Chapter 202 Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets

“Okay, kids,” Dumbledore raised his wand and used a fluorescent flash. The light from the tip of the wand illuminated the entire room.

He said eagerly,”I’ll take the lead for you. To be honest, this pipeline It’s really like a slide.”

As he said that, he jumped into the pipe immediately.

Ives and Harry looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of helplessness in each other’s eyes.

Professor Dumbledore really has a childlike innocence… The two of them agreed. He sighed in his heart.

Then, Ives stepped forward, stretched his legs into the pipe, and slid his hands down, and Harry followed closely.

In the pipe,

Ives felt that he had fallen into a They were falling all the way down the slope of the pipe in the sticky slide.

It was pitch black all around, and only the light from Dumbledore’s wand not far away could barely illuminate the way ahead for them. He could hear Harry Following him, there was a slight collision sound at the corner.

I don’t know how long it took, but just when Ives felt that he was about to faint due to the twists and turns of the pipe, he suddenly found that the slope in front of him began to gradually ease. Slow down.

Ives understood that this trip to the large slide was about to end.

Sure enough, the water pipe in front became horizontal, and Ives quickly emerged from the mouth of the pipe, and hit a soft one with a pop. On the magic bubble


Harry’s scream came from behind, and Ives hurriedly stood up to make room for him.

There was another pop, and Harry stopped screaming. Only then did he realize that he did not fall to the ground, but Something caught me firmly

“What a pleasure, isn’t it?”Dumbledore’s voice came from the front, and he asked the two of them with a smile.

Harry stood up quickly, and while looking at the surrounding environment, he replied:”Well, I really hope there won’t be another time.”

Hearing this, Dumbledore shook his head helplessly.

Ives was also observing the surrounding environment. It was brightly illuminated by Dumbledore’s lighting spell and he could see everything clearly.

The place they were in was a straight The tunnel going forward looks very wide, the ground is wet, and you can faintly hear the sound of running water not far away.

“Let’s go.”Dumbledore raised the Elder Wand and led the two people forward.

In the tunnel, the three people’s feet clicked on the wet ground, making a loud sound.

The light of the wand made their feet The shadow was reflected on the wet wall, looking like a monster.

This weird atmosphere made Harry tighten his sleeves subconsciously. Suddenly, there was a clicking sound in the tunnel, which made his body tremble.

“Harry. Seeing him stop in place in fear, Ives reminded him silently:”You just stepped on a mouse’s skull.””

Harry then opened his eyes and looked down. Then, he saw the bones of many small animals.

“What kind of monster is in the secret room?”He quickly moved his feet away from the mouse’s skull, and then asked curiously

“Basilisk.”Aves replied

“Basilisk? Ha Li, who never took the initiative to turn over books except for attending class and doing homework, said doubtfully.

“”A giant venomous snake bred by a dark wizard,” Ives explained.”An adult basilisk can reach fifty feet in length. Its fangs are extremely venomous, but its most dangerous way of attacking is with its yellow… The big eyes stare at the target of attack. Anyone who looks at it will be killed instantly”

“Even if you only indirectly look at the basilisk’s eyes, you will be petrified.”

Harry thought of Filch, Mrs. Norris and Colin who were petrified. He was always the first to appear at the scene and clearly remembered the postures of the two of them and the cat when they were petrified.

Filch and Lorris Mrs. Liz probably saw the basilisk’s eyes through the water on the ground, while Colin saw it through the camera.

After thinking about it clearly, Harry breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they both saw it indirectly. The eyes of the basilisk, rather than looking directly at each other.

After turning a dark bend in the tunnel, Dumbledore signaled the two of them to stop.

There seemed to be a huge thing in the center of the tunnel. Ives looked at it carefully for a long time. This huge thing Lying coiled on the other side of the tunnel, motionless.

Dumbledore held the knotted wand high in his hand. The light from the tip of the wand shone on it, revealing a huge snake skin.

This snake skin was green. It was very bright, and it looked like the skin of a venomous snake, and it was hollow inside. Ives silently estimated in his mind that the length of the basilisk was at least thirty feet.

