Chapter 82

I responded calmly and clapped my hands.

“Then, please leave the gallery.”


Healer glanced at Oh Bong-gyu’s eyes. Bong-gyu Oh bit his lip and nodded his head, and he bowed his head and went outside.

“…Tell me what you want.”

O Bong-gyu growled and said. I spread my fingers.

“First. Have that friend apologize to the victim and return the stolen artifact.”

“Of course I will.”

“Second. Stop all political offensives against Alchemia and publicize the atrocities you’ve done to us. After that, get a fair prosecution investigation.”

Bong-gyu Oh’s face was colored with astonishment and anger.

“Are you saying we’re going to die now!”

“If I don’t like that, all the data I have will be distributed to the media. It’s like a barrel of oil falling on a burning barn. Public opinion may move the prosecution and even the executive branch.”

Bong-gyu Oh stopped at the word executive.

Those with extra-legal authority in the Hunter world. At the scene, they are even licensed to kill. If they got involved, the Healer Alliance might really be uprooted.

“Chairman. Now that the situation has reached this point, did you think you would be able to run the organization like it used to?”

I took another sip of herbal tea.

It was sweet, but this time it suits my taste.

“Did you think that if you just stick your butt to the floor and wait for public opinion to calm down, as you have always done, you’ll be fine? Please change your mind. Now, the Healer Alliance will have no choice but to face change in one way or another.”

I got up from the sofa, admiring his expression, and retrieved the USB.

“I can’t wait for long. Three days at the most.”

He put the USB in his pocket and walked out the door.

“Think of the moment when my stuff is on TV that it’s time over.”

* * *


A belated sense of relief creeps in.

I thought what would happen if they suddenly changed their attitude and rushed in, but they weren’t that thoughtless. I got my phone back and was able to get out of the building safely.


I sighed lightly as I looked around the Healer Alliance building and walked to Jeong Jeong-jin’s vehicle, which was waiting for me.

With every step there was a thrill.

* * *

Jeong Jeong-jin broke up with work in the middle, and I came back to the tower alone.

Jinbora and EA were busy running around.

“Uh, oh my. Are you here? Senior.”

I caught Jinbora’s bewildered expression.

“What are you doing with such a catchy expression?”

“…Ahaha! I didn’t expect you to come so soon.”

He showed me the ingredients on the table as if Jin-Woo couldn’t do it. In an induction electric stove, in a pot, in beef, various vegetables and mushrooms.

“Huh? This is beef hotpot.”

“Correct! Aren’t you tired of ordering convenience store food or delivery food every day? Today, I’ll make you look good!”

She pressed her beef pack to her cheek and wrinkled her eyes. Now that I have gained some immunity to pretending to be cute like that, I casually rummaged through the ingredients.

Oh shit. There are also lettuce leaves.

“Who’s cooking?”

“Of course it is!”

“I also decided to help as a kitchen assistant. Topju.”

… … The women in my family are very untrustworthy.

Jinbora, who sensed my expression, pursed her lips.

“I’ve been practicing this at home a few times! I’m really confident!”

“Yeah, yes. I look forward to it.”

Cooking started right away. Jin-Bora turned on the induction power and boiled anchovy stock on the pot. Kelp, dried prawns, and Hwangtaepo. These days, it seems that the ingredients for the broth are also sold as a set.

While the broth was boiling in the pot, Ea sliced ​​the vegetables and ripped out a pack of beef called Jinbo.

The plastic packaging was peeled off and the bright red beef for shabu-shabu was revealed. It was very appetizing to see the shiny and shiny light reflected from the ceiling lights.

Oh, do you have to cook? I just want to grill that meat in a frying pan.

“Senior. Did you just want to eat only meat?”

“…you played with EA these days, did you learn mind-reading?”

“Ugh, let’s see! Really!”

Jin-Bora grumbled and set a simple cutting board. Then, he brought a bunch of cabbage leaves and sesame leaves and stacked them next to each other.

“Are there so many cabbage leaves in the original hotpot?”

“I’m going to make the Milfeu yunabe.”

“Sealed… what?”

