◈ King of Demons (1)

A custom gun is assembled right in front of you. It was not the parts that connected the parts, but the liquid metal that moved by itself.

‘What is that…?’

Those who know the existence of Soul Iron are rare even in the Tower. Therefore, even Ryu Seo-hyun, who led the Black Hawk, was just a vain legend that he heard passing by.

“That bulky black bastard. Let’s catch it by ourselves.”

shudder. Seo Ji-han with the finished weapon glanced at this side and walked forward.

Black Hawk’s custom weapon made exclusively for Seo Ji-han. So, it was the first time that Ryu Seo-hyun saw that unusual weapon being used in practice.

Black Hawk, which mass-produces weapons, does not make custom orders no matter how much the deposit is. This is because the weapons mass-produced are already of the highest quality.

It was possible to break that rule arbitrarily because Seo Ji-han was the network of Ryu Seo-yeon.

It was started by a younger sister who didn’t even ask for anything. The finished product produced by pouring manpower and resources according to Ryu Seo-yeon’s design is abhorrent to be called a ‘weapon’.

It is a weapon that functions as a sword, an axe, a spear, and even a gun by connecting the parts…, but even after confirming that it works, Ryu Seo-hyun did not call it a weapon. Rather, he thought of it as something close to a work of art.

‘Because a weapon is actually a weapon to be used.’

If you want to use a sword and a spear, you need to have two swords, and if you want to use a gun, you need to carry them separately. Because you have to use many weapons, you have to unite them into one.

It was stupid to anyone who heard it.

I just thought it was an artifact that wealthy aspiring heroines had to show off their pretentiousness. .

“Crue uh…”

As Seo Ji-han approached, the black-eyed giant mourned the sound of a beast full of pain. He was a guy who could talk normally until before, but now he seems to have lost that intelligence.

“How is Noah?”

Seo Ji-han looked at Ma-in and shouted.

As I saw earlier, I couldn’t even get up, but if it was a serious injury, it would have to be healed right away. Oh Yoon-ha looked at Park No-ah, who was shaking, and answered.

“It’s because of the shock, it doesn’t look like he’s seriously injured! but···.”

how to explain this

“Is this mad?”

“…well, it seems so.”

Park Noah was lying on the floor and forcibly lifted her head to stare at Mine. Clearly, it was his anger at the demon that beat him up. Her body didn’t listen to her, but if she could move, she seemed to run away at any moment.

“Did he have such a dirty temper?”

Oh Yoon-ha, who does not know about his inclinations, muttered strangely. Arwell, who was the same, just looked at Noah Park with a worried expression.

Anyway, I knew there was no problem, so I just had to focus on mine with this.

‘…I easily overpowered Noah Park, who had subdued the four demons.’

The necklace worn is broken. In that case, the high-risk high-return type of penalty that increases physical ability instead of losing reason was obvious.

‘It won’t even get scratched with a normal [Matan].’

Even before it was strengthened into that form, even with the explosion of [Matan], only my skin was slightly burned.

It was clear that Seo Ji-han, who was weaker than Park No-ah, was a demon that could not be faced head-on.

Besides, this is not a ‘Meteor Academy’ area.

The 52nd privilege, ‘little power’. If it is inside the academy, the privilege of raising all stats by 2 ranks is not currently applied.

strength D-

Agility D++

horsepower C+

Stamina D+

Durability D

Endurance B–

Holy Power F++

To defeat a demon with this ability.

“[Magic] amplification.”

[Special. 48 – The effect of ‘amplification’ is activated.]

I had to use ‘privilege’ and ‘magic’.

pudding! When C+’s magic power was instantly strengthened to A+, the disproportionately increased stats made the body creaking. But it is a pleasant pain.

[Special. 61 – The effect of ‘Mine Hunter’ is activated.]

Explosive mana pours towards the custom gun. The amount of magic bullets gathered quickly. Seo Ji-han immediately pointed his gun at his gun, grabbed it with both his hands, and pulled his trigger.

slow world. Condensed mana, red magic bullets burst out.

Quang! A mana explosion that shook the entire area occurred when it hit the mine at high speed without ever escaping. A hot wind fills the desolate city center. The smoke quickly dissipates in the scorching heat.

