taylor opened her eyes and looked straight into Ziggs’ eyes.

– Wrath!

– Kaang!

As it is, Ziggs kicks the lower part of the spear and turns the spear swipe away.

As it was, Ziggs bent over and tried to smash Taylor in the back with a spear, but Tailley was already there.


Ziggs rotated the spear to capture it, and quickly took a position, but Tailly was nowhere to be seen.

Ziggs glanced around quickly and frowned. For a moment, he had missed Taylor’s position.

The position Ziggs missed was Taylor’s… overhead.

– Whoa, whoa!

– Kaak!

– Aww!

The sudden change in Taylor’s position was hard to follow, but Ziggs was able to respond with an animalistic sense somehow.

He pulled out the long sword from his waist and pulled out Taylor’s sword somehow.

However, the speed that goes beyond the limits of such a person… is an ability not found in Taylor.

– Whoo Woo-wook

Ziggs held the spear neatly in one hand and held the long sword in the other hand with a reverse hand… and looked into the rising dust.

That speed, which transcends human cognitive abilities… is not the power of Taylor in Ziggs’ memory.

Rather, the type of super speedy person… is someone else.

– Pasasak

A sense of incongruity is felt in the sight of Taylor standing up with the floor scratched.

It’s like a dead body that has been resurrected… It looks like she’s breathing with her upper body hanging down.

From that look… it reminds me of the swordmaster of the Nortondale family, who freely used blood swordsmanship.

Ziggs frowned and adjusted his posture. Now Ziggs was able to properly judge the situation.


The first swordsman, Luden McLaure, is known as a monster among monsters who have mastered the way of the sword.

The skill of using a sword is one who has risen to the top of anything.

Taylor McLaugh’s ability to learn to the extreme is at a speed that cannot be considered a human ability.

Basically, blood swordsmanship is a technique that draws out physical abilities by using the magic of the blood shed from the body. It is also a skill that cannot even be imitated by those who are not born with the blood of the Nortondale family.

Even without that kind of blood magic, seeing how the movements of Clevius were almost similarly embodied…

The more you are driven to the extreme, the more powerful and enormous trials you face… Those who somehow overcome and advance to the next level.

It was the person who lived the life of the main character, and it was the swordsmanship of trials.

– Kaang!

Ziggs roughly threw the long sword he was holding on the floor as the reverse.

──You must not use a sword against Taylor McLaugher. There is a high chance that it will be eaten as it is.

Of the various types of weapons that were carefully arranged around, almost half of them were useless. Ziggs swung his spear again, repositioning himself… and waiting for Taylor’s next attack.

Taylor’s will, rising from the dust, went straight to Ziggs.

– Kaan!

The sound of clashes between the spear and the blade.

Once again, close and eye contact, Taylor stared straight at Ziggs.

“Say it.”

There was a popping and grinding sound.

“Where is Ed Roth Taylor?”

*“Drive the wagon towards Maxes Bridge, fast!”

Dune Grex escaped through the back door of the Elte Chamber of Commerce and ran out into the midnight street of the living quarters.

The situation inside the Elte Chamber of Commerce has already left Dune’s hands. At the point when the swordsman Taylor breaks in and starts to play chess, there is no way to calm him other than to secure Ayla.

It’s time to make sure your priorities are clear.

All the stolen assets were brought to Lortel’s villa in the camp. To make Lortel a robber and a treason.

The embezzlement documents explaining the situation were all forged.

From Dune’s point of view, all he needs to do is show the camp scene to the imperial convoy and then make Lortel take him to the imperial court.

According to the original plan, Lortel had to be caught doing nothing in the office of the upper house, but the situation was too twisted as Ed’s intervention and Taylor’s intrusion overlapped.

Still, the point remained the same.

No matter where Lortel is right now or the situation of the building above, all of that will have to be dealt with later.

The most important thing is to bring Lortel’s embezzlement case to the public and bring her down.

The connection with the imperial family had already been reached. Princess Persica used her powers to mix the escorts of the Imperial Knights corps with the escorts of Princess Fenia returning to school.

From the outside, as soon as Lortel’s embezzlement case is revealed, the imperial convoy appears and catches her. It’s too soft to the point where it feels a bit artificial, but… I really liked that.

Anyway, the reason is clear. As long as Lortel puts down Elte’s real power, everything else is a good thing.

So, the most urgent thing is to contact the imperial convoy, explain the situation and convey the situation in the camp.

Once Lortel’s guilt is clear, all other circumstances can take the lead.

“hurry! Go to Maxes Bridge right now!”

Dune shouted to the workers in the wagon.

The driver quickly got into the driver’s seat of the carriage and grabbed the horse’s reins. Dune poked his head out the wagon’s window and shouted to the remaining staff.

“Brison in charge of supplies! Close all the warehouse doors, don’t let the stock go down! Poel in charge of the ledger! I’ve gathered all the ledger materials to use as evidence, and I’m holding on to it! Never lose it! And… Chief Secretary Lienna!”

Lienna’s secretary was startled and responded quickly.

