I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 271 From Beginner to Master Maid

In fact, in order to truly have the power to directly counter the world government, Ian feels that this is just the most optimistic estimate in ten years.

The world government has stood on the top of the sea for 800 years, and no one knows exactly how much the world government has, and how many terrifying combat powers are hidden in the dark.

More importantly, the world government still has many secrets that have not yet been revealed.

Now, just as the world government is afraid of the power and mystery of the virtual circle organization, Yann is also afraid of the mystery hidden in the dark by the world government.

And to uncover those secrets, the interpretation of the historical text is essential!

Thinking of this, Yaen couldn't help but look at the sixteen-year-old Robin in front of him again.

Yan pursed his lips, recalling the original promise, and said. Robin, speaking of it, I promised you that I would take you to interpret the 'Historical Text'.

History text? !

Hearing this word, Robin's expression changed slightly.

If there is any lingering obsession hidden in Robin's heart, besides Ian who saved her from O'Hara's fire that year, it is the one that caused O'Hara to be destroyed and buried. The historical text of my mother and all the fetters.

Interpret the historical text and unearth the secrets of the blank hundred years eight hundred years ago!

Brother Yan...

As he grew older, Robin seldom yelled such childlike nicknames to Ian, but at this moment, amidst Robin's increasingly intellectual and cold voice, he felt something different at this moment.

So, brother Yaen still remembers that agreement?

Of course, isn't that your dream? Ian asked.

Robin's blue-black eyes flickered slightly, and said.

That's not my dream, but the obsession that supported me to live in the past. At the same time, this is also my mission as the last archaeologist on the sea who can understand ancient texts.

After a pause, before Ian could speak, Robin continued.

But brother Yan, the search for the 'historical text' will definitely attract the attention of the world government, and it is too early.

Yeah, it's still far from the time.

Yan sighed slightly, realizing that Robin was right.

Whether it is the situation of the Revolutionary Army or the situation of the virtual circle organization, Robin is quite clear.

At the same time, the cognition of the world government is no longer the naive cognition of the past as Robin continues to replace Yann in handling a large number of documents and intelligence of the revolutionary army.

And Yann also made a decision in his heart at this moment!

In the future, we will try our best to maintain the veil of the virtual circle organization and maintain the fear of the virtual circle organization by the world government.

In this way, the members of the virtual circle organization can develop themselves under the cover of the mysterious veil, attract the attention of the world government, and at the same time secretly cover the development of the revolutionary army.

Otherwise, with the speed at which the Revolutionary Army is gradually spreading to other sea areas, it won't be long before the World Government is aware of its existence.

And as long as there is an unsightly existence of the Virtual Circle Organization that threatens the World Government at all times, then the Revolutionary Army will appear to be nothing more than a scab.

And in the name of the virtual circle organization, Yan can also secretly do some things that are difficult to do as a navy.

For example: the O'Hara Incident and Frevans Kingdom Incident that year, if similar incidents happen again, with the strong intervention of members of the Virtual Circle Organization, there is a high probability of avoiding those tragedies.

Therefore, the mysterious veil of the virtual circle organization must be maintained in front of the world government.

It's just how should I arrange it?

In order to clear up the relationship between myself and Corazon and avoid suspicion from the world government, it made the world government think that I was a thorn in Corazon's side.

Even if I stay in Nine Snake Island for a period of time and then come back to Marlin Vandor, in order to prevent being misunderstood by Corazon, the World Government may continue to arrange this troublesome task of sending myself to death.

And next time, it will definitely not be a beautiful place like Jiu Snake Island.

Yan pushed his glasses and frowned unconsciously.

Obviously, this is purely a troublesome thing for Yan to get rid of.

If possible, what Ian hopes most is to stay in Marlin Vandor comfortably, and then work as a clerical job from 9 to 5 for more than ten or twenty years.

According to Yan's estimation, even if there is no powerful Zanhundao at that time, the accumulated spiritual pressure should be able to barely control the remnant sword for self-protection, and the old man should be at the age of retirement safely.

At that time, Yan can also arrange for the old man to go to a remote place for the elderly, so as to avoid the human tragedy of confrontation between father and son.

As for whether we can really change the sea, in this era, we must always follow our own thoughts and ideas to try.

Garbage...should be completely swept into the garbage dump!

Yan's eyes rarely showed a little sharpness, but they quickly returned to their usual gentleness.

However, the navy needs to obey the world government after all. Even if the old man is the admiral of the navy, it is difficult to disobey the orders of the five old stars, and he also has the identity of a navy...

It seems that if you want to solve this trouble, you don't need to break with the navy. You must use external forces to bring balance.

After thinking for a while, Yan soon had a plan in mind, and said to Robin beside him.

It's just that, Robin, maybe we'll have to stay in Nine Snake Island for a while. As for the search for the 'historical text', we can only redeem the promise in the future.

After a pause, Ian added.

However, that's fine. My domineering level is average. It just so happens that Nine Snake Island has a systematic domineering training method, which allows you to learn domineering, and baby-5 is not too young, so I just take this opportunity to teach baby -5 some important knowledge.

Robin didn't object to what Yan said, but asked indifferently. Teach Maid from Beginner to Master?

Ah... eh?

Yan stared wide-eyed, swallowed his saliva nervously, and asked subconsciously. How do you know about this book, Robin?

Robin flicked the hair on his temples, turned his blue-black eyes, and said.

There are also One Hundred Details a Maid Needs to Understand, How to Make a Variety Maid, How to Be the Maid Who Satisfies the Master, Special Skills a Maid Must Master... chaptererror();

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