“···What. It will be.”

Seo Ji-han muttered calmly when she saw the revealed Mine. Her magic bullets, intercepted by her arms, did not even scratch her skin.


In anger, Main screamed and ran. With every step she takes, the asphalt road is pitted by force and weight.

Whoa! Seo Ji-han moved his mana again without panicking. Mana flows from her right arm into a custom gun. He stretched out his left hand while loading the magic bullet.

The blue line of the geometric structure had already been drawn on the back of the hand.

Whoops! The enhanced magical power condenses the space violently.

“Key profit!”

However, the demon only crouches under the enormous power, and even that doesn’t work. There is no damage to [Magnite] as well as [Compression]. This means that not only physical damage, but also resistance to magic exists.

‘You created a dog-like artifact.’

Seo Ji-han thought that it was fortunate that that mine possessed the artifact. It would have been a pain in the ass if a demon with special abilities had that formidable defense and resistance.

[Compression] only temporarily stopped Mine’s charge, but it did everything it had to do. Meanwhile, a new magic bullet was loaded.

‘Then let’s peel that hard shell off.’

The blue line drawn on the back of the hand disappears.

Ma-in felt that the power that had suppressed her had disappeared and sprinted towards Seo Ji-han.

Seo Ji-han did not dodge Ma-in, but just aimed the gun. The smoke that leaked out this time was ‘black’, not red.

[Matan – Black 黑]

When the trigger was pulled, a black magic bullet was fired. Mine, who approached her nose, could not dodge her magic bullet this time and hit it as it was.

Whoops! Less power and less noise than before. However, the appearance of the demon revealed in the explosion is markedly different from before.


Main was embarrassed and cried out in pain. She didn’t get hurt in her previous huge explosion, because she had a tattered arm that blocked her black magic bullet this time.

[Matan – Black 黑].

A magic bullet with the black attribute, ‘erosion’.

No matter how hard it was, it was useless in front of the property of erosion, which destroys anything it touches. It is a kind of ‘debuff’ that reduces or ignores defense. However, to see if there was any regenerative power, flesh began to fill the arm with the bones exposed at a rapid rate.

Seo Ji-han quickly fixed her gaze and snapped her fingers.

Whoops! As the flames mixed with the erosion-infused arms, a black flame occurred.


Ma-in was angry and shook his arm, but rather, it was an act of helping the fire spread. Most of all, her playback was also drastically slowed down.

Seo Ji-han did not miss the gap, approached Ma-in and made a magic bullet. The demon who discovered it stopped putting out the fire as her instinct led her, even without reason, and raised her arm as it was.

Heat was already gushing out of the gun barrel. Seo Ji-han aimed at his arm burning with black flames. and.

⎯Zero shooting.

Aww! Another explosion occurs and the smoke disperses.

The huge destructive force that occurred at close range revealed a chunk of meat that barely maintained its shape. But he was still breathing.

The raised arm faltered, then quickly swung towards Seo Ji-han’s head.


Ryu Seo-hyun, who was watching it, shouted without knowing it. But there was something she wasn’t aware of.

The other parts remaining in the weapon case moved.

[Special. 21 – The effect of ‘Sword Master’ is activated.]

The custom sword, which had changed suddenly, cut off the arm of the being swung. Subsequently, the blade is separated and the ax blade is combined.

[Special. 24 – The effect of ‘X Master’ is activated.]

Seo Ji-han slashed the ax full of mana towards the body that was boiling with flesh. A blue trajectory is drawn. Wow! With the sound of splitting her old tree, Majin’s body was cut off.

Seo Ji-han sighed as if it was difficult as the giant ball fell to the floor with a thud.

for a while too. He immediately looked back and said.


“…why is he like this?”

I asked, pointing to the guy behind me.

Arwell looked over my shoulder. Park Noah, who recovered her body quickly, started to stare at me with her dissatisfied eyes. It also sticks right behind it.

I understand that he has awakened to the extent of expressing his intentions, but the way he expresses it is too young.

‘I thought it wouldn’t be infantile regression.’

