Chapter 122

Narakwang lifts up the demonic sword of the earth and carries it on his shoulder.

Allied Castle, which had firmly held its place, was sinking.

Perhaps humans would not have even expected that the castle wall would disappear so futilely.

“We will follow.”

Narakwang mounted his horse and started chasing after him.

The Narak Knights thoroughly escort the Narak King and create a path between the troops.

‘… I can’t see the body.’

Narakwang looks at the collapsed wall and strikes the reins.

There were obviously human knights and soldiers on top of the castle walls.

However, there was no blood or flesh fragments to be found around the collapsed walls.

‘There’s no way he could have predicted my attack.’

Before rising to the top of the hill, the troops were prepared to march straight ahead.

He quickly took out the demonic sword of the earth and attacked first, so there wouldn’t even be time to dodge.

Perhaps they were all crushed under the rubble of the castle wall, or they died before they could even feel the pain.

‘I have to drive this momentum and go deeper.’

Even if humans are suffering now, after a while, they will react even urgently.

There were troops in other castles, and support would come from the rear.

If it was not put to an end in a short period of time, it could have been forced to retreat again.

Narakwang risked his life and death in this battle and mobilized all his forces.

The undead knights raised the average level, and the undead soldiers tried to increase their numbers even more.

Most of all, because the fortress was quickly destroyed using the demonic sword of the earth, the conditions were practically perfect.

‘Even if the king of humans comes, in this situation… … .’

Narakwang hurriedly took out the demonic sword of the earth and split the air.

Then, a purple light flashes and something cuts along the blade.

The arrows imbued with magic lost their color and were scattered.

‘this is… … .’

Narakwang pulled the reins and swung his sword again.

Again, the purple light spread and the arrows shattered.

The arrows flew one after another, and the Hell Knights gathered and blocked them all at once.

‘Trying to hit me… … .’

A man was standing on top of the ruins of the wall.

He had a bow and arrow, and even emitted purple magic power.

Seeing that he shot a powerful arrow from such a long distance, he wondered if it would be quite strong among humans.

‘Now that time has passed, a new human may appear.

The man gathered his bow and arrows and disappeared behind the ruins of the castle wall.

The Narak King strikes the reins again and goes faster.

It felt like I had to kill him before I could fight the king of humans.

‘That’s not enough. If you want to defeat me, you will have to bring the magic sword first.’

* * *

Aliard Castle, on the outer walls.

Balz keeps an eye on the undead and pours more magic into his eyes.

I knew they would attack, but I had no choice but to be a little nervous because there were so many enemies.

It would have been a tough battle if he hadn’t brought troops from other castles in advance.

‘… Should I believe that?’

Baltz partially accepted the strategy proposed by the White Apostle and Shion Regard.

The inner wall was remodeled, but the outer wall was negotiated with a certain number of troops placed.

But Baltz still doubted that choice, and foresaw the possibility that he was wrong.

‘It was reliable information.’

The white apostle acquired information faster than the silver phantom thief.

In addition, it was predicted several months ago, and it was made to be forcibly dealt with using the king’s order.

I don’t know where or how the information was obtained, but I wondered if it had something to do with the strategy for it.

‘then… Shouldn’t I also believe in the strategy?’

Balz had been arguing with the two over the strategy.

In the end, the voices of each other rose, and we had to get up first.

However, I did not completely reject the strategy because I assumed that the two also had ideas.

‘Is this correct?’

Baltz sent most of the troops that should have been on the outer wall to the inner wall.

In fact, it was close to deciding to follow the strategy of the two.

The reason I didn’t send them all out was to be in case the strategy went wrong.

‘I’m glad if it’s right, but if it’s wrong…’ ‘

While observing the Narak King, Baltz discovered something.

A heavy greatsword hung behind the Narak King’s back.

Because of his large size, he would have no choice but to use a unique weapon, but I wondered if he could feel a slight sense of heterogeneity.

‘I’m still using magic. Why?’

Even though the battle hadn’t started yet, King Narak was infusing magic into the greatsword.

If it was to prepare for a surprise attack, he would have to cover his entire body with magic.

But why was he wasting his mana without holding up a greatsword?

‘Are you trying to break down the wall with that weapon?’

Balz stared at the greatsword in agony.

Soon, the King of Narak and the undead would charge towards Aliard Castle.

Even if it was defended within Allied Castle, it could have endured that attack.

However, if the castle wall suddenly disappeared, wouldn’t the allies run away in a hurry and be slaughtered instead?

‘I don’t feel good.’

Baltz makes a decision and moves quickly.

It seemed that the Narak King would cause an uncontrollable accident with that great sword.

In addition, there was something I had already heard, so I couldn’t help but feel impatient.

“Retreat all troops to the inner wall.”

“… All right.”

The adjutants hesitate for a moment and then disperse to various places.

I couldn’t understand the order, but I had to obey it unconditionally.

