I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 394: Writing love songs is also difficult

One day later, Chen Feng first arrived in Luocheng.

He had a feeling in his mind that within a certain timeline that he could not reach, in fact, he was unlikely to leave the country on May 28, 2020 for Los Angeles.

And as if that timeline is the real reality, it's a pity that I can't go.

Because whenever he wants to find "reality", his world will trigger some special keywords, which will collapse into a shattered, without struggling kind.

His world is too small and fragile, and he is unworthy of certain things.

Instead of staying at the star hotel opposite Mason College, Chen Feng went straight to the villa area in Newport Beach.

For a villa with a value of 10 million US dollars, the living experience is different.

By the way, he bought not only simple buildings, but also the entire small butler team that served around this 0.91 acre mansion, as well as a sports car and a high-end commercial vehicle in the garage.

He arrived here just in the evening, the sunset was sloping west, and the afterglow sprinkled by the pool.

Chen Feng tilted Erlang's legs comfortably and lay on his back by the pool.

On the small table next to him, there are some Chinese gourmet cold dishes, and on the kitchen side, the housekeeper is busy with eight chefs invited from a famous Chinese restaurant in Los Angeles.

Master Chen once again said that the life of capitalism can be really corrupt.

This villa has to pay a lot of taxes in addition to the monthly maintenance cost of nearly one hundred thousand dollars.

Besides, his service team for this dinner had to prepare twelve dishes before and after. The cost of labor and materials added up, and his meal was worth more than $4,000.

But he couldn't help it. After all, he had a big appetite, and he couldn't eat two dishes and one soup like ordinary people, let alone others tonight.

It didn't take long for Zhong Lei to come here in the bodyguard's car.

When she walked into the manor, she saw Chen Feng sitting by the swimming pool, and came over and laughed and said, "I really thought you would not enjoy life."

Chen Feng spread his hand, "How can this be called enjoying life and having a full meal."

Zhong Lei sat down, picked up the finger-sized dessert in front of her eyes, and said while eating: "So many people serve you a meal, don't you call it enjoyment?"

Chen Feng thought without hesitation: "Compared with the thirty-first century. This so-called enjoyment is not a problem at all. Any ordinary people have the help of artificial intelligence and manufacturing instruments in their daily lives. If they want to eat well, wait a few seconds. That’s all, what is there. You can even let the intelligent robot feed you into your mouth."

Zhong Lei imagined the scene, and then looked at the staff who were not far away and brought out the dishes, but it was with emotion, "The future is really good. I envy you."

Chen Feng thought for a while, "If there is no intruder, it is worth envy."

Zhong Lei suddenly asked, "Is the future medical level very developed?"

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes."

"Is there any claim of terminal illness?"

"Almost nothing. Except for consuming too much due to overwork and dying prematurely, there is basically no sickness or death."

Zhong Lei rubbed his nose, "It's so good..."

There was something wrong in her tone, which was very sentimental.

Chen Feng recalled her life history recorded in the history book, but it was not strange.

Zhong Lei was born in a family with normal conditions. Both parents are ordinary employees, and they are not professional music practitioners.

Her enlightenment teacher was none other than her grandfather.

Her grandfather has a good erhu, and can also play various musical instruments such as Guzheng and Matouqin.

But her grandfather went very early, and died of illness before she turned ten.

This is regret in Zhong Lei's life.

After a few minutes, the dishes were filled with long tables.

The two chat while eating.

Zhong Lei tried his best to restrain himself and not to inquire about the future.

But when the two were chatting, she couldn't help but ask more.

Zhong Lei is mainly concerned about four things.

Has the speed of completing "Morning Breeze" in my life become faster, has he written better songs, have the two married as expected, and how are their lives after marriage?

Chen Feng said pick and choose.

He didn’t lie, “It’s done faster. But your other new work...”

"what happened?"

Chen Feng said truthfully: "There are not many additions, only two. The quality has not declined, and the level is basically the same as "Self Burning", "Bath Fire", "Feng Manglu" and "Dream of the Sleepwalker"."

Zhong Lei was dumb for a moment, "That's it? It seems that I have Jianglang just one day."

"I can't say that you are exhausted, I think, you are probably in a dilemma, so limit the breadth of your creation."

Zhong Lei frowned slightly, "Difficult?"

"Yes. I think..."

