The two did not discuss in detail how to solve these problems.

This is big and complicated.

Chen Feng is Chinese.

Most of the people around him are also Chinese.

His main industry is also in China.

So his eyes will definitely stay on China.

Now he will find a balance between the two countries, but it is just a means to control the overall situation in stages.

If he hastily revealed his true tendency, then he will inevitably be relied upon by Lu Wei or other people behind the fat man, trying to use his love for this land to get more from him. What you deserve.

Although Chen Feng is willing to distribute the money, he has to send it to the right person.

He must let his profit divided into living water, and not fall into a pool of filthy and stinky backwaters.

Although, even in the backwaters, one day, due to the consumption of some people, or the transfer of property, they will reflow into all corners of the world and fly into the homes of ordinary people.

However, in the process of its circulation, it will pass through the hands of many people who Chen Feng does not want Ta to have rich, or the flow speed is too slow to achieve a sufficient amplification effect.

For these, Chen Feng can open up.

After going to the future for so many times, reading so many historical books, and seeing so many changes in the times, his cognition of the times has actually evolved to a certain height unintelligibly.

But until now, he is still looking for the perfection in his heart.

Whether it is the 21st century or the 31st century, after experiencing repeated failures, he is still looking for a truly perfect system.

He once had the illusion that he had found the perfect illusion, but in the end he still failed miserably.

Resultivism, since it failed in that timeline, then it proves that it is not perfect.

Therefore, Chen Feng never believed that in this era of productivity, there is a perfect system he wants.

But it does not matter, this is both a better world and a worse world.

Since absolute beauty cannot be pursued, it is better to retreat and choose the system closest to perfection, quietly giving enough support to make the system gradually grow stronger, and bet again, whether it can go to what civilization needs most. Go up the road.

As far as the current situation is concerned, of course the most qualified is Chen Feng's motherland.

Chen Feng can see the vitality he most desires from this country.

She is a civilization with a long history of 5,000 years, but she is not old-fashioned.

She was slowly waking up after experiencing the pain.

After regaining her freedom, she has endured decades of struggling difficulties.

She is not depressed, and she is becoming stronger and stronger at a speed that other countries cannot understand.

She is full of vitality.

She still faces new challenges.

But Chen Feng firmly believed that the challenge would not make her flinch.

There may be a moment of forbearance, but behind it, there must be a greater goal.

No reason, just because she is five thousand years old, but she is still energetic.

She has the best people in the history of civilization.

Do not deny that she still has one of these shortcomings.

But her shortcomings also exist in other people, and are much more serious.

If anyone can correct these shortcomings in the future, Chen Feng believes that it is still her, not someone else.

Both history and current situation are telling everyone a fact very clearly.

Suppose history is an obscure test paper that cannot be looked back.

The 21st century is a particularly important multiple-choice question in this test.

This multiple choice question may be a single item or multiple items.

No one knows what the correct answer is.

Perhaps the answer to this question will naturally emerge when the next question is reached.

At that time, the wrong choice had been made, and it was necessary to pay a price, and it was impossible to go back to correct it.

But this question must be done again and cannot be skipped.

Then, in accordance with the principle of being responsible for everyone, civilized leaders should be extra cautious and careful when doing this multiple-choice question.

When you cannot find the correct answer directly, you should deal with it by eliminating the wrong answer first.

People with no cultural heritage, lack of historical responsibility, lack of respect for life, and dominated by the profit-seeking instinct of capital are not qualified to lead the world.

Such a person's eyes will always only fall on his wallet.

When he looked at someone else, he might be smiling, but secretly thinking that he was plundering the other person's wallet to spread a layer of butter on his tomorrow's bread slices.

When such a person leads the way, he becomes vanity and selfish because of his temporary lead.

He can't remember the help others have given himself, but he will use his little bit of profit to others to make big fuss in order to advertise and beautify himself.

When he makes a mistake, his favorite thing to do is to shirk responsibility and take advantage of the opportunity to take predicaments in the name of revenge.

His eyes on this world are double-marked.

His morality is based on only one criterion, that is, whether it is beneficial to himself.

It is extremely dangerous and unstable for this kind of "human" to lead the world, and it is easy to bring humanity into the abyss of early destruction.

Chen Feng will give him certain benefits, but his significance can only be a chaser.

He must be the second competitor and never get the first competitor.

