Episode 121

The walls of the forefront were all built solidly, and the outer walls were covered with magical power.

Many wizards have come forward to grant magical powers, and have inherited the process and history for a long time.

That’s why the witches couldn’t even scratch the walls, and the walls were able to protect the kingdom of Alain.

However, as the walls collapsed for the first time due to Narak, a great change occurred in the Alain Kingdom.

‘The city walls must be broken in order for the Alain Kingdom to develop.’

The people of the Alain Kingdom have blindly believed in Setinos Quasar and the front line.

Because they protected the kingdom of Alain, and the demon beasts were always stopped.

Only when King Narak shattered that trust would the people feel fear and try to overcome the crisis.

‘… Still, I can’t be suffering.’

No matter what King Narak does, he must be eliminated.

It was an enemy that threatened the kingdom of Alain, and it was one of the traces of the Demon God.

Since he also had to retrieve the Demonic Sword of the Earth, he would have to put an end to this war.

‘I should aim for the weakest moment.’

Being the Narak King doesn’t mean you can always be strong.

Its magical power is not infinite, and it suffers pain after being attacked, and sometimes gets hurt.

A blow at the crucial moment would surely bring death.

‘If only the purple shrine is persuaded, the rest will follow.’

The purple shrine was a hero and the front line itself, walking around the periphery.

The mere presence of the purple shrine boosts the morale of the soldiers, and the magic beasts are instinctively seized with fear.

Although there were commanders and castle lords, they were nothing compared to the purple shrine.

‘The question is how to persuade… … .’

“Don’t think that your life is different from the lives of others. Just because you’re strong, you can’t decide the life or death of others!”

“Because I know that, I am saying that you should drop your last name.”

“… Are you saying you won’t back down until the end?”

“If you don’t do as I say and the soldiers die, what will you do then? Can you take responsibility?”

“You bastard! Are you trying to mock me!”

“I will say it one more time. I risked my life to come here. Next to me are my fiancé and colleagues. I can’t die here, even for them!”

Shion didn’t avoid Balz’s gaze and answered boldly.

If you get pushed out of here, your strategy will be determined to be wrong.

Now, he had to stick to his position even if he had to fight with Balz.

“… Let me rest for a while.”

Balz suppressed the outburst of rage and got up first.

The commander and the knights followed, and the three remained silent and did not even move.

“I believe in Zion, but I don’t think this strategy is right.”

“I guess so. It is a wrong idea to even throw away your last name.”

“I think you will have to compromise. Fix the inner wall, but why don’t you put troops on the outer wall?”

“… … .”

Shion did not think that the prediction would necessarily come true.

Narakwang could have acted unexpectedly.

It was just a deliberately exaggerated action to achieve a goal.

‘Yeah, I guess I can do this much.’

In the first place, the purple shrine had no reason to follow her own words.

The king asked for reinforcements, but did not give orders to obey him.

In some ways, I think it should be seen that things are progressing as intended.

‘Since he’s a white apostle and even has a king’s name, he’ll fix the inner wall.’

It was a strategy that came to mind suddenly, and there was no sense that the timing was late.

However, troops were gathering from each castle, and some wizards were included.

If the wizards of the Magic Society helped them, they could make the inner wall even stronger.

‘I’d have to survive at least half of it…’ … .’

* * *

The continent of Karonbelaz, the land beyond the front line.

If you get away from the front line of the Alain Kingdom, you will not be able to find the human race.

At least a few animals and plants remain, but if you go further, even their traces disappear.

In fact, it was a place where only witches lived, and only slaughter and destruction overflowed.

In order to survive, you have to kill someone over and over again, and no matter how strong you are, you could lose your life in a moment.

‘… Nothing has changed.’

Caden was scouting everywhere while hiding.

You can’t look at all the terrain alone, but every important path has magic.

I had to look after my own safety, so I had to watch the surroundings while not moving as much as possible.

‘If the King of Narak was to come, the beasts would have followed him.’

Magic beasts basically have a habit of moving around, and the stronger they are, the more they are alone.

When a strong monster moves, the weak monsters avoid them, or try to fight right away to win.

In particular, since the King of Narak would act with a large number of troops, other monsters had no choice but to react first.

‘I mispredicted this time.’

Caden is relieved inside and recalls the words he heard from the white apostle.

The King of Narak might attack the kingdom of Allain, the King of Narak has become stronger than before, will he raise his sword only after the beasts come to this capital?

I tried not to pay attention to those words, but instead they got stuck in my brain.

‘I can be satisfied with this.’

What should I do to build a ball without holding the sword?

What is the way to get attention from the king while making his name widely known?

How should you use your talents?

