【Under the secret instigation of the Eagle Sauce Country, the four major grain merchants did everything they could to control our country's grain industry.】

【The four major grain merchants will start a grain war with the Dragon Kingdom, and the first battle will be on soybeans.】

【In this confrontation, because we lacked experience in food wars and did not understand the methods of the four major grain merchants, we suffered a loss.】

【In 2003, four major grain merchants joined forces to short the Longguo soybean market.】

【They used their usual method of spreading the news that there was a gap in soybean reserves. In just six months, the price of soybeans doubled.】

【Not only that, in order to boost soybean prices, in 2004, the Ministry of Agriculture of China"accidentally" released a soybean production reduction report for that year. After the release of the report, soybean prices, which had originally risen, remained high.】

【Under this circumstance, the grain and oil crushing companies in Longguo believed that the price of soybeans would continue to rise, so they purchased large quantities of soybeans from Yingjiangguo.】

【The"four major grain merchants" and the Eagle Kingdom government are deliberately spreading rumors and causing trouble, just to deceive Dragon Kingdom enterprises.】

【Just when everyone thought there was a shortage of soybeans, less than a month later, the four major grain merchants released news of excess soybean reserves. As soon as the news came out, soybean prices quickly plummeted by half.】

【By April 2004, soybean prices at home and abroad plummeted. In just 7 months, the price of soybeans in the Eagle Country fell by more than half from 1,064 to 500. 】

See here.

Many businessmen in the past dynasties did not understand this operation.

This is the Eagle Sauce Country's own product. Shouldn't the price be pushed up all the time to make more profits?

Why do you want to deliberately keep the price down?

Don’t make any money?

Relative to the confusion of businessmen.

Many emperors speculated from a larger level that Yingjiang Kingdom must have other motives for doing this. only.

They can't imagine what the intention of Yingjiang Country is?


【The plunge in foreign soybean prices has led to a plunge in domestic soybean prices, causing huge losses to the soybean farmers in the"Three Five Seven" Long Country.】

【At that time, the price drop of soybeans was extremely exaggerated. The soybeans snapped up by Longguo oil merchants were still on the cargo ships in the Pacific Ocean, and the prices fell off a cliff. As long as they were shipped back, they would suffer huge losses.】

【There is no other way. Many oil companies grit their teeth and choose to break the contract, preferring to pay liquidated damages and freight.】

【At the same time, domestic soybean meal and oil prices have also fallen sharply along with the price of soybeans in China, causing the prices of edible oil and other soybean-related products on the market to also fall.】

【Domestic oil crushing plants that had previously purchased soybeans at high prices were losing money after producing their products, and their operations were in difficulty.】

【More than 1,000 oil-extracting companies went bankrupt, and more than 80% were purchased at low prices by foreign investors such as the"Four Major Grain Merchants"】

【At the same time, all domestic soybean farmers who expanded their planting when prices were high were not spared and lost all their money.】

【Since then, the four major grain merchants have gained absolute control and pricing power over the entire soybean industry chain, from raw material processing to production.】

【After this battle, the four major grain merchants not only made a lot of money, but also controlled many soybean companies in the Dragon Kingdom in one fell swoop, successfully opening up the grain market in the Dragon Kingdom.】

"We suffered this disadvantage mainly because we had just joined the WTO, were not familiar with international rules, and lacked experience in food wars, so we were at a disadvantage in paying tuition. After this time, we will not let the four major grain merchants take advantage."

"Reply - Not only did I not let the four major grain merchants take advantage, but I later gave them an unforgettable lesson."

"Fortunately, soybeans are not a staple food in our country. If the four major international grain merchants were targeting my country's staple grains at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"Reply - Think about it from another angle, it is precisely because soybeans are not our country’s staple food that the four major grain dealers can easily succeed. If it involves our country’s staple food, our country will definitely not be careless."


Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Zhanji said:

"This Yingjiang Country is so ruthless, one after another! It’s not just about making money, it’s about digging roots."

Hearing this, Zhu Di said with emotion:

"Indeed, this is a deliberate attempt to deal with the Dragon Kingdom.

"I really didn’t expect that future generations would still use such methods."

Compared to directly sending troops to attack, this method is undoubtedly more covert.

But the threat is not small at all. Food is the most important thing for the people.

If people have no food, they will starve to death.

Once the food is controlled by other countries, there will be no resistance at all. Ability.

Not right.

You can still rob.

Zhu Di quickly thought of the nomads in the north.

Those people often obtained food by plundering the borders of the Central Plains Dynasty.

However, the Yingjiang Kingdom in later generations was a superpower.

Want to start from It is undoubtedly unrealistic for the Yingjiang Kingdom to grab grains from the hands of the Yingjiang Kingdom.

Because of this, the four major grain merchants secretly controlled by the Yingjiang Kingdom can be so unscrupulous.

While Zhu Di was thinking in his mind,

Zhu Gaochi on the side was also turning his thoughts. Thinking about it, he always felt that he had seen this method of using food to control other countries somewhere.