“Yes, yes, yes..!”

“Get your mind right! We need to minimize damage to the building, so lock down all the doors leading to the outside facilities!”

“Yes, yes…!”

“Everyone, make up your mind! We have already crossed the line!”

Out of the window of the departing wagon, Dune shouted with certainty.

“If Lortel Keheln takes over again, we are all dead! I have to finish everything by the end of tonight! okay?! Not only me, but all of us are at stake tonight!”

All the staff members swallowed dry saliva and nodded their heads. Dune slammed the window, ripped his nails and sharpened his teeth in the carriage.

– Wrath!

Anyway, the entrance building of Sylvania Academy, which leads to Maxes Bridge, is located inside the living building. If you go by horse-drawn carriage, it’s an instant.

After setting the course of action for the remaining employees in the store, the dune that reached the entrance wing quickly got off the wagon.

The dawn is now over. The sky is dark as if it’s going to rain a little bit, but it doesn’t seem like it will rain for very long.

The sun will rise soon anyway. Until then, I wanted to rectify the situation.

The entrance building has a neat brick floor and a row of trees. It’s usually a street full of students, but it was late, so it just looked like an eul-like thing.

Dune, who jumped out between them, saw a wagon of magnificent size at the entrance leading to Maxes Bridge. It looked like they were going through the formalities to enter Aken Island.

‘come…! It’s Princess Penia’s carriage…!’

The Sylvania Academy is basically restricted from entering the private sector.

Even the children of noble families cannot carry private soldiers within the school. This is because if they allow everything, the inside of the school will be open to the enlisted forces.

Exceptionally, the only ones allowed to enter are Princess Penia and Saint Clarisse. No matter how much, you can’t put restrictions on the princesses of one country and the saints of the saints.

However, even those two people minimize the number of escorts in consideration of the school rules. The only time a small enlisted enlisted comes in is a escort unit to escort the princess returning to school during vacation like this.

It is a corps of a size that is rarely seen in Sylvania.

Even for an escort, the number of those people was much higher. There was probably a convoy sent from Persica to capture Lortel.

Dunne smiled and quickly ran towards the convoy.

“Stop! Now, the third princess of the Chloel Empire, Fenia Elias Chloel-sama, is riding this carriage!”

One of the escorts controlling the situation around them shouted to Dune.

“My name is Dune Grex of the Elte Chamber! I have something to tell the escorts escorting this wagon!”

“What? merchant? What did the merchant say to the Imperial Guard…”

“It’s on our side.”

Restraining the dignified-looking guard, a soldier with a different color of armor appeared.

“I have heard the story. My name is Tune, the third palace of the Rose Palace, the direct knight of Princess Persica.”

A woman without a helmet spoke with her red hair hanging down. It was the imperial convoy that Dune had been waiting for.

The escorts who were trying to stop the dune widened their eyes when they saw the face of Tune with her helmet removed. He has been hiding his identity for all this time, so it seems as if he did not know that such a person was mixed with the bodyguard.

In the Imperial Knights Templar, Tune is the fourth person in the ranks after the knights commander, the vice commander, and the senior training officer.

“I was contacted in advance. Princess Persica has ordered you to go to Aken Island and find a merchant named Dune Grex.”

“That folds.”

“okay. However, I did not know that you would come to the entrance hall at such a late hour.”

“The situation is urgent. The Elte Chamber of Commerce is in turmoil now. We must escort Lortel Keheln immediately.”

Dune spoke to Tune in an urgent tone.

“If you head to Northwoods camp, evidence of her embezzlement remains. If you don’t catch Lortel Keheln right now, she’ll run away. Our company was securing new recruits, but they escaped due to some sort of incident!”

Whatever the case, handing over the lortel to the convoy is the top priority.

Dune tried to convey the fact that Hansi was busy as much as possible.

“It’s… it’s definitely urgent. But in order to catch a criminal, we must first check the situation.”

“You can check it out if you head straight to the camp! Things are already very complicated. Ed Rothtailer of the Roth Taylor family led the way to extort her. He’s also… likely to be one of the most popular! If you stay still like this…”

It was such a moment when Dune shouted.

– quiver

The purpose of Dune is not Princess Fenia, but the imperial convoy who accompanied her.

Princess Penia is just returning to school, so it has nothing to do with this case.

But… things start to go in a completely different direction from Dune’s expectations.

“Who are you?”

Another person’s name came out of Dune’s mouth… and entered the ears of Fenia Elias Chloel, the third noble princess of the Chloel Empire.

The door of the carriage, which I thought was tightly closed, opened, and a princess from one country came in.

The academic staff who were taking care of the procedures and the nearby knights knelt all at once and bowed their heads.

The authority of the Princess Fenia, slowly descending from the majestic carriage… is so great that all the nearby commoners are not even allowed to raise their heads.

“This is Aken Island, I am now a Sylvanian student.”

Princess Penia spoke in a calm voice.

“It’s okay not to be so polite now.”

In Sylvania, the land of study, the etiquette due to the gender gap is somewhat simplified.