Perhaps even then, he was still at a level where he could not express his intentions. He’s a very strong kid with ‘evil tendencies’. Wouldn’t it be a big deal if this wasn’t under control?

“That weapon. Were you asking me to make it for you?”

When new concerns arose, Ryu Seo-hyun spoke to me. But somehow, his voice became quite muffled.

I’m stronger than I thought, so it’s probably not… I think you liked something.

I answered while organizing the weapon case.

“I paid a lot of money because I was going to spend it. Rather than that, now you know where Ryu Seo-yeon is safer, right?”

“…I hate to admit it, but I know for sure. It would be safer over there than by my side.”

Five. It seems that the persuasion shown by the body worked. Finally, we can have a conversation.

“haha. Good for you. Now, please take me to where Ryu Seo-yeon is.”


Perhaps the answer was quite embarrassing, so the expressions of other people besides me were also covered. In the subdued atmosphere, Ryu Seohyun raised her hand and added his words.

“Listen to the end of the story. Anyway, for security reasons, I can’t take you guys home. Instead, I’ll give you a chance to talk to Seoyeon directly. If you say you’re going, we’ll just have to bring it, you don’t know?”

Still, it means that I need to get Ryu Seo-yeon’s consent for confirmation. If it’s like this, that’s fine. Next to him, Ahart nodded.

“Well. I know.”

“Communication is not working here, so let’s move a little bit.”

The fact that the radio waves of smartphones do not explode seems to be the same no matter where you go. It seems that communication is not possible unless it is an analog method such as a walkie-talkie.

As Seohyun Ryu and the soldiers moved, we followed.

“Oh, little.”

Park Noah still looked dissatisfied and followed me. …and I’m worried that I’ll hit him for nothing.

“More than that, a guy like this appears.”

Ryu Seo-hyun muttered as he passed the corpse Mine.

“If it’s a guy like this, has anyone else ever come?”

Among them, Ahat, who killed the most demons, asked.

It took about 3 or 4 days for the protection of the tower to disappear. There must have been some mines who had already entered the safe zone, so that was enough time for various people to come and go.

Ryu Seo-hyun said as he traced his memory.

“Yesterday, some horned guy also came. He looked strong, but because of his appearance, he ran away from a threatening fire.”

“A horn…?”

Upon hearing that, Ahat and I stopped walking. It was creepy and creepy.

thud. It looked like Noah Park had her face in the back of her head, but she couldn’t afford to care. When she looked at Ryu Seo-hyun, she looked a little embarrassed, perhaps surprised by the unexpected reaction.

“uh···. He had a huge horn on his forehead. Are you dangerous?”

Of course. Because among the demons, there was only one guy with the characteristic of ‘horns’.

The king of demons, ‘Desaruuk.’

that’s the guy

‘You ran away from the threatening fire?’

No way. Desaruuk is a demon with more intelligence than the average human.

I hurriedly asked Ryu Seo-hyun.

“How do you change the personnel guarding this place?”

“Ugh. Shift every 12 hours.”

“…then I would have met him and took turns.”

It seems to me that it is probably The fact that he withdrew from the menacing fire…

“I have to hurry up a bit. They seem to have found their base.”

It was clear to find out where the soldiers guarding this place were heading.

I explained Desaruuk to Ryu Seo-hyun and the soldiers. Hearing what I said, it was hard to believe, the atmosphere became strange.

“So you mean he ran away on purpose?”

“yes. If it stays like this, we will be wiped out, so I think it would be better for the Red Hawk mercenaries to go to the academy with us right away.”

Ryu Seo-hyun shook his head, as it was difficult to readily accept the suggestion to leave his hometown and move.

“That’s unreasonable. It doesn’t matter if I get caught. What a state-of-the-art armed forces your stronghold is.”

The soldiers nodded their heads at Ryu Seo-hyun’s words. I guess my explanation was not enough.

“…it doesn’t matter if it’s old or new. It’s only useful if the attack works.”

It cannot be defeated even if dozens of meteorites fall right away.

The reason is simple and clear.

king of magic. Because ‘Desaruuk’ doesn’t die.

In other words, it is ‘immortal’.

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