The answer to that was stealing, and now, as Setinos Quasar, he was dedicated to the kingdom of Alain.

‘It would be nice if Miss Brandis looked at me, but even if not… … .’

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Kaden discovers the demon and erases its presence and magic.

Even if it’s a weak monster, you shouldn’t be vigilant.

A strong demon might appear in a moment, or you might accidentally get caught.

To take care of safety and mission at the same time, I had to do my best at any time.

‘Nark Knight… … .’

It was immediately recognizable because it was the troops handled by the 3rd demon king.

The Narak Knight, said to be the strongest among the Narak King’s subordinates, was leading the undead soldiers.

‘Why are you here?’

Narakwang’s stronghold was nestled deeper.

If it was to protect the fort and territory, he would not have come this far.

It was probably that they had come to subdue the Demon Beasts on orders from the Narak King, or they were scouting as an advance party.

‘It’s not unusual.’

From readwn.com

Kaden feels strangely anxious and keeps an eye on the Undead Knights.

It didn’t seem like he was going to leave the territory just to deal with a few monsters.

In other words, it should be seen that they were sent out with a different purpose.

‘I hoped… … .’

The Maw Knight looked around with the undead soldiers and then turned around.

A group of undead continued to appear not far away.

‘The Narak King is coming.’

From readwn.com

Kaden moves swiftly and creates silver pieces.

He already knew the news that the White Apostle and the Knights of Lihynes had arrived at Aliard Castle.

I wondered if the future predicted by the white apostle would gradually become clearer.

‘… Should I hold the sword?’

* * *

From readwn.com

Karon Belaz Continent, hill opposite Aliard Castle.

Following the Undead Knights, countless undead climbed up the hill.

The Maw Knights each commanded the knights and soldiers under their command, and some of them never strayed from one being.

That being was the owner of this corps, and was also the strongest undead among them.

‘… I fought in that castle even then.’

From readwn.com

Keremion, the King of Hell, puts down his reins and recalls the battle decades ago.

They mobilized many troops and continued to attack.

Quite a few people died, and it was judged that the victory was on the decline.

However, when a human stood in his way, the charter changed in an instant.

‘He was a fearless man.’

Narakwang once admired the human’s strength and spirit and asked for his name.

However, the human attacked again, saying that there is no name to teach an enemy to be killed.

Even though he must have been exhausted from fighting with himself, he never backed down.

‘That’s why people call him the king.’

Narakwang knew that he was strong, and even other monsters couldn’t be reckless.

Even the same 3 demon kings and 4 great disasters didn’t try to fight him.

Nevertheless, a human called the king showed power equal to himself.

‘If you come to that castle… I will definitely kill him.’

Although the goal was to capture Allied Castle, he intended to fight alone against the king of humans.

I couldn’t win back then, and now I’m even stronger.

Only after defeating the king of humans would he be able to let go of those lingering feelings.

‘I have no choice but to win.’

The Narak King glared at the castle of Aliard, conscious of the demonic sword of the earth hanging on his back.

It would be better for him to exert himself than to waste his forces in this battle.

If they could only overcome the Allied Castle, they would be able to wipe out the humans at once and quickly occupy the area.

“… Are you ready to advance?”

“The entire army is waiting for orders from King Narak.”

At the Narak Knight’s answer, the Narak King stretched out his hand toward the demonic sword of the earth.

Then the Knights of Hell drew their swords and grabbed the reins.

The undead soldiers in the rear vomited strange sounds with blue eyes embracing them.

“All troops, advance.”

The Narak King held the Demonic Sword of the Earth and held it high.

At the same time, the undead knights pulled the reins and went first.

Soon, the undead soldiers rushed out in an instant and started charging toward the Allied Castle.

‘I personally… Let’s capture the castle.’

Narakwang flashed blue eyes and turned the point of his sword toward the ground.

Then, as he slammed down with all his strength, he poured his magical energy into the demonic sword of the earth.

‘It takes a lot of magic power… Not worth it.’

Narakwang continues to radiate magic power and looks down the hill.

A black wave spreads over the desolate plain, changing its color.

At Allied Castle, horns and bells sounded, and human soldiers gathered.

‘That castle is now over.’

Narakwang forcibly manipulated the demonic sword of the earth and drew out its power.

Then, the ground vibrates violently and gradually cracks.

Mana flowed into the ground, and within a short time, it touched Allied Castle.

Allied Castle was shaking little by little after being exposed to the magic of the demonic sword.

Soon after, it rocked more and more violently, and soon cracks began to go from one side of the wall.

The wall tilted at some point, and the bottom part collapsed, scattering countless pieces.

‘This is my victory. All human beings will obey me.’

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