I’m Waiting For Your Dawn In the Dark Night

Chapter 8: Zou Xiaoru is not dead

After discovering that she began to forget, Ling Zhiwei seized all the time she had sober to type and draw in front of the computer.

She has been desperately trying to keep her story with Su Yuqing.

From the year she was in junior high school, when she first met the third uncle who was riding a bicycle to pick her up from school at the gate of the school, to the end of the unfinished future...

She has prepared both the text version and the manga version of the records.

She was afraid that one day she would lose her cognitive ability and would not be able to recognize even basic Chinese characters.

So she also used the simplest and most straightforward comics that even kindergarten children could understand.

She wasn't actually afraid of death, and death was probably no more terrifying than her staggering alone in a completely hopeless love.

What she was afraid of was that she would forget Su Yuqing, forgetting that she once loved him so much that she wanted to be the enemy of the whole world...

For more than 20 years, she has been confused and has no achievements. The only thing she is proud of is that she has loved someone for ten years.

If she forgot even this, she didn't know why she came to this world for a while.

Wang Ma saw that she spent too much time in front of the computer every day, worried about her body, and tried to discourage her many times to no avail.

Over time, Wang Ma stopped persuading her.

Because she found that Ling Zhiwei's eyes glowed when she was typing and drawing, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, which was happiness she had not seen for a long time.

Wang Ma didn't know what she was doing, until one day Ling Zhiwei fell asleep while lying in front of the computer. Wang Ma came in with tremella soup and accidentally saw a painting.

It was the Q version of Su Yuqing wearing a white shirt and jeans, holding the Q version of Ling Zhiwei in school uniform and white board shoes, the girl was holding an enamel doll, smiling brighter than the peach blossoms in March, the boy already had the appearance of a little adult at that time, The smile on the corner of his mouth is as warm as the warm sun in early spring.

Wang Ma looked at the corners of her eyes with moisture, what a pair of beautiful people! How did it become what it is today?

She sighed and put a blanket over Ling Zhiwei before leaving quietly.

On this day, Ling Zhiwei wrote in the middle of the night, yawning all day long, and soon fell asleep after turning off the computer.

I don't know how long I slept, but my body suddenly became heavy.

As if being held down, she was a little breathless.

The man took off her tie, raised her hand above her head, and tied it to the bedside shelf.

He opened her leg forcefully, and without any warning, his fingers picked up the woman's panties, and stabbed in like that.

The woman murmured, her face wrinkled into a ball, and suddenly woke up.

She blinked, looked at the shadow on her body, and knew that it was Su Yuqing just by the clear smell.

"Yu Qing, why are you back?"

"This is my house, do I still need to report to you when I come back?" Su Yuqing's voice was a little abnormal.

Ling Zhiwei took a breath, the smell of blood was floating in the air, she was startled, and she stood up regardless of the panic that the man was pressing under her at the moment, "Are you injured on a mission?"

She wanted to touch him and smooth the folds between his brows, but she found that her hands were tied, "Why did you tie me up? Let me go, okay? I'll go get the medicine box and give you medicine! I've told you countless times, you have to learn to protect yourself, yes, your job is to serve the people, it's to put your life and death aside, but if you can catch the criminals and keep yourself safe, that's the best Isn't it... uh uh... what are you doing...what are you doing?"

The man blocked her lips, twisted slowly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Fuck you!"

Ups and downs overnight.

She cried and begged him not to hurt the child, but the man seemed like a wild beast and couldn't listen. He attacked violently, roared sexy... as if he was venting some unspeakable pain.

Night...still long.

The next day, when Ling Zhiwei woke up, Su Yuqing was no longer there.

She only felt that every cell in her body was screaming for pain, her body... how could she withstand the damage he suffered like last night!

Fortunately, three months have passed, and the baby is stable in her belly.

Otherwise...the consequences are unimaginable.

She leaned against the wall, slipped on her slippers, and stood at the door shouting, "Yu Qing, are you there?"

"Come down and eat!"

Ling Zhiwei didn't report any fantasies at all. He had always eaten her clean and left, but now he actually invited her to lunch.

The woman responded with a slightly raised voice, an undisguised joy.

The man downstairs breathed for a while, looked at the woman beside him, and suddenly lost interest.

Ling Zhiwei quickly went downstairs, her bright smile froze before she could unfold it.

She looked at the woman who was holding Su Yuqing's right hand in disbelief. The woman was wearing light makeup, delicate eyebrows and an enchanting figure in a tight-fitting dress. She smiled at Ling Zhiwei: "Zhiwei, I'm my aunt, how long is it? Don't call anyone when you're older?"

Ling Zhiwei supported the table legs, her face turned pale, she took a deep breath to find her voice: "Impossible! My aunt is dead! She is already dead!!"

As soon as this sentence was shouted, the temperature in the hall plummeted, and even the flowers and plants placed on the cabinet seemed to be infected with a layer of frost.

Su Yuqing squeezed Ling Zhiwei's chin, and said viciously, "After pretending for three years, you have finally shown your true colors! Ling Zhiwei, from the bottom of your heart, you hope that Xiaoru will die, right?"

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