Chapter 429: The Most Severe Epidemic Area

The interrogation of the contact person did not go well. He wanted to use the “mercenaries” to be unfamiliar with the local situation to deceive the rescue team.

Fortunately, there are two good guides who can always expose the lies of the contact person.

After coming down several times, the contact person was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face. He no longer had the demeanor of a beast gnawing on its prey, and almost became a little sheep, confessing things obediently.

This is a rebel army dominated by Ugandan immigrants and has been active in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo for many years.

This rebel army is said to have Uganda’s support behind it, and the level of contact is not enough, and it is not known whether this is true.

However, the contact person revealed a very important news, that is, their chief lieutenant colonel and Ugandan high-level contact, mainly through a white man.

Before the outbreak, the rebel army encountered some financial difficulties and could not afford enough food. It was the white man who sent a sum of money, which is said to be a protection fee.

After the outbreak, the government designated the entire Equateur Province as an epidemic area and sent troops to blockade the villages where the epidemic was most severe. Because the army was drawn away, the rebels gained more room for action, and finally found a chance to attack the village where the first batch of doctors of Pan-African Medical were located, and all the doctors were taken away.

The contact person said that although these doctors were kidnapped, no one hurt them because the doctors can help the soldiers treat their diseases, and there is a doctor from Uganda, and a rebel officer is a fellow.

It was through this Ugandan doctor that the rebels passed the news of the kidnapping of the medical team to the Ugandan government, and the Ugandan government passed the news to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Only then did the Congolese government know that a major event had occurred that affected its international image, so it ordered the Equateur Province and the local military to send rescuers.

Indeed, a rescue team came to this village and met the contact person.

However, the price offered by the contact made the rescue team dumbfounded.

Two million dollars, or one hundred guns and fifty thousand bullets.

The price was too high, and the rescue team didn’t mean to talk to the contact person at all, and went straight back.

The contact person was also very depressed. According to the lieutenant colonel’s explanation, the price is higher, but it can be negotiated.

The non-negotiating attitude of the rescue team has made the contact person lose the opportunity to lower the price.

And the business can’t be negotiated, and the contact person can’t leave yet. You must know that the kidnapped doctor has to eat and drink every day, which is costly. Therefore, the lieutenant colonel requires the contact person to make this business and not lose money.

Therefore, Chen Ling suddenly appeared with the team. The contact person was very happy, but after learning the lesson from last time, he deliberately pretended to be indifferent and directly asked the guide if he had brought something.

Unexpectedly, the team that came today disregarded the special relationship between certain officers of the government army and the rebels, and played a game of death when they came up, frightening the courage of the contact person.

So, where are the doctors now? The contact person could not answer.

“I only know that the doctors were swimming around with the lieutenant colonel,” the contact person said. “The team came back here the day before yesterday and spent the night.”

Francois looked at the two guides.

The two guides nodded at the same time. One said: “It’s possible.”

Another explained: “The size of this rebel army is small and there is no fixed base. However, their range of activities is fixed and they will not easily enter other people’s turf.”

François asked: “Can that white man be reached?”

The contact person hesitated to speak but stopped. François raised his gun slightly.

“You can’t scare me like that anymore! I have said everything, as men, you can’t do this!” The contact person was actually angry, speaking smoothly, and his tone was angry.

“Don’t talk nonsense, answer the question!” Francois said coldly.

A guide said: “You have said so much, what is the difference if you say more?”

The contact person was silent for a while, and said: “The white man’s nickname is Okapi, and he is alone. He doesn’t talk to any of us except the colonel. I heard from the colonel that there will be a deal with him immediately, which can make a lot of money. Money. With money, we can live a good life…”

“Do you have a family here?” Chen Ling asked, who had not spoken.

The sudden concern made the contact person stunned. He said, “No. I have several women…”

“Do you want to live in Kinshasa?” Chen Ling asked, “You take us to the medical team. We will send you to Kinshasa and give you ten thousand dollars. You can live a good life.”

Three people in the room took a breath at the same time.

One is a guide, the other is also a guide, and the third is a contact person.

The pungent smell made Molly breathless and dizzy.

“This is a pure smell.” David hid behind the mask, “You smell this smell, even if the task is complete.”

Molly resisted the discomfort and said: “Hide the yellow cake in this deep mountain forest, save it for you to drink?”

“Young man, don’t be like this.” David wore special gloves with both hands, flipping the yellow cake, and the smell in the space became even more unpleasant.

“As your predecessors, I will take you along my trade route again. As for whether you can send the information back after you are finished, it depends on your luck.”

“What’s the meaning?”

David said with a smile: “I’ll know soon. Let’s go, take you to see!”

Several more vehicles came on the ground of the logging yard, including two trucks with high guardrails.

Several people jumped out of the car, everyone covered their mouth and nose with cloth strips, filed into the underground space, and began to carry boxes.

“India used to be our colony. We should help India become stronger and repay the crimes committed in India…” David watched the workers working, while speaking to Molly and others, in front of the young people in the old club. , He seems to have endless words.

Molly sneered: “Mr. David, did you talk like that back then? If you were, that would really embarrass you.”

David laughed and said, “Molly, I like you more and more. I was really suffocated when I was in MI6. At that time, my boss often threatened to sew my mouth. But in the end, He is the one who needs stitches in the mouth…”

“…Before I left MI6, I made a special trip to see him, the poor man, lying alone in that cemetery, there is only one tombstone, which I erected for him back then! After you die, I will give it to you too. Everyone establishes one…”

Molly regretted it and shouldn’t talk to this David.

Fortunately, loading was over at this time, and the convoy set off in the dark.

Tropical rain forests accumulate a large amount of water, and springs and streams and even swamps can be seen everywhere, flowing together along the terrain to become rivers.

The water system is developed, the jungle is dense, and the food is abundant. It is especially easy to rely on the mountains to eat. No one knows how many people live in the entire Congo River Basin, and no one knows how many rebels there are in the entire Congo River Basin.

Whenever there is an outbreak of infectious disease, villages and tribes in the forest will actively isolate themselves, cut down trees and cross the road, and send guards.

At this time, they will still be wandering in the dense forest, either rebels, poaching, or smugglers.

Of course, today there is an additional Chen Ling rescue team.

Intimidated and lured, the contact person was very cooperative and walked at the forefront of the team and became the third guide. However, this guide was also broken mouth. He wanted to live in the prosperous world of Kinshasa, and asked the people around him countless times if there are bars and bakeries everywhere, and how many breads can be bought for ten thousand dollars.

Poorly the two guides around him are also country folks. Where did they have seen the luxury of Kinshasa, so they had to turn to chat with the people from Longli Company.

How many breads do you buy for ten thousand dollars? The elites of Longli Company were lost in thought.

At this time, a guide said: “We have entered the Born area. This time the most severe epidemic.”

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