Nevertheless, the drivers and staff did not raise their heads. It is not polite to say not to do it right away. That is the example of God.

Princess Fenia exhaled lightly and looked straight at the dune. The air of a summer night was pushed away once, and her pale skin shone in the moonlight.

Dunn quickly bowed his head and knelt down.

“I see you, the glorious Princess Fenia.”

“A familiar name has hit my ears. Lortel Keheln and… Ed Rothtailer?”

It was not expected that Princess Fenia would appear here. It was thought that the noble third princess of the empire would not interfere with the conversation between the guards and the merchants.

“Lortel Keheln…”

Upon hearing that name, Princess Fenia’s eyes darkened noticeably.

It was only then that Dune realized that the current situation was an opportunity rather than a crisis.

I don’t know why, but Princess Fenia and Lortel Keheln have a terrible relationship.

The emotional gap between the two was so deep and deep that it could be seen as a can-do relationship.

In addition, Princess Fenia completely studied at Lortel, who sided with Selaha, at the Rostaler mansion.

If I had supported her escort, I would have supported it, but I am not in a position to stop it.

This is a boon. I have that intuition.

Dunn quickly noticed, and began to tease his three teeth.

“Lortel Keheln and Ed Rothtailer ate together.”

Lortel Keheln would think of Ed Rothtailer as a throwaway horse to eat and throw away.

Princess Fenia thought so and frowned.

“Ed Roth-Taylor robbed Lortel Keheln, who had been imprisoned… and then schemed on the upper side of the building, causing an uproar. We need the help of the escorts! Please… help me, Princess Fenia!”

Having said that, Dunn bowed his head.

Princess Fenia quietly bowed her head and fell into thoughts. Even with the size of the escort force, I felt a strange feeling.

In such a situation, as soon as I arrived at the school, I asked for help from the Elte company.

It feels like a strange power structure has been formed around Lortel Keheln. It’s time to make a careful decision… but the emotional conflict with Lortel continued to interfere with rational judgment.

From readwn.com

Most of all, it was hard to believe that Ed Roth-Taylor was attached to Lortel Keheln.

Did Lortel deceive him with three tongues?

However, Ed Roth-Taylor is a person who is easily deceived just because he is trying to deceive him. It can’t be.

“Princess Phenia!”

While he was confused for a moment, Dunn quickly added something.

Now is your chance. Whatever the circumstances, if you can attract Princess Fenia to your allies, even temporarily, things will be much easier.

“We need to catch Ed Rothtailer and Lortel Keheln first!”

Princess Fenia is now a relatively neutral figure.

Dune, who was screaming with evil to somehow attract Princess Fenia…

…was unaware that he had made the worst move.

“Who are you taking?”

Wasn’t the imperial escort carriage only permitted to the imperial family?

However, inside the carriage that Princess Fenia got off, another girl got off.

Passing through the open carriage door, the little girl who jumped down the stairs was… Fixing a witch hat the size of my upper body, and brushing off the fluttering skirt.

Dunn Grex doubted my eyes.

Unlike Princess Fenia, who is a neutral being, who can’t get along between Lortel and Ed…

The girl is an undisputed ally of Ed Roth-Taylor, and has little interest in the rest of the characters.

Her existence is a joker in card games. A terrible variable that can flip the board upside down at will, and no one can control. It’s like a natural disaster.

Capture Ed Rothtailer and Lortel Keheln.

Dunn’s proverb that mentioned the names of the two people like that.

For the girl in the witch hat, the name behind it was probably good.

Her only concern is the name in front.

The starlight at night still shines brightly around the carriage in the entrance building.

Under that bluish light, Lucy Meryl crouched down and spoke in a dazed voice in front of Dune, who had her head bowed down.

“Can you explain the situation to me?”

Cold sweat began to flow from the back of the dune. Sweat dripped from the tip of his nose to the floor.

“You have to choose your words well.”

*Ed got a hammer and saw and fixed the basement door.

The broken lock was not available, so I brought the lock I used to lock the timber shed and installed it, and brought a few planks and nailed them additionally.

Then, he pushed the bookcase inside the villa to cover the entrance to the basement, and changed the arrangement of other furniture to completely hide the entrance.

And Ed took the key from Bell and locked the door again.

“What should I do? Shall we go back to the Ophelis Hall?”

“It would be better. There is nothing good about being here.”

As it was, he was sitting casually by the campfire, basking in the fire.

The Elte Chamber will be completely in turmoil, and the Princess’s carriage will be coming to the side of Maxes Bridge.

This side and that side, the purpose must be Ed Roth-Taylor. He is the one who holds the heart of the situation.

Ed took a quick breath in, then exhaled heavily.

And I sat by the bonfire… and quietly waited for the change of the situation.

Bell bowed his head, said hello, and left the camp with a somewhat dignified posture.

On the way out, he turned around for a moment and looked at Ed, who, as usual, was sitting quietly by the campfire with his head bowed.

Buried in the darkness of the night, Ed Rothtailer quietly stares at the bonfire.

The students who were running for his purpose were full of them.

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