Immortal Asura

Chapter 159: gate of hell

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Zhou Qi heard the words with a smile and said, "I'm just looking for reincarnation ships, not for the amount of a battle between them. Why should I provoke them? Besides, who can board this reincarnation ship and who can't board it? , There is no conflict between us, you can rest assured. "

Cai Yulei heard the words with a smile and said, "You are right, but this reincarnation is not for everyone to board, even if it is boarded, is it a reincarnation ship bound for reincarnation? I can only see your luck, but your Four Spirit Chariot is really domineering and gorgeous, but this Necroman is so rare that your kid will have such good luck that he can use it to death The Lingma is used to pull the cart. Otherwise, the four-spirit chariot will be placed with me, and I will keep it for you. Otherwise, when you go into the depths, you are not afraid that such a treasured thing will be destroyed? If it is hurt Isn't it too distressing for the Four Spirits? "

Cai Yulei looked at the Four Spirit Chariot with the same light in his eyes, and did not conceal the enthusiastic appreciation of the Four Spirit Chariot in his eyes, as if it were not the Four Spirit Chariot of Zhou Qi, Cai Yulei had already grabbed it.

"You don't want to fight my idea of ​​the Four Spirit Chariot. There are a lot of treasures in your hands, and you still send me this Four Spirit Chariot. I'm just one thing of the Four Spirit Chariot, and it's still me. If I have given you a tool for walking, wouldn't I have to leave by myself when I go out later? "Zhou Qi said with a smile.

Cai Yulei still said relentlessly: "Although I have a lot of treasures, it is far worse than your Four Spirit Chariot. My so many treasures can't catch up with your precious Four Spirit Chariot. Ah, otherwise, what do you think of my treasure? Although you say, if you think it is suitable, you take it away. How about I exchange the treasure with you?

Zhou Qi heard the words with a smile and said, "You are dead. I have told you many times. My Four Spirit Chariot is impossible for you. Besides, even if I will Here you are, it is impossible for this Necromancer to listen to you, and it will be in vain if you get to your hands. You are still a warrior who is robbing the passers-by.

After speaking, Zhou Qi got on the four-spirit chariot directly, and instructed the ghost to move in the direction of the ghost gate. After leaving Cai Yulei's place, Zhou Qi could not help but sighed and said, "This Cai Yulei is okay, I just like collecting Some strange treasures. Every time I see him, I want to control my Four Spirit Chariot. This kid has been thinking about it for thousands of years. "

The fat man said with anxiety: "When the momentum attacked him before, I thought I was going to die. This Cai Yulei was too powerful."

Zhang Yan snorted and said, "This man knows that Zhou Qi is in the car, but he still has to give us a dismount. I really don't know what Cai Yulei wants to do?"

Soul Eater heard a smile and said with a smile: "After all, he is a ghost emperor. In the Taozhi Mountain of Huangquan Road, he said one and two. You two little human warriors want him to be greeted. Can you say that he is comfortable? Big identity has greeted you two boys, and of course he will give you a kick. "

"I didn't expect this man to be a ghost emperor, so stingy," the fat man mumbled.

Zhou Qi heard the words and laughed, "You are right, this Cai Yulei is a well-known stingy ghost. As long as what he sees in this Huangquan Road, he must try his best to get his hand, and get what he has in his hands. No one can take it away. Even if you move a piece of his spirit, he will be distressed to find you for a long time. "

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "I did not expect this Cai Yulei was so amazing, but according to him, there seemed to be a lot of powerful people in this time."

Zhou Qi said with a smile: "This is a normal thing. Every time the reincarnation ship is born, it is a big event in the royal world, and those top powers, but There are many people who are close to Shouyuan and do not want to die. After all, if they can reincarnate, who would be reluctant? "

"Every time a reincarnation ship is born, there will be a lot of big people here, but even if it is a big man who is cultivated in the high, in the matter of reincarnation ship, you can only rely on luck, so it is not important to say that the final strength is moving. It was luck. "

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "But we don't have to fight with them. We have soul-eaters. It's easy to find a reincarnation ship to the land of reincarnation."

Soul Eater heard a smile and said, "Master, you really praise me so much, and I didn't find the reincarnation ship very easily, but I was so familiar with it, so I was more confident in finding the reincarnation ship. I can say that no one is more familiar with it than me, except for the reincarnation of Xiandi. "

Zhang Yan heard the question and asked with some confusion: "What do you mean by this sentence? Could it be that you have entered a place of reincarnation?"

