Chapter 203 The end of the secret room

“Professor,” Ives squatted in front of the severed snake head,”can I take away the basilisk’s fangs?”

“What do you want this thing for?”Dumbledore asked worriedly

“The basilisk’s venom is very poisonous, and I wonder if it could destroy a Horcrux.”Aves carefully fiddled with his fangs, and he added:”Furthermore, the basilisk’s venom is an extremely rare potion material. Some antidote recipes require it. Professor, you should know about the mystery shop we opened.”

Dumbledore nodded,”If you need it, then take it.”

“OK”Aves was overjoyed and immediately took out the glassware from his arms to collect the venom.

After collecting the venom, he used a few more magics to pull out the two thick fangs of the basilisk, and then carefully used the shrinking spell to Put it away.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. Now he regretted what he just said.

Looking at the huge thing broken in two in front of him, Harry asked aloud:”Professor, should we go back?””

The damp and moldy smell in the secret room mixed with the smell of basilisk blood made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

In response to his question, Ives and Dumbledore shook their heads.

“Harry, I need your help with one more thing.”Aves said, he briefly summarized that he got a message from somewhere that the real secret room of Slytherin is hidden in Hogwarts Castle.

Of course, in order to avoid destroying Harry’s young world view, Ives Si didn’t reveal anything about the monsters of the gods or the Returners.

After listening to him quietly, Harry reached out and tugged his upturned hair,”Wait a minute, Ivis.……”

“You mean, this is not actually the real secret room left by Slytherin. His real secret room is hidden somewhere else?”Harry stood there dumbfounded. This news shocked him.

“That’s right,” Ives nodded,”From the information I got, opening the real secret chamber of Slytherin also requires Parseltongue.”

After that, he groped around in this huge underground room, trying to find some clues.

Dumbledore and Harry also took action, and the three of them acted separately.

During the search, they first focused on They found themselves on the huge stone pillars in the room with serpents engraved on them.

After spending dozens of minutes carefully searching these stone pillars up and down, the three of them reunited in front of the Slytherin statue.

After some exchanges, the three of them determined There were no useful clues in the room.

While they were talking, Ives kept looking at the statue in front of them that looked nothing like Slytherin’s feminine appearance, and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

He hesitated and said:”Professor, is it possible that this secret room actually has nothing to do with Slytherin himself?”

“oh?”Dumbledore looked at him with doubtful eyes.

“I once saw the four founders in a vision,” Ives explained.”Slytherin is very handsome, a young man with a pair of ruby eyes.”

As he said that, he looked at the ugly statue again, shook his head and said in denial:”I can’t see the relationship between this statue and Slytherin at all.”

Although theoretically, this statue should be carved by an old Slytherin, it cannot be said that this ugly face has anything to do with Slytherin’s handsome appearance when he was young. It can only be said that it has nothing to do with it.

“……”Dumbledore was lost in thought.

Harry looked left and right, not knowing what to say. He really didn’t understand what the two men were talking about.

After a while, Dumbledore said:”Let’s leave first and wait for me to go back and look for some information.””

“All right.”Avis reluctantly agreed. It seems that the search for the secret rooms left by the four founders has to be put aside for a while.


Inside the Room of Requirement after curfew.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Elvis had returned safely without any injuries on his body.

“So, the monster in the secret room is actually a basilisk?”After listening to Ives’s adventure tonight, Qiu asked in disbelief:”The real heir of Slytherin is not Harry, but that mysterious man?”

“That’s right.”Aves nodded.

“No wonder,” said Fred, stroking his chin,”no wonder Lockhart knew nothing but telling stories and performing plays before, and then suddenly he became a master of magic.”

“Unexpectedly, he was actually influenced by the mysterious man. Cedric sighed with emotion.

