【In a bipolar situation, if you want to check and balance Big Brother, you must rely on the Eagle Sauce Country.】

【Therefore, visiting Eagle Country and convincing Eagle Country to take action has become the next important task for our country’s diplomatic team. 】

The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin and the officials of the Tang Dynasty looked at the giant screen with more and more concentration.

It is not difficult to guess that Longguo needs Yingjiangguo to take action.

After all, at that time in later generations, there were only two superpowers in the world.

Only they can check and balance each other.

But the question is, how to convince the Eagle Sauce Country?

Li Shimin and others could not imagine the reason why Yingjiang Congress would take action.

They feel that for Yingjiang Country, sitting on a mountain and watching tigers fight is the best choice.

Except for the plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

In many other dynasty planes, there are many ancients who have the same judgment.

So they are all curious about what the Dragon Kingdom diplomatic team will do next?

【On the face of it, it would be difficult to convince Eagle Sauce Country to take action.】

【But in fact, according to Long Guo's analysis of the international situation, this matter is not impossible.】

【Because Long Guo felt that at that moment, Yingjiang Country also needed Long Guo】

【Internationally, many countries in northern and southern Africa tend to move closer to Big Brother. Several countries in Central America have formed the anti-Hawthorn Four Corners in the backyard of the Eagle Country.】

【In Asia, the country of Eagle Sauce is involved in Afghanistan】

【In the Middle East, the Camel Kingdom, one of the two pillars of the Eagle Sauce Kingdom, is surrounded by the forces of Big Brother. As for the other pillar, the Persian Kingdom, the situation is even worse. The new leader does not like Big Brother, but he does not like the Eagle Sauce Kingdom even more.】

【Under the agitation of Persia, the second oil crisis is brewing】

【There are problems all over the world, so the Eagle Country really has no energy to take care of Cochin's affairs.】

【Not only is the international situation gratifying, but good news is also spreading domestically.】

【Everyone is complaining about the shortage of gasoline, especially the residents of the Wild West, who are criticizing the incompetence of the government departments of the Eagle Country. Various social conflicts are acute and chaos occurs frequently. For example, the TXL group that initiated the ZYXJ movement is fighting fiercely against the FTXL people... …(I dare not write later for fear of being blocked)】

【The chaos continued until it even reached the point of assassinating the mayor.】

"Ah, so it turns out to be such a successful method?"

"The situation is indeed gratifying"

"It's too abstract. The version of Eagle Sauce Country is too advanced."


It's a pity that the ancient Chinese people of all dynasties, who were conservative in thinking, had never seen such a strange painting style, and their foreheads were buzzing when they saw it.

All the things happening in Yingjiang Country are simply unreasonable to them. really.

These things in the Yingjiang Kingdom would be considered outrageous by the people of the Dragon Kingdom in later generations, let alone the ancients.

"Immoral! Immoral!"

Many ancient scholars shouted loudly and cursed.

The plane of the founding ancestor of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Gaochi was dumbfounded and said in shock:

"Can Yingjiang Country become a superpower like this?"

He was too hard to understand.

Zhu Di and Zhu Zhanji on the side were also shocked.

They felt that Yingjiang Country was almost out of control.


【Of course, the worst thing is that the country’s economy has fallen into stagflation and is unable to extricate itself.】

【The"misery index" that the current president launched a few years ago to criticize his predecessor has now hit him accurately.】

【At the same time, the hardliners in the Eagle Country also blasted the current president as a softie who only knows how to relax. For example, returning the Panama Canal in the Eagle Country to outsiders was a pure act of traitor.】

【In order to save the poor approval rating, the current president of Eagle Country urgently needs to make some political achievements.】

【Against this background, the Dragon Kingdom diplomatic team visited Eagle Sauce Country and finally, after lengthy negotiations, successfully completed its diplomatic strategic goals.】

【At this point, we have completed our pre-war and post-war layout through a series of diplomatic means.】

【All conditions are ready, and our country issued a diplomatic statement: What is tolerable and what is intolerable! 】

Hear this sentence.

Many ancient people throughout the dynasties instantly thought of the rabbit diplomatic slang they had seen before.

So I understand, Dragon Kingdom is going to take action

【Shortly after the statement was officially issued, our country officially launched military operations】

【When we took action, Eagle Sauce Country began to speak out】

【The President of the Eagle Country asked us to withdraw our troops from Cochin, and at the same time, Cochin also withdrew its troops from Cambodia.】

【In addition, Eagle Sauce Country also stated that Eagle Sauce Country is not prepared to interfere in this matter, so Big Brother should not intervene either. If Big Brother takes action, then Eagle Country must also take action】

【However, the purpose of our country to teach Jiaozhi a lesson is to let Jiaozhi withdraw its troops from Cambodia. The Yingjiang Kingdom seems to be fair, but in fact, its ability to deflect conflicts is indeed far ahead.】

【The statement of Eagle Sauce Country made the then leader of Big Brother furious, but there was nothing he could do about it.】

【In the end, Big Brother did not take any substantive action against our country other than condemnation】

【During this period, the United Nations held five meetings. In the end, through mutual checks and balances, it was still possible to maintain neutrality that was beneficial to the Dragon Kingdom.】

【In the end, our country successfully taught Jiaozhi a lesson, shocked Big Brother, and won a precious peaceful environment for at least 20 years.】

"After watching this, I felt like I was going to have a brain."

