Chapter 430

If you walk too much at night, you will inevitably encounter ghosts.

Chen Ling and his party encountered a ghost.

The people in the African jungles talk about ghosts differently from the Chinese people.

The ghosts of the Chinese people change after people die; the ghosts of the Africans change from various spiritual things. Some are attached to people, and people become ghosts.

The contact person said that we encountered a ghost.

The team stopped immediately.

On the way forward, a tree was lying on the ground, blocking the way of the team.

“Where is the ghost?” Francois asked.

A guide waved to him, motioned him not to speak, and walked forward by himself.

Two dark shadows suddenly appeared behind the trunk, with a hat on their head and a stick in his hand.

“%¥%¥…” The two shadows could speak, but the people of Longli Company couldn’t understand them.

The contact person gave the interpreter and said: “Their tribe has closed the road and will not let us pass.”

François asked: “Didn’t you say you met a ghost?”

“They are ghosts.” The contact person said, “When the tribe closes the road, only those who are possessed by spirits will be sent out to close the road. They are ghosts and are not afraid of getting sick.”

Chen Ling wanted to see what ghosts looked like. At this moment, he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. He said, “Inquire, have they seen the doctors.”

The contact person couldn’t tell François and Chen Ling who were the boss of the rescue team, but Chen Ling was the one who gave him a thousand dollars in advance and promised to take him to the prosperous Kinshasa after the incident, so special I am willing to listen to Chen Ling’s words, and immediately approached to inquire.

After a while, the guide and contact person returned.

“Don’t let it pass here, we must make a detour,” the guide said.

The contact person said: “Ghost said, they have never been to outsiders here, and they have never seen anyone. However, their companion who is responsible for guarding the other direction has seen a convoy today…”

“Is there a way here?” Chen Ling asked. After coming out of the last village, they have been walking at a very slow speed.

The contact person said: “I know this. In the other direction of their tribe, there is a road built by a logging yard, which leads to a river in front; on the other side of the road, there are two logging yards, and a small town is farther away. There used to be an airport, but it was seized and destroyed by us.”

Francois cursed: “Your brain is broken? Why do you want to destroy the airport!”

The contact person just smiled and did not speak.

A guide replied for him: “The government has airplanes, but the rebels don’t.”

Destruction is always easier than construction. The airport is finally completed and opened. After being destroyed, it will never be used again. The rebels no longer have to worry about the sudden landing of government planes and the delivery of troops.

Chen Ling also felt very depressed. He said: “What’s the situation with the team?”

“Two trucks, full of things, and off-road vehicles and pickup trucks, they went to the river.”

“Is there wood on the car?”

“No, it’s a box. They said it must be shipped by water.”

“What is in the box?”

“They don’t know either. However, once in a while, there is this kind of convoy to take the freight away.”

Chen Ling asked a few words, and had nothing to do with the medical team, and said: “Let’s go and go to the next place.”

The contact person said: “Boss, let’s go to the lumber yard. The lieutenant colonel prefers to go there.”

The name of the Ebola virus comes from a river in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Ebola River is located in the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, very close to the tribe where the virus first broke out in 1976. Back then, the virus quietly appeared in villages and tribes on both sides of the Ebola River, harvesting human and animal life, and silently disappeared before humans could react.

Until today, humans have not identified any animal hosts capable of surviving the virus outbreak. Scientists only speculate that fruit bats are the possible original hosts of the virus.

At this moment, Molly and three companions were thrown by David on a timber pier by the Ebola River.

“Look, this is the famous Ebola River.” David was standing by the river with his big cigar in his mouth.

“The mother river of the world’s most powerful virus, helping us transport the raw materials of the world’s most dangerous weapons, isn’t it… Uh, I can’t think of a suitable word, Molly, can you help me?” David’s speech Got stuck.

Molly ignored him. She watched the workers put boxes one by one on the simple boat, and it seemed that they might tip over at any time, throwing the yellow cake into the river.

David saw Molly’s worry and smiled: “Young man, don’t worry, we have transported this way many times, and the yellow cake is safe. How about this route?”

The so-called “yellow cake” is an important raw material in the nuclear industry and an essential intermediate product in the nuclear fuel production process. It is usually extracted and precipitated from crushed natural uranium ore.

Congo’s uranium deposits are very rich. It is an open-pit uranium mine and it is easy to mine. However, the uranium mining facilities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are very backward. Many poor people will manually mine various ores and send them to dealers who collect the ores.

After the ore dealers collected various mines, some immediately reselled them, and some processed coarse cloth. No one buys uranium ore in the market, and only smugglers who are certain customers will buy yellow cake uranium at a high price.

“Molly, you represent MI6. I will tell you the route today. I flew from the mining area to my small airport and stored it in the underground space you saw. From here, we take the waterway from the Ebola River to The Mongara River, then enters the Congo River, and sails ashore in Kinshasa, where the transaction is completed.”

“David, you are playing with fire!” Molly said coldly, “We will definitely stop you!”

David laughed and said: “On the Ebola River, if you don’t say such things, the virus will be unhappy. After so many years, you just can’t find my route, you can’t stop me, and you always send me people over. I’m afraid you don’t know how valuable each of you is!”

“The Indian government will be sanctioned!” Molly said loudly. She said this to the group of people around David, who were obviously Indians. If anyone said they had nothing to do with the Indian government, Molly would never believe it.

This smuggling route looks very secretive at first glance, but without the cooperation of the local government and the secret support of the Indian government, this route would have been broken long ago.

“Naive!” David said, “Molly, it’s a pity that you are so young and beautiful, but you are coming to the end of your life! Thank you each of you for making $200,000 for me, thank you!”

At this time, another person’s gong-like voice came from a distance: “David, there are too many people this time, and the price will be reduced!”

When David heard this sound, he immediately put the cigar in his hand into his mouth and took a sharp sip, then threw it into the river, as if he was afraid of being seen by someone.

“Don’t hide it, I can smell this!” shouted in a broken gong-like voice, “Old rules, 100,000 dollars at a time!”

After a while, the master of the cracking gong came over. He was also a short white man, thin, with an open shirt and chest, showing yellow chest hair, but his head was bright.

“Okapi, you can pay 400,000 U.S. dollars by yourself. I only want 200,000 for you. It’s already very cheap.” David laughed and went up to hug Okapi. “Seeing that you are still alive and have not been Ebola Take it away, I’m so sorry!”

The faces of the MI6 group of four by the river all changed color.

“Are you sure he is Okapi?!” Molly asked the companion next to her softly.

The companion shook his head, “It’s not exactly the same as described in the document.”

“Where is it different?”

“The body is too thin. According to the video data from the Rwanda massacre period, Okapi weighed at least 100 kg, this person looked less than 70 kg, and the number of hair was not right.” The companion is a professional in charge of data analysis, and the memory is very good. good.

Molly looked at the shiny head, was silent for a while, and said, “Male seborrheic alopecia…We must have someone leave alive!”

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