【But this confrontation was just the beginning. The four major grain merchants did not stop there, but continued to plot to seek greater benefits.】

【But this time, their actions were even bigger】

【The Ministry of Agriculture of the Eagle Country, the four major international grain merchants, and Wall Street financial institutions conspired to launch an unprecedented grain financial war against the Eagle Country.】

【China first joined forces with Europe to vigorously promote biofuels for industrial use.】

【The so-called biofuel is to chemically process and refine corn, soybeans and other grains, and finally make high-purity ethanol that can be burned】

【China and Europe have joined forces to require all companies to add 20% biofuels refined from grain into the fuel they use, using biofuels to replace petroleum.】

【Since 2007, with the emergence of industrial use of grain, a large amount of grain has been invested in the production of biofuels, which has made the market tight and global grain prices have risen.】

【From 2007 to 2008, 24% of the state-owned corn in Eagle Sauce was used to make fuel ethanol.】

【In addition, because food production in Western countries has been fully mechanized, agriculture is also very fuel-intensive. China invests a lot of fuel in producing food, and then turns the food into ethanol to replace fuel.】


Many ancient people throughout the dynasties were confused.

What is this operation?

Although they don't know what ethanol, fuel, etc. are.

But they understand this process.

In their view, this is a wasted process.

In the end, there is nothing gained, it is just messing around.

But soon, the following video explained why Eagle Sauce Country did this.

【After this whole process, it seems that the people of Yingjiang got nothing, because this was originally part of the plan to push up food prices.】

【At this time, the four major grain merchants also began to take action to purchase large quantities of international grain, pushing international grain prices to high levels.】

【Through the cooperation of the government and oligarchs, they jointly manipulate international food prices to achieve their own goals. This is a tried and tested routine of the Eagle Sauce Country.】

【In order to cover up their own purposes, the Eagle Sauce Kingdom and the four major grain merchants did not directly target the Dragon Kingdom at first.】

【Instead, the plan is to start with the purchase of grain from the countries surrounding the Dragon Kingdom. It will not start to attack the Dragon Kingdom market until almost all the grain sold in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America has been purchased.】

【After the plan is made, the action begins】

【First, the Ministry of Agriculture of China began to hype up the food crisis and continued to spread false news. The Ministry of Agriculture of China and the four major grain merchants continued to reduce the export volume of soybeans and other agricultural products, and Wall Street continued to push up grain prices in the futures market.】

【The country's international financial institutions and the four major international grain merchants have joined forces to wildly speculate on the prices of various grains. The former has raised grain futures prices through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, while the latter's spot market has been on the rise.】

【At that time, the World Food and Agriculture Organization stated that global stocks of wheat, rice, etc. were only sufficient for 60 days of demand, and global grain stocks were at their lowest level in 25 years.】

【Coupled with the advocacy of European and American governments and the Ministry of Agriculture of China, with the cooperation of capital and public opinion, international rice, wheat, and corn prices rose by 224%, 134%, and 74% respectively that year, directly affecting Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Thirty-six countries were in turmoil due to lack of food. 】

The plane of Taizu of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the turbulent scenes played on the giant screen and said to Zhu Biao in a deep voice:

"Boss, you must remember that the country will not be stable without food!"

"As the leader of a country, you must put growing food in the most important position"

"As long as the people have food to eat, the country will not be in chaos."

This is not only his experience in governing the country as an emperor, but also his personal experience as a commoner who did not have enough to eat.

If he really couldn't survive, who would risk losing his head to rebel? (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I remember."

Zhu Biao nodded heavily.

After a pause, Zhu Biao answered.He opened his mouth and said:

"Dad, when we find America and bring back the corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes, we people in the Ming Dynasty won’t have to worry about going hungry in the future."

"Boss, you are right."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded.


【After harvesting Asia, Africa and Latin America, the four major grain merchants under the Yingjiang Kingdom finally targeted the Dragon Kingdom. 】

The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin frowned slightly.

Having seen previous soybean cases, he could already guess the next moves of the four major grain merchants.

Mostly the same routine.

The purchase of staple foods from the Dragon Kingdom will continue to raise the prices of these staple foods, causing relevant businesses in the Dragon Kingdom to panic and buy staple foods.

As a result, the prices of these staple foods will continue to soar.

And the companies related to Longguo will spend more money to purchase staple food.[]

When the time is right, the prices will be lowered to make it impossible for these Dragon Kingdom-related businesses to continue operating.

In this way, the four major grain merchants can buy these businesses.

So, how to deal with it?

Li Shimin posed this problem to the officials of the Tang Dynasty

"Your Majesty, isn't this simple? All it takes is an order from the imperial court not to increase prices. Whoever dares to raise prices will be beheaded"

"Just like when a disaster occurred in the Tang Dynasty, some reckless businessmen deliberately hoarded food and killed a few leaders."

Cheng Zhijie said carelessly.

"General Cheng, these four major grain merchants are from Yingjiang Kingdom, and the Long Kingdom court has no control over them. Changsun

Wuji said.

After a pause, Changsun Wuji then said to Li Shimin:

"Your Majesty, the only way is for the court to open warehouses to provide more food and stabilize prices. 0"

He is good at internal affairs. Although times are different, he has a general judgment on this situation.

