I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 155 is finally coming home

Early the next morning, a squad compiled by 10 people was running outside the wall of the base.

They are led by their own instructors and will go to physical fitness training in locations 10 kilometers away.

It is commonly known as zip training.

Jiang Chen’s indicator for Ivan is that no matter what method is used, the time is only six months. Six months later, he wants to see a disciplined, fast-moving force. And this force only loyal to him.

The method of ensuring loyalty to the military is very simple. The first is funds, and the second is the electronic collar.

In addition to the work agreement, Jiang Chen and the ten Ukrainian instructors also signed a 10-year confidentiality agreement. According to the contents of the agreement, during their term of office, they will wear this electronic collar with information identification capabilities to prevent leaks and other troubles.

In this regard, the ten Ukrainian instructors did not express any resistance, because it was only 10 years, and they did not intend to reveal anyway.

Half a year’s time is very short. It is obviously impossible to train a group of special forces who can climb or beat. It will take seven months for someone else to camp. Although relying on effective training of the Virtual Reality system, it takes only 1-2 months to complete recruit training. However, in the absence of a foundation, it would be unwise to think about publicly taking out this high-tech product. Besides, he could not get 100 training devices.

But of course, Jiang Chen also made it clear to Ivan that he does not need special forces but a modern infantryman who can perform siege warfare and street fighting. The execution is not a special mission. It only suffices to be able to fight.

As for combat effectiveness, there are many ways to make up for it.

Not enough energy? Then take an injection.

One E GradeGenetic Medicine is very cheap and is also common at the Sixth Block. Although not as fierce as Jiang Chen’s C Grade Genetic Medicine, there is no problem in raising their fitness to the level of special forces. The reason why they are not given injections now is to exercise their perseverance. After a period of training, they will naturally give them a shot.

Ivan and other instructors expressed doubts about the kind of agent that can improve the human body, but when Boss looks at it with certainty, it is also true. After accepting the injection with skepticism, they were surprised to find that their strength and reaction speed had improved a lot and that their doubts had suddenly disappeared. For the training mission that lasted only six months, confidence increased.

Of course, Jiang Chen did not tell them what it was Genetic Medicine, but told them that it was a mysterious Chinese medicine.

Well, yes, it is Chinese medicine.

In the eyes of Westerners, Chinese medicine itself is a very mysterious thing. Since it is mysterious, there is no need to explain it.

Incidentally, the mechanism of action of Genetic Medicine is to fine-tune the gene sequences of local somatic cells and stem cells without affecting the genes of certain cells. In other words, there is no need to worry about genetic issues.

Shooting is not good? Then use technology to pick it up.

AK103? M4A1? Of course, these bad streets will not be used.

For 100 years, these rifles, which now look good, all fell weak. Just like the Tomson submachine gun is now available, it can be used, but certainly not escape all kinds of hanging.

Jiang Chen’s 150 Ripperassault rifles from the Fishbone Base are capable of exploding modern firearms in terms of stability, penetration, and precision. After all, there is a fundamental difference between the structure of war in the future and the present.

Even the light infantrymen wear nano combat uniforms and even mechanical exoskeleton. Not to mention the heavily armored Power Armor. If rifle’s penetrating power is low, it is difficult to penetrate the opponent’s armor. This Ripper Rifle, which was used as a NATO weapon, was naturally unambiguous in penetrating power. Although it was nothing in the advanced future of Material Science, it was truly the worst in the world. It was absolutely stressless to wear a steel or concrete wall to beat anyone.

Quite logically, the greater the explosive thrust of a bullet’s charge, the greater the recoil of the gun holder. However, due to the special design of the firearms, this recoil is greatly weakened.

In addition, due to the tight gun design, the accuracy is naturally not to say much.

The only trouble is the supply. Because he could not use modern ammunition and did not have a solid base, Jiang Chen did not dare to move the bullet production line, so he could only transport ammunition by himself.

Fortunately, the trade between Fishbone Base and Sixth Block was just over, and he added an additional batch of ammunition. All in all, it takes half a year’s training to move into the ammunition store. This trouble is also solved.

In addition to firearms, along with the development of the Last of Days, Jiang Chen will follow up with more ingenious things.

For example, mechanical exoskeleton, such as heat grenades or something…

With regard to training, Ivan plans to give it full control. The veteran is even more prestigious among those comrades-in-arms. He is in charge of managing the day-to-day operation of the base. Jiang Chen is also more at ease.

As for the issues of logistics, this is also a good solution.

