Chapter 83

“Are you saying that today’s shipment hasn’t arrived yet?”

Jeong Jeong-jin was answering the phone with her sleepy face.

-Yeah. It’s open in 30 minutes right now and people are lining up, but I’m nervous because there’s nothing… … .

“I’ll find out right away and call you back.”

Jeong Jeong-jin immediately called Jin-Ra.

-Your phone is turned off and you are connected to voicemail.

But her smartphone was off. Jeong Seo-jin solidified her impression and called her Alchemia office to connect her with her engineer.

-I’m in the factory right now, but there was no stock today. The materials are still in the warehouse. I was waiting for the work to be delayed.

With a terrifying expression on her expression, Jeong Seo-jin called the security officer at the research site of the association.

Just then, Eunsol got on the magic circle elevator and came down to her lobby.

“Glasses brother! What’s going on?”

“It’s nothing. Eunsol-san.”

Jeong Seo-jin tried to pretend to be her composure and answered, but Eun-sol, who was quick to see her, knew what had happened at once.

“It wasn’t even in the access log? Well, I see.”

After pressing the end call button, Jeong Seo-jin brushed her teeth and brushed her bangs.

“Look, is your sister gone?”

Jeong Seo-jin looked at her Eun-sol for a moment and then sighed lightly.

“…it’s too early to judge, but it seems so. In fact, this is what happens when the Lord Top goes to trial…”

Jeong Seo-jin shouted loudly into the air.

“Ea-sama! Are you there? If yes, please answer!”

She also sang Eunsol.

“Ea sister! Is there no Ea unnie?”

She didn’t get any answer.

When Yoo-shin starts her ordeal, Ea also focuses all her attention on Yoo-shin.

As usual, she waits in the tower and does not appear or not.

‘… … Let’s calm down.’

Before Yoo-shin returned, he had to do everything he could. First, he assumed the worst case scenario.

‘There is a possibility that the Healer Alliance in a corner did something.’

After putting on her outerwear, Jeong Seo-jin handed her second smartphone to Eun-sol.

“I’ll go outside to look for Bora. Eunsol is waiting here, so please call Ea in her spare time. You can call me right away when Ea answers or when Top Master returns.”

“yea, I got it!”

Jeong Jeong-jin ran out of the tower.

Things are taking an unusual turn.

* * *

4th floor ordeal.

22 rounds.

Let’s recap what we’ve definitely learned through trial and error.

First, Anton has no memory of the battle with me.

Second, I have no memory, but I roughly guess how many challenges I have now by looking at my actions or movements.

Third, Anton keeps his own phase.

He wears two necklaces around his neck. The effect of the necklace is estimated to be absolute defense once or neutralizing magic within 500m. Once used, it will break.

At the beginning of the battle, when the two necklaces are intact, Anton faces with the higher compatibility of my magic. And it feels more focused on education rather than combat.

The strategy at this time is a volume battle using a rapid arrow. Whether your opponent uses 3-step magic or 4-step magic, you can clear it by using your special skills to push through an overwhelming amount of battle.

So, after Anton uses his first necklace to get out of the predicament, he deals with me with his major magic, ‘Water Magic’.

At this time, I focus on practical work rather than theoretical education to see how much I think my level has risen.

The strategy for the second phase is Devasta. Anton has no memory of the battle, so if you take a good look at his gap and approach as a Daeva Star, you can even break his second necklace.

But the third phase, when all necklaces are destroyed, is a problem.

At this time, Anton is trying to kill me with all his powers with a really sad face.

He’s good until he approaches the Daeva Star and breaks a second necklace However, Anton is extremely strong after he has moved on to Phase 3.

In addition, due to the nature of Devasta, I will play 3 pages while approaching Anton. It’s easy to get caught up in the water right away.

‘… … Is there any way?’

“Ahahaha! What are you thinking so much about! 14 years old!”

Anton rides a tidal wave and fires shells of water. I desperately step on the shield in the air and run away.

“Looking at you rolling your head, you broke the second necklace, did you get stuck after that?”

Write, quick-witted kid… … No, it’s like a grandpa.

It was a mistake to catch this hand.

“But what are you hesitating about? Come in!”

As Anton spread his arms out, the tidal wave rose with all his might. Then the water sloshed and started to take shape.

– Top lord! It is usually impossible to avoid! Guard impossible! Super danger group magic is activated!

I bowed down facing the tsunami that turned into a giant cannon. I can’t help it because I don’t want to die. I put my hands on the soles of my shoes.

Whoo woo woo woo!

Faster than the super-fast water pressure being shot forward.

My body crashed in front of Anton. The Aqua Cannon was fired and devastated the place I had just been.

Seeing Anton’s surprised face, I rotated my torso.



A round kick with an ideal posture hit Anton’s face.

Black waves exploded and shook the atmosphere around him, but Anton was looking at me without a single wound, only with his head tilted a little.


The second necklace fell to the floor.

“Dark magic? There was such a thing.”

Fortunately, I was not able to catch me as soon as I did before because I used a whole tsunami as a bullet in the Aqua Cannon. I kept my distance and prepared for the next attack.

“Then it’s the last lesson!”

Anton flew into the sky. A powerful magical energy swirls around him.

– Top owner. Thirteen units have activated the forced runaway magic!

– A massive offensive is expected!

