I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 270 Recognizing the Objective Reality

And General Polusalino understood the cryptic meaning of Marshal Warring States almost instantly.

'Warring States Marshal's eyes are basically implying that he will kill Hancock, right? '

'Is it because of Ion? '

Polusalino soon had an answer, vaguely guessed the reason, and couldn't help showing a bit of regret in his heart.

‘It’s really a pity that brother Yan died like this. '

Yes, I understand!

General Polusalino did not refuse or shirk, but directly agreed.

In Polusalino's view, Hancock, who is now famous, is nothing more than a top-notch figure in the Pirate Supernova. considered risky.

in addition……

The Warring States Marshal paused, and then spoke slowly. If you can find the stone statue or body of Major General Yann, bring it back as intact as possible.

General Polusalino nodded, and said in a more serious tone. Don't worry, Marshal of the Warring States Period.

Well, let's go.

After Marshal Warring States finished his last sentence, after General Polusalino left the office, his whole body seemed to be exhausted, and he sat slumped on the chair with guilt and pain all over his face. murmured.

Ian, I'm sorry, just wait a little longer, bear with it...

No matter what, no matter how incompetent I am, I will definitely take you home, and I won't let your bones stay in that kind of place.


It was night, and as the night fell, the entire Nine Snakes Island gradually fell into a warm ocean, the smell of meat and wine wafted to every place, the red cloth fluttered, and the petals fell.

A more exaggerated feast than when Hancock succeeded the emperor began!

Hancock and Ian sat side by side in the banquet hall at the height of the palace, overlooking most of the Hydra Island below.

And the performances carefully arranged by Hancock also unfolded, fully showing the cultural heritage and ethnic customs of Nine Snakes in front of Yan, a guest.

Among them, what shocked Yaen the most was the battle dance performed neatly by tens of thousands of nine snake female warriors, which made people excited without losing the rhythm of beauty.

In addition, there are all kinds of bow and arrow performances performed by the most elite fighters of Nine Snakes on the spot. Yaen is amazed by the amazing shooting skills and the proficient use of domineering.

Master Yan, are you satisfied with these arrangements?

At the moment, Hancock, who was wearing a fine attire, showed nobility, but was also domineering and arrogant. He looked around and saw that no subjects were paying attention to him for the time being, and asked in a low voice with a slightly disturbed tone.

It is indeed a country that can gain a foothold in the windless belt that is full of dangers according to the rumors. It is amazing. Yann praised without hesitation.

Immediately, the smile on Hancock's face bloomed like a flower, and a lot of thoughts sprouted in his heart.


Master Yaen did not dislike Nine Snakes!

In this case, if my concubine marries Lord Yaen in the future, Lord Yaen should also be willing to live with my concubine in Nine Snakes, right?

In this way, the concubine can continue to rule Amazon Lily.

Otherwise, the concubine can only leave Nine Snakes Island with Master Yaen.


And just as Ian continued to watch the wonderful performance below with full concentration, and when Hancock was happily thinking about the future, Robin, who was sitting next to Ian, looked quite cold.

'This woman,

He must be thinking about something messy again. '

Robin glanced at Hancock, thinking secretly.

at this time……


Robin took out a phone bug from his arms, frowned slightly, but left the table and walked outside the banquet hall, a quiet corner where Ian could be seen from a distance, and then connected the phone bug.

Robin?! How nice to get on the phone bug!

On the other end of the phone bug, Corazon asked in an extremely anxious voice.

How is Ian? Is he okay? Just now the World Government contacted me and told me that Ian had died under their arrangement. This is false news, right?

Ian hasn't sacrificed yet, but it's not all right. Robin replied.

Huh?! Are you injured? Corazon asked.

The soul is about to die, Robin replied.

? ?

Corazon could no longer understand.

The soul is almost gone, is there no sacrifice? ? ?

And just when Robin was about to say something more, she blinked her eyelids, and suddenly found that Yan, who was originally in the banquet hall, had disappeared.

The next moment, Yaen gently covered Robin's head with his palm, rubbed it slightly, and said angrily.

Robin, what nonsense are you talking about? No soul?

Robin said calmly. I thought you were all focused on other things, Ian?

How is it possible? I have been paying attention to you all the time, and I have noticed your behavior of leaving the table. Ian answered while taking the phone bug from Robin's hand.

When Robin heard this, a smile inadvertently appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he regained some confidence.

After all, Hancock is so beautiful!

Even if Robin doesn't want to admit it, Hancock's charm has reached the level that no matter men or women can resist.

Therefore, even though Robin is very confident that Ian is not the kind of man who is so superficial that he only looks at his appearance, he still has some self-ashamed thoughts about his charm.

As for Robin's small thoughts, Yan didn't pay too much attention, and started talking with Corazon instead.

A moment later, with the end of the call with Corazon, Ian also fully understood the plan of the World Government.

Tsk~ It really is the consistent style of the world government...

For this unexpected but completely logical reason, Ion shook his head helplessly.

However, this approach of the world government made Yaen further understand the fear and attitude of the world government towards the virtual circle organization.

In order to please Corazon, get more information about the virtual circle organization from Corazon, has it reached the point where he will not hesitate to risk breaking up with the Admiral of the Navy?

This made Yaen fall into deep thought, and carefully considered.

Do you want to release further information about the virtual circle organization?

If Corazon is allowed to release further information, then as the value of Corazon decreases, Ian naturally does not need to worry that he will be used as a bargaining chip to curry favor with Corazon.

However, with the attitude that the virtual circle organization is now feared by the world government, even if Yann deliberately releases more information again, it will not have any real benefits, but may inadvertently expose its flaws.

Only by maintaining the mysterious and powerful veil of the virtual circle organization can the virtual circle organization be feared by the world government all the time.

You can't be short-sighted...

Ion murmured. To recognize the objective reality, at least within ten years, even the Revolutionary Army and the 'virtual circle organization' combined will not be the opponent of the world government. chaptererror();

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