It was Cetinos Quasar’s judgment, and that order has never been wrong.

‘I shouldn’t be wrong… … .’

Balz was the last to come down from the wall and stopped immediately.

A faint vibration was flowing from the ground.

The tremors enveloped Allied Castle in an instant, and the soldiers looked back while barely balancing themselves.

“What! last name… … .”

“I can’t… … .”

From the bottom of the wall, it was cracking little by little.

Cracks opened along the cracks, and at some point cracks spread throughout the walls.

Eventually, the walls began to crumble, and even large and small stones tumbled down.

“All troops, retreat quickly!”

Balz swung his dagger while blocking the stone.

The stone was split into dozens of pieces in an instant.

The adjutant and other knights tried to step out, but Balz gave the order first.

“You take your troops and go! I will follow later.”

Balz moved swiftly and avoided the stone.

It was so amazing and strange that a shudder was rising from the whole body.

If he had left the troops as they were, wouldn’t everyone except for himself and a few knights have been buried under rubble?

‘I was wrong.’

Balz clenches his teeth and is gripped by guilt.

Of course, no one would accept being told to give up their last name.

However, the two men were right, and a lot of troops were almost lost due to wrong judgment.

In that situation, they wouldn’t be able to stop the Narak King, and countless undead would have entered the Allain Kingdom.

‘I’ll have to follow that strategy from now on.’

Baltz followed the ruins of the castle wall and climbed to the top.

Tens of thousands of Undead were rushing towards the Allied Castle.

The Narak King and the Narak Knights were chasing after him on horseback.

‘King Narak… … .’

Balz puts an arrow on the string of his bow and pulls it with all his might.

The purple magic that came out along both hands permeated the bow and arrow.

At this distance, I was able to reach the Narak King.

Baltz let go of the bowstring and fired an arrow again.

He fired another arrow and reached for the quiver.

I had to keep firing arrows until Narakwang responded.

‘I told you to provoke the Narak King… … .’

Narakwang eventually pulled the reins and focused on blocking his own arrows.

Narakwang found himself, but drew his bowstring again.

I decided to follow the strategy of the two, so I would have to put all my effort into it.

‘This should be enough.’

Balz quickly disappears and runs towards the inner wall.

Now, as the two men had said, they had to consider the possibility of the inner walls collapsing.

Of course, he would have spent a lot of magic to destroy the outer wall, and he would not recklessly destroy the inner wall.

‘We can hold out even on the inner wall. I have to kill the Narak King quickly to have a chance of winning.’

* * *

Aliard Castle, near the castle.

The Maw Knights looked around and soon realized that something was wrong.

All the buildings were empty with their doors open, not even dead or injured people to be seen.

In other words, all the humans who were here escaped before the walls collapsed.

‘… Why is no one here?’

Narak King entered Aliard Castle belatedly and realized the situation.

There were not even bloodstains left near the ruins of the walls, let alone bodies.

Confused and supposed to be running away, humans could not be found anywhere.

‘They must have expected my attack and avoided it.’

Realistically, it was impossible, but I had to accept it.

Because no humans were harmed, and they escaped perfectly.

Fortunately, the castle of Aliard was obtained, so it wasn’t a huge loss.

‘It just takes a little more time.’

The Narak King put down the Demonic Sword of the Earth and looked at the place where the inner wall was.

There was no time to pause here.

If he had anticipated his attack, he would have been rallying his troops.

“All troops, advance.”

The words Narakwang could say were fixed.

There should be no talk of retreat or reorganization.

I had to go on and on and on until I reached the place where the king of men was.

‘I will not be defeated.’

Narakwang struck the reins, dyeing his blue eyes even deeper.

Tens of thousands of undead still remained intact, and the humans had to give the biggest tantrum.

Although he used a lot of magic to break down the wall, it wasn’t to the extent that he couldn’t fight.

‘Even if the king of humans comes… … .’

“King Narak! Humans are gathering on the inner wall.”

“… Does not matter. Advance.”

Narakwang did not waver even after hearing the report.

In the first place, humans couldn’t just run away.

Since he expected his attack, it was only natural to respond accordingly.

‘I can destroy it one more time, but… … .’

If he spent that much magic, he could have destroyed the inner wall as well.

However, there will be almost no magic power left, and you will not be able to directly fight against humans.

Above all, the humans had already seen the attack, so they would try to reduce the damage somehow.

‘I won’t back down like this!’

The Narak King tried to approach the inner wall with the Nilla Knights.

In a matter of seconds, purple arrows flew in succession, and flames wrapped around her body.

The Narak King lightly parried off those attacks, but beyond that, a dark purple sword was rushing in.

“Big… “

Narakwang tried to break the sword, but instead his arm was shaking.

It must have been aiming for an opening with arrows and flames disturbing the sight.

Because that wasn’t enough, flames raged again and even a strong wind rushed in.

‘I feel the magic sword. It must be that the strong are gathering to oppose me.’

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