Immortal Asura

Chapter 164: Blood Lake

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Zhou Qi said with a smile: "If my strength was not limited here, I would have killed these people long ago, and no one has ever dared to talk to me like this. Today they are just lucky, I do n’t want to let Yuer started, otherwise these people would have died. "

The four-spirit chariot continued to drive quickly to the distance, and on the way also encountered a lot of bulls and horses, but these guys were directly resolved by the ghost emperor. After all, there is no dense fog around them, and they cannot hide. , Is not the opponent of the ghost emperor at all, and some even did not use the ghost emperor's shot, directly scared away by the momentum of the ghost emperor.

The Four Spirit Chariots came unimpeded along the way to a huge lake. The lake was a blood-red blood, and Zhang Yan could smell the **** smell across the distance. From time to time, there are skeletal bodies that do not know what is rolling in the water, letting people see how miserable before death. This lake is very wide, and the sides of the lake are also very strange. Except for Zhang Yan, they are standing Beyond this shore, and beyond the right shore, the other two sides of the lake are grey, and it looks as if there is no road.

Zhang Yan asked strangely: "Why is this lake so strange? Why the water here seems to be blood? How many people's blood can gather so much? And what's the gray situation on both sides?"

Zhou Qi heard a smile and said, "This lake is called the Blood Lake. I do n’t know how it was formed, but it is said that the blood lake already existed on the day of Huangquan Road, and the blood in it was from the opposite side. Flowing from the Wangchuan River, the river water of Wangchuan River was originally a river flowing through Huangquan Road. The blood of all dead people will be absorbed and immersed in the river water of Wangchuan River. Of course, this is only a legend. What is going on? It's not very clear. "

"But the rivers and blood lakes of the Wangchuan River are indeed blood red, and the **** smell can be clearly sensed. You can see at a glance that these are real blood."

"As for the gray fog on both sides of the Blood Lake you asked, it is actually a demarcation point, which is a void space, there is nothing, we cannot enter it, no one can pass there, so I want to move on Only through this blood lake in front of you. "

The fat man asked a little puzzled when he heard the words; "How can we get through this blood lake? Fly directly over the four spirit chariot?"

Zhou Qiwenyan shook his head and said, "There is a very strong pressure above the Blood Lake. All people passing by cannot pass through it. They can only walk over the surface of the Lake of the Blood Lake. Strangely, the buoyancy on it is huge. Normal people stand up as if they are standing on flat ground. They don't sink down at all, even the surface of shoes is not wet. "

"Are there such a thing?" The fat man suddenly lighted up immediately when he heard the words, and he was about to jump over the blood lake, but was not enough but was pulled back by the souleater on the side. The souleater said coldly: "How? Are you dead? "

"Don't you say it won't sink? Isn't this a vast continent here? Wouldn't it be nice to just walk over it?" The fat man asked a little puzzled.

Zhou Qi heard the words with a smile and said, "Things are not as simple as you think. This blood lake does not let people fly over, but can support everyone. Is it possible that you think such a good thing will happen? In fact, although the blood lake can make people as unobstructed as the road, there is a very difficult kind of ghost in the blood lake, that is, the legendary blood ghost, they are all wrapped with blood, and there is also blood flowing on them These blood ghosts are hidden under the surface of the Blood Lake, making it impossible to see where they are at all. "

However, once someone stepped on the surface of the Blood Lake, the surface of the lake would immediately vibrate, and ripples would spread to the distance, and this would immediately alarm the blood ghosts in the Blood Lake, and these blood ghosts would be blood red. Under the cover of the lake, swimming quietly under you, and then immediately pulling the warrior into the lake, and then there will be no bones left to be eaten by the blood ghost.

The fat man was shocked when he heard the words. The whole person was frightened. He quickly patted his forehead and said, "Fortunately, I didn't go down. Otherwise, I'll fix it. I'm afraid I stepped on the surface of Blood Lake Will be eaten directly by the blood ghost. "

"This isn't necessarily. Maybe the blood ghost hates too much fat on your body and feels too tired to eat it, so he won't say it to you with a small mouth," Zhang Yan satirized the fat man.

Meng Yao was giggled by Zhang Yan's sentence, but Zhou Qi looked a little nervous at the blood lake in front of her, frowning and thinking about how to spend it safely.

Zhang Yan also saw Zhou Qi's doubts, and couldn't help but ask, "Did you come up with any solution now?"

"Not yet," Zhou Qi shook his head helplessly.

Zhang Yan heard the words and asked, "Then how did you cross this blood lake before?"

Zhou Qi heard a smile and said, "I used to rely on my strength to directly carry the Yuer in the bloodstone of life, and ran directly and quickly on this lake. Although there were bloodies attacking me, their strength It ’s not my opponent at all, so we will pass the Lake of Blood safely and quickly. "

"But now I am a bit worried, after all, the Four Spirit Chariot cannot be used on the Blood Lake, plus your repair is relatively low, let alone your speed is not very fast, I'm afraid you will make any mistakes on the Blood Lake," Zhou Qi said a little worried.

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "You can rest assured that you and Yuer are leading the way. You two will bring the fat in the middle. In this way, you will be able to protect the fat, while I am carrying Meng Yao. Follow you, this way we can reach the fastest speed, as long as we move fast, we must be able to leave Blood Lake before the blood ghost finds us. "

Zhou Qi nodded his head and said, "It can only be like this, but it is too risky to do so."

"Come on, no problem," Zhang Yan shouted loudly.

"That being the case, then I will let the ghost **** drive the Four Spirit Chariot here and wait for me. No matter who comes here will give me a face, then we will start crossing the Lake of Blood now," Zhou Qi said. The words came directly above the Blood Lake.

The sight of Zhang Yan suddenly lighted up. This blood lake was indeed very magical. I didn't expect that Zhou Qi really did not sink into the water after standing on it. Then Zhang Yan really determined that this blood lake actually existed.

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