“If you don’t know, just look!”

First, she laid out broad cabbage leaves on the cutting board. On top of that, she put sesame leaves and beef for shabu-shabu.

“Senior. Two pieces of beef? Three pieces?”

“Three chapters three.”

Before I knew it, I was immersed in cooking. As I said, Jin-Bora laid out three layers of beef beautifully, and then placed Chinese cabbage, sesame leaves, beef, and Chinese cabbage on top in turn. And lightly pressed with the palm of her hand.

“Oh. I know this dish! This is a sealing nabe!”

“It’s Milfyunabe.”

With her kitchen knife, she cut the cabbage, sesame leaves and layers of beef into equal parts. She then repeated the same operation several times.

I did not miss the sight and called.

“Seojin-ah. When are you coming to the tower?”

– I stopped by the Alchemia office for a while. What’s wrong?

“Bora is making hotpot, would you like to come?”

– Best of luck. top lord.

Also, how did he hear that voice, Jinbo-ra said, ‘You don’t even know if you can come!’ and exclaimed. I added a word.

“Is EA a kitchen assistant?”


For a moment, there was the sound of things like books falling.

– I’m going now.


The call is disconnected. I smiled bitterly and looked into Jin-Bra’s eyes.

“Seeing! Really ah. I’m embarrassed, so I’m registering for a culinary academy.”

Jin-Bora grunted and laid the vegetables that Ea had chopped up on the bottom of her pot. She then started filling the pot with shredded wheat feuille, standing one by one, starting from the outside.

From the white of Chinese cabbage, the green of sesame leaves, and the red of beef. The color combination is quite beautiful. It looks as if petals have bloomed inside the pot, leaving only the center behind and the mille-feuille fillings seamlessly.

Then, in the empty space in the middle, we finished by inserting mugwort and shiitake mushrooms in the shape of a star.

“Oh, it looks really plausible.”

“That’s right! That’s right!”

Jin-Bra, who was frantically bursting with her smartphone shutter, said with a bright smile.

“This time, the taste is also guaranteed! It’s a combination that’s hard to fail.”

Now just pour in the broth and bring to a boil, she says. EA went to call her Eunsol, who must be preoccupied with making a golem on the 3rd floor.


At the sound of eating, Eunsol was excited and ran, and after a while, Jeong Jeong-jin entered the tower.

“Heo Eok! Heo Eok! Neh, are you late?”

“…you came really quickly. Did you even come by helicopter?”

“If you’re late, I’ll help you set the plate as soon as possible!”

Plates and utensils were placed on the table, and everyone sat around. An electric stove was placed in the center and a pot with Milfeu Yunabe was placed on it.



Both Eunsol and Jeong Jeong-jin reacted by surprise at the appetizing appearance. When Jinminra took her stock of anchovy kelp and poured it over her pot, she burst into laughter once again.

Soon the pot started to boil. The bright red beef sandwiched between the cabbages also gradually turned into a deliciously brown color.

“Okay! Then…”

Jinbora tasted the broth with her ladle, she said.

“Okay! Eat!”


“I’ll eat well.”

“I will enjoy this food.”

Everyone brought a plate of Milfeuille one by one. When EA looked at the Google recipe and took a bite out of the soy sauce she made with cabbage leaves, there was no other heaven in the world.

“I admit. Bora. I’ll give you a cooking ticket for 3 months.”

“Hehe! It’s only been 3 months? Give me 3 years coolly!”

Jinbora said with a bright smile. I stared at her face.

“…do you think something has changed?”

“Yes? What? Cooking skills?”

“No, nothing.”

Jeong Jeong-Jin was also Mil-Feu-Eu, but he was focusing on the bean sprouts and mushrooms at the bottom of the pot. I don’t know how he knew that EA was in charge of vegetables again like a ghost.

“Milfeeuille means a thousand leaves in French. It refers to a snack made with cream, jam, fruit, etc. placed between several layers of pie. And nabe, which means hotpot in Japanese, is combined to make Milfeuilleunabe. Fusion Japanese cuisine It’s kind of.”