Chen Feng said in front of others that there would be a bowl of water, but in fact he still believes that the best technology should be handed over to the oldest, most creative and enthusiastic people.

Who is the answer?

Needless to say.

Chen Feng has given him answers in many timelines in the past, but he still has to avoid some people’s inflated minds and turn good people into bad ones, so he deliberately controls his external tendencies.

Ryan returned to his post, while Chen Feng continued to stay in the office and play games.

In the afternoon, Lu Wei came to the company.

Nominally, she met as a newly joined artist, but actually came to talk with Chen Feng for one or two.

Although most people dare not look at her directly, there are always a few iron-headed children who carelessly show their dissatisfaction.

These people are probably arguing for Zhong Lei, but they dare not say anything about her.

Lu Wei had already been mentally prepared for this, but did not take it seriously.

She knows that the non-parliament she will face in the future is much more powerful than these eyes.

The little suspicion in front of me is pediatric.

When the two met, Lu Wei didn't see anything on the face.

She first made a cup of bamboo leaves for herself and sat on the chair opposite Chen Feng. "I responded quite unexpectedly to you before. I thought you would be angry."

Chen Feng shrugged. "In the timeline you can't see, I'm about to get angry. But I really didn't blame your position."

Lu Wei yelled, "After all, you are a person who can look back to the present from the future, so nothing can hide from you."


Lu Wei drank a bit of hot tea, "I will not ask you about my future in detail."

"I know."

"I won't ask for more."

"I also know."

"I don't think it's necessary to get someone like it. Since I'm late for a while, I don't mind being late for a lifetime. Being able to accomplish such a great dream with you, I think I am happy enough."

Chen Feng nodded, "You really think so."

"So I won't cause you any trouble." Lu Wei blinked.

She knows very well that since Chen Feng can look at history, this time he behaved so straightforwardly, and then couldn't hold back, then naturally he couldn't hide his thoughts from him, so it was better to speak more frankly.

Looking at her empathetic appearance, Chen Feng was inexplicably distressed.

But this feels fast and fast.

"If you are a normal woman, I would say that you are stupid. But you are completely indifferent to the word stupid. You may be too clever and well-versed in the world."

Lu Wei smiled sweetly, "It's about what the Lu family's daughter must bear. I can't do it like an ordinary girl. I don't know if it's self-anaesthesia, or I really do. These things even if you Being able to read history books, even with the analysis of many historians, will eventually be unclear."


"There will be many twists and turns in my second half of life?"

Chen Feng yelled again, "Yes."

"I also said I don't regret it?"

"Yes, you said it. You said another sentence."


Chen Feng smiled, "You said you can't watch the times ruin my talents and drag my footsteps."

Lu Wei suddenly covered her mouth and smiled.

Chen Feng: "What's laughing?"

"Although I know that this sentence is what I said, it is really unique to you to repeat it to me in such a way. You look like you are complacent, but I know it is not, I can’t control what I want. laugh."

"That's quite interesting."

"You said you want to take a holiday this month?"


Lu Wei: "Some people want to see you, don't talk about benefits, just want to understand you more deeply."

Chen Feng shook his head, "It's not necessary to meet. What kind of person do I want to be, history will give everyone the answer."

"Well, that's how I answered."

"Thank you."

Lu Wei came and left.

She didn't ask.

Even without Chen Feng's deliberate reminder, she herself can suppress the idea of ​​knowing her future destiny.

This is simple to say, but it is actually very difficult.

Chen Feng did not know how to tell her.

It is also difficult for him to describe his feelings.

Perhaps Lu Wei was really the kind of person she said.

Simple living without burden, as a member of the salvation, working towards the same goal is enough to make her happy.

If something happened to them, maybe she would live in another guilt instead.

Who knows whether it is good or bad?

The next Chen Feng took a plane and flew to Los Angeles.

This is a dynamic outside his plan.

It sounds a coincidence that Dr. Lawson, the head of the Linton Institute, invited him to a small-scale meeting.

There were many top figures in the field of technology among the participants.

Originally Chen Feng was not interested in these things, but the topic to be discussed at the meeting was "On the Threat of Extraterrestrial Civilization".

This aroused his curiosity.

He wondered what the top scientists in the 21st century really thought about the alien threat theory.

Chen Feng does not care about the results of the discussion, only curious about the discussion process.

In fact, Ryan also received the invitation, but he declined.

Ryan’s goal is clear. Since he already knows the answer, there is no need to waste time.

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