Chen Feng was about to explain, but Zhong Lei raised his hand and stopped saying: "Don't say it, let me think about it myself."


Zhong Lei began to mutter while talking to herself.

"My level hasn't dropped, so I could have written a new number of works of the same number and level, but it didn't."

Chen Feng: "This has no effect on your historical position. With the "Morning Breeze" as a base, it is as stable as Mount Tai."

Zhong Lei shook his head, "Historical status is meaningless."

After a long time, she gradually straightened out her thoughts and analyzed: "Although the songs I wrote before have different styles, but the scope is actually narrow. The theme is basically biased towards the inspirational theme of popular vocal music."

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes. But your singing and soundtrack structure is more complicated, not the chord stitching like others. You can create a chord combination with your own characteristics in almost every song. So in the future, your The song is about a popular and classic taste."

Zhong Lei blushed, "This lifts me too high. The broad definition of classical music is the universality of the super era, the eternal artistic value and the highest performance in the field of music and art in a certain period. Become a model in the contemporaries, and still have a very high guiding significance and appreciation value in future generations. This can be called classical music."

Chen Feng spread his hands, "Isn't that what you said?"

Zhong Lei turned red.

Although she already knew part of the future from Chen Feng's mouth and knew that her song was indeed amazing, she still felt strange and uncomfortable.

"Forget about it, don't interrupt me."

"Uh huh."

"That is, when I try to re-create after completing "Morning Breeze", I will be dominated by my sense of responsibility because I know the future, and deliberately limit my creative space, focusing on writing more inspirational topics. .. But I have done the best in the same kind of subject matter. This is like repeating myself, so my output has fallen."

Chen Feng sucked for a moment, "Yes, after all, many of your previous songs are of the same type."

"Before I was able to guarantee the output, it was probably that I was free and free when I was working on the creation. I was tired of a road, and immediately turned to other directions, such as love songs. But this time I never wrote about love. Song. I think this is related to the fact that you have moved back too much in this theme before, and you have shown that you are clearly not cold."

Chen Feng smiled awkwardly.

It's true to her, this is the case.

"Then, I deliberately suppressed my inspiration in love songs, right? Eventually, it led to a sharp decline in production, and even the number of other narrative and scene writing works declined."

Chen Feng recalled the analysis of historians of later generations, and honestly admitted, "Uh."

"Don't be nervous, I don't blame you. These are also my own choices, and it's nothing that happened to me, so I don't have to hold you accountable."

Chen Feng thought for a while, "I think, love songs still have to be written."

He had hoped that Zhong Lei would write a little more love songs this time, and quickly took the opportunity to talk briefly about the marvelous view of the 31st century marriage in the last timeline.

Zhong Lei pondered the taste inside: "Although the efficiency of such a combination is high, people have lost their interdependence and are more likely to give up in the face of desperation?"


"Then I have to think about it seriously."

"Right, right."

"But you don’t have too much hope. It may not be possible to do something deliberately. You still have to write songs with emotion. Otherwise, I will force myself to write it, but I can only recite it for a while. But the saliva song is of little significance."

In the matter of creation, Chen Feng has a say in front of ordinary people, but he has little confidence in front of Zhong Lei, and basically can only say what she says.

Chen Feng said: "So you should focus on "Morning Breeze" first, and other things will follow, the Buddha is a little better."

"Well, I'll go back and try some other creative concepts, make more pure music, or try symphony or separate instrumental music. I will try it, maybe I can inspire more."

Chen Feng continued to nod, "Well, as long as you can learn, you can try it."

Putting down the chopsticks, Zhong Lei said again: "Let's talk about our business again. Try not to say the specific time, I just want to know the general direction."

Chen Feng began picking and telling stories with her in the form of white outlines. The general meaning was that we had a very good life, and I did not go bankrupt. After a hundred years, I was very happy.

Most of the time Chen Feng said while eating, Zhong Lei, who was full first, listened happily, his smiling eyes always falling on him.

Unconsciously, when he was on the third pole of the moon, Chen Feng spoke of Zhong Lei's last words before his death.

"You said at the time'You are also really happy. We are together in this life and we are still together in the next life. You have attended funerals more often than ordinary people, but you are also much more happy. You will come back next time Our story is more clear to me. I also want to experience this happiness.'"

Zhong Lei smiled and said unbelief, "I can't say such nasty words."