George gloated and said,”Avis, you should have stayed in the auditorium to see Lockhart’s expression when he was taken away by the Aurors.” He expressed an anxious and fearful expression on his face while shouting in a low voice:”You can’t take me away. I am an internationally renowned person and writer, a recipient of the Order of Merlin, Third Class, and an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Magic Alliance. Five-time winner of Wizarding Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award……”

George’s lively performance made everyone laugh. Ives smacked his lips and complained in his heart: He is indeed Lockhart. He was almost imprisoned in Azkaban, and he is still thinking about his honors.

Everyone stayed in the Room of Requirement until early morning before returning to their respective dormitories.

Lying on the long-lost dormitory bed, Ives put the clingy Fox next to the pillow and closed his eyes.

Too many things happened today. I returned to Hogwarts from New York in the morning, drugged Lockhart at night to make him confess all the bad things he had done, and then ran to the Chamber of Secrets to kill the basilisk…

This fulfilling day made He felt full of energy and soon fell asleep


Early the next morning,

Dumbledore announced the official conclusion of the Chamber of Secrets while the students were having breakfast.

“Our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart, was bewitched by an evil Dark Arts item, causing the first two attacks.”

Dumbledore stood up and suddenly bent down in front of everyone’s eyes,”Because I was not a good employee, I need to say sorry to you.”

The auditorium suddenly became silent, and everyone looked at him in surprise.

“Professor, it’s not your fault!”Fred suddenly shouted.

After he spoke out, the students became excited and denounced Lockhart, who had been captured by the Aurors.

“It’s all Lockhart’s fault!”

“That’s right!”

“He hid himself so well that Professor Dumbledore didn’t recognize his true identity. It’s not your fault!”

“That’s right!”

“Lockhart, that damned liar!”


Fans whose hearts are broken by their idols are indeed the strongest black haters.

Elvis could see that Padma and several of her little sisters who were members of the Lockhart Fan Club, who were sitting not far from him, kept blaming Lockhart, even saying” A few words of great Britishness

“Ahem.”Dumbledore cleared his throat, and everyone fell silen


“I want to remind you not to be like Lockhart and unconditionally believe in any magical item with independent consciousness. Dumbledore said in a serious tone,”I hope you can seek help from your teacher when you encounter similar things.””

As he spoke, he glanced in the direction of Ives.

This left Ives speechless.

Look at what I’m doing. Although I didn’t tell you in advance about drugging Lockhart, there are other things. I can tell you everything. He thought to himself.

For Dumbledore, Lockhart’s sudden self-destruction was not what he expected. In the school board, Lucius was on the side He even took the opportunity to launch an attack, taking the recent attacks and the incompetence of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to hold Dumbledore accountable, trying to get him to resign as principal.

Until Dumbledore and Malfoy Sr. had a private conversation, and he”accidentally” saw the diary that Voldemort asked him to keep safe, which he casually sold to the Knockturn Alley vendor.

Lucius quickly switched sides.

“I have a few more things to announce next!”Dumbledore gave himself a loud voice so that his voice could drown out the chaotic noise of the little wizards.

“The first thing was that Mr. Evans discovered Lockhart’s anomaly through his intelligence, which not only revealed Lockhart’s true face, but also prevented the attack from getting worse.”

“I would like to add fifty points to Mr. Evans here for his merits. Moreover, he will also receive the special contribution award to the school!”

The long tables of the four major colleges suddenly burst into warm applause.

The previous attacks made the entire Hogwarts panic, especially the Muggle-born students, who were afraid that they would become the next target of the attack.

Now Ives Naturally, they were relieved to have solved the mastermind behind the attack.

The professors sitting in the teacher’s seats looked at Ives with some expressions.���Strange. They all complained in their hearts: Illegal use of truth serum on a professor, and still get a reward?

After the applause subsided, Dumbledore continued to the young wizards:”The second thing I want to say is that thanks to the help of Mr. Evans and Mr. Potter, I have solved the monster in the Chamber of Secrets.”

“For this, I give fifty points each to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor!”

