I’m Waiting For Your Dawn In the Dark Night

Chapter 7: Don't stain Xiaoru's gift with your blood

Instead of falling to the ground, she fell into a warm embrace.

The leader of the serious crime team is naturally very good, and he can still catch a woman falling from a height.

Ling Zhiwei was still in shock, and unconsciously tightened the shirt on the man's chest, murmured, "Why do you want to save me?"

Up to this moment, there are still fantasies in her heart.

The man frowned and put her down, "Don't forget your identity! I don't want to expose the scandal that Mrs. Su died in her villa!"

He deliberately said it indifferently, but Ling Zhiwei laughed, and the stars in the sky reflected in her eyes, she trotted forward and grabbed Su Yuqing's hand, raised her head and asked him, "You still can't bear to let me die, right? ? What you said before were all angry words, right? I knew that you would not be so cruel to me!"

"Heh-", the man waved her hand and wiped his sleeves, as if he had touched something dirty, "I bought this villa to give to Xiaoru, I don't want to Your blood is stained."


The blood on Ling Zhiwei's face suddenly faded.

She took a few steps back in disbelief, and barely stabilized her figure until she supported a big tree.

She heard the man instructing his servants: "Add more staff and keep an eye on Madam day and night. If she takes a step out of the bedroom, I will let you spend the rest of your life in prison."

"No!" Ling Zhiwei shook her head, and she yelled at Su Xingzhi frantically, "Dad, save me! Save me! He is going to put me under house arrest, he has no power!"

Su Xingzhi stood in the darkness, lowered his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Su Yuqing walked to Su Xingzhi's side and snorted coldly: "Big brother, you asked me to marry your daughter, why? Now you want to go back and help her escape? Have you thought about the consequences?"

Su Xingzhi pursed his lips, took a deep look at Ling Zhiwei, and left without looking back.

She was thus placed under house arrest.

Twenty-four hours a day, she didn't dare to close her eyes at all.

She didn't know when Su Yuqing went crazy and would come to take away her child.

She has nothing left.

There is no friendship, no family, no love, she has only this child who is connected with her blood.

Make sure the baby is born safely.

She checked the relevant knowledge of pregnancy check online and realized that her current state is very unfavorable for the growth of the child.

If she suffers from insomnia and loss of appetite again, she will lose her child without waiting for Su Yuqing to take action.

Ling Zhiwei began to change. She walked back and forth in the bedroom, doing pregnancy yoga according to online videos, trying her best not to think about Su Yuqing, because she found that as long as she thought about that man, she could not control her irritable mood at all.

The deeper the love, the more heartache.

Trapped in the mud, unable to extricate himself.

Her condition has improved a little, but she still can't stop those terrible images from appearing in her dreams at midnight, her aunt's roar before falling off a cliff, Su Yuqing's decision to torture her, her parents' ruthless severing of ties with her in the newspapers...

That night, she woke up again in a nightmare.

Turn on the wall lamp, look at the alarm clock, three in the morning.

She thought she couldn't go on like this.

For the sake of the child, she must quit these nightmares.

After thinking about it, she could only replace these nightmares with good memories.

Soon, she made a decision.

She asked the bodyguard to buy her a computer, a hand-painted version.

I thought I would be made trouble, but the other party agreed decisively.

With a computer and a hand-painted tablet, she was finally no longer so nervous, and finally she was able to sleep peacefully for longer and longer periods of time.


She put down the paintbrush and answered the phone.

"Miss Ling, you haven't come to the hospital for a re-examination for more than a month! You promised to come for regular check-ups before, so I reluctantly promised not to let you be hospitalized, but you really didn't follow the doctor's orders! Do you want to live?"

Ling Zhiwei's heart trembled.

These days she has only children in her heart, and she almost forgot about her Alzheimer's disease.

Her fingers holding the phone turned white from the force, "Doctor, how long will I have to live?"

Hearing her desolate tone, the doctor couldn't bear to be too harsh, and sighed, "You! Take time to visit the hospital today!"

"I...sorry, doctor, I can't go!" She hung up the phone and burst into tears.

Time is ruthless and will not stop because anyone is afraid of its passing.

It is always like this, like a supreme **** and Buddha, coldly watching the joys and sorrows of the mortal world, love, hatred, hatred and ignorance.

Ling Zhiwei spent more than a month in such a peaceful way, and it was already autumn.

During this period, she never saw Su Yuqing again.

She put on a knitted coat and rang the bell. Wang Ma came up quickly and said, "Wang Ma, why hasn't breakfast been delivered today?"

Wang Ma frowned and looked at her, "Madam, I just put down the empty cutlery after you finished eating!"

Ling Zhiwei was stunned and smiled awkwardly, "I know, but pregnant women eat a lot and I'm hungry again, hehe..."

"It's Wang Ma who didn't think about it, I'll go and do it for you, Madam!"

After Wang Ma left, Ling Zhiwei's heart went cold for a while.

Did she actually... start forgetting so quickly?

Then how long can she remember Su Yuqing?

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