Harry pulled Ives nervously At the hem of his robe,”Ai, Ives”……”he shouted with trembling lips

“Don’t worry,” Dumbledore comforted,”it’s just the shed skin of the basilisk.”

Harry felt relieved.

The three of them walked around the snake skin and continued to walk towards the end of the tunnel.

As they passed the snake skin, Harry swallowed hard. The sound was extremely harsh in the quiet tunnel.

Ivis shook his head in amusement,”Harry, don’t worry, Professor Dumbledore is here.”

Hearing this, Harry’s nervous mood calmed down a little. Yes, there is also the almighty Professor Dumbledore.

“Ives, I’m glad you trust me so much. The old principal’s gentle voice came from the front,”Harry, you still have to rely on yourself next time.””

Only then did they realize that they had reached the end.

At the end of the tunnel stood a solid wall with two intertwined snakes carved on it. Their eyes were set with large, shining emeralds.

At the end of the tunnel stood a solid wall. Under Dumbledore’s guidance, Harry walked closer step by step. He looked up at the two snakes on the wall. After this experience, he no longer needed to try to imagine these two stone snakes as real..

Besides, the eyes of these two snakes looked as if they were alive.

He cleared his throat and said in a low, hoarse hiss:”Open.”

The two snakes on the door moved and squirmed apart quickly. The stone wall also cracked from the middle and slowly slid to both sides and disappeared.

Dumbledore quickly walked to the front, followed closely by Harry and Ivis. After that.

After passing through the wall, there was a huge space inside. It was obvious that they were on one side of this dimly lit room. There were many stone pillars engraved with entangled snakes in the room. They towered up to support the ceiling that melted into the darkness above, casting a long and eerie black shadow on the entire room filled with green and mysterious atmosphere. Directly in front of the three people, there was a wide platform with a A statue reaching the ceiling.

Dumbledore carefully escorted the two of them forward, wary of the basilisk that might appear in any direction


“Close your eyes when I tell you to,” he warned uneasily.

“clear.”Elvis and Harry replied in unison.

As they continued to move forward, they could finally see the face of the statue clearly.

There was an old, monkey-like face carved on it, and a sparse long beard that almost stretched all the way. On the hem of the wizard’s robe carved from stone, two dark big feet stood on the smooth floor of the room.

Ives knew that this was a statue of Salazar Slytherin, but what puzzled him was , the face of this statue bore no resemblance to the Slytherin he saw in Ravenclaw’s vision.

As they nervously looked at their surroundings, a sound of squirming objects came from the statue’s mouth. came

“Hiss hiss……”It was accompanied by a burst of snake whispering.

Harry hurriedly reminded:”Professor Dumbledore, Ives, the basilisk said it was hungry!”

Dumbledore pulled the two of them behind him,”Close your eyes!” he said seriously.

Ives and Harry closed their eyes obediently. At the same time, Ives took out his wand and placed a powerful iron armor spell around them.

Unlike the two young wizards, Dumbledore did not close his eyes immediately. From his perspective, a huge green snake was slowly crawling down from the mouth of the Slytherin statue. There was also a bright red feather on its head.

“A wizard is here…a strange wizard…delicious snacks delivered to your door……”

Dumbledore frowned as he carefully discerned the snake language spoken by the basilisk.

Halfway down the climb, the basilisk raised its head, which was as big as a water tank, and twisted it around. Its yellow pupils, like lanterns, kept blinking, as if it was looking for the wizard’s location.

“……I’m so hungry…I haven’t eaten wizard food for a long time……”It hissed as it spat out snake letters.

After listening to its soliloquy, Dumbledore clenched his wand, determined to get rid of this scourge.

He originally thought that the basilisk might be innocent and only attacked people in the castle because it obeyed Voldemort’s orders. He also wanted to give it a chance.

But now it seems…

Dumbledore has more hands���With a tap of the wand, two stones not far away transformed into two roosters under the influence of magic.

As soon as the two roosters appeared, they immediately began to crow loudly.

