Chapter 134 The Real Warrior

On Monday afternoon, the second-grade eaglets and badgers walked into the Potions classroom on time.

The temperature in the classroom seemed to be lower than usual, and the little wizards who had just entered the classroom shivered.

“Severus, I know you are biased against me.”

Ives seemed to have heard Lockhart’s voice. Was it an illusion? When they sat down, they realized that it was not an illusion. Behind the podium

, Lockhart was seen smiling and holding a beautifully wrapped gift box in his hand..On the other side of him was Snape with a cold face.

“In order to improve our relationship, I have prepared a small gift for you.”As he said this, he put the gift box into Snape’s hand and motioned for him to open the package.

Oh, Lockhart is quite good at getting things done, and he even gave Snape a gift. Ives thought in surprise. In fact, this is a decision that Lockhart has thought about for a long time.

Since it is impossible to resign, for the sake of his life, he must quickly establish a good relationship with other professors in the school.

Especially Snape, he found that every When he returned to the staff room after Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Snape would look at him with a gloomy look.

So Lockhart quickly prepared a gift and specifically chose the time to visit Snape before class. Presumably Snape would not deny him face in front of the students.

Without reaching out to avoid hitting the smiling man, Snape took the gift box and opened it, only to see a bottle of unknown liquid lying inside. Under the candlelight, the liquid in the glass bottle overflowed. Colorful streamer

“This is the shampoo I invented,” Lockhart seemed very confident about the gift he chose. He explained happily,”The main ingredient of this shampoo is the yolk of bird and snake eggs, which can lock in the luster and make the hair shine. Your hair will never be greasy again.”

The more he spoke, the darker Snape’s face turned.

“As you all know, my secret ambition is to rid the world of all evil and sell my own line of hair conditioners, which I write about in several of my books.……”Lockhart spoke in detail.

He observed Snape for a long time and found that he often had greasy hair on his head. He thought this must be because Snape’s hair was not good and he had not chosen the right shampoo, so he specially gave him the shampoo he invented in order to improve the relationship between the two.

Elvis admires Lockhart now, but he didn’t expect him to be the real warrior of Hogwarts.

He dared to give such a gift, he dared to say such words to Snape, and only accurate stepping on thunder can describe his current behavior.

“……Get out of here……”Snape gritted his teeth and slowly spoke a few words.

Lockhart’s mouth didn’t stop. He didn’t hear clearly what Snape just said, so he asked again:”What did you just say?””

“Get out of here!”

Snape exploded. He quickly took out his wand from his arms and threw Lockhart out of the Potions classroom, along with his shampoo.

Lockhart sat blankly on the floor tiles outside the classroom until Snape used magic to close the door. He didn’t even know what he had done wrong.


In the Potions classroom,

Snape looked around coldly. When he saw that no one was speaking and everyone was sitting upright in their seats, he nodded imperceptibly.

He wrote on the blackboard,”Today, we are going to learn how to brew hair growth potion.”

Hermione was a little surprised, and she raised her hand boldly

“Miss Granger, do you have any questions?”Snape turned around and called her name slowly.

“Professor, according to the schedule, we should learn anti-swelling agents in this class.”Hermione stood up and wondered.

Snape smiled coldly,”I plan to move it to the next class. I think someone in the

castle will need hair growth potion soon, so I decided to teach you in this class. , so that no one will do it when someone needs it.”

Aves was keenly aware that Lockhart’s hair would be in danger.

I hope he is okay, he said with his heartfelt blessings

“Now, any questions?”Snape said calmly

“there is none left.”Hermione shook her head and sat back in her seat.

“Since there is no problem, why don’t you quickly copy down the writing on the blackboard!”Snape accused loudly.

After being scolded by him, the little wizards immediately took action, took out their notes and quickly recorded the contents on the blackboard.

When the sound of rustling notes in the classroom stopped, Snape looked at him with a gloomy look. He glanced at everyone and directly announced that the next step would be the practice session.

“Wring out the water from fresh long silk water plants……”

Ives looked at the operating steps in the textbook, compared them with Snape’s blackboard, and then started to operate carefully.

Filamentous waterweed is a kind of aquatic plant that grows in caves at the bottom of lakes. This fluffy hair-like thing has a lot of water. Hermione on the side tried her best to suck the milk, but the long strands of waterweed in her hand were still wet.

Avis sighed while repeating the steps of wringing out.

Before each class, he would preview the potions to be learned in the next class, which allowed him to never make a mistake in the potions class. But who could have imagined that Snape would actually change the teaching content temporarily.

He felt a little helpless when he saw that he only had 4 points of potions talent. I was afraid that points would be deducted for this class.

Snape walked through the underground classrooms, finding people to pick on and scold from time to time, and Neville and Ivis were especially the ones taking care of him. They were given a harsh lesson on everything from the cooking temperature of the medicinal materials to the posture of holding the silver knife to the distance between the tip of the nose and the crucible.

Ives’s mentality was very calm. Even though Snape had been staring at him from behind, he could even feel the old bat’s cold breath.

He slowly added the chopped dried nettles to the crucible, and then stirred the crucible clockwise three times with his wand.

Under the watchful eyes of him and Snape, the potion in Ives’s cauldron gradually turned into the greasy transparent liquid written in the book.

But before he could be happy, the transparent liquid quickly turned white, and by the time the stirring was completed, it had completely turned into a white, viscous liquid.

Ives’s face fell, finished, defeated.

To his surprise, Snape did not scold him, but gave him a cold glance and said:”Redo it.”

Ivis wanted to throw away the failed potion, but Snape asked him to collect it and bring it to him.

When he was brewing the second pot of hair growth potion, Neville’s cauldron exploded.

As a result, Snape did not scold Neville, but instead asked him to collect the failed potions and bring them to him.

Ives secretly guessed that Snape would not intend to use these failed potions to poison Lockhart.

By the end of get out of class, Snape had collected a total of seven or eight failed hair-growing potions, and he mixed those potions together in full view of everyone.

Those failed hair growth potions had a wonderful magical reaction and turned into colorful black.

Snape was finally satisfied and announced:

“get out of class is over!”


Thanks to book friend uoduck for the reward, and to all readers for their support. Thank you.(・ω・)ノ


It’s over. It was already midnight on the 12th when this chapter was posted. I vomited and the two leave requests were gone.

(End of this chapter)

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