"Entering the land of reincarnation? I am more than just entering the land of reincarnation. I was originally a ferocious beast born in the land of reincarnation. I have always lived in the land of reincarnation. Can you say that I am not familiar with it?" Soul Eater recalled.

People in the car such as Zhang Yan were shocked when they heard what they said. Zhang Yan did not expect that the soul-eater was a beast that lived in the land of reincarnation, and the fat man asked in amazement: "Then you can talk about reincarnation. What exactly does the land look like? Why is it so amazing there? "

Zhou Qi and others on the side also grew up in surprise. Zhou Qi and others only knew that Soul Eater had been raging in Huangquan Road before. At that time, Soul Eater was the absolute overlord of Huangquan Road. No one dared to rebel against it until it came out. After the Huangquan Road, a festival with the reincarnation fairy emperor was created, and this was sealed by the reincarnation fairy emperor. When the soul-eater was present, the ghost emperor in Huangquan Road stood by. Can you imagine the power of the soul-eater? However, Zhou Qi only knew that the soul-eater was living in Huangquan Road, and he did not expect that it was a ferocious animal that came out of the land of reincarnation.

"What do you all look at me with this kind of look?" Soul Eater asked in amazement.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "It's nothing, this is just the look of our worship. After all, it is the land of reincarnation, the land of reincarnation that everyone aspires to. You came out from there. This is simply too inverse. God, no wonder you were the first fierce beast at Huangquan Road at that time, and the person who could fight against the Emperor was really amazing. "

Soul Eater said with a hint: "In fact, there is no such god, but I don't know what is going on. In short, I have appeared in the land of reincarnation since I have memories, but what is there? No, there is only a desolation and graves. I walked out of the land of reincarnation. After I was outside Huangquan Road, my natural soul awakening awakened. Through the soul of the warrior and the soul of some lonely wild ghosts, It made me grow up quickly, but after I tasted the soul of the warrior, and the amount of my vision improvement was too fast, it made me feel a little overwhelmed. "

"In the end, I didn't think Huangquan Road was interesting, so I came out of Huangquan Road and came to the Emperor Realm, but when I first appeared in Ba Ducheng, I met the reincarnation immortal and was finally suppressed by the reincarnation immortal." Sighed.

Everyone listened with interest to the soul-eater and talked about some ancient secrets, and unknowingly came to Guimenguan.

I saw the Four Spirit Chariots suddenly stopped, and the ghost envoy shouted respectfully outside, "Emperor, the gate is closed."

Zhou Qi heard the words and immediately walked out with everyone. After Zhang Yan came out, he was immediately stunned by the scenery in front of him. The fat man on the side was surprised and said, "This is the legendary ghost gate, it really makes people feel very Deep and horrible! "

I saw two very tall peaks standing in front of Zhang Yan, as if everything was blocked out, and in the middle of the peak there was a archway, which was made of stones that did not know what material it was. A faint green light, with the word "Yu" written on the left, the word "Ming" written on the right, and the three characters "Guimenguan" written horizontally in the center, making people look a little scared and scalp tingling .

Zhou Qi smiled and said, "This is the legendary Ghost Gate closed. After passing the Ghost Gate, it has completely entered the deepest part of Huangquan Road, which is the nether land. It is much more dangerous than outside Huangquan Road, but we people If you walk together, you will not encounter any danger.

Zhou Qi talked and took Yuer to stride towards the gate of the ghost gate, and the ghost leader followed him, driving a four-spirit chariot toward the gate of the ghost gate, and the three remaining Zhang Yan, you look at me and I look at you, Finally, Zhang Yan said with a smile: "This is just a ghost door, we just walk over."

Zhang Yan followed and strode behind Zhou Qi, but just after stepping through the Ghost Gate, Zhang Yan suddenly felt that a drumming breath locked them, as if they might attack at any time. Meng Yao and the fat man also felt it. Meng Yao asked with a little worry: "How can there be anything staring at us around this time? What should we do?"

"It's okay, there will be nothing following Brother Zhou Qi," Zhang Yan said comfortably.

Zhou Qi also felt the breath of the surroundings, and could not help but snorted, "We are together, you cattle and ghosts and snake gods are all far away, otherwise don't blame me," Zhou Qi's voice is very loud, so that everyone around you listens. It's clear, and Zhou Qi's words didn't last long, and the atmosphere that locked Zhang Yan's people around instantly disappeared.

After the crowd walked for a while, they took the four-spirit chariot again and walked toward the depths.

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