The basilisk twisted uncomfortably after hearing the rooster’s crow. It squirmed, shrank back, and looked around warily. A pair of snake eyes wandered around the room and quickly locked onto the location of the two roosters.

Just as it was about to pounce and kill the two annoying roosters, Dumbledore aimed a loud voice at them.

Their cries were amplified a hundred times under the influence of the Loud Spell, and their eardrum-piercing cries echoed throughout the underground space.

As everyone knows (except Harry), the basilisk has a fatal weakness, and that is the crowing of roosters.

Although the two roosters were just Dumbledore’s transfiguration, their cries still caused great harm to the basilisk.

The rooster’s crow that echoed in the underground space was extremely harsh, and Elvis and Harry subconsciously blocked their ears.

This is true of both of them, and the Basilisk’s performance is even worse.

After hearing the cry, the basilisk began to bleed from the corners of its eyes, and its whole body trembled crazily, as if it was in great pain. Its huge body swung and hit the floor in front of the statue with a bang.

“Stop, stop! Shut up the cock, please! please!”The basilisk was begging for mercy while swinging its body wildly on the ground.

However, Dumbledore did not intend to accept its surrender. He was determined to solve this scourge.

He swung his left hand forward hard, and an alchemy sword appeared. In his hand.

Dumbledore closed his eyes, preventing himself from looking directly into the basilisk’s eyes. He took a step forward, accelerated forward, and rushed to the basilisk in an instant. The wand in

Dumbledore’s right hand Throwing out a spell, several magic chains rose from the basilisk’s body and tied it firmly to the ground.

Then, with an agility that was completely unlike that of a hundred-year-old man, he jumped hard onto the basilisk’s body. On his back.

He stepped on the basilisk’s head, and the majestic magic power surged out of his body, allowing him to”see” everything around him.

Dumbledore found the right position and looked into the basilisk’s big yellow eyes. He thrust hard!

Twice in succession.

Black blood spurted out from the basilisk’s blinded eyes, and when it was about to hit Dumbledore, it was bounced away by magic.

After sensing the basilisk’s two eyes , After becoming blind, he slowly opened his blue eyes and looked at the basilisk’s back indifferently, as if looking for a place where he could kill him with one blow.

“……Please…please spare me……”After being poked blind, the basilisk weakly begged for mercy.

However, what responded to it was a sharp curse.

A spell as sharp as a knife flashed by, and the basilisk, starting from the snake’s head, was cut into two pieces by Dumbledore’s magic!

It wasn’t until its still warm body fluttered twice, and then completely stopped moving, that Dumbledore said,”Okay, Ivis, Harry, you can open your eyes now.” After hearing the principal’s words, Avis Weiss then removed the iron armor spell that had been covering the two of them, signaling Harry to open his eyes.

As soon as they opened their eyes, they saw Dumbledore holding his sword and stepping on the basilisk’s head.

The impact of this picture was so strong that they were stunned.

Ives looked at Dumbledore, who was holding a wand in one hand and a sword in the other, and felt outrageous in his heart. Could it be that this is not actually the world of Harry Potter, but the world of The Lord of the Rings? he thought in shock.

After killing the Basilisk, the matter of Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets can finally come to an end.

Dumbledore jumped back to the ground and said with a smile:”Now there will be no monsters that can threaten the students of Hogwarts.”

Ivis and Harry came to their senses, and Harry said excitedly:”That’s right!”

Now, he could finally clarify that he had not opened Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets and got rid of his identity as Slytherin’s heir.

Wait, Harry fell into deep thought again, and he discovered a blind spot.

If he was not the heir of Slytherin, then why could he open the Chamber of Secrets so smoothly? If he could open the Chamber of Secrets, would he actually be the heir of Slytherin…

Harry suddenly remembered that he seemed to have played a vital role in this adventure – he opened the entrance and the door to the Chamber of Secrets. ——Can’t help but fall into a state of doubting life.

Ives didn’t have these worries anymore. He walked up to the basilisk and looked at its body.


(End of this chapter)

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