Immortal Asura

Chapter 158: Eastern Ghost Emperor

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The speed of the four-spirit chariot is very fast, and it is flying without any obstruction in Huangquan Road. Although occasionally there are some uninterested people bothering, they are also killed directly. As for those who know the four-spirit chariot, they After seeing it, I didn't dare to come forward to bother, but I could only look at it from afar, with an envious expression in his eyes.

Zhang Yan sat in the car and felt that it took less than five days for the Four Spirits chariot to cross Huangquan Road, from Baotu Mountain in the center, to Taozhi Mountain in the east. This distance is very far away. If Zhang Yan walks by himself, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach Taozhishan for one month, but sitting in the chariot of chariots, it only took five days to reach Taozhishan, which could not help Zhang Yan's people for Zhou The begging four-spirit chariot looked even more eye-catching. Originally, I was very envious of the fat of the four-spirit chariot, and drooled. Wind mount. "

Seeing that it was about to reach the Taozhi Mountain, Zhou Qi and Zhang Yan introduced: "There are five ghost emperors in this Huangquan Road, each guarding five directions. I am the central ghost emperor, living in Baotu Mountain, and in The ghost emperor to the east is called Cai Yulei. He lives on the Taozhi Mountain in front of us. However, Cai Yulei is very smart. After Taozhi Mountain, the gate is closed, and all of you human warriors want to go. Those who are looking for a reincarnation ship must first pass through Tao Yushan of Cai Yulei before they can reach the Ghost Gate, otherwise they would not be able to reach the Ghost Gate. "

"Since it has the guardianship of the ghost emperor, isn't it difficult for a warrior to pass Taozhishan? How can I get to the gate of the ghost gate?" The fat man asked with some confusion.

Zhou Qiwenyan said with a smile: "Things are not as difficult as you think, because Cai Yulei is very savvy. In addition, the human warrior has reached an agreement with him, as long as everyone submits a ghost Chicken, you can safely pass Taozhishan, and those who do not have soul-chipping chickens need to call in a lot of spirits or precious treasures. To put it plainly, leave some tolls, so that they can be safe. Passing Taozhi Mountain, but the standard of this toll is different. Some warriors who want to save some toll will be ruthlessly killed by the ghosts under Cai Yu's baseman. Unless the strength is strong, they can pass safely. Otherwise, you can only hand over some treasures to buy peace. "

"So we have to give this oriental ghost emperor what Cai Yulei's treasures can't be achieved?" The fat man asked with some confusion.

Soul Eater snorted, "He dares!"

Yu'er also said, "I thought that Cai Yulei was slippery, but his relationship with us was pretty good. If he dare to ask us for treasure, today I will abandon him as a ghost emperor."

Zhang Yan heard the words and felt right. After all, none of the three people sitting on the four spirit chariots can be provoke by ordinary people. If Zhou Qi and Yuer join forces, and the soul-eater is added, three of them If it is really angry, even the ghost emperor will be killed by them.

Zhou Qi also said lightly: "You can rest assured that this relationship between Cai Yulei and me is quite good. He will not embarrass us, and let's say that those of us don't dare to embarrass us."

The time when the people were talking came to Taozhi Mountain. From a distance, Taozhi Mountain was much more endured than Baodu Mountain, but it was much wider than Baodu Mountain, and it seemed continuous in the distance. Hundreds of miles, and there is only a small, narrow canyon in the middle. All warriors pass through Taozhi Mountain through this canyon, and at the mouth of the canyon there is a ghost of Taozhi Mountain who is responsible for collecting the toll. After paying the fee, you can safely pass through the canyon, pass through the Taozhi Mountain, and go all the way to the gate of the gate.

On the other hand, people who have not paid the toll can only run from other places in Taozhi Mountain, and Taozhi Mountain is very dangerous, which is many times more dangerous than Baodu Mountain. Among them, there are endless ghosts such as seductive charms, not ordinary. The warriors can pass, so almost all warriors will pass through the canyon, and no one cares about that treasure. After all, it is very cost-effective to spend money to buy a peace.

Zhang Yan sat on the four-spirit chariot, and from a distance, he could see that many warriors were lining up on the ground, preparing to hand over some treasures to pass through Taozhishan. Instead, they drove the four-spirit chariot without slowing down. Directly above the heads of the crowd, flew towards the other side of Taozhi Mountain.

Some warriors who do not know the Four Spirit Chariots have looked up at the Four Spirit Chariots, and some even shouted loudly: "Master Ghost, look at heaven, what is that, even dare to be within the range of Taozhi Mountain? Fly over, aren't they looking for death? "

"Yeah, here you dare to fly over directly, the people in this car are really crazy."

