50. Noble Soul (3)


At the sound of someone banging on the desk, Eisel hurriedly opened her eyes.

My head is still hazy and my vision is blurry. It was then that she realized that she had been nodding asleep.

“Hey, are you sleeping?”

As I forcibly opened my fuzzy eyes and adjusted the focus of my vision, I saw a full-framed smiling face.

“… … Yes Yes? no?”

“Pretending not to sleep. Meditation time is basically sleep time.”

” ah.”

It was then that Eisel realized that the lecture she was currently listening to was a meditation session. Normally, I would have fallen into a really deep meditation, but the last few days, maybe because I was tired, I couldn’t concentrate properly during the meditation time and kept falling asleep.

I fell asleep.

I meditated and tried to sleep, but I didn’t get scolded because it was a class time that didn’t show much.

“Come on, look at this. I’m busy, so let’s go.”

“Yes? No, wait… …

After throwing a single magazine loosely, Full Frame ran out into the hallway with her friends at a busy pace.

Azel tilted her head and checked the magazine.

[Arcanium Magic Magazine]


Then I saw something like this

Arcanium’s five prestigious schools often conducted joint club activities, but ‘Arcanium Magic Magazine’ was a joint club for the students of the five major schools of magic and newspapers.

I heard that there are quite a few clubs that conduct exchanges jointly besides the newspaper club, but I was not very interested in this area, so I did not know Azel well.

‘..I knew it.’

Azel glanced at the magazine briefly, and smiled softly.

witch, witch, witch.

It was all about witches.

They wanted to show that they could do anything without being a professional reporter, so the student reporters ran all over the town to cover and it seemed that they even got interviews with professors and the Knights of Stella.

Obviously, most of the content praised the achievement of witch hunting, along with questions about how Baek Yoo-seol hunted witches.

The part was quite impressive.

However, as a student journalist, there were limitations, so the key parts of this case were written in a simplified way.

He didn’t seem to know at all that the Annihilation Team, including Full Frame and Eisel, helped from behind, and there was no information about the witch’s identity as the ‘successor of the last witch’.

So, while I was reading the magazine with the intention of reading a later story, I found a part that bothered me a little.

‘ Yes?’

Interview with one of the Stella Knights

it was Compared to other people, he did not give good reviews of Baek Yoo-seol, and although he said that he spoke as beautifully as possible, it was very harsh that he viewed Baek Yoo-seol in a bad way.

‘Baek Yu-seol behaves dogmatically, has a self-centered mindset, and does not fit into a group society.’

As a result of unraveling it as much as possible with Azel’s detoxification power, maybe it has that kind of meaning… … came to the conclusion that

It seems like he really hated the Stella Knights, but maybe something happened.

‘How did Baek Yu-seol conduct a joint investigation with the Knights of Stella?’

It was a question written in the article, but this other Eisel was also a question I was curious about.

The other day, Arain, the leader of the Stella Knights, showed a strong interest in Baek Yu-seol, so I always thought there would be some kind of contact, but I didn’t know that the Stella Knights would move with the cadets who were only in the first year.

However, the result was not very good, not only did he hate the Stella Knights, but also this news was written in the article.

‘Baekyu Seol, who obtained a temporary Stellar knight qualification but gave up that right himself. The reason is?’

Eisel opened her eyes wide and read the phrase again.

‘You gave up your knighthood right away?’

The fact that General Knights Commander Arain temporarily granted Baek Yu-seol the authority to be a knight was well known because rumors spread throughout the school.

However, to give up your qualifications as a knight immediately after the case is over… … There wouldn’t be any reason for that.


No matter how much I think about it, I don’t understand. There is no position as glorious as a magic warrior as the Knight of Stella.

Even, no one else, but the knight leader Arain himself, the temporary knight position was dismissed.

If he had maintained the status of a temporary knight until he graduated, he would have been guaranteed a somewhat higher position.

The fact that I could have enjoyed tremendous benefits from successfully completing this witch-hunting mission, but letting go of it without any regrets…

For Baek Yu-seol, the title of Stella’s knight can be interpreted as merely a means of using a temporary measure to solve the case in front of him.

‘… … Even though I am a cancer regressor.’

No, rather, since he is a regressor, he may be able to make such judgments easily. For Baek Yu-seol, who has lived countless lives, wealth and fame will no longer mean anything.

There was not enough time to finish reading the magazine, so after putting it in his bag, Azel left the classroom.

The hallway was loud and unusual, but

I did not pay much attention to it as this was a frequent occurrence since I had prepared a performance system for a nearby club.

‘What is our club going to do? … ?’

The fact that it is a restaurant club itself is not enough to show something in the club performance system.

I was preparing a plan with the bizarre name of the ‘Gourmet Road View Project’, saying that there are ways to do it all, but I don’t know if it’s going well.

As Azel, who eats anything deliciously, in the first place, I did not know the meaning of ‘restaurant’ very well, so I can honestly say that

The preparation is questionable.

In addition to that, I had a bad experience at the witch’s restaurant the other day, so I was skeptical of the word ‘delicious house’.

‘What… … You’ll figure it out.’

For now, you can trust it.