Behind Anton’s back, a heterogeneous, extra-large magic circle came to mind.

Its structure, seen through the eyes of a sage, was unusual. As EA said, a magic circle for runaway.

It is a trick that opens the head and activates 300% of mana to raise casting speed and mana usage beyond its original ability.

In fact, it can be said that this is the real beginning. I also raised the tension and installed Light Devastas on both feet.

[Messala. Messala.]

‘… … Huh?’

A strange voice rings in my ear.

– Why? top owner.

“No, nothing.”

Whoops, whoops!

Anton’s two pupils, who were in runaway mode, emitted blue light.

“I don’t have time to roll my head. Fourteen.”

Anton said.

“If you want to live, run.”

Large magic circles spread out one after another in every direction of Anton.

Shoot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Water bombs fall from the sky.

All of them are original magic with more than 3 or 4 steps, so it cannot be defended with a normal shield.

I used the Devasta on one foot to jump over the wall on the other side. Hundreds of meters in a radius where I was standing were all destroyed by water bombs.

Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooers you me out!

It’s terrifying.

It’s embarrassing.

Fear of the overwhelming power that any living thing possesses.

My body moves to live. A magic circle was prepared under the arms and feet to replenish the consumed Daevasta.


As if a huge amount of formula was being processed, sparks splattered over Anton’s head. A large magic circle obscures the sky, and water bombs fall one after another.



Whenever the magic of water falls, the space of trial begins to fill with water. When I got down to the floor, the water was up to my knees.

As he moved to avoid the next attack and looked at the water level, his chest rose to the point that he could barely stop. Even the space where I can move is blocked.

What I am feeling right now can be summed up in one word.

‘No, how do you beat this!’

He doesn’t even dare to approach Daevastar. Even if you’re lucky enough to get there avoiding those water bombs, Anton’s body is protected by something like a water curtain.

All my attacks are over at the level of consuming one Daevastar and climbing up to destroy the veil by kicking a second Daevastar.

All I can do right now is run away to Devasta in hopes that the other person’s control will deteriorate.

– Top lord! After 3 seconds, the Aqua Cannon comes in a row from 12 o’clock!

I clenched my teeth and mounted a light devastator on my right foot to activate it. As my body flies, the Aqua Cannons explode with a popping sound.

The magic of the water falling on the surface of the water raises the water level by creating continuous sprays. Suddenly, there is a sea of ​​water all around.

“Huh! Huh!”

After progressing to the maximum distance of Devasta, the momentum became 0 and fell. I laid the shield on the water surface and settled down.

When he raised his head, there was no room to escape from the water bomb in the air. I used Devasta again to get out.

It’s the first time I’ve used Devasta for evasion like this. At the same time, I was upset that I could only do this.

Whoa whoa!


– Top lord!

Immediately after moving to Devasta, a water magic bursts from the wall next to it. It is dizzying to see the wall collapse and the wreckage going into the water.

That old man… … !

I clenched my teeth and looked up.(Read more @

You can see Anton smiling triumphantly.

Predictive shooting on a runaway subject! When we say runaway, isn’t it normal to lose reason and run wild? How is it possible to achieve precise control while amplifying the casting speed?

“You’re 14. Your homunculus didn’t tell you? It’s fine here, but in practice, dark magic like that will have side effects!”

Even in the midst of a riot.

What the hell is that person

– Water blast detection in front!

– Water spring detection in front!

Without even having time to complain, I used Devasta again to dodge and dodge.

Still, I know it’s not normal to shoot magic like that.

There is no doubt that there will be a limit, and if you aim for the recoil after that ridiculous runaway is over, you have a chance to win.


At that moment, my body, which was moving to Devasta, was crushed by the tremendous pressure and fell into the water.

It was a predictable shot.


The whole world is full of bubbles. I covered my mouth and held my breath. Because of the magic of the exploding water, the depth of the water was over 10M.

Slowly my body descends below the surface of the water. Outside the rippling water, Anton floating in the air is seen pouring out magic.

‘… … Sigh. It’s all annoying.’

When you enter the water, it is as peaceful as if you were in another world.

Is this what a momentary serenity is?

[Messala. Messala.]

And even the auditory hallucinations accompanied by the headache.

My body, immersed in a momentary serenity, almost fell to the floor. Water magic was pouring down from the sky.

‘Are you just here? I don’t think all of that would fit here.’

In movies, you can often see soldiers jumping into the water to dodge bullets.

It is said that the density of water is more than 800 times that of air, so it is said that you can dodge bullets by submerging just 2 meters. So maybe I’m safe too.

… … I wanted to smash my head, which I thought.

As the water blast entered the water, it absorbed the surrounding water and increased the size and scale of the magic. In an instant, a torrent of water that filled my vision approached me.

Anton’s water magic is designed to expand the attack range in the water.

‘There’s no way that a frivolous haircut can work against the Archmage.’

I resigned and raised my right foot above my chest. It was completed by placing both hands on the ongoing Devasta magic circle and adding a formula.


The elongated jet-black waves smashed the water blast, creating a huge hole in the water world. It was a spectacular sight to see the water splitting in an instant and revealing the sky.

I lowered the legs using Devasta, stepped on the ‘leaf boots’ installed by EA and flew off.

‘Let’s think about it. think. How the hell can I win?’

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