These people who do n’t know are talking about the Four Spirit Chariots, and the warriors who know the Four Spirit Chariots are reminding: "What do you know? That is the car of the Central Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi, the famous four in Huangquan Road. You do n’t even know the psychic chariot? The central ghost emperor is sitting on it. Your kid dare to yell so loudly, do n’t you want to live?

Everyone heard their words and closed their mouths. They looked at the fast-moving four-spirit chariot with envy, and the ghosts on the side also said, "You should n’t control what you should n’t do. Do n’t waste time here. "

The four-spirit chariot crossed the air and passed through half of Taozhishan in a moment. However, Zhou Qi did not let the four-spirit chariot directly pass over Taozhishan, but instead let the ghost drive the four-spirit chariot toward Taozhi. The center of the mountain rushed to the center of Taozhi Mountain, and I saw a huge palace group that was very luxurious. The center of the mountain was a huge palace that looked very magnificent. It looked bigger than the main capital of Bacheng City. The fat man said with emotion: "This place where the Oriental Ghost Emperor lives is too luxurious, but this is very different from Baodu Mountain."

Zhou Qi also smiled hugely: "That's natural. This Cai Yulei is the richest of our five ghost emperors. His treasures are innumerable. When you built this palace, the city of Harbin combined with your capital city. It was built by the city ’s main government. All the money was transported from the outside. "

"I didn't expect this to be so rich for Cai Yulei, I was really envious!" The fat man looked at the palace in front of him with golden eyes.

The Four Spirit Chariot landed directly on the square in front of the palace. At this time, a figure appeared directly in front of the gate of the palace. The man was with a gigantic waist and round waist, a very tall body, and his face was also very thick. With a big mouth and a thick black beard, his face looks like a robber in the mountains. This person is really the Eastern ghost emperor Cai Yulei.

"Haha!" To speak first, laughed up, laughter like Hong Lei was deafening, accompanied by laughter strode to the front of the Four Spirits chariot, laughed and said: "How did Brother Zhou Qi think of his brother I ’m here? If you come, why do n’t you tell my brother in advance, I ’ll send someone to meet you in advance, would n’t I neglect your brother. ”

Because Zhou Qi and Yuer were sitting on the innermost side, and Zhang Yan and the fat man were sitting against the outside, Zhang Yan was the first to come down, and the next one was the fat man. It was not Zhou Qi that Cai Yulei said at the first sight. , But two human warriors who were trained to be very low, could not help but open their eyes and shouted, "Who are you, how dare you break into my Taozhishan without permission? You are so brave."

Cai Yulei was about to start talking, and the momentum on his body ran away instantly, swept directly towards Zhang Yan and the fat man, but Zhou Qi also got off the Four Spirit Chariot at this time, and directly blocked Cai Yulei's attack with his momentum. Soul Eater said in a furious voice: "Indulgence!" Talking is about to start.

Zhang Yan waved his hand to signal the soul-eaters not to be impulsive. There was nothing wrong with him, and Zhou Qi on the side said with a smile: "Why is Brother Cai so angry? These two are my friends."

Cai Yulei then stomped his momentum and said with a smile, "Brother Zhou Qi, are you in the car? I thought these two stole your Four Spirit Chariot."

Zhou Qi heard a smile and said, "Now that the reincarnation ship is born, I'm going to look for the reincarnation ship. Just by the way, I will come and say hello to you. After all, this is your place."

Cai Yulei laughed and said with a laugh: "Since you have reached my place, all this is easy to say, but this time the birth of the reincarnation ship is a big thing. This time, the human warrior has come with many big figures. It's hard to win a seat in China. "

"Oh?" Zhou Qiwenyan asked in amazement: "I don't know which big men have come? How dare you as a ghost emperor?"

Cai Yulei heard the words with a smile and said, "Let's stop talking here, or come into the hall with me and say," while talking, you will beg Zhou Zhou to the hall.

However, Zhou Qi waved his hand and refused: "We are still in a hurry during this trip and will not go with you. Any news I still want Brother Cai to tell me, my brother is still rushing to the ghost gate."

Cai Yulei smiled and said, "Well, let me tell you what I know."

"You also know that a lot of outside warriors pass by here every day. They are all for reincarnation. Among the people passing by this time are the people who burned Tianzong. They went in with the Zhong family in Bacheng. There was a Emperor before them, but I do n’t know exactly which Emperor is. After all, the people of Emperor are not to be underestimated, and I did n’t dare to stop them. I just watched them fly directly. But I can feel from their breath that their strength is not weaker than mine. "

"So you have to be careful this time, after all, after the Ghost Gate, your strength will be suppressed a lot, then you must not provoke the people of the Empire," Cai Yulei kindly reminded.

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