Because Baek Yu-seol is good at anything.

The entrance of the warp hall gate connecting the main tower and the star tower is always full of students.

to be. This is because the warp hall can only go in one direction at a time. Students who want to go to place A gather and start at the same time, and those who want to go to place B have to wait for a while.

Usually, the group of students who gather first, or the group of students who gathered the most, would move first.

Because they did not know each other and because the academy was so large, they seldom met, and there were frequent quarrels over the order of the warp halls because of the male and female counterparts.

Of course, there are very exceptional beings who can put an end to such a fight.

The professor is using the warp hall gate… … Or, it is used by a student with a very strong presence.

That was the case now.

The students, who had been arguing with each other thinking that they would use the warp hall gate first, shut their mouths and left in an instant when a third-year female student appeared.

‘Sayeran Orkan.’

With dark hair and pale skin like a doll, she had very inorganic eyes,

It was easy to understand why it was nicknamed ‘moving doll’.

Sayeran is the eldest daughter of Prince Orkan, who is said to be one of the two great mountain ranges of the Adolevit Kingdom, and was also famous as the right arm of Princess Heungsihwa.


Sayeran walked down the hallway, and the attendants followed her.

Each of the attendants was a student of Stella, but since they were born with the goal of supporting the Orkan family, the atmosphere was quite different from other students.


Their eyes, looking at only one Sayeran, were very foreign and creepy, so the students kept their distance from them as much as possible.

OO Of I o OO • ;

The warp hall gate is activated and the destination is reversed. Sayeran seems to be quite natural, and even though he arrives late, he waits for the warp hall to be activated for him.

“Khom, where are you going?”

The assistant in charge of the warp hall seems very awkward to use respect for students.

seemed It seems that they have just started managing this place. But what do you do? Even if you are a student, you are not smart enough to speak nonsense to a nobleman who lives in that high place in the sky.

“… … The 19th Star Tower.”

When Sayeran spoke bluntly, the teaching assistant nodded and operated the warp hall. No, that’s what I was trying to do.

“for a moment. i will write first Can you keep it?”

After that, until Hong Bi-yeon suddenly appeared.

“Change it to the 13th Star Tower.”

Hong Bi-yeon, who appeared alone without any attendant, waited with her arms crossed and her chin slightly raised.

His posture turned pale as if he were saying, ‘You have no right to disobey my words.’

‘Ahh… …

The two were completely opposite in nature.

Sayeran is a person who accepts orders purely because of fear and fear, but for Hong Bi-yeon… … Basically, I feel like I have to follow the orders, and I feel a sense of awe.

bloomed brightly

However, such trivial feelings are not important to the teaching assistant.

He was a small citizen and just started managing the Warp Hall Gate as a part-time job to enter the University Horse Tower, and there was no way he would have the courage to deal with the Dukes of Orkan and the Adolevits at the same time.

“… … I was on my way, Princess.”

When Sayeran frowned as if in a bad mood, Hong Bi-yeon tilted her head.

“okay? Then I will write first.”

“It’s not like that.” Sayeran clearly had a lower status than Hong Bi-yeon, but it was also not a position that Hong Bi-yeon could deal with.

Sayeran had a strong ally named Hong Si-hwa on her back.

“no? The reason is?”

U 99


At Hong Bi-yeon’s question, Sayeran kept her lips shut. If she answered, ‘Because I came first,’ she would say something like this.

‘Then who came before you?’

I know.

Sayeran had power and that he was enjoying it for granted. But this has never happened before.

What to do when a being with greater power that is difficult to deal with on your own appears and infringes on that right?

Sayeran thought.

Why is Princess Heung Bi-yeon suddenly like that?

Previously, she had only high self-esteem, but low self-esteem.

it was An inferior student who dares to compare herself to Princess Hong Si-hwa, so it is a pity.

Instead of daring to talk to him, the coward who was quick to give even if his eyes met… … I had no idea that it would be so openly quarrelsome.

“No reason? So, should I write first?”

“… … Do it.”

After saying that, Bi-Yeon Hong operated the warp hall by herself very naturally and disappeared in an instant.

“miss… … Are you okay?”

“Hey, what a rude princess without a concept

“I will report separately later.”


Sayeran raised his eyebrows slightly as if in a bad mood, but that was only it.

It’s a pity that you can easily distract your emotions with this kind of thing.

In order to take control of the political world in the future, it is necessary to endure this level of embarrassment. Rather, it can be said to be a good experience.

“You look pretty bad.


“It’s not because of that reason that I feel bad.”

It could be as far as intercepting the warp hall. But most of all, what made me feel bad about Sayean… … .

It was because Hong Bi-yeon was smiling brightly and brightly as if she had become the sun throughout the conversation with herself.

As if something, something very pleasant had happened.

What was good for her was usually not good for her, so she had to be very concerned about it, but she knew it.

First of all, I felt very bad about not being able to do it.

And the brief moment when I had to face that smile was very difficult to bear.

‘I don’t know why… …

You don’t need to worry right now.

Sayeran thought so and put her feet in the warp hall. It was because she was too busy to give Hong Bi-yeon any attention.

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