In the waiting room, Rita was drinking a drink in a pleasing motion.

Compared with Kokolia, who left in a hurry before, Rita showed another calm temperament.

Of course, it would be a mistake to think that Kokolia was reckless.

The situation of the two is not the same, Kokolia is in an awkward situation, and Rita accepts the task of exploring Hua Yi, and at the same time she has curiosity herself.

Obviously, she could see most of the scenery of St. Freya’s Academy through the floor-to-ceiling windows, but Rita did not stop to look, but spent more time looking at Hua Yi.

Originally, she would not have acted so directly.

But Hua Yi has already shown a very straightforward attitude before, not that kind of reckless directness, but a wise Yang Mou.

Rita believes that it may be better to show the purpose directly than to secretly probing.

This clever boy probably walked to the front desk precisely because he was ready to enter the vision of the Mandate of Heaven.

Otherwise, it should still be Teresa who received her this time.

Hua Yi naturally discovered Rita’s observation of himself, and he would not have emotions such as shame because of this, just as Rita was observing him, Hua Yi was also observing the other party.

This Valkyrie is not the first time to come to St. Freya Academy, if you really want to calculate it, Rita and Teresa actually have a good relationship, but because of the difference in position, they do not show the posture of a best friend.

Hua Yi heard Teresa say that shortly after Rita chose to join Destiny to become a Valkyrie, Teresa had some intersections with her.

Seems to have taken care of Rita?

God knows how Teresa, who should have been out of destiny at that time, intersected with Rita.

Teresa didn’t go into too much detail, and Hua Yi could probably guess the reason.

Because as time passed, Rita became a figure like her sister, but Teresa was still a small person, and the roles of the caregiver and the cared for were reversed, and Teresa felt very ashamed.

However, the relationship does not seem to have become cold by the passage of time, at least, Hua Yi can see that Rita has a Q version of Teresa’s hanging ornament on the mobile phone that Rita put in her pocket.

“I always feel that Captain Hua Yi’s attitude towards me is a bit strange.”

“Oh? Why did this idea come about? ”

“I am an S-class Valkyrie of Heaven’s Destiny, even the kind Lord Teresa will be unconsciously vigilant when contacting me, but Captain Hua Yi does not seem to be vigilant.”

“Smart people don’t show their emotions to their faces.”

“It turns out that in the eyes of Captain Hua Yi, Lord Teresa is an idiot?”

“I didn’t say that, please don’t make unwarranted assumptions, Miss Rita.”

So casual that it didn’t look like the top of the two organizations, but like a conversation between ordinary friends, both sides showed a lot of emotions.

But Rita still didn’t know whether Hua Yi had converged that vigilance well as he said, so that he couldn’t see it at all, or whether he was confident in his own strength.

There is also a possibility that Hua Yi believes that St. Freya Academy and Destiny are not hostile and will not be attacked, so they are so calm.

However, Rita did not think that the other party would be so naïve.

The captain of the Hyperion, like a commanding man, has some strength?

Rita’s eyes moved slightly, and she suddenly asked a question that had little to do with the previous conversation.

“I heard that the use of artificial stigmata is prohibited at St. Freya Academy, is this still in effect?”

“It works, and the order is changed, but it is not the style that a big organization should have.”

So, this Captain Hua Yi should not be equipped with stigmata, right?

He can’t be the holder of the original stigmata, otherwise, the intelligence network of Heavenly Mandate should be able to find out his family.

So far, he still knows nothing about his strength except that he knows that the other party is very strategic, although there should be many students in St. Freya Academy who know the actual combat performance of this Captain Hua Yi during school, but Rita does not think that Hua Yi will show all his strength.

Except for the part that he learned from the Mandate of Heaven Intelligence Network, what he knew was all shown by Hua Yi on his own initiative.

When Rita was a little troubled by this, Hua Yi glanced at the time.

“Miss Rita, the opening ceremony is about to officially begin, let’s go and see it together.”

“So, can I trouble you to lead the way?”

“Of course, this is basic etiquette.”

Rita and Hua Yi walked out of the waiting room together.

St. Freya Academy is lively today.

It is not because of the visit of the anti-entropy enforcer and the Destiny S-level Valkyrie, in fact, except for a small number of high-level people, the vast majority of people do not know about related things.

Lively, just because of the opening ceremony.

Teresa is really not the type who pays attention to form, she seems to plan to turn the opening ceremony into a celebration, originally scattered in all corners of the St. Freya Academy, by the owner or clerk pushing the cart, distributed on both sides of the central main road of the St. Freya Academy, staple food, snacks, drinks, and even game stalls, there are already many people gathered here.

New students can pay tuition, naturally not poor, and those adopted by St. Freya Academy will also receive regular living expenses, excellent performance and scholarships, no one is financially strapped people, this time, St. Freya Academy has a lot of money circulating.

Of course, none of this mattered, neither Hua Yi nor Teresa held the ceremony for such a reason.

Simply to give everyone a good starting point to remember.

Rita seemed to be infected by this atmosphere, and the faint smile that had always existed on her face expanded a little.

She was not wearing Valkyrie’s combat armor, but was dressed in civilian clothes with a white shirt as the inner and black dress on the outside.

Rita, who was originally a beautiful girl without a doubt, smiled at this moment, and the thrilling beauty naturally attracted the attention of many people.

St. Freya Academy is full of girls, and the so-called attention is that they widen their eyes slightly and sigh “so beautiful little sister”.

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