50. Noble Soul (4)

Aiter’s Far East, Easter’s Terrace.

There was a beautiful tourist attraction called ‘Tianryong Cliff’ because the shadows cast on the cliffs that were cut down whenever the sun came down looked like a dragon that adored them.

It was eroded by magical power from 100 years ago.

It seemed that its life as a tourist destination was over, but it was still a place visited by many adventurers, and it was still drinking the breath of life… .

As of today, it seems that his life has come to an end.

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Clouds rise from the bottom.

It’s not the figurative cloud, it’s the cloud that really floats in the sky.

However, because the space is twisted, I just sit down on the floor for a while, confused about my position.

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Clouds, which are nothing like fog in reality, are blown away by the wind, and now

Rather than a cliff, the terrain closer to the basin was revealed.

Those beautiful and majestic cliffs all sank down to a flat ground, and the mountain range that formed the basis of Easter was pulled out and forcibly relocated, so adventurers visiting this place may have to rewrite the map.

“… … oh It’s difficult.”

The Great Lord of the Sabbath, Ludrick Hollow.

He tried to wipe the blood dripping from his mouth with his sleeve, but his right arm had already been crushed through the dimensional rift.

I realized that it had been a long time.

“Haha, as expected, December is still a bit difficult…

The duel with Hui Gong Shi Wol was a pretty good experience for him.

The magic warfare of space wizards is different from ordinary magic warfare.

This is because even the word ‘seeing one step ahead’ is meaningless to those who fight ignoring spatial constraints.


Gong Si-wol, who appeared with the clouds removed, stared at Rudric, who had fallen to the floor with a cold, firm expression.

“You are doing something useless. Is there any yura like this? Wizard.”


It was a move that I knew I was going to lose anyway, but that doesn’t mean it was meaningless.

Because I was able to change the ‘very trivial event’ that would happen in the future.

Perhaps, according to Ludric’s prediction, here, Hoegongshiwol sensed a twist of fate from Eunse11wol.

Of course, the fact that fate is being twisted right now can be felt by anyone when they reach 9th class, so

There’s no way you couldn’t feel it.

However, they would not have been able to discover the most fatal ’cause’ of the changing fate. The moment the Twelve New Moon intervenes recklessly in the affairs of the world, all events and stories change.

Hoegongshiwol will never try to move in an ignorant state. He must have been trying to find out the ‘single cause’ of fate’s twists and eliminate it.

It shouldn’t be left that way.

Instead of being able to see the whole world… … very small and trivial

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Can’t see He must make the most of his fatal flaws.

someday… … Until the boy can stand up to the Hui Gong Shi Wol.

“There are less than ten years left until the end of the flow of the world. You are making a pointless struggle, wizard.”

After saying that, Hwa Gong Shi Wol stared into the air. I tried to find the traces of the disappearing silver eleventh month, but like an old man, he ran away in an instant and couldn’t find it.

“… … Next time, I will not go over like this.”

After saying that, Hoegongsiwol disappeared through the gray space.


Exhaling a hot breath, Ludrick slowly got up and stroked the position of his missing right arm with his left hand.

Then a golden glow flickered, and the severed arm grew in an instant. In the process of returning the lost body, I had to pour a huge amount of mana, but it was better than uncomfortable.

“By the way, you are amazing.”

Ludrick is like talking to himself in the air.

spoke Then, to his surprise, a silver line was drawn in the air, the space split open, and the silver eleven moon, which had been hidden for a long time, was revealed.

“You must be so good at manipulating space that you deceive the spatial realm of the Twelve New Moons… …

“Time and space are inseparable. I’ve been running away for hundreds of years, but I have to become proficient.”

The eleventh month of silver mumbled bitterly.

“Have I been too easy on myself to let go of everything and live an irresponsible life?”

“… … It’s not like that.”

Despite denying his words, Ludrick couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

Perhaps… Silver Elves must have seen some terrible sight that he did not know. A more terrifying and cruel sight than the destruction of the world that is expected to occur 10 years later.

So he gave up on future poetry.

He left even his memories in his own ‘fragments’ and chose to let go of everything and run away. As a result, this situation occurred.

‘What the heck did I see, even the eleventh month of silver could not overcome my fear.

Did you turn your back on the old book and run away?’

The question that Ludrick has been asking all along.

“Are you worried?”

When Eunse 11 Moon first asked, he nodded his head.

“… … Yes.”

The old man smiled bitterly at him and turned around and walked somewhere.

“I’m also a very pathetic little kid.”

That’s it! Why doesn’t my back look heavy? It was as if he had brushed off all the karma he had been carrying on his back.

it was undoubtedly

He has decided on something.

It’s probably… … He must have made a decision before he even met him.

What made him change?

The moment a question arises, it has been resolved.

There is only one person who shakes fate in this world.

‘It’s only been half a year since I appeared in the world… …

He’s a very fast boy.

Thinking so, Ludrick closed his eyes. Because I was so exhausted from the previous battle… … I need a little rest.

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Compared to modern times, Aether’s means of communication are truly inconvenient. Aside from not having a personal cell phone, it wasn’t difficult to get in touch if the other person wasn’t near the phone.

– I’m fine, so don’t worry.

Especially if the opponent is the Elf King. One student said that he contacted me personally without scheduling an appointment.

It was absurd in itself, but I was able to contact Alterisha with the help of my personal phone number that I had prepared in the dormitory.

“It’s really nothing, right?”

-Sure. Are you worried about me?