It was Jeong Jeong-jin who gave explanations that no one asked while eating. Of course, no one was listening because he was so absorbed in eating.

Eunsol’s two cheeks, who were eating hard, became firm like a squirrel holding an acorn, and the urge to poke them with his fingers arose.

The more you boil the hotpot, the more beef oil flows out and the flavor of the broth becomes more savory.

When Milfeuille ran out in an instant, he got up from Jinbo’s seat, rummaged through the ingredients, and brought something.

“Jaan! Kalguksu Sari is here!”


What does this friend know?

I pressed the back of my nose at the heartfelt emotion.

“I’ll extend the ticket to one year.”

“Oh ho ho ho! Thank you!”

Kalguksu was added to the thick and savory hotpot broth and boiled. As the steam rose up and the noodles were cooked, everyone rushed in militantly and inhaled the noodles.

After all, the meal ends with kalguksu or fried rice.

It was a meal-like meal. We emptied the pot without leaving a single bean sprout.

Dessert was strawberries I bought at the supermarket.

“Missing. Mmmmm?”

Eunsol started to doze off because of a dream environment while eating. It was amazing to see the remote control ability exerted to the extreme, floating strawberries in the air and moving them into their mouths.

Jeong Jeong-jin and I were eating strawberries and talking about the Healer Alliance.

“You don’t need to give me three days, right?”

“Yeah. That’s just what I said. It’s too late today, so I’m going to spray it tomorrow.”

“i See.”

“Again, what insidious scheme are you two plotting?”

For the second dessert, Jinbora brought banana slices and chocolate hazelnut spread.

“It’s not a big deal. Oh, and the healer union problem is now resolved, so you don’t have to worry about it.”(Read more @

“I’m glad! What are you going to do after eating?”

“You should try the 4th floor ordeal.”

“Oh, again? I’m hurt. Take it slow.”

I just smiled and stretched out.

As with this case of the Healer Alliance, whenever something is done, a lot of tackles come from all over the place. To protect the tower, you have to be stronger than you are now.

And even to prevent a planned disaster.

* * *

The next morning was bright.

Jin-Ra yawned and got off the bus.

Before she went to the academy, she stopped by the dummy factory in the early morning to move finished potions and it became her first schedule of the day.

“Heh heh heh heh heh heh.”

As she walked towards her research site, singing her hum, she pulled out her official pass necklace and hung it around her neck. She then turned on her smartphone and she accessed social media.

The reaction to Milfeu Yunabe posted this time was explosive. She checked her comments one by one and replied to her.

-Mr. Bora, it’s been a while since I updated my posts. In the past, it was up to 5 per day. What are you up to these days?

Come to think of it, she posted a post in almost 4 days. Jin-Woo smiled and replied with a smile.

-I’m sorry. I’m busy these days.

Jinbora turned off her smartphone and breathed in the fresh morning air.

She once said that she was nothing more than an act of searching to find material to post on social media about her daily life.

She went to restaurants, took pictures, ate pretty desserts, pretended to be happy, pretended to be happy, pretended to be good, and made and posted such posts by any means and methods.

And she felt joy when people paid attention to the picture.

It was more important that I looked happy to others than that I was happy.

But these days, somehow, I don’t feel the need to do that.

I wasn’t lonely. I was able to be faithful every day without relying on SNS.

“Oh, I’ll ask you for a moment, miss.”

A car next to her slowed to a halt. As the car window went down, a middle-aged man in his 50s stuck out his head.

“Yes! Where are you going?”

“I’m going to Jungrye Market, but is it near here? It’s not on the navigation.”

“Oh, Jungrye Market? First, turn right here…”

‘… … !’


Suddenly, someone covered his mouth from behind. Jin-Wo Ra rolled her eyes in surprise, but she couldn’t see anything.

“…wow! Oops!”

“Huh? Why is that, lady?”

“Wow! Whoop!”

Jin-Bora waved her arms and desperately asked for help, but a middle-aged man with an innocent face suddenly smiled with a fishy smile.

“I have no grudges. I’m sorry.”

Her body melted into the air and disappeared.

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