"What the auxiliary machine said makes sense."

Li Shimin opened his mouth and agreed.


【As the four major international grain merchants began to take action, my country's domestic wheat and corn prices continued to rise sharply, and market panic emerged.】

【Under this circumstance, Long Grain Reserves chose to enter the market, use the national grain reserves to sell grain in the market, sell the national grain reserves at a fair price, stabilize supply and demand, stabilize grain prices, and officially compete with the four major international grain merchants.】

【Long Grain Reserve initially sold 5 million tons every half month and sold them at a price slightly lower than the market price to counter the acquisition operations of the four major grain merchants.】

【The four major international grain dealers were rude when they saw that the big whale of Long grain storage was coming to their door. They judged that Long grain grain storage did not have much reserves, so they accepted all the sales of Long grain grain storage.】

【At this point, the food war between the two sides officially started】

【International speculators, led by the four major international grain merchants, are interested in food prices. They hope that the price of food in Dragon Country will rise, and they continue to buy in order to create the illusion that food is in short supply.】

【Dragon Grain Reserve is a short seller of grain prices. We don’t want to be cut off because of high grain prices. We hope that grain prices will be stable and we will suppress grain prices by selling reserves. 】

The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin opened his mouth and said to Changsun Wuji:

"As you expected from the auxiliary machine, Longguo chose to open a warehouse to release grain."

"Now, it depends on who can withstand it first, Longguo's Dragon Grain Storage and the four major international grain merchants."

Now the situation of the food war between Long Grain Reserve and the four major international grain merchants has become obvious.

It depends on whether Long Grain Reserve can throw out more grain, or whether the four major international grain merchants have more money to purchase grain.


【Thus, the protracted tug-of-war between the two sides began.】

【The four major international grain merchants invested hundreds of billions of dollars to keep grain prices at a high level, and they did not let prices fall for two years.】

【In the past two years, Long grain storage has continuously sold grain to the market.】

【In the two years since Long Grain Reserves competed with the four major international grain merchants, our country has also allocated more than 50 billion to subsidize farmers and encourage them to increase grain planting, fully protecting the interests of farmers.】

【A duel between masters, giving in step by step, just to see who can't hold it back first】

【The two sides went back and forth like this until before the opening of the 2008 Olympic Games.】

【In order to create a stable social environment for the 2008 Olympic Games to be held in our country, Long Grain Storage is preparing to concentrate its efforts on the final killing of the four major international grain merchants.】

【Long Grain Reserve sold grain once every half month, and finally sold grain every other day.】

【The more the four major international grain merchants took in, the more Long Grain Reserve sold. Faced with the overwhelming selling and empty orders, the four major grain merchants were temporarily confused. They had no idea how much grain China Grain Reserve still had.】

【Just when the four major grain merchants were hesitant, not knowing whether to continue to eat, Long Grain Storage directly released the news to the outside world. The existing grain reserves of Long State are enough for 1.4 billion people across the country to eat for an entire year.】

"hiss! Dragon Kingdom actually has so many food reserves?"

The ancients of all dynasties were shocked when they heard the news.

It is enough for 1.4 billion people to eat food for a year. What a huge number 1.0 is? It's too exaggerated!

It's too exaggerated!

The title of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty Face.

Li Shimin said:

"These four major grain merchants are destined to lose."

It's not just a matter of having enough food.

It means that the Dragon Kingdom will not be short of food no matter what.

Because there will be new food harvests every year.

No matter how much the four major international grain merchants and the Eagle Sauce Country behind them invest, Money has no meaning


【With such a huge amount, let alone the four major international grain merchants, even if the Eagle Sauce Country directly wants to short-sell the grain of the Dragon Country, it still has to weigh its own treasury.】

【As soon as this news came out, the high grain prices could no longer collapse. Grain futures prices plunged instantly, while the four major grain merchants were unable to get off the ground.】

【Finally, we saw that the new year's grain harvest was about to be harvested. At the same time, the 2008 financial crisis swept through the financial market, and the grain market also collapsed.】

【When grain prices collapsed, Long Chuliang took the opportunity to beat the loser and continued to release news that Long State had too many grain reserves, many of which were about to expire, so they would continue to sell in large quantities.】

【When the news came out, the mentality of the four major grain merchants and international hot money that were struggling to support exploded on the spot, and they immediately decided to clear their warehouses. Global grain prices plummeted that day.】

【By the end of the year, soybean prices fell to historical lows, and the four major grain merchants and international financial institutions lost hundreds of billions of dollars in this food war.】

【Long Grain began to secretly purchase large amounts of soybeans, filling up all the warehouses that had been shorted at high prices in the previous two years. Over and over again, the soybeans were still the same soybeans, but we made a profit of hundreds of billions in price difference with tears in our eyes.】

"Haha, well done!"

In the plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin and the officials of the Tang Dynasty all laughed.

As they are from the same origin as China, they are naturally happy to see the Dragon Kingdom win and the Yingjiang Kingdom suffer in the future.

In other planes, there are many ancients who are also gathered together Cheers.

This is very satisfying!

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