When the flower girl jokingly told me, I replied insignificantly.

“Is that so?”

-…Oh, is that so?

She was silent for a moment, then let out a shallow laugh.

-Whoa, I don’t know why, but it feels good.

Even after hearing the answer, I was not relieved. Second of all, I was worried about her because I was worried about myself.

Lately, I’ve had a problem with my mind.

To be more precise, it would be correct to say that there is a problem with the skill [Yeonhongchun and March’s Gahi.

I know my own psyche.

It’s funny to put an average on the mind, but it’s born with a strong mental power, so it affirms a poor childhood

I pride myself on overcoming enemies.

In addition to that, I was given the protection of Yeon Hong-chun and March, and now I really thought that I had a steel-like mentality that did not collapse under any circumstances, but a negative emotion that keeps permeating into my head.


If so, it was correct to say that Yeon Hong Chun and Sam Wol had a problem… …

-Anyway, I’m doing well without any worries. Lately, I have had a lot of time to take off my mask, so it was refreshing.

There is no problem with the flower Serin who has been blessed by Yeon Hong Chun and Sam Wol like me. That being said, it was right to see that the problem was not with Yeon Hong, Chun and March, but with my mind itself.

If so, I can think of two reasons. Either I became a negative person to the point where I couldn’t even handle Yeon, Hong, Chun, and March, or someone had a problem with my mind.

not the former

I used to enjoy the world without thinking about anything, and no matter what happened right now, I would say ‘I’ll do more than die’.

Because I used to live with my mind.

In other words, it means that ‘leaf hanel’, which is connected to me and my mind, is definitely the cause.

“Hmm, do you have time?”

-… … time?

Flower Serin paused as if contemplating for a moment, then I realized that I had been unable to speak.

Unlike me, who is a student, I ask the Elf King, who is always busy, if he has time. God, even a chimpanzee wouldn’t ask such a question.

“Ah, sorry… …

– I think it will.

“••• Will it work?”

-yes. I think it’s hard to find a lot of time because I’m too busy with work… .

Then he sighed deeply, filled with worry. Apparently, the vacancy that Orenha’s assistant retired from the other day is very large.

“Umm… even for a moment is fine. I’m thinking of going to see Leaf Hanel.”

– Oh, really?

Leaf Hanel is a very, very close friend of flowers.

Said it was one of my friends.

•••May be the only friend.

In any case, she cherishes Leaf Hanel very much, and as a high elf, she must be very sensitive to changes in the spirit’s state.

Besides that reason, I also wanted to arrange a time to meet with Leafhanel.

-So good. When can I do it?

“Are you okay this weekend?”

After speaking, the king wondered if he was just as busy on weekends as on weekdays.

I had a small question, but she answered without hesitation.

-yes! Then I’ll see you on the weekend.

After I ended the call, I checked my watch.

It was a club activity and it was time to go out to eat with Mayusung and Azel.

Since it was summer, I didn’t need a coat, so I wore only a school uniform shirt and a vest, and when I went out, a few second-year seniors rushed into the hallway and headed somewhere.

When I saw the dress, it seemed that I knew exactly what it was.

‘League of Spirits’

If the best brain sport in the magic world is soul chess, the best physical sport in the magic world is League of Spirits.

Of course, there was also a League of Spirits club within Stella, and the scale was so huge that it could not even be compared with my restaurant club.

It received sponsorship on an astronomical scale, comparable to that of a professional team, but it was natural considering that the youth team of the Magic School gathers and holds a huge tournament every year.

Moreover, considering that this school has the best name of ‘Stella’, the astronomical support was also natural.

Because this was a battle for pride between schools.

“Um, it’s difficult… …


“We’re just going to bring in third-year male Malek.”

“The senior has excellent individual skills, but his teamwork… Besides, he doesn’t listen to orders very well.”

“Even the remaining TO must be filled with first-year students. There is a penalty for taking a third grader.”

“What can I do?”

I try to sneak past them, but it seems that there is some troublesome problem. I could feel it.

‘Sub-episode flags.’

It was an event that occurred quite often when playing the game Aiter World Online in ‘character full frame’.

Full-frame, an ordinary commoner girl who had no interest in clubs, happened to be a pinch hitter in League of Spirits.

A very common and obvious setting in which dazzling talent will shine.

This is a prologue-like event that players go through before the online match of ‘League of Spirits’, and it was an episode experienced by more than 90% of players.

And this time the event.

“Hey, you’re a freshman Baek Yu-seol, aren’t you?”

“That’s right. Do you think he has good hair?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever played League of Spirits… … Wouldn’t it be okay?”

Then the seniors came up to me and asked


“Are you a League of-”

“I don’t.”

Quickly refused and bounced off.

“Come on, wait! Listen to the end of the story! It doesn’t matter if you lose the game!”

“I’ll buy you something delicious when it’s over!”

“That’s Okay.”

Unfortunately, I was not interested in League of Spirits.

To be precise, I got tired of the ‘team game’.

Because there was one truth that I realized while living in Korea while playing the 5 vs 5 team vs.

‘When there are five people, one of them is always trash.’

Now, among those seniors, it’s impossible to know who the troller is.

There is nothing more frustrating than losing because I did really well, but the team was unlucky. Again, I prefer 1v1 individual play.

“only once… …

I struggled to shake off the senior’s arm that reached out from behind, and I quickly stepped forward

made fun of

I’m sorry, but I wish I could go and do such a request at full frame.

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