“You no longer need to worry about anything that can threaten your safety. As for the petrified Mr. Filch and Mr. Creevey, they can recover as soon as the mandrake matures.”

Dumbledore said seriously:”I promise.”

The voices in the auditorium froze for a moment.

The young wizards had previously thought that Lockhart was responsible for the two attacks.

But according to the principal, it turns out that Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets really exists, and the monsters in it are still there. He was released by Lockhart.

Fortunately, the monster in the Chamber of Secrets had been eliminated.

The audience once again burst into an unprecedented burst of applause.

The scoring pool placed in the auditorium also happened after Dumbledore waved. There have been changes.

This means that Ravenclaw’s score pool has increased.

Ravenclaw’s score is already far ahead of the other three houses. After adding this hundred points, the House Cup of this school year will , if there are no accidents, it should still be from Ravenclaw.

The applause on the Ravenclaw table suddenly became more enthusiastic. At the same time, many people looked at Harry with apologetic eyes.

They all firmly believed that haha Harry was the heir of Slytherin, but he was the one who helped Dumbledore deal with the monster in the Chamber of Secrets.

This made the little wizards feel apologetic.

At the Gryffindor table, Seamus and Dean even took the initiative to apologize to Harry..

Fortunately, Harry didn’t take it to heart about the unpleasantness that happened some time ago, and he accepted their apology with a smile.

“So you left the auditorium yesterday to help Professor Dumbledore deal with the monster in the Chamber of Secrets?”Ron poked Harry’s shoulder and asked curiously.

“Well, that’s right.”Harry nodded quickly. When he went back last night, all his roommates had fallen asleep, so he didn’t tell a few of them.

“So what kind of monster is that?”Ron asked again, and many similarly curious little lions came to the two of them.

Looking at everyone’s curious eyes, Harry, who had made a confidentiality agreement with Dumbledore, could only choose what he could say. Says in part,”The monster in the chamber was a basilisk over thirty feet long”

“Basilisk!”Percy exclaimed in the crowd.

Some young wizards who had not been exposed to the Care of Magical Creatures class had questions on their heads,”What is a basilisk?”

Under the explanation of the senior wizard, they finally understood how terrifying the basilisk was.

“So where is the secret room?”Someone asked aloud.

Harry’s eyes glanced left and right,”Um.……”

Dumbledore strictly prohibited him from telling the location of the Chamber of Secrets.

“Professor Dumbledore said thanks to your help, Harry, what role did you play in this?”


Harry also couldn’t answer this question. He couldn’t say that it was thanks to him that they were able to open the door to the secret room.

Then he had already been cleared of the suspicion of being the heir of Slytherin, but he couldn’t explain it clearly again.

Seeing that he couldn’t answer anything and couldn’t satisfy their strong curiosity, everyone dispersed when they saw this.

After the little lions dispersed, Draco came over

“Harry,” he looked worried,”you’re not hurt, are you?”

“No,” Harry waved his hand,”With Professor Dumbledore here, how could I be hurt.”

Draco then showed a reassuring smile, and then the two chatted happily.

This scene made Ginny, who had just come over, hesitate to speak.

She and Ron, the two siblings, could only sit on the other side of Harry. At the same time, a kind of Bai Xue atmosphere rose among the four of them.

Damn it, I was obviously the one who came first…

Ginny and Ron, whose crush and best friend were taken away, thought angrily at the same time through gritted teeth.

Compared to Comparable to Gryffindor at the Bai Academy, the atmosphere at the Ravenclaw table was extremely heated.

Padma and the others openly wore armbands symbolizing the Avis Fans Association, crowded in front of him, and wanted him to give An autograph.

Hermione looked at Ives, who was overwhelmed by girls, but kept mumbling the names of George and Fred.

Who asked them to come to Ives first to ask for an autograph and a photo!

Lest the world The restless twins believe that with Ives’s current achievements and fame, they will definitely be able to make a lot of money by selling his autographed photos.


(End of this chapter)

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