Despite her quibble, the smile on her face was more intense.

Obviously just talking about a relationship, but can listen to different stories in several lifetimes.

Is there a more romantic life in the world than this?

Chen Feng knew she was stiff, and shrugged, "Your sophistry is invalid, it is written in all history books."

"That was made by someone's far-fetched image that would beautify me. I don't believe it anyway." Zhong Lei raised his hand and looked very proud.

Chen Feng spread his hand, "Okay, you can't believe me, you can't tell me what you want."

Zhong Lei pinched his chin with his fingers and muttered: "I'm thinking about it. I think about what I should say at that time. This time I have to prepare the lines first, and I will enter the history book. "

Chen Feng said you are really boring.

After a while, Zhong Lei said seriously: "I think I should criticize you because you don't have to worry about me at all. After the technical conditions are ripe, you can complete the Jinyiwei No. 9 several years in advance, and then start early. I hope you can Do your thing better, I don’t want to pull your hind legs. I’m not that weak woman. As soon as the time is right, you will hurry and go as far as you can, without waiting for me to die."

Chen Feng was stunned for a while, and then sighed, "It seems that everyone's life should be divided into stages. Maybe you do think this way now. In the future of the last timeline, you might have thought so at a certain age. But in the end your last words are like that."

Zhong Lei's mouth was stiff this time.

She picked up a glass of juice in front of her again, her eyes slightly dizzy, "It's right, so some things should be done while you are young. If you are old, you may be too late to try again. People will be old."

Under the moonlight, by the pool, the scenery is just right.

Chen Feng vaguely heard a strange smell.

"Don't worry, because I won't leave this time."

"Ah? Don't go? What do you mean? Why?"

"Because it's not necessary anymore. I already know where the traveler went. The boat has become a boat and I can't find it back."

His tone was relaxed, but Zhong Lei was shocked.

After a few seconds, Zhong Lei tentatively asked, "Do you mean that it cannot be avoided?"


"Hiss..." Zhong Lei began to gritt his teeth and breathe in.

She certainly knows what this means.

The shortcut is gone.

The future is even more desperate.

But the wonderful thing is that Chen Feng is very calm and does not look like he needs comfort.

"You have become stronger."


Chen Feng responded and turned to look at the night sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhong Lei was watching him.

He must feel that people who try to find shortcuts are vulnerable.

Learning to give up fantasy will make people stronger.

Since no shortcut was found, he continued to charge forward with his head bored.

Zhong Lei stood up and hugged his head from behind.

She wanted to say something, but felt it was unnecessary.

Ten minutes later, the two sat in the study room together again and turned on Chen Feng's computer in the study room.

The two decided to pick a score together, and took out the two songs to study carefully one or two.

The title of the song is quite simple, namely "Forward" and "Broken Down".

The idea is also straightforward, as the name suggests.

Chen Feng's hand speed is very fast, and the arrangement is completed in less than ten minutes.

He rubbed his temples, "I'm a little sleepy, go to sleep first, I have to adjust the body clock. I have to go to a meeting tomorrow morning."

Zhong Lei looked at the time, it was only eight o'clock, and she had not yet reached her sleep period.

"OK, then you go to sleep, I will check the score."

Two hours later, Zhong Lei stared blankly at the picture of Chen Feng's computer, covering her mouth with her hand, her face was very red, and her heart was beating quickly.

What is on the screen is not the music score, but some unspeakable pictures.

She had already finished reading the score and tried to sing aloud.

It was very good, but it did not give her any new inspiration.

Then she started to wander around in Chen Feng's computer.

She wanted to know more about Chen Feng.

Of course, she did not intend to find any real secrets on this computer.

After all, this is Master Chen’s computer in Luocheng, and he is connected to the Internet. Important information cannot be forgotten.

Chen Feng forgot one thing~www.ltnovel.com~ This computer synced all the documents he copied from the hard disk of the old computer used in college.

There is stock in it.

College students, who are not energetic.

Who didn't order the goods.

People are normal.

The result is that Zhong Lei just casually clicked a few videos, and then saw the picture that made her "spicy eyes".

After all, it was once a night in the field, and I have seen players who are warm and cold on the earth. Zhong Lei does not talk about old rivers and lakes, and he still understands men.

So she couldn't say how angry she was, but a little excited.

This guy is actually a normal person.

I almost thought you were going to be a fairy.

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