◈ King of Demons (2)

“… immortal. Is that possible? No, is it more reliable than that?”

It’s understandable that it’s hard to believe that something like immortality actually exists. And it would be even harder to believe that he had to leave the headquarters of the mercenary corps and move because of those words.

“Even if it were a demon, it was impossible to become immortal…”

Oh Yun-ha, who was still, said to Ryu Seo-hyun and the soldiers who were suspicious. Oh Yun-ha may have heard the words they say while subjugating the demons through a quest.

“Even if you’re not an awakened person, do you know about ‘personality’?”

“Uh, what. I know, I know…”

Oh Yoon-ha glanced at me and looked at Ryu Seo-hyun again.

“Among personalities, there is also the immortal personality. There is no need to publicize it, and it is not known, but immortality is more common than you think. In a way, the holy sword, the ego sword, is also a kind of immortality.”

[That’s right.]

Seonggeum quietly agreed with Oh Yun-ha’s words. As long as the holy sword is never destroyed, life as an ego sword will be immortal.

I gave thanks to Oh Yun-ha for helping me and started talking again.

“Recently, demons have appeared frequently. I’ve also heard them say while carrying out quests. About the king who leads them.”

Well, it’s goo.

Still, I just didn’t hear it directly, and I’m sure there’s a magician who said something about it, so it’s not a complete lie.

Ahat asked if he remembered yesterday’s conversation when he heard me.

“Ugh. Was that why you asked the night before?”

“yes. If there are demons enough to take over the Black Hawk, there is likely to be a Desaruuk.”

Fortunately it wasn’t. If Desaruk had been there, even the lord of the wind attribute might have been in danger.

“Uh. Black hawk…? How are you there now?”

When Ryu Seo-hyun heard about the Black Hawk, he reacted more surprised than the Immortal Mine.

I said politely pointing to Ahat.

“The demons were occupying the empty Black Hawk, and Ahat-sama has cleared it up. Perhaps only the remains of the corpses are decaying.”

“…you must have been a wizard, didn’t you?”


Rather than expressing gratitude to Ahart’s answer, Ryu Seo-hyun showed a subtle expression on his face.

I wondered why, but come to think of it, it was because of the wizards that Black Hawk almost got into trouble last year. The reason we raised the security now was because of the tower, so there is bound to be some prejudice. And there was no way Ahat could not know that he felt uncomfortable.

“By the way, I’m a solo wizard, so you don’t have to be too vigilant.”

Ryu Seo-hyeon smiled bitterly as if realizing that her expression had been revealed without knowing it, and then nodded her head.

“Thank you for your help.”

“Well, we’re in a position to work together, so there’s no need for that.”

“Hmmm. Anyway, Ryu Seo-hyun.”

As the story took a different path, I switched to the previous topic.

“I know it’s hard to believe what you haven’t seen, but it’s too late to see and decide. It might already be too late. We need to move right away.”

“The ‘King of Demons’ is not just immortal, but also strong, right?”

“yes. It’s hard to have the nickname ‘king’ just because you don’t die. Aren’t the movements that the Mines have recently moved into a safe zone and the current form is more structured than you think?”

“… well. It certainly is.”

One of the soldiers nodded and muttered.

“It’s all because someone who leads the Demon Power was born.”

“Wow. If it’s even strong against immortality, it doesn’t have any weaknesses. Were you able to catch him?”

In the game, there are bosses that cannot be defeated in a normal way.

It’s immune to all attacks, so it doesn’t get hurt, or it can’t be killed because it has the ability to constantly respawn. Just like that, the Demon King ‘Desaruuk’ cannot be defeated by ordinary means.

If ‘Liyu’ awakens his immortal personality, ‘Desaruuk’ was originally born that way.

In other words, it is impossible to process in advance.

‘…but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way.’

An event that appears during the climax of a scenario. At that time, it is allowed to take down the gnome as long as the conditions are satisfied.

It’s just a ‘seal’.

But how do I say this? As I wiggled my tail, the holy sword who was listening to the conversation said:

[Seo Seo-han. I know a good way. Some of the holy relics in the temple exist for sealing. How about using it?]

At that moment, the Holy Sword came forward and said. Even in the game, if you had a holy sword, you could tell Noah Park to find out about the conditions.

“The Holy Sword says it’s enough to seal it with the holy substance of the temple.”

“Holy? Then you’ll have to ask the shrine for your cooperation… ah.”

When I pointed to one of the holy things, the holy sword, I seemed to realize that it was a useless worry. As the conversation flows like this, it seems that Ryu Seo-hyun’s mind is also inclined.

“…if that’s true, there’s nothing I can do about it. Hold on a second.”

Seohyun Ryu told us whether he had reached a conclusion and moved on.

Tap the walkie-talkie and move somewhere, and the soldiers follow. It appears to be moving within the range of other signals.

After the Red Hawk moved briefly, Ahat asked me.

“It will take a lot of energy to tie him up to go according to your plan. It must be difficult to gather people because we can’t communicate and time is tight. Is there a way to think about it?”

Why is it difficult to gather people? A lot of power is already gathered.

“There are still many in front of the Yoosung Academy.”

The current erosion is on the 55th floor.

Considering that the erosion is coming down at a high speed, it seems like it has been well blocked so far, but in reality, the situation has only gotten worse because it has only escaped.

“Based on what has been said, the battle line has collapsed even more.”

“…it has to be so.”

Saint Albain felt confused by the gloomy news she had expected. He declared that he was leaving the temple power due to friction with the tower, so of course he had no choice but to be pushed out due to the lack of power.