According to Roberts’ suggestion, he set up a Future Security company office in Niamey and hired local professionals to handle this issue. The thing that needs him to worry about is simply to send the working capital to the company account. The base’s daily expenses, salary payments, and transportation of living materials will be coordinated by the office.

At the end of each month, a detailed bill will be sent to his mailbox**.


After spending two days back and forth between the base and Niamey, Jiang Chen finally settled on this side.

The Future Security company supervisor is a black boy named Bakari who was recruited from Niger’s talent market. Although this guy is only 35 years old, but he has 2015 related work experience. People are also looking more stable and seem to be more reassuring.

Niger’s labor costs are very low. The monthly salary of 400 USD is even higher in the local area. With such a generous salary, the black guy naturally laughed and patted his chest to show that everything must be done.

Jiang Chen is naturally very satisfied with his energetic appearance, because it means that he can worry less about something.

With the operation of the base gradually getting on track, it is finally time to go home.

When they went to the airport, they took a special car from the Niger Ministry of Commerce. The Ministry of Commerce Minister Amani also considered the friendship of the landlords and personally sent them to the airport.

“Welcome your presence again, Mr. Jiang. You will always be our friend of the Nigerian people.” Armani shook hands with him warmly and his face filled with a smile.

“2US Dollar investment, building a road from the national road to the undeveloped area. The benefits he has gained from this Eastern friend have been a lot, naturally, is very passionate.

“Of course, we would like to have an eternal friendship. Thank you for your hospitality.” Jiang Chen smiled and released her hand. Then she turned to Roberts, Nick and Ayesha to enter the airport.

Through security, Robertstaking a deep breath of relief, he rolled his eyes.

“Finally I can leave this place. Hell, after I go back, the first thing is to take a shower, and then go to the Hospital to wash my stomach.”

“And then continue to sow Hollywood’s chick?” Jiang Chen yelled.

“Cough cough, of course, the necessary nightlife can ease the fatigue at work, you know. The next day you come to Los Angeles, I will take you to a long-term experience” Robertshey hey smiled and continued, “Say you? Going back to get ready?”

“Take a shower, then take a nap and rest for two days.” Jiang Chen shrugged and sat down in the chair in the waiting room. Ayesha sat next to him and looked around. However, she was very disappointed to find that there was no magazine like the airport in Kiev that provided time in the waiting room.

“Don’t be so boring. You have to learn to enjoy life properly.” Roberts sat opposite Jiang Chen’s, tilted his legs and leaned against the chair. “What if we didn’t make money?”

Nick looked down at the waiting hall and walked towards the coffee machine.

“Hā hā, how do you know I didn’t enjoy it? I told you that the first thing I earned was to get corrupt.” Jiang Chen was not ashamed and laughed proudly.

“oh? I really don’t see it…hā hā! I had an interesting idea for fellow. Should we come to blew each other up and make the first big money in life to do something?” Roberts was interested and sat up straight.

At this time, Nick walked over with coffee and sat next to Roberts.

“Let the Nick come first.” Roberts patted Nick’s shoulder and laughed.

Nick drank coffee and glanced at Roberts with a puzzled look. After hearing the explanation, the reticent Slav Han made it very common.

“Buy a house in Los Angeles, and then raise a dog.” Ordinary to the ordinary American daily.

“Well, taking back the preface, Nick is the most boring guy.” Ignoring the confused Nick, Roberts coughed and then said, “Then it’s my turn… I remember five years ago. I also helped a Mexican company in Los Angeles to do arms smuggling. On the day of dividends, he gave me “50US Dollars. The first thing I got was…”

Speaking of this, Roberts suddenly got old and touched his nose, but he was embarrassed to say it.

“And then?” Jiang Chen asked with interest.

“Cough cough. Hey, go to bar and find two 16-year-old high school students…. All in all, get rid of the virgins,” Roberts was also completely abandoned shame, cheeky out, and then looked to Jiang Chen, ” Well, fellow, it’s you.”

This old silver stick.

Jiang Chen smiled in her heart.

“The first money …” just wanted to say about Sanya, but he suddenly got stuck, and looked awkwardly at Ayesha.

Hey, he looks like Roberts’ old silver stick. After the money was made, the first one seemed to be Sanya, and then I had a lover…

Taking notice of Jiang Chen’s line of sight, Ayesha looked back at him in confusion.

However, her simple expression, it is to make Jiang Chen more difficult to speak.

Robertsambiguous smiled and then smirked. “I understand, all men.”

“No, I say, my situation may be a bit different from yours.” No matter how you say it, the first time the two are too paralyzed.

“No, no, no explanation, I understand.”

Fuck Me, you know a P!

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