"It’s too complicated and dazzling."

"No wonder diplomacy has to be done by smart people with high education, not hundreds of smart people."


Warring States plane.

Zhang Yi sighed with emotion:

"It is indeed a battle to become a god!"

"Wonderful indeed!"

The top can mobilize big countries, and the bottom can subdue small countries.

The power of all parties can be used for their own use.

Every step is taken with confidence and incomparable subtlety.

In the art of vertical and horizontal, it is already the top level.


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin opened his mouth to praise and said:


"This layer-by-layer layout is methodical, has clear goals, accurately grasps the general trend, accurately understands the minds of other countries, and formulates corresponding strategies to achieve its own goals.Yes, it’s wonderful!"

"The diplomatic team of Dragon Kingdom are indeed smart and capable people! Changsun

Wuji agreed:

"What Your Majesty said is absolutely true"

"Negotiating and communicating with so many countries non-stop, and completing everything beautifully, is really amazing!"

After the two people, the other officials of the Tang Dynasty also praised each other.


【But the interesting things have just begun】

【The friendly relationship between the Dragon Kingdom and the Yingjiang Kingdom had not lasted long, and the duplicitous Yingjiang Kingdom suddenly attacked the Dragon Kingdom again.】

【And this was also expected by Long Guo】

【Long Guo knows better than anyone that Big Brother is unreliable, and so is Yingjiang Country.】

【Therefore, before the Eagle Country stabbed our country in the back, our country had normalized its relationship with Big Brother through diplomatic means.】

"Awesome! What is top prediction? This is the top prediction!"

"The level of top players!"

"Strong! too strong! This pre-operation is so cool!"

"It’s so fun to play vertically and horizontally!"



This sudden big turning point has confused many ordinary people in the past dynasties.

How did friends turn into enemies, and enemies turned into friends again in an instant?

In the eyes of the political elites in ancient China, Long Guo's early response was really It’s beautiful.

The Warring States Period.

Su Qin praised:

"Understand the general trend and anticipate the enemy’s opportunities!"

"sharp! sharp!"


【Looking back at this major round of diplomacy in our country, the reason why it has achieved remarkable results is that our diplomatic team has always taken national interests rather than emotions as the starting point.】

【Combine horizontal and vertical lines, attack from far away, draw in and divide】

【The inspiration is that we must always be ready to break hostility with any country, or to cooperate closely】

【Some people may say, isn’t this an unprincipled person? 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Treating each other with sincerity and wholeheartedness are excellent qualities in life】

【But there are principles for running a country】

【Interests are the essence of international politics, and are not affected by time and space as the eternal standard for judging and guiding international political behavior.】

【Because human flesh and blood is the soil where emotions of likes and dislikes blossom and grow, but the state machine under collective leadership must be an absolutely rational existence that is never confused, takes the interests of the country and the interests of all citizens as the only criterion, and is absolutely rational.】

"That’s absolutely right!"

In the Warring States Period, Zhang Yi loudly agreed.

These words simply spoke to his heart.

Many people accused him of having a bad character because he was based on the national interests of Qin State rather than his personal interests. reputation as a guideline


The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Zhanji was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully:

"Wouldn't it be easy for others to criticize you if you act like this? Zhu

Di replied in a deep voice:

"Later generations are right"

"Interests are the decisive factor in relations between countries"[]

"Criticism or not, it doesn’t matter"


In the giant screen high in the sky.

Video refresh

【Food War - Longguo Grain Reserve Group fights one against four and kills the four major international grain merchants. 】

As soon as this title appeared on the giant screen in the sky, it instantly attracted the attention of many emperors in the past dynasties.

Food is the first priority for the people, and food is the first priority for the country!

The ancient Chinese dynasties were all agricultural countries.

The food issue was the most critical and most valued issue in the ancient Chinese dynasties. In a sense, it was the most important issue.


Anyone who is not a fatuous lord will be very concerned about food-related issues.

【A political figure from Eagle Country once said: If you control oil, you control all countries; if you control currency, you control the world; if you control food, you control the entire human race.】

【And a famous person in ancient China once said:"What is the people's hearts? The people's hearts are food.""】

Many emperors in the past dynasties heard this sentence and agreed.

For a country, as long as the people have food to eat and are well fed, the country cannot be in chaos. on the contrary.

Once a great famine occurs and people starve to death everywhere and are forced to revolt, the country will be in chaos.