‘I can’t trust the managers if they’re after something.’

To stop the erosion, you have to go upstairs to attack, not just block it. The problem is that it is like this by devoting your life to stopping the erosion coming down.

‘…if that’s not the case, it means incompetence, so we can’t cooperate any more.’

That is the biggest reason why the temple participated in the ‘establishment of power’ that Seo Ji-han said.

In the meantime, the surviving monsters are growing and the power of the awakened is falling. Even if you continue to recruit strong mercenaries like now, if the risk of death increases, it will be impossible to make up for it now.

“Whoa. It is no longer a joke to say that we are on the verge of extinction.”

Albain took a deep breath.

First of all, I was going to preserve the power of the temple as much as possible, but Seo Ji-han must have entered the basement of the tower. Since T.O.P’s protection had disappeared, he was unable to contact Ryu Seo-yeon.

The paladin told Albain, who looked tired, the news he had heard from the messenger.

“There is also a story that the Imperial Knights entered the Yooseong Academy.”

“…hmm. When this happens, the imperial family is moving. Is there no way to ascertain what the cause is?”

“yes. Unfortunately, we are unable to contact the temple on the ground. With the Paladins, I think it will be safe…”

“…maybe already waiting for us.”

“I mean Seo Ji-han.”

By now, it was enough time for Seo Ji-han to return from the basement of the tower. The imperial knights may have moved to the academy to talk about power building.

Albain said with his dark face removed.

“If you stay still, things will only get worse. I think I will have to move now to check the ground as well.”

Still, watching quietly has reached its limit.

Currently, Arthur Gran is in the process of returning from the temple forces one after the other in the battle line.

Then, among the people in the temple, who was entrusted with the task was determined.

“Can you call Astiel, please?”


Upon hearing that, Arwell and Oh Yun-ha looked at me with astonished expressions. What are you so surprised about?

“Anyway, the purpose is the same, right? Those people are also looking for safety. If only the King of Demons disappeared, at least it would be a much more peaceful mutual aid.”

“You’re right, but how are you going to ask for your cooperation?”

“Cooperation···? cooperate. Why are you doing that?”

Youn-ha Oh tries to work with agreement too much. In that way, there is no time to form a team by taking turns sequentially, and it is clear that any conditions will be negative for those who are still dissatisfied.

There is only one condition they need to step forward.

“If you don’t want to die, I’ll leave.”

just voluntarily.

“Are you sure you’re going to take Desaruuk to the Meteor Academy…?”

“It’s similar.”

What Yoon-ha Oh said is half right and half wrong.

“Anyway, Desaruuk will follow in the footsteps of the Red Hawk mercenaries. If he’s one step ahead, he’ll lead the group and follow right behind. The reason why the damage here is so small is because the Red Hawk blocked the entrance, right? Even among the demons, the drug must have risen, but ignoring it is not the king.”

In fact, the reason for saying this is because of Desaruuk’s personality. It’s a kind of game of chasing prey that escapes from you.

However, even though I knew his personality, the gap was too big for me to accept.

“Are there any guarantees that they will come after you? You might just take over this place, right?”

“They’re going in other directions, so what’s the reason they want to go through this place?”

Soon Arwell also had a realized expression on his face.

“…to retaliate against those who offended them?”

“okay. Their purpose in the first place is to trample all over this place for fun. And the Red Hawk mercenaries were the only priority.

I said, pointing to the side where the meteor academy is.

“In a nutshell, I lead the Red Hawk mercenaries and capture Desaruuk and his men near the Meteor Academy. There is no place that is ready enough to come up with a countermeasure right away.”

The meteor academy is also a place where my ‘privileges’ are activated, there are supplies, and there are also many heroes and wizards. Besides, they aren’t the only ones.

“Currently, there are Imperial Knights and Princesses, so there are people who will lead the improvised group. It’s not enough to stick with the demon forces.”

“…Surely it is. Then, on the premise that the plan becomes the first thing, isn’t it the Holy Relic?”

“yes. Because once you seal it, it will be over.”

And it was me who had to go to the temple to get the relics.

[haha. That’s good.]

····When the Holy Sword said that I had to go to the temple, I didn’t expect it, but the situation where I had to go like this would happen.

Ahat said looking at the Red Hawk who was contacting him somewhere.

“Then I’ll be alone here, so you guys can go back. I’ll have to tell the academy, and I’ll have to go to the temple.”

“what. Only the lord? Wouldn’t it be faster for the headmaster to move? I will remain the representative.”

Oh Yoon-ha must have said it as a favor to others, but a little embarrassment passed by Ahart’s expression.

As I expected, he, too, seems to think his daughter will be in Red Hawk. I can’t say that from Ahat’s point of view.

Inevitably, I, knowing the situation, told Oh Yoon-ha instead.

“If the demons are moving fast, they need someone to stop them. Ahat-sama is enough.”

When Oh Yun-ha quickly agreed, Ahat coughed in vain as if she was relieved inside.

“Hmmm. Then move right away.”

“yes. That’s right. You guys go to the academy and tell them the situation. It is enough for me to go to the tower by myself.”

The holy relics were being kept in the temple on the 44th floor, so I had no choice but to go there. It will take a lot of time, but since there is no contact, there is no other way.

“okay. By the way···.”

👌👌👌 As he tried to turn his body, someone grabbed his shoulder with a strong force.

“You don’t think you can go alone, do you?”

Even without looking back, he seemed to know who caught him.

‘··· Did you bring it for nothing?’

The pain was accompanied by unsatisfactory pressure in the shoulder.

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