A patrol team dressed in a different uniform than the student uniform passed by, and when they saw Hua Yi, they wanted to say hello, but when their eyes touched Rita, they were a little nervous and far away.

This small action naturally did not hide from Rita’s eyes, who was an S-class Valkyrie.

“I saw someone I knew, a Valkyrie who originally belonged to the Mandate of Heaven.”

Rita’s words softly said did not let Hua Yi reveal the color of the secret that had been discovered, but was more interested.

“As an S-class Valkyrie, I am not surprised that you know the existence of the special unit in the Mandate of Heaven that is responsible for surveillance and assassination missions, but, logically speaking, you should not have much intersection with the ordinary members of that force, if it is convenient, can you reveal the reason?”

“It’s just that I remember the name of every Valkyrie of Destiny in my heart.”

Rita turned her gaze, looked at Hua Yi, and continued.

“I answered your question, so Captain Hua Yi should also be able to answer me a question, right?”

“Please say.”

“How did you get them to choose to join St. Freya’s Academy? If it is blind persecution, I do not think they will submit, and simple reasoning should have little effect. ”

“Beat them and be reasonable. What you say as a winner can eventually be heard by the loser. ”

This answer made Rita stunned for a moment, and then lost her smile.

“That’s true, but is it really okay that Captain Hua Yi revealed so much information to me at once?”

That patrol team had three people, which was normal and full, and in the observation just now, Rita did not see that they were injured, that is, the original battle, if Hua Yi did not use intrigue, was to win in a way that destroyed the decay and made the team completely unable to resist.

This combat power is already higher than the normal sense of the A-class Valkyrie.

“Miss Rita was able to remember the name of the Valkyrie, probably not for official purposes, right? I want to believe in your kindness and don’t want to fight with you, so if you want to explore something that I don’t have to hide, it’s okay to say it generously. ”

“Thank you, but I’m sorry, I may not be able to do anything substantial to thank you, on the contrary, maybe one day, we will go to the opposite side completely.”

“Why make a conclusion so early on the things in the future.”

Hua Yi’s thought-provoking words made Rita raise a slightly good-looking eyebrow, but she didn’t have time to think about it, because it was time for Teresa to speak.

This is the only thing that requires students to gather at the opening ceremony, and everyone can move freely for the rest of the time.

The students began to gather in the central square, waiting expectantly for the headmaster to make a shocking speech.

Hua Yi and Rita also came here.

Then, five minutes passed.

Teresa did not appear on the high platform in the middle.

When everyone thought that something was wrong and worried about it, a helpless voice came from the crowd who was a little away from Hua Yi.

“Well, I’m the headmaster, can you let me pass?”

Teresa had long thought about the time she would take the stage to speak.

Arriving late is definitely not okay, and if you arrive early to wait for the students to assemble, there is a lack of majesty, and only when you appear just right can you give people a solemn and time-oriented image of the school principal.

Teresa is proud of herself for taking even this detail into account.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

Teresa was stopped halfway through.

The students of St. Freya Academy really mistook their school elder for the child of some staff member, as Hua Yi said before.

Seeing that Teresa seemed to want to go deeper into the crowd, in order to prevent this cute girl from being squeezed, more than one student stopped her, and persuaded her, saying, “If you want to see the school elder, wait for my sister I can let you sit on your shoulder?” So stay here obediently and don’t run around” or something like that.

Teresa is satisfied with the kindness of her students, but also depressed.

She deliberately chose a purple tone today, which should theoretically be more mature clothes, and was still treated as a child.

Originally, in order to avoid the embarrassment of her students in good faith and to avoid embarrassment to herself, Teresa wanted to pretend that she didn’t hear and arrive at the high platform first.

But there is more than one “enthusiastic person”, and her speed of travel is greatly hindered.

Although she has the power to violently rush through the crowd, Teresa certainly can’t hurt her lovely students, and in desperation, she can only speak out to identify herself.

“You’re the headmaster? How is it possible, I have indeed heard that the school principal is the type of school who looks very young, but it should not be so young! ”

“Na, although sister, I won’t have any negative emotions because of such a joke, but you still have to pay attention in the future? If the real school principal hears it, he may be angry. ”

The crowd did not disperse as Teresa expected, but there were a few more students who noticed Teresa’s presence and small stars appeared in their eyes.

Oops, I shouldn’t have thought about building an image of a school principal full of affinity and no sense of alienation, and I should let Himeko escort him over.

Looking at the stupid students who seemed to be overflowing with motherhood, Teresa fell into trouble.

“Cough, I am Hua Yi, the captain of the Hyperion, and I testify that she is really a Teresa Academy adult.”

“The captain of the Hyperion…”

“I’ve heard before that the captain of the Hyperion is a boy about the same age as us, it should be him, well, unexpectedly handsome!”

It took some time for Hua Yi to come here and extend a helping hand to Teresa in distress.

At this moment, no one questioned it.

This is probably the hero saving beauty.

Unfortunately, Teresa did not thank her for her appearance, but glared at Hua Yi in shame, as if complaining about why he didn’t appear earlier.

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