【Thanks to the development of human science and technology and productivity, food production has increased significantly. There is no absolute food crisis in the world today.】

【Taking the data of 2022 as an example, the global per capita grain possession reaches 486.1 kilograms, which is higher than the internationally recognized food security line of 400 kilograms.】

【Under normal circumstances, everyone can eat well】

【But, in fact, we all know that famine and starvation still exist in the world】

【On the one hand, this is because there is a huge gap in the distribution of food between different countries and regions.】

【On the other hand, it is also because food is used by some countries as a weapon to control other countries.】

"Eagle Sauce Country: Forget about other countries, just name me."

"To be honest, some countries don’t have food because the climate is not suitable for farming, but some countries don’t have food because they owe it to the Eagle Country."

"Our country and the Eagle Country have had many conflicts over food."


Many ancient people throughout the dynasties frowned.

Why is there this thing about Eagle Sauce Country again?

It feels like a lingering ghost


【Food has always been the most advantageous knife in the game between countries.】

【The food war is a war without gunpowder】

【On the surface, food wars are not as violent as thermal weapons wars.】

【But from one perspective, food wars are more dangerous than thermal weapons wars.】

【After all, no one can live without eating】

【As for using food as a weapon to attack other countries, Yingjiang Country is very familiar with this.】

【In 1955, during the Cochin War, in order to gain the support of the Asan Kingdom in the Cochin War, the Eagle Country and the Gaul Chicken Country restricted the food imports of the Three Kingdoms several times when famine broke out in the Three Kingdoms, forcing the Three Kingdoms to support the Eagle Country and the Gaul Kingdom. The Jiaozhi War fought by the Luji Kingdom】

【Under the coercion of food, the Asan government had to bow its head】

【In 1994, in order to obtain military assistance from the United States, the president of Haiti lowered the agricultural-related rice tariff from 50% to 3%. The United States rice successfully swept 80% of the grain market in Haiti at a lower price.】

【Originally, Haidi was an agricultural country, with 80% of the population engaged in agriculture, and the domestic food supply rate could be as high as 95%.%】

【Since tariffs dropped sharply and huge amounts of rice entered the country, Haidi's own agriculture was completely destroyed, turning it from a food self-sufficient country to a food importing country.】

【In 2008, the global economic crisis caused global food prices to rise, and Haidi became the first batch of"harvested" targets. People could not afford to eat, the country rioted, and the then government collapsed.】

【Haidi, which has lost its agricultural support, is still the poorest country in the world to this day. People are so poor that they begin to eat dirt, literally eating dirt.】

"I know this. You really eat soil. The locals call it soil biscuits. They mix the soil with water and stir it into mud. Then filter it, add salt and butter and mix it evenly. Finally, knead the mud into a cake shape and place it in the sun. After drying in the sun, they become earth biscuits."

"Reply - Ah! Very shocked! There are really people who eat dirt in this world!"

"Reply – That’s outrageous! Can this thing really be used as food? Aren't you afraid of getting sick?"

"Reply - You may not die if you get sick, but you will definitely die if you starve for a few days. How do you choose?"

"Reply - It’s too miserable, it’s better to live in the Dragon Kingdom"


Many ancient people throughout the dynasties were shocked.

Eating dirt also happened in ancient China.

For example, in the last years of the dynasty, the era of great famine, etc.

But it is really rare for people to eat soil as regular food.

【Our country is an old rival of the Eagle Sauce Country, and the Eagle Sauce Country has naturally launched a food war against our country.】

【Today, I will talk about the peak showdown between our country and the Eagle Country.】

【Let's see how our country's grain reserve group defeated the four major international grain merchants with one enemy.】

【First, let’s introduce the final representatives of both parties.】

【Longguo Grain Reserve Group is the unit responsible for the management of my country's grain reserves.】

【The four major international grain merchants are the tools used by the Eagle Country to provoke food wars.】

【The four major international grain merchants are: ADM, Bangji, Jiaji, and Louis Dahu. The first three are hawker paste companies, and Louis Dahou is a Gallic chicken company. (Although it is a Gallic chicken company, there are also Eagle sauce country background)】

【These four major grain merchants are referred to as ABCD companies. They control 80% of the world’s grain trading volume.】

【A newspaper once said this in a report:"As long as you are alive, you can't escape these four giants!"】

【Moreover, the division of labor among these four major grain merchants is very clear, and they all have major areas of involvement. For example, ADM's main business is the processing of flour, grain and edible oil, etc., while Bonji's main business is the processing of soybean products. business, while the other two companies are also different】

【In short, these four major grain merchants basically control all aspects of the grain market. 】

The plane of Taizu of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked:

"Boss, this so-called company in later generations is our Ming Dynasty’s business name, right?

Zhu Biao turned around and said,"Yes." Zhu

Yuanzhang was shocked and said:

"Four companies can control 80% of the world's food production in future generations. These four companies are too big."

"Dad, behind these four shops is the Eagle Sauce Country."

Zhu Biao reminded


Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slightly.

This Yingjiang Kingdom is really China's mortal enemy.

We must find America quickly and occupy the home of Yingjiang Kingdom. There will be no people